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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    McKay & Mrs. Miller
    Alas, big Sparky moments but I enjoyed the episode (which is surprising because I can't say I'm a huge McKay fan or that I felt any need for 2 McKays). I did like that little bit where John stayed behind and was pondering over the "Mere" thing and Weir looking back at him and giving him this little knowing smile. It's the little things some times that I find to be the most enjoyable. She didn't have to look back at him like that but I like that she did. It's those types of things that really show us the relationships between characters more than even the greatest speeches.

    Most of the other stuff I liked revolved around McShep scenes. I liked how John was Rodney's sounding board and gave him advice. I've really enjoyed how they're friendship has evolved. John showing Rodney's sister the tape was just so sweet and thoughtful on his part...trying to help out his friend. The final scene between the team members was also very nice and refreshing to see. I'm glad to see that the writers have chosen to strengthen the familial aspect of the Atlantis team...before this season they often seemed somewhat distant from each other. Between this episode and SG-1's "Momento Mori" there was a lot of team bonding last night...and I am ALL for that.


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      Haven't been here in awhile guys, sorry about that. But anyways...

      The laugh Shep and Weir shared while walking down the stairs was nice and made me smile. Other than that, nadda I guess. And yeah, the writers sure did shoot down the Shep/Teyla shippers with that ending scene.
      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


        I really enjoyed M&MM. Sure, only a little bit of Sparky, but that's not the reason I watch the show...I really liked how McKay and his sister bounced off each other. They made for pretty believable siblings. And I loved all the scenes with the team interacting, and I'm glad we're getting more stuff like that. Very nicely written episode.

        The scene at the end with John saying, "Teyla's got the hots for some Marine" put, like everyone else has been saying, the final nail in the Sheyla coffin as far as I'm concerned. It was a cute little bit though!
        Make it spin!


          Originally posted by Meg-Ann
          I really enjoyed M&MM. Sure, only a little bit of Sparky, but that's not the reason I watch the show...I really liked how McKay and his sister bounced off each other. They made for pretty believable siblings. And I loved all the scenes with the team interacting, and I'm glad we're getting more stuff like that. Very nicely written episode.

          The scene at the end with John saying, "Teyla's got the hots for some Marine" put, like everyone else has been saying, the final nail in the Sheyla coffin as far as I'm concerned. It was a cute little bit though!
          You know Sheyla folks will twist it into extreme flirting and an invitation to marriage + a dozen children. Somehow, someway.. shippers always twist things (ourselves, included.. stretching a bit with the "the way they laughed" or "the looks!" stuff).

          Oh, and didn't David's real sister guest star as Rodney's sister? I could be way, way off on that though.


            Originally posted by k1037
            You know Sheyla folks will twist it into extreme flirting and an invitation to marriage + a dozen children. Somehow, someway.. shippers always twist things (ourselves, included.. stretching a bit with the "the way they laughed" or "the looks!" stuff).

            Oh, and didn't David's real sister guest star as Rodney's sister? I could be way, way off on that though.
            Yes, that was David's real sister Kate. Lovely woman and great actress.
            I thought she had great chemistry with John. not in a romantic sense. Don't spork me. Which to me just points up the lack of chemistry elsewhere. No Sparky except the teeny parts mentioned already. Loved the team bonding but would have liked to have seen Elizabeth there in at least the last one. And the Teyla's Marine moment made both my husband and me laugh out loud. I'm sure it will be spun to infinity, but it is canon now. Teyla likes Marines. Hey, they could have her RL boyfriend the stuntman play this guy. Just a thought. Other non Sparky bits I'll save for the episode thread. But I just have to say this was the first time a golf swing ever captured my whole attention.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Hi *waves*
              Not much Sparky in the last ep. Nevertheless, capped the few scenes they had.




                Last few caps:


                And just bc he's so cute



                  Just noticed something. John and Liz had to hurry out of a storage closet when Rodney and Jeannie arrived. Here's proof.

                  Liz: *hisses* OMG! John, your zipper!

                  Sorry, I couldn't resist. Must go watch football now.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Quick question. Does John have a guitar? I can't remember if there was a reference to him having one somewhere or not.

                    i have an image in my head of John with a guitar softly singing the Beatles song 'And I Love Her'. I just don't know whether this would be in Atlantis, or in the Langford_U universe. Do American universities have talent nights/shows?


                      Yes, he does. I think you see it Conversion.


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                        Yes, he does. I think you see it Conversion.

                        Still can't tell whether this mini-scene in my head is going to be straight Altlantis, or Langford_U.

                        Oh, and
                        Congrats Rory!
                        on your 450 posts.


                          I enjoyed this episode. I Loved Loved Loved Kate Hewlett! She's a doll. Maybe we'll get to see her again at some point. I saw zippo Sparky, not even the tiny things mentioned above. Must not have had my Sparky Specs on I'll admit to being more than a tiny bit annoyed that Elizabeth was left out of all the "bonding" scenes. Is she or is she not a part of Team Atlantis? Hmph. AND, I really really wanted some info on AU Elizabeth. She was the only one not mentioned by Rod. That annoyed me too (unless I missed it...and I've got an ear infection so I very well might have!

                          I thought the ending scene was very cute, but the multiple forced laughter scenes seemed just that to me. Forced. Not all "We Are Family; we're bonded for life", like I'm assuming I was supposed to receive the scenes. They grated on my nerves actually. The laughing just didn't sound natural. Maybe that's because they laugh so rarely on Atlantis? (not having a reason to, of course.) I tried to enjoy the effort instead. I do appreciate the attempts this season in that regard though.

                          Um, other than that I still enjoyed the episode.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            Just noticed something. John and Liz had to hurry out of a storage closet when Rodney and Jeannie arrived. Here's proof.

                            Liz: *hisses* OMG! John, your zipper!

                            Sorry, I couldn't resist. Must go watch football now.
                            ROFL I thought exactly the same thing when I saw this pic


                              I thought this episode was great. Made me realize though that I need to tone down my John/Elizabeth hopes for each episode so I can enjoy the episodes more. Even though this episode had little John/Elizabeth it was truly good, I want to be able to enjoy that without being upset for not seeing more John/Elizabeth interaction. And I sort of did, but I need to work on it more.

                              Have to say I loved when John said Teyla has the hots for one of the marines. So cute!! I could go into how brotherly it seemed but I refuse to do much analyzing anymore. And I don't think it means anything for John/Teyla pairing, good or bad. Heck, Elizabeth is going on a date in a later episode and I refuse to believe that that means anyting bad about John and Elizabeth's relationship, it is only fair I acknowledge that that also means this line had no say on the standing of John and Teyla's relationhip.

                              Another cute thing, that again I refuse to closely analyze, but just enjoy was when John and Elizabeth walk down the stairs in a friendly conversation, and the look Elizabeth gives John before following the others. They're just so natural together. I love that.

                              My only complaint would be as some others have said, I wish Elizabeth would have been in on some of those cafeteria, team bonding moments. But hey, she does have a different job than the rest of them and while they're duties are usually off world, allowing them down time on Atlantis, her duties do not necessarily allow for such time. They could have put her in atleast one though. Oh and I wanted to know more about AU Elizabeth too.

                              To end on a good note, Kate Hewlett is a great actress and I loved the Rodney/Jeannie interaction. When Rodney hugged her at the end I almost cried, it was just too sweet!!

                              sorry if some of this belongs in other threads, I like sharing with you guys best


                                Originally posted by Lizabeth

                                To end on a good note, Kate Hewlett is a great actress and I loved the Rodney/Jeannie interaction. When Rodney hugged her at the end I almost cried, it was just too sweet!!
                                Don't worry Lizabeth; I did cry. I'm such a sap for my Rodney, it really is disgusting. And Kate is just wonderful. (I can't wait for A Dog's Breakfast now ...)

                                I actually saw some very cute little Sparky moments. The one I loved best was when we first see Elizabeth and John walking down the stairs. He's joking around with her and she lets out this little giggle. Oh yes, it was a giggle. Elizabeth giggling is wonderful in and of itself, but giggling in response to John? So. Cute. I also loved how she cast him that sympathetic glance when Rodney and Jeannie walk away from the gateroom.

                                And can I saw OMIGOSH CUTENESS!! to the Teyla/marine mention? Her stomping on his foot was just so cute. Very sibling like, yep. But I also love Teyla, so this scene made up for the whole two glances we got of her in the episode. (but where was Carson? Hmm? You stink, TPTB. )

                                I have the benefit of loving Rodney, so this episode was easy for me to adore. It also makes it easier to ignore the lack of overt Sparkiness. I was too wrapped up in the sibling dynamic and Rodney's development to give it too much thought, which makes for a more stable blood pressure, I've found.

                                Oh, and thanks hopalong! I'm like 47 posts short of 450, but you're a sweetie all the same.

