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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Anjirika
    Oh, and this weekend at the FANEXPO I saw Paul McGillion and he said that the fate of some of the actors of the Atlantis cast is up in the air- hopefully that means nothing for Sparky- but it does have me worried.
    Oh, for crying out loud. Are you serious? What's with these people that they feel the need to mess with the cast? I can tell you, if they get rid of Torri, Joe or David Hewlett, I won't be watching, even if two out of three remain in the cast. I'm pretty sure they'd be keeping Hewlett. He's probably the only one who is safe.

    Why can't they leave things alone??
    Last edited by Chrysalis; 05 September 2006, 03:07 AM.


      Originally posted by alyssa
      Oh, for crying out loud. Are you serious? What's with these people that they feel the need to mess with the cast? I can tell you, if they get rid of either Torri, Joe or David Hewlett, I won't be watching, even if two out of three remain in the cast. Any one of those not being part of it would completely ruin the show for me. I watch for the interactions between the three of the.
      I think it has to do with the fact that sg1 has cancelled. They don't really know where to go. I think one of the options was bringing them in as guest characters over on Atlantis (which seems pretty reasonable) or replacing some of the SGA cast with the SG1 cast.

      To be honest, if they decide to go with the latter I won't be pleased. As much as I want Sg1 to continue, it's time to let Atlantis stand on it's own. Sg1 has been on for 10 years... they've had their time. Don't start replacing good characters on the Atlantis just because you want to have sg1 alive in some form or another.
      And it's completely insultng to the actor too in my opinion. Not getting rid of them for a justified reason like their acting ability, but becasue you want another shows character to live on in somewhere they don't belong.

      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


        Originally posted by Trialia
        Oh, goodness, I should've come online earlier. I've been having a really bad day but now I'm sitting here giggling. I love you guys.

        And since we've been on the subject of Intruder, a wall I haven't posted in awhile!


        ETA: Yay! 1600!

        Congratulations on 1600!


          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
          *cries* I love everyone. OMGWTF SG1 stay away from my Atlantis. *cries again*
          Go to:

          Get the addresses to write to SciFi to keep SG1 on the air - then they can't move characters over to SGA. Try to save BOTH shows.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            Go to:


            Get the addresses to write to SciFi to keep SG1 on the air - then they can't move characters over to SGA. Try to save BOTH shows.
            I sent mine off yesterday. But knowing our mail system they'll probably have dismantled the sets before it's even sent.

            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


              Originally posted by Major_Moomin
              And it's completely insultng to the actor too in my opinion. Not getting rid of them for a justified reason like their acting ability, but becasue you want another shows character to live on in somewhere they don't belong.

              Exactly. I'm also concerned about the level of whinging about certain characters that goes on on GW, very little of it based on the actual character. It's mostly based on how said character is a threat to a certain ship. It's pure nastiness.


                Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                And it's completely insultng to the actor too in my opinion. Not getting rid of them for a justified reason like their acting ability, but becasue you want another shows character to live on in somewhere they don't belong.
                Agreed. The whole idea that it was even suggested made me furious! If I were the actor and I saw what they were doing to my fellow cast, I'd strike! (but then, paychecks are nice ... so I'd probably strike in principal. )


                  Originally posted by RoryJ
                  Agreed. The whole idea that it was even suggested made me furious! If I were the actor and I saw what they were doing to my fellow cast, I'd strike! (but then, paychecks are nice ... so I'd probably strike in principal. )
                  I started an Atlantis Cast Support Thread in case you're interested... I think we need to show a united front, and back the entire cast.


                    Alright...this is dumb, but then when it comes to ships I just can't help myself. I came across this pick, and what popped into my mind but "You mean there's a whole thread just for us!?!" See what you think...

                    Sig by RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by CamandVala
                      Alright...this is dumb, but then when it comes to ships I just can't help myself. I came across this pick, and what popped into my mind but "You mean there's a whole thread just for us!?!" See what you think...

                      I think that's cute!


                        Originally posted by xkawaiix

                        I think that's cute!

                        Sig by RepliCartertje


                          Spoilers for Phantoms:

                          Just got my TV Guide for next week and it says:
                          Sheppard and the gang are not in a good mood when they're stranded on a strange planet where the effects of an abandoned Wraith experiment begin to turn them against one another.

                          Just thought it might be interesting to post that here.


                            Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                            I think it has to do with the fact that sg1 has cancelled. They don't really know where to go. I think one of the options was bringing them in as guest characters over on Atlantis (which seems pretty reasonable) or replacing some of the SGA cast with the SG1 cast.

                            To be honest, if they decide to go with the latter I won't be pleased. As much as I want Sg1 to continue, it's time to let Atlantis stand on it's own. Sg1 has been on for 10 years... they've had their time. Don't start replacing good characters on the Atlantis just because you want to have sg1 alive in some form or another.
                            And it's completely insultng to the actor too in my opinion. Not getting rid of them for a justified reason like their acting ability, but becasue you want another shows character to live on in somewhere they don't belong.
                            I could NOT agree more with you and Alyssa MM. If I want to see SG-1's characters, I'll do it in rerun. They have no buisness as permanent fixtures in Atlantis. It irks me that TPTB would entertain that idea because they can't 'let go'. I said putting Carter opposite Rodney would be a horrible idea last year and it still is a horrible idea. I think we'd see Carson totally diminished or disappear. And, they'll never bring 'icon' SG characters over to Atlantis and let them play back-up roles! Which means reduced time for all our beloved cast. There's not enough time NOW imo for all of them! Daniel makes the most sense but what the heck do you do with him? He's a linguist isn't he? So that takes away Elizabeth's 'need' to ever be in the field if he's there. He's an expert on the ancients isn't he? That reduces the scope of discovery right there. And I just don't think he 'fits' personality-wise with John and Rodney and Ronon. You change ONE-you change the whole dynamic. I am TOTALLY against them messing with SGA in any way castwise!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by k1037
                              I just read this and was curious to see if anyone could confirm it..

                              From the UK Season 2 DVD commentary for Coup d'Etat, apparently:

                              [Commentary is by David (aka McCay), Marin Gero (writer), and Martin Wood (director/producer)]
                              (on screen)
                              Sheppard: “Then I say we call it a night.”
                              Weir: “That we can do.”

                              Martin Gero asks, “What do you think? Do you think they hook up offscreen in this episode?”
                              Martin Wood says, “Well, you should see ‘em – as soon as I say cut, they just dive into each other’s arms.”
                              “They’re all over each other,” adds David.
                              “Yeah, they can’t keep their hands off each other,” says Martin Wood.

                              I love the commentary on the DVDs. I wish the R1 DVDs were out sooner!! I'm dying to hear them. Thanks for that K1037!

                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              Exactly. I'm also concerned about the level of whinging about certain characters that goes on on GW, very little of it based on the actual character. It's mostly based on how said character is a threat to a certain ship. It's pure nastiness.
                              That's why I'll encourage the usual residents of this thread to float past either (or both) the new "Should Jessica Steen have continued as Weir" or "Why does everyone hate Weir?" threads and leave a positive comment about TH and Weir. Personally, I'd argue that the majority of the audience don't hate Weir. It's just that there is a very vocal minority. Which is why I think we should pop our heads out of the lovely warmth and safety of this thread every now and again. I have yet to make it into the "WDEHW?" thread. That's next on my list

                              I'd like to think that whatever elements of the TPTB that visit GW and any other site would be able to read into the nasty anti-Weir stuff for what it is. It's kind of obvious if you spend more than one visit on the various bulletin boards and journal sites. At least I want to believe that.
                              Last edited by Reaceania; 05 September 2006, 06:21 PM.


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                I could NOT agree more with you and Alyssa MM. If I want to see SG-1's characters, I'll do it in rerun. They have no buisness as permanent fixtures in Atlantis. It irks me that TPTB would entertain that idea because they can't 'let go'. I said putting Carter opposite Rodney would be a horrible idea last year and it still is a horrible idea. I think we'd see Carson totally diminished or disappear. And, they'll never bring 'icon' SG characters over to Atlantis and let them play back-up roles! Which means reduced time for all our beloved cast. There's not enough time NOW imo for all of them! Daniel makes the most sense but what the heck do you do with him? He's a linguist isn't he? So that takes away Elizabeth's 'need' to ever be in the field if he's there. He's an expert on the ancients isn't he? That reduces the scope of discovery right there. And I just don't think he 'fits' personality-wise with John and Rodney and Ronon. You change ONE-you change the whole dynamic. I am TOTALLY against them messing with SGA in any way castwise!!!!!!
                                I absoloutely 100 per cent agree with you...well said

