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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I liked Allies a lot. It was an interesting episode to me.
    Atlantis was backed into a corner for their previous decision to bring Michael to the city instead of using an offworld site. Elizabeth got the group together and tried to find a way out of their situation but no plan presented itself. It was great to see everyone included in the meeting. Ronan seemed to be surprised that Elizabeth specifically wanted his input. IMO, Teyla should have been more vocal about her concerns with the Wraith plan. They decided to go ahead and work with the Wraith even though the plan had big moral implications.

    What I did not understand was why they put so much trust in the information the Wraith gave them. Rodney asked for all the schematics and info on the hive ships and he said they were sent "the mother load". He even commented after the first batch of info was sent that he could not believe they had sent the info over freely. He later stated that he had hacked some of their systems and used the info to benefit Atlantis. Why did they not suspect the Wraith of sending info that could be false or easily changed? Would Atlantis have freely given all its schematics and defensive information without some sort of back up plan to protect itself? Why would the Wraith?

    Teyla's comment "They are Wraith!" should have been the mantra running thru everyone's mind. Even though she only said that statement out loud to John.

    Of course if they had not done things they way they did, then we would not have had a cliffhanger and a few months to ponder how they will get out of this predicament and what is the fallout going to be.


      This is off topic, but I laughed out loud when I saw this quote:

      Originally posted by hopalong
      McKay said something derisive about primitive thugs with axes and knives, and Carson responded with "Axes and knives hurt, Rodney."

      I've never seen the Tower (except the balcony scene), but I thought that line was so adoraby Carson.


        w00t!!! New Langford_U fic by the wonderful miera_c



          I've finally had the time to upload some of my pics from the LFCC weekend. I have Saturdays photo's up but I still need to upload pics from Sunday.

          Beware the horrible photo of me in the green top sticking my tongue out. And some guy thought I was supporting Brazil because I was wearing yellow under it. (Note to self: NEVER wear green and yellow when brazil are playing - attracts strange foreign men )

          As with all pictures - if you want to post them in other threads I don't mind... what's the use in taking them if they can't be enjoyed by others, but please give credit.

          And Sally... Calm yourself. I have pictures of Nathan.

          LFCC Saturday

          Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

          LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

          Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


            Originally posted by Major_Moomin
            I've finally had the time to upload some of my pics from the LFCC weekend. I have Saturdays photo's up but I still need to upload pics from Sunday.

            Beware the horrible photo of me in the green top sticking my tongue out. And some guy thought I was supporting Brazil because I was wearing yellow under it. (Note to self: NEVER wear green and yellow when brazil are playing - attracts strange foreign men )

            As with all pictures - if you want to post them in other threads I don't mind... what's the use in taking them if they can't be enjoyed by others, but please give credit.

            And Sally... Calm yourself. I have pictures of Nathan.

            LFCC Saturday
            Babe, they thought I was supporting Brazil when I was wearing my Pride flag. I think it's wishful thinking... lol...

            I'm hoping to get my own pics back tomorrow. More Nathan.


              Originally posted by Major_Moomin

              And Sally... Calm yourself. I have pictures of Nathan.

              LFCC Saturday
              Nathan!!!! *flails*

              Erm, Sparky rules *nods*


                Originally posted by Trialia
                Still don't like Mara. Or Teer for that matter. They both came across far too two-dimensional for me.

                I did love the "grandkids" exchange though. And I'm mixing my episodes. Eep!
                I'm gonna kick myself when I get the answer, but I can't remember who Teer is! I think that says a lot for the character.

                Although Teer could be
                the "love interest" from 'Epiphany' now that I think about it. I don't remember actually catching her name.


                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                  Nathan!!!! *flails*

                  Erm, Sparky rules *nods*
                  *LOL* I'm totally rooting for Nathan as Mike Brenton now

                  er..yea. Sparky *coughs*

                  Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                  LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                  Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                    Originally posted by Ronnikins
                    *Sighs* Just sighted another new "Anti-Weir" thread. *Bleh
                    Where are the anti-sheppard, anti-emmagan, anti-mckay, anti-dex and other such threads then?

                    As for Allies, it was a good episode.
                    I liked the scene between Elizabeth, John and the Wraith queen in Elizabeth's office (as well as her tattoo ).


                      Originally posted by Vixen
                      Where are the anti-sheppard, anti-emmagan, anti-mckay, anti-dex and other such threads then?

                      As for Allies, it was a good episode.
                      I liked the scene between Elizabeth, John and the Wraith queen in Elizabeth's office (as well as her tattoo ).
                      There are some anti-Ronon ones, unfortunately. Thankfully most people in here choose to not create any new anti threads and ignore the other anti-threads. It is just mean-spirited to me.

                      I liked "Allies" better the second time I watched it. I don't understand why some people blame Elizabeth for everything as she was constantly asking others if things were "safe" or if this or that would work. A leader has to depend on his/her staff (with the technical knowledge) to provide accurate information as that is how they base their decisions.
                      If McKay had said the firewall wasn't in place but Liz said to download the Wraith info anyway, THEN I would say she made a poor decision.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by hopalong
                        I'm gonna kick myself when I get the answer, but I can't remember who Teer is! I think that says a lot for the character.

                        Although Teer could be
                        the "love interest" from 'Epiphany' now that I think about it. I don't remember actually catching her name.
                        Yup you are right.
                        She was the walking, talking cardboard cutout that was supposed to catch Shep's interest in Epiphany.


                          So I was playing with drabble-mattic and this came out:

                          Limply Love

                          Elizabeth finished packing. Ever since John, her own true love, had been lost at sea, Elizabeth had been purple.

                          There was nothing left for her anymore, nothing licked her, all was bouncy. So today, Valentine's Day, she was going on a leaf to become a hard stick.

                          Just then, there was a firey knock at the door. Elizabeth opened it and stood there breathlessly for a moment, before falling to the floor in a swoon and bruising her leg.

                          When Elizabeth came to, John was holding her arm and looking rough. "My love," John said quietly, "I'm sorry for the smooth shock. I've been shipwrecked on a smiley island for the last ten years, living like a tunnel of love. I was only rescued last week." He paused. "I lost my stomach in the wreck. Can you still love me?"

                          Elizabeth could hardly believe her John had returned. "I will always love you, stomach or no stomach. Besides, you can cover it up with a Smurf."

                          They embraced snappily and vowed to never be parted again.

                          And all was quickly.

                          I was particularly amused by the line about the Smurf


                            My attempt with Sally's drabble-matic:

                            A Soft Day To Slap


                            Elizabeth stepped classy out into the deep sunshine, and admired John's head. "Ah," she sighed, "That's a clear sight."

                            John climbed off the towel and walked huskily across the grass to greet his lover. Elizabeth patted John on the heart and then tried to slap him smoothly, but without success.

                            "That's all right," John said. "We can try again later."

                            "I'm just not swift," Elizabeth. "Not as swift as the time we kissed on a carpet of green grass."

                            John nodded quickly. "We were long back in those days."

                            "Our hands were younger, and we had a lot more fun with them," Elizabeth said. "Everything seems iridescent and cool when you're young."

                            "Of course," John said. "But now we're delicious, we can still have fun. If we go about it passionately."

                            "Passionately?" Elizabeth said . "But how?"

                            "With this," John said and held out a red box. "Just take that with some water and in half an hour, you'll be ready to slap."

                            Elizabeth swallowed the box at once and sure enough, in half an hour, they were able to slap passionately. They kissed like a blazing comet. Three times.

                            And then the neighbour told them to get off his lawn.

                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                              My attempt with Sally's drabble-matic:

                              A Soft Day To Slap


                              Elizabeth stepped classy out into the deep sunshine, and admired John's head. "Ah," she sighed, "That's a clear sight."

                              John climbed off the towel and walked huskily across the grass to greet his lover. Elizabeth patted John on the heart and then tried to slap him smoothly, but without success.

                              "That's all right," John said. "We can try again later."

                              "I'm just not swift," Elizabeth. "Not as swift as the time we kissed on a carpet of green grass."

                              John nodded quickly. "We were long back in those days."

                              "Our hands were younger, and we had a lot more fun with them," Elizabeth said. "Everything seems iridescent and cool when you're young."

                              "Of course," John said. "But now we're delicious, we can still have fun. If we go about it passionately."

                              "Passionately?" Elizabeth said . "But how?"

                              "With this," John said and held out a red box. "Just take that with some water and in half an hour, you'll be ready to slap."

                              Elizabeth swallowed the box at once and sure enough, in half an hour, they were able to slap passionately. They kissed like a blazing comet. Three times.

                              And then the neighbour told them to get off his lawn.



                                My own attempt with Sally's drabble. Supposedly a homage to LOTR but it went sadly astray.

                                SGA meets LOTR

                                Croakily Tripping

                                Elizabeth tripped along joyously. She was on her way to meet her lover, John, for Valentine's Day. She smiled to see a hobbit hopping along, carrying a spell in its mouth.

                                Elizabeth was almost in the Great Forest when she came across an enormous cake, lying alone on a nobly plate. "That must be a treat from my regally bear," she said to herself, and tripped over to it. The cake looked hot pink, so she ate it.

                                It gave her the most gollum-like tingling sensation in her hand. "How unusual!" she said and continued tripping to see John.

                                When John came out to meet her, he took one look and fell over.

                                "What is it?" Elizabeth cried randomly.

                                "Your hair! And your earlobe!" John said. "They're elvenish! Can't you feel it?"

                                Elizabeth felt her hair and her earlobe. They were indeed quite elvenish. "Oh, no!" Elizabeth said. "I'm a man!" She, or rather, he started to cry. "It must have been that enormous cake you left for me. Did you know what it would do?"

                                "I didn't leave you any cake," John said. "I got you a ring. It must have been that jaundiced man who lives nearby. He acts a little sexily, ever since he kissed an ancient device."

                                "But how can you ever love me, now that I'm a man?" Elizabeth sobbed.

                                "Well, I never knew how to tell you this," John said disgustedly, "but I actually prefer men. And I think your hair is really petite like that."

                                "Really?" Elizabeth dried his tears. Elizabeth kissed John and it was an entirely hobbit-like sensation, like a blazing comet streaking through the solar system.

                                They spent the night having entirely hobbit-like sex, until the cake wore off suddenly.

                                Everything was rather awkward after that.

                                Sig made by Dana and RealmofX

