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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I'd say Inferno is a great ep.
    We have the hot/smitten scene (flirty!!! ) and when they lost the gate on the planet and Rodney is about to freak out John says 'Lizabeth will try to dial us back and when she can't she'll send the Daedalus' and that's exactly what she did. Imo shows he knows her very well.

    Great spanky ep too.


      Originally posted by Luz
      I would very much like to see this, not some outrageous jealousy scene. But John feeling the abandonment, like you said he's used to being the center of Elizabeth's attention. What i wouldn't give to see how he would react if Elizabeth became fascinated by someone else. But he has to be hot and smart and with a great haircut. Wait i know just the guy .
      I bet cha John is the brooding type, he wouldn't show anger. I bet he'd just do the puppy eyes, and act like someone has just hit him with a rolled paper.
      Yes, I wouldn't have some over the top jealous scene either. That wouldn't be 'John'. He'd never show it that way I don't think either. I think it would be understated in a bit of a 'pissin contest' sort of way. And, he would *have* to buy that Elizabeth was truly infactuated or interested and he knows she's not going to be bowled over by some guy just for his looks. He'd have to have the brain to go with the looks. ICM on his reaction. We wouldn't get anger. He's too smart for that. I think we'd get 'hurt' around Elizabeth with him trying to 'shake it off' and being unable to do so. LOL! I can so see the hurt puppy dog eyes! And then, in front of the 'guy' it would just be 20 questions and/or the pissin contest sort of thing!

      And i knew i couldn't take one more episode of that Harm/Mac soap opera.
      I never bought them -even in the end- because there was a classic case of it's way past the point of you knowing if the other is worth giving something up for. The two of them should have been intimate a long, long time before they were and that whole 'Oh NO!, We're both in the military so we can't love each other' schick has been far overdone. Let's all be adults about things here. A vast number of people do meet their 'love of their life' on their job. Makes no difference if you're both workin the chicken pluck assembly line together or battling enemies on some ancient world together, love is love and it's simply found where it's found and will work in whatever setting the effort is put in.


        Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
        I'd say Inferno is a great ep.
        We have the hot/smitten scene (flirty!!! ) and when they lost the gate on the planet and Rodney is about to freak out John says 'Lizabeth will try to dial us back and when she can't she'll send the Daedalus' and that's exactly what she did. Imo shows he knows her very well.

        Great spanky ep too.
        Ok, give...what's the
        flirty stuff?!!!
        Elaborate Jen...or I'll...I'll...think of something.


          Originally posted by Bama
          Ok, give...what's the
          flirty stuff?!!!
          Elaborate Jen...or I'll...I'll...think of something.
          After John came back from the planet he reports to Liz about the peoples' problems with their shield and about the ancient warship. He then says he'd better go back bc Rodney might be distracted. Lizzie's like ??? and he says that the ingeneur is very... 'Hot?'(pic here) Liz finishes his sentence. He claims he wanted to say 'attractive' but that Rodney acts very... 'Smitten?'(another pic) again Liz. She then says she better comes with him to take up negotiations with the chancellor. When Liz asks John what the chancellor is like he answers 'He's a guy so I didn't pay attention. Sorry.'

          Some might say John is Kirk again in this ep but I say he's just playing with Rodney bc the girl is into McKay. Actually really funny.


            Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
            After John came back from the planet he reports to Liz about the peoples' problems with their shield and about the ancient warship. He then says he'd better go back bc Rodney might be distracted. Lizzie's like ??? and he says that the ingeneur is very... 'Hot?'(pic here) Liz finishes his sentence. He claims he wanted to say 'attractive' but that Rodney acts very... 'Smitten?'(another pic) again Liz. She then says she better comes with him to take up negotiations with the chancellor. When Liz asks John what the chancellor is like he answers 'He's a guy so I didn't pay attention. Sorry.'

            Some might say John is Kirk again in this ep but I say he's just playing with Rodney bc the girl is into McKay. Actually really funny.
            Okay on Inferno I may have just thrown up in my mouth a little. I found this


            Please, by all that' holy, say it ain't so. Don't bring this woman back unless she's supposed to rock Rodney's world. She doesn't even know the characters' names. *must not tell blonde joke* And as for Joe. Wonder if she grabbed him and rubbed his belly like that chick in London? Okay, I'm officially in a bad mood. Time to check in on that other thread with my new friends.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
              After John came back from the planet he reports to Liz about the peoples' problems with their shield and about the ancient warship. He then says he'd better go back bc Rodney might be distracted. Lizzie's like ??? and he says that the ingeneur is very... 'Hot?'(pic here) Liz finishes his sentence. He claims he wanted to say 'attractive' but that Rodney acts very... 'Smitten?'(another pic) again Liz. She then says she better comes with him to take up negotiations with the chancellor. When Liz asks John what the chancellor is like he answers 'He's a guy so I didn't pay attention. Sorry.'

              Some might say John is Kirk again in this ep but I say he's just playing with Rodney bc the girl is into McKay. Actually really funny.
              Yay! You've staved off my evil mindpowers for the moment!
              My first impression Jen-from the pix- is that Elizabeth so is enjoying the heck out of teasing John for noticing. She knows what an attractive man he is and that he notices attractive women. That's what I love about the two of them-they understand each other and each other's humanness and they still are drawn to each other by so much more than looks. I don't think Elizabeth feels threatened by John 'looking' at a woman because she feels it's more than about 'sexual' between them. Now, if it continues to evolve, there's not a doubt in my mind that she'll begin to want sexual with John but until it does, I think she is just fine with where she's at with him in comparison. And if you ask me, she so wants to be a part of things and that includes John's world. I love that she's so interested.


                Originally posted by Southern Red
                Okay on Inferno I may have just thrown up in my mouth a little. I found this


                Please, by all that' holy, say it ain't so. Don't bring this woman back unless she's supposed to rock Rodney's world. She doesn't even know the characters' names. *must not tell blonde joke* And as for Joe. Wonder if she grabbed him and rubbed his belly like that chick in London? Okay, I'm officially in a bad mood. Time to check in on that other thread with my new friends.
                Hope you'll be back in a happy mood later.

                Okay, forget about the blonde. The ep is nice, very funny, great Rodney+Shep moments
                he really seems to trust in Rodney skills again
                , flirty Sparky moments, Liz
                , nice Tey/Ronon interaction.

                What can I do to cheer you up?

                Edit: Like your thoughts, Bama. Teasing each other shows that they know the other well and know that they CAN have fun together. As for the blonde
                he was just flirting with her when Rodney was around so he HAD to notice it. John knew she was drawn to Rodney and when Liz was around he barely noticed the girl.
                Last edited by Jenova Synthesis; 28 February 2006, 08:46 AM.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  Okay on Inferno I may have just thrown up in my mouth a little. I found this


                  Please, by all that' holy, say it ain't so. Don't bring this woman back unless she's supposed to rock Rodney's world. She doesn't even know the characters' names. *must not tell blonde joke* And as for Joe. Wonder if she grabbed him and rubbed his belly like that chick in London? Okay, I'm officially in a bad mood. Time to check in on that other thread with my new friends.
                  She gets on my nerves... in character and out if that interview is anything to go by. I was more interested in the Chancellor than I was in Narina!

                  Just downloaded some Debaser... me likey.


                    I hope she doesn't come back. she was boring.
                    SAVE SG-1
                    Send tissue boxes with the legend "SEND MORE!" to Sci-Fi's TPTB


                      Originally posted by okelay
                      I hope she doesn't come back. she was boring.


                        Originally posted by Trialia
                        She gets on my nerves... in character and out if that interview is anything to go by. I was more interested in the Chancellor than I was in Narina!
                        See! Nobody listens to me -- Don't Read Interviews, It never ends well!!


                          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                          Teasing each other shows that they know the other well and know that they CAN have fun together. As for the blonde
                          he was just flirting with her when Rodney was around so he HAD to notice it. John knew she was drawn to Rodney and when Liz was around he barely noticed the girl.
                          I like the fact that Liz and John can joke around together. Shows how comfortable they are getting to be with each other. And I also think to a certain extent, it helps them take their minds off other stressful issues that they have to deal with. But, yeah
                          the whole, 'hot', and 'smitten' thing was super flirty, and then John's response to Liz's question about what their leader was like, just loved it!

                          Yeah, and about the blonde
                          Rodney totally didn't looked very impressed with John when he was doing it too . John was just trying to get him all riled up, and to an extent, I think it worked. Loved the eye-roll thing John did during the whole 'first we need to get off' rambling of Rodney's. Still cracks me up.


                            IMO.. in that interview... she sounded too blonde or something....too chipper
                            SAVE SG-1
                            Send tissue boxes with the legend "SEND MORE!" to Sci-Fi's TPTB


                              Originally posted by okelay
                              IMO.. in that interview... she sounded too blonde or something....too chipper
                              I've got to get my husband one of those of Sci-fi calendars.

                              So not.

                              All I can say is if we're playin this game this way that I want a shirtless Joe and Jason pretty doggone soon. And why are 'Sam' and 'Elizabeth' not in the calendar? Regardless of age or non-sexitup characters, I do think men would be more than interested to see them in something more casual or sexy.


                                Originally posted by okelay
                                I hope she doesn't come back. she was boring.
                                She's not coming back, she said she would be available if they ever wanted her to come back. Nothing more, nothing less, now stop banging your heads against non-existant brickwalls. Why get so worked up over something that's not going to happen, or tell me which other of the "chicks of the week" has ever come back?.

