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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
    I dragged this post out from a few pages back, but I agree Mel. I think some Sci-Fi (Arthur C. Clarke for example) tends to do what SG has done in reference to religion. It is obviously an overspimlified portrait. BSG has certainly taken bold steps in my opinion with their treatment of religion. "Firefly" has some interesting takes too, but I haven't seen enough of that to discuss it further.
    The only scifi show that has really impressed me in its scope and portrayal of religious belief and the consequences of belief is Babylon 5... It's not that I don't think that the writers don't try to give a balanced portrayal of religion but at the end of the day, they are mostly written from the point of view of an outsider. Even Firefly, a show, I really love, didn't quite nail it on that point because it wasn't written from the point of view of a believer but from the point of view of a politically liberal-minded individual. JMS had the unusual ability to let his characters speak for themselves... rather than he speaking through them.
    BSG... is a terrific show... but the incorporation of religion in the show is, in my opinion cliched and half-hearted... my only real criticism of the show. Number Six spouts a whole range of religious jargon but with no real conviction, except as a seduction tactic. The Roslin/Messiah thing feels like a Dune rip off... been there, seen it...

    Why I'm saying all this on a Sheppard/Weir thread... I'm not sure...
    But my impression is that the writers tend to deal with it on a cursory level on Stargate. Even in 38 minutes... I think the potential with Teyla and the Athosians have largely been wasted.
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


      One random thing that never quite sat right with me from Aurora was....

      Elizabeth was carrying her wallet around. What...suddenly we have to pay for food in the Pegasus galaxy?
      "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly bye" Douglas Adams


        I almost forgot to mention that I found these at the water table at the Con...

        It's true...

        Now, I can eat them...
        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


          Originally posted by tamien
          One random thing that never quite sat right with me from Aurora was....

          Elizabeth was carrying her wallet around. What...suddenly we have to pay for food in the Pegasus galaxy?
          when does that hjappen????
          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


            Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
            when does that hjappen????
            IIRC, at the very beginning Aurora
            When Elizabeth comes into the dining area with her tray, you can see that she holding a black wallet. I can totally see McKay going broke over this. You that I really think about could be a smaller version of her palm pilot
            *runs off to double check*

            Oh the pain of watching SGA, yet again.
            "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly bye" Douglas Adams


              Originally posted by tamien
              One random thing that never quite sat right with me from Aurora was....

              Elizabeth was carrying her wallet around. What...suddenly we have to pay for food in the Pegasus galaxy?
              Thats so funny I noticed that too and was like why would she possibly need it on Atlantis???


                It contains photos of a certain military person?

                Screen Cap Snaffled from Athenaktt

                Weir Sings Gershwin

                The way you wear your hair
                The way you clash with me
                When I saw you on that chair…
                No, no they can't take that away from me

                The way your jumper lands
                The way you talk to me
                The way you hair just stands
                No, no they can't take that away from me

                We may never never meet again, on that bumpy road to ship
                Still I'll always, always keep the memory of

                The way you bring down strife
                The way we chat till three
                To you I owe my life
                No, no they can't take that away from me
                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                  It's actually really her palmPilot When she's in her office it's lying open beside her computer... but yeah it has a cool leather-case


                    [quote=Easter Lily]It contains photos of a certain military person?

                    Screen Cap Snaffled from Athenaktt

                    John: I'm just saying Elizabeth, I don't think its entirely fair that you keep photos of your dog in your wallet, but none of me!
                    "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly bye" Douglas Adams


                      Although I haven't seen it, (watched Duet last night...what can I say? LOL!) I think it must be her PalmPilot...I have some friends that have them in those little leather pouches.

                      Can't imagine why she would have money with her...unless the gate is on a coin operated system


                      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                        Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                        Although I haven't seen it, (watched Duet last night...what can I say? LOL!) I think it must be her PalmPilot...I have some friends that have them in those little leather pouches.

                        Can't imagine why she would have money with her...unless the gate is on a coin operated system

                        yeah i think that it would be her palmpilot too... no wallets needed... how cool would that be... no need for money
                        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                          Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                          yeah i think that it would be her palmpilot too... no wallets needed... how cool would that be... no need for money
                          Oh yes... I visited company a few month' ago, there they have to hand over 50Dollar every month, but can eat/drink as much as they want... (there were lot's of cake, chips, coke etc. too...) I'd definetly become ultra-fat in the same situation

                          Her palmpilot is cool *wants one* and their Computers...


                            i think that i would be in the same situatiuon as you dorka... except on the fat part... i am already there
                            ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                              Originally posted by Tinuviel Undomiel
                              Hey guys, i thought I would do this and show why I think some pairings have a chance, and soem don't.

                              Sheppard/Weir: The traditional, but beloved, opposites attract pairing. Elizabeth is smart, a little serious and a workaholic. John is secretly smart, very free spirited and while he takes his job seriously, doesn't go overboard. They both have this complete respect for one another, and seem to work great together. I suspected this pairing in 38 Minutes, and fell in love with it in The Storm and The Eye. I convinced my sister about them in The Intruder when Simon told Elizabetht hat he had found someone else. I was surprised by this move, but no less thrilled.
                              I absolutely see this one. It's the only one I can realistically see. It has a lot to do with the incredible chemistry on screen between Torri and Joe.
                              Sheppard/Teyla: I admit, in the beginning this one had merit. When I first saw The Rising, I thought It'll be those two. But after the first few episodes, zippo, natta, nothing. I lost the chemistry, and found Shweir. I think that now John and Teyla have a deep friendship, and she probably had a crush on him in season one, but that's it. No romance.
                              Never saw it. Seriously. Not at all
                              McKay/Weir: I have no idea where this came from. First of all Rodney is a spineless know-it-all, which I don't think is Elizabeth's type. Now, I'm not saying I hate Rodney, in fact I love him, but he's not for Weir. I could see Rodney haveing a crush on Elizabeth, but he has one on Sam, Heightmeyer, Some chick in The Brotherhood, and a the Wraith girl in Aurora. Yeah, I've seen only one POSSIBLE hint in The Eye, when he started saying somehting to her about the grounding station thing not working, but that could be to convince Kolya that the whole plan to save Atlantis, was a slim deal.
                              I love Rodney. I really do! I hang around in McKay/Weir a bit lately, because I like those guys too. I think the friendship side of things is great between McKay/Weir/Sheppard, but I don't know if I could see Rodney and Elizabeth in a shippy sense
                              Teyla/Ronon: My second favorite pairing. Both are warriors, both are natives to Pegasus, and they both respect one another. Sheyla fans claim it all brother/sister, but I'd send my brother to Fraud if he looked at me like Ronon looked at teyla in The Lost Boys.
                              Not sure...
                              Beckett/Weir: Uh, never thought this one would be an option. Carson is a nice guy, ands he does respect Elizabeth, but I don't see anything. He's smiled at her a few times, but he smiles at everyone. Besides, she didn't seem heartbroked in Duet when Cadman expressed her feelings to the doctor, so I don't tnhink he's anything.
                              too funny to even think about! I love Beckett, but can't really see it!
                              Caldwell/Weir: Oh you've got to be kidding me! Where did anybody get this idea? They played chess...ONCE!!! And in that same episode she got mad at him. Caldwell is supposed to be a weasel trying to usurp John's position. Even his bio says he doesn't like John and Liz. Besides, he too old for her.
                              ugh! Nooooooooo
                              And I abhor all slash fics, and I highly doubt that the producers or the writers would go for any of them. I've never seen any gay stuff happen on Stargate from what I've seen at least.
                              Hate slash! I always wonder what the actors think of that sort of stuff.... It's just a bit weird, especially when, as far as I can see, there's nothing to lead you in that direction from what you see on screen.
                              Anyways, that's my veiw on the pairings. All of you are free to disagree or agree with me. Just to let you know, I happen to have a good sense about pairings, and I have yet to be proven wrong. Any thoughts on my opinion?
                              I think a lot of it has to do with who you find more appealing. I look at the Elizabeth options and think --- "hmmm. Sheppard or McKay?" No question for me. I find Sheppard way more appealing. Joe's the good looking guy in the cast, in my opinion. There'll also be plenty of people out there who think David Hewlett is the best looking guy on the planet and don't see the appeal of Joe, though, and maybe that's the difference between a Shep/Weir shipper and a McKay/Weir shipper!


                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                But I think Ronon and Weir have an interesting vibe. I think she's the one person he hasn't figured out yet, and vice versa. I would love to see her go to him for self-defense lessons. The possibilities are just too fun. Especially if John were to find out.
                                So, you're writing this, right? In all that free time you have?

                                I've really enjoyed the scenes between Ronon and Weir. Of course, as this is the Sheppard/Weir thread, I have to say that I'm always angling for more scenes betweeen those two as well...

                                Yeah, really nothing useful or insightful to say here, so shutting up now.
                                ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                                The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.

