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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SGLAB
    When I first saw your post I read it as the "no Sparky scene"
    LOL, well that works too!

    There was no "Sparky" there, hence "No spark scene" works. Because isn't that how Sparky came to be? Because someone saw the "spark" between who two favorite people.


      Originally posted by Whistler84
      Bates: Sir, Ma'am. We have a breech in security. One of the techies has been broadcasting sensitive surveillance video onto a public feed.
      Weir: That's from the janitor's closet near Command Central! . . . And what?!!! They're giving us scores??
      Bates: Yes, Ma'am. You scored an 8.5 on flexibility.
      Sheppard: Hey, they gave me a 6 for creativity? You try being creative in that small space!
      *ROFL* This is great!

      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


        Originally posted by Whistler84
        Bates: Sir, Ma'am. We have a breech in security. One of the techies has been broadcasting sensitive surveillance video onto a public feed.
        Weir: That's from the janitor's closet near Command Central! . . . And what?!!! They're giving us scores??
        Bates: Yes, Ma'am. You scored an 8.5 on flexibility.
        Sheppard: Hey, they gave me a 6 for creativity? You try being creative in that small space!
        Omg, Roflmao!!!!!


          Whistler. . you get green for. . ."flexibility".

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by Whistler84
            Bates: Sir, Ma'am. We have a breech in security. One of the techies has been broadcasting sensitive surveillance video onto a public feed.
            Weir: That's from the janitor's closet near Command Central! . . . And what?!!! They're giving us scores??
            Bates: Yes, Ma'am. You scored an 8.5 on flexibility.
            Sheppard: Hey, they gave me a 6 for creativity? You try being creative in that small space!
            That's just wrong! Warn us before you make these jokes, I'm sure I'm not the only one to spew my beverage on my monitor.

            a time to mourn


              Shep/Teyla: the Notsparky ship

              What is this spark of which you speak?

              In a desperate attempt to protect her, Shep pulls his gun on Teyla. Wait. WTF?

              I. Am. So. Bad. I really deserve to be punished. Where are those fuzzy handcuffs?

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                I think we can safely say that TPTB hadn't thought that far ahead when they came up with Sanctuary.

                The way faith is handled on both SG-1 and Atlantis has always bugged me. Being a person of faith myself, I like BSG's approach much better, because the people who believe in things, whether it's the Cylons with their belief in a single deity, or Roslin and Starbuck with their faith in the ancient gods, are never depicted as simple or backward or stupid.

                But anyway...

                If I were to pick something other than Sanctuary for my least favorite moment of Season 1... Well, I hate to be cliché, but I'd have to go with the cave scene in Rising. Just makes me cringe.

                I dragged this post out from a few pages back, but I agree Mel. I think some Sci-Fi (Arthur C. Clarke for example) tends to do what SG has done in reference to religion. It is obviously an overspimlified portrait. BSG has certainly taken bold steps in my opinion with their treatment of religion. "Firefly" has some interesting takes too, but I haven't seen enough of that to discuss it further.

                However, (I didn't actually see this ep), but didn't Elizabeth and Rodney have a little discussion about spirituality in "Hide and Seek"? I remember seeing that in a transcript and thinking Liz was a little more open minded. I think SGA needs a chaplain to accompany the military. They are always sent. I think it would be very interesting to see how the characters would react to that character and how the he [the chaplain] would react to the Ancients etc. A spiritual/religious confidante would really add depth for the show.

                Anyway, been rambling. In short, I agree with Mel. There definitely needs to be a more nuanced treatment of faith in SG land.

                Oh, and the pics and caps today have been HILARIOUS, so keep it up!

                Last edited by Royal_Nonesuch; 09 November 2005, 07:24 PM.

                Signature By Amber Moon


                  See? This is what I love about this thread. One post, you have (possibly inappropriate) pics and caps, and then the next, you have people talking about Religion and it's protrayal on SGA (nice Royal!). Ah, diversity.

                  . . . or insanity, you choose.

                  Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                  I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                  Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                    Liz: John, when did Kavanagh become the star of this show?

                    John: I don't know. .and when did Walter arrive in Atlantis?

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      My take on "ship" possibilities:

                      Ronon/Weir - WTF????
                      I don't know... this one has possibilities. Or, at least, it has the possibility to make me laugh, 'cause really, whenever I think about it I start giggling. Yes, actually giggling, girly as that is.

                      And on a completely different note (or, you know, not) I have to say I adore the term "Sparky" for Shep/Weir. I know it's been brought up before, but I had to say it again. I was watching Gilmore Girls last night, and I realized that I like the names for ships in that fandom (Literati, e.g.) because they aren't the terrible name combinations, but rather something that relates to the character of the characters (does that make sense?). And with Sparky, it works as well.

                      Okay, very tired now, so must to bed. But love all the pics (and the caps as well ).

                      Oh, and
                      Originally posted by Whistler84
                      See? This is what I love about this thread. One post, you have (possibly inappropriate) pics and caps, and then the next, you have people talking about Religion and it's protrayal on SGA (nice Royal!). Ah, diversity.

                      . . . or insanity, you choose.
                      Are you implying I'm crazy? Are you? ARE YOU?
                      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                        I think that Ronon/Weir has possibilities. There's something about Ronon which unnerves Weir, so it'd be interesting to see more interaction between the two. But I'll post more on my opinions on R/W and the other ships later, cos I'm not supposed to be here.

                        Great caps, whistler and vixen!!

                        Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                          Originally posted by Tinuviel Undomiel
                          The rest of the story is secret.
                          *Blinks* Oh, okay . . .

                          For a second there, I thought I was reading the actual fanfic! You really go in-depth, don't you? How am I suppose to wait for the ending now? I'm all in suspence!!

                          Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                          I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                          Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                            I think most of the Ronon/Weir stuff comes from Torri Higginson saying she thinks Jason Momoa is adorable. As always, actors are not characters, no matter how much people insist on referring to Amanda Tapping and Sam Carter as "Samanda."

                            But I think Ronon and Weir have an interesting vibe. I think she's the one person he hasn't figured out yet, and vice versa. I would love to see her go to him for self-defense lessons. The possibilities are just too fun. Especially if John were to find out.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              From the glimpse that I saw of Jason at the Comic Con, he is like the complete opposite from Ronon. He seemed so shy and quiet, whenever he was asked a question. But that might have been because he was on stage in front of thousands of fans.

                              But like Mel said, Ronon and Weir have a vibe. She obviously is trying to figure him out and get to know him better. For example the nice little opening scene in "Aurora". But somehow that little chat between them was overshadowed by
                              Elizabeth turning as red as her shirt when she made a comment about how John was working very hard to incorporate Ronon to the team, when Ronon only wanted to leave the table. I loved that little scene.


                                Originally posted by Athenaktt
                                From the glimpse that I saw of Jason at the Comic Con, he is like the complete opposite from Ronon. He seemed so shy and quiet, whenever he was asked a question. But that might have been because he was on stage in front of thousands of fans.

                                But like Mel said, Ronon and Weir have a vibe. She obviously is trying to figure him out and get to know him better. For example the nice little opening scene in "Aurora". But somehow that little chat between them was overshadowed by
                                Elizabeth turning as red as her shirt when she made a comment about how John was working very hard to incorporate Ronon to the team, when Ronon only wanted to leave the table. I loved that little scene.
                                Yup, I ran into Jason down in the exhibit hall at ComicCon, and he seemed pretty quiet there, too! He was really nice when I went to talk to him, though (once I got up the nerve! LOL).

                                And as for that Aurora scene...
                                TOTALLY cracked me up! I loved it! "I'm leaving, too." *insert three snaps here*
                                "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                                My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art

