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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Alaskhah
    Okay here's my thoughts on the Caldwell/Weir interaction in Conversion:
    Personally, I think he was flirting with her... She's got it all - beauty, brains, a wicked chess game. It dawned on me this evening that he only said he wasn't HER enemy. Shep, on the other hand, has pretty much everything Caldwell wants, and Caldwell's probably STILL smarting over the way Liz put the smackdown on him when she recommended Shep be kept on as the military commander & promoted. I don't think that Caldwell's quest for intergalactic domination means that he can't hit on his main obstacle's girl. In fact, what better way to bring Shep to a place of vulnerability than to mess with Liz!

    Just a thought!
    I don't know if he was flirting with Eliz. and don't really give a rat's rump. ; ) However, your last sentence is the most important there. He's found their weak spot. And he will use it against one or both of them if the situation arises. I just hope that when he does make an insinuation or charge regarding any personal feelings causing problems with command in atlantis that he's actually right about it.


    I then I hope Shep and Weir and Cencom tell him to stuff it, not worry about it, go fly his ship and hit on Hermes.



      Originally posted by Bama
      I don't know if he was flirting with Eliz. and don't really give a rat's rump. ; ) However, your last sentence is the most important there. He's found their weak spot. And he will use it against one or both of them if the situation arises. I just hope that when he does make an insinuation or charge regarding any personal feelings causing problems with command in atlantis that he's actually right about it.


      I then I hope Shep and Weir and Cencom tell him to stuff it, not worry about it, go fly his ship and hit on Hermes.

      heehee i like that... and i also think that you are right... he has found her weakness... John... i can see this coming back to bite her in the ass in the future...
      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


        Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
        heehee i like that... and i also think that you are right... he has found her weakness... John... i can see this coming back to bite her in the ass in the future...
        Did you say "bite her ass?"

        Not nice to put fanfic ideas like that into my head.

        Yeah, and I do think it's going to bite her perhaps pretty darn hard. (dang, these freudian slips.)

        And john too hopefully from the 'opposite direction'. (Er...I'll shut up now.)



          I dont think that the scene between Caldwell and Weir wasn't "flirty" at all. Maybe I'm biased tho...

          Lovebar made by natz099
          My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


            Originally posted by Bama
            Did you say "bite her ass?"

            Not nice to put fanfic ideas like that into my head.

            Yeah, and I do think it's going to bite her perhaps pretty darn hard. (dang, these freudian slips.)

            And john too hopefully from the 'opposite direction'. (Er...I'll shut up now.)

            You had better stick with that fanfic idea Bama!!

            Lovebar made by natz099
            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


              Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
              You had better stick with that fanfic idea Bama!!
              Argh. The pressure to do's appalling! You guys know I never do anything but pure friendship fics!

              And would somebody PLEASE hand me a BLACK magic marker that will color Robert Patrick's hair in on a computer monitor!? If that pic of he and Torri doin the mouth to mouth comes up one more time on my computer...well, I might just have to go write some smut. It's slowly causing me to go blind.

              Here's a link to Eliz./John Live Journal Community you guys might enjoy if you've not been over there! I love that place! So kewl.



                Originally posted by Bama
                Argh. The pressure to do's appalling! You guys know I never do anything but pure friendship fics!
                Sure Bama... If that's your idea of 'friendship' I'd love....i mean not love, sooo not know know what you'd call smut

                Lovebar made by natz099
                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  Seems like we need to introduce Daniel to Teyla.
                  Well, I don't mind... but I don't want to be accused of *cough*protecting this ship *cough*. I'm sure the ValaDictorians will have a few things to say about it though.
                  "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                    Originally posted by Easter Lily
                    Well, I don't mind... but I don't want to be accused of *cough*protecting this ship *cough*. I'm sure the ValaDictorians will have a few things to say about it though.
                    Nah, Daniels got the crushes for Dr. Weir!!


                      Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                      Sure Bama... If that's your idea of 'friendship' I'd love....i mean not love, sooo not know know what you'd call smut
                      "It's just a kiss." (said in best martin gero voice)

                      Can't a girl write a simple 'friendly' scene between two people who simply care about one another w/o you people all jumpin to conclusions?! Geesh, you shep/weir shippers are crazy. Absolutely.



                        Originally posted by Easter Lily
                        Well, that's an important observation, which I strenuously adhere to myself. I don't think you and I are trying to be offensive here either. But there has been very little personal interaction between Teyla and Sheppard to show that there is any romantic interest between the two. It is entirely possible, however, that Stargate is doing its usual hatchet job with ship... putting in something angsty in one episode and then abandoning it for an entire season and then revisiting it again.... But I'm not so sure this time, because there has been so much interaction between Sheppard and Weir especially in the last eight or nine episodes. And they have been SHOWN to interact on EVERY single level... It's the showing part that interests me... because I know they don't have to but the fact that they are tells me that they're going somewhere with it. Now, I'm not saying that it is all romantic because I'm not hardcore enough to go there. But I'm saying that they are interacting and talking and understanding... which IMO is a good basis for a relationship. They're not there yet but as you say, they're building and that's far more important.
                        I do so love when things are shown and not told whether in visual medium like TV or in a book. The Shep/Weir relationship has really started off well right from the beginning with nice steady growth.

                        Originally posted by Easter Lily
                        There has been some talk that
                        the mouth-sucking thing that Sheppard peformed on Teyla is a passionate expression of latent shippy feelings
                        and the most important reason why I disagree with it strongly is because there has so far been no real indication of any personal relationship between the two. As you've said, Sheppard has never shown her special deference beyond that of team leader. The only really in-depth conversation that I've seen them have is in Letters and even then, it showed that they were on completely different wavelengths. If I scream "UST" every time a male colleague showed me any iota of kindness, I'd be spending all my lunch hours with my institution's sexual harassment officer.

                        I'm reminded of something I read I think it was on zero.point.snark. There was a line about in Instinct review when Rodney and Teyla had a brief conversation. In zero.point.snark it was said something like according to ship Rodney and Teyla were at first base.


                          Originally posted by Easter Lily
                          Well, I don't mind... but I don't want to be accused of *cough*protecting this ship *cough*. I'm sure the ValaDictorians will have a few things to say about it though.
                          Quick, somebody hand Teyla a chess board, a jacket and a badge and maybe Caldwell will 'play' with her!




                            Originally posted by SGLAB
                            In zero.point.snark it was said something like according to ship Rodney and Teyla were at first base.
                            I'm embarassed to admit it, but I am shippin' as hard for Teyla/Ronon, as I am for J/E. I'm just not talking about it much. Alas, I'm sure something in me will snap before Jan. 2006 rolls around & I'll be posting all over the T/R threads.


                              i have to say that the Teyla/Ronan idea is a good one, but i think that Sheppard/Weir is so much more important than that... plus they are so much more interesting than just Teyla... i mean i like the girl, but she needs to stay away from John and i think that the perfect ending to the John/Teyla stuff was seen in conversion

                              just my thoughts
                              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                                Originally posted by Rubicon
                                I'm embarassed to admit it, but I am shippin' as hard for Teyla/Ronon, as I am for J/E. I'm just not talking about it much. Alas, I'm sure something in me will snap before Jan. 2006 rolls around & I'll be posting all over the T/R threads.
                                just lettin you know that I SO just stole that icon for'd tempted me with it long enough!

                                I really like ronon. And not just because he screams I am a potential animal mate for teylawarriorwoman either but I must admit they do have some chem...I just want to see a few more eps first.

