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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
    Agree with Seetheship, this sums up JohnLiz perfectly.

    You guys have made a lot of good points. Tried to rep Mel and Bama but it wont let me

    Mel, i *heart* Spygate!!! Great fic, and Lizzie dressed as a ho Love it
    Thanks! No spy story is complete without someone disguised as a Russian hooker, really. John should feel lucky that Elizabeth didn't make him play that part. Spy!Elizabeth is so much fun to write. I've always thought that Elizabeth would be a lot more likely to say the first snarky thing that comes to mind if she weren't in charge, and lo and behold, she is!
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      And welcome, Arlilz! I think you'll find that a lot of people came to discover this ship the same way you did. It kind of sneaked up on most of us and thwacked us over the head.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        I've always thought that Elizabeth would be a lot more likely to say the first snarky thing that comes to mind if she weren't in charge, and lo and behold, she is!
        Hehe. I agree. I picture Liz at school and i totally see her being all rebelious and a party girl...and still fitting her studies in. In my mind, she has a really fun and flirty and playful nature that i'd love to see come out at times...preferably with John

        I am so looking forward to TLG so i checked when it should air in the UK and we have to wait till 25th Jan/1st Feb depending on how they air over xmas. So near and yet so far.

        Welcome Arlilz! Stay, post lots and have fun


          Originally posted by SoulSpinder
          Next, Thanks for the livejournal link! Once again, the name escapes me. (forgive!) But it's given me an insentive to start becoming active on that again. Wee!

          It was me. You're welcome and I'm glad. I like that bunch of shippers! ; )

          Thrid? Favorite moments? In not really any order


          Sorry to say it, guys, but the choke scene. I love it. I adore it. I might just be a violent person. Please forgive.
          Also the "It will be the best for both of us."

          You know there are some things I like about it too.
          I LOVE how Torri plays Elizabeth in the scene as fearful but desperate to 'get back' her John. (did I just type that? LOL!) But I also like how she looks in the first scene when he steps up in her face mere inch away. She's frightened a little but more surprised at how quickly he's changing but I sense that undercurrent sexiness there. Am I off my rocker? ; )



            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
            Hehe. I agree. I picture Liz at school and i totally see her being all rebelious and a party girl...and still fitting her studies in. In my mind, she has a really fun and flirty and playful nature that i'd love to see come out at times...preferably with John
            Yeah, that's what I think too. Most of what we've seen with her is the leader, but occasionally we get glimpses of a warmer woman who cares deeply and wants friendship and love – in all forms – in Atlantis. The popcorn scene in Hide and Seek, the War and Peace scene of Home, the gate room scene in The Eye, most of Before I Sleep, and the hug of Siege III were all little glimpses of that. And we got wonderful, wonderful warmth in Conversion too.

            I had a point to that... oh yeah! The common thread is what brought out that warmth in these scenes – John.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              I got the impression Shep dropped in on her.


                Originally posted by SoulSpinder
                [spoiler]Sorry to say it, guys, but the choke scene. I love it. I adore it. I might just be a violent person. Please forgive.
                Also the "It will be the best for both of us."
                I have to say I loved that scene too.
                I didn't think the choking was shippy, of course, but I loved everything about that scene. It just says volumes about their relationship. Elizabeth knows she has nothing to fear from John – not the real John, the one who's done so much to protect her. It wasn't him who was attacking her, and she knew it, especially after he asked her to kill him and end it. And that look when she told him she couldn't end it... Yeah. This episode just about killed me.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Anyone know if there's a transcript and/or caps up yet anywhere?


                    Loved the choke scene too. So many emotions fleeting across Shep's face!

                    Also loved the first bedroom scene
                    "I'm turning into a bug. How are you?"

                    You think they could give the ranking security some quarters that were more than one room with a bed.


                      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                      Anyone know if there's a transcript and/or caps up yet anywhere?
                      The Yahoo group that provides transcripts for most sites around hasn't gotten the transcript yet. The girl who does the transcripts for Atlantis has been pretty busy. (I've honestly thought about doing transcripts myself, just because a lot of the quirks of Callie's transcripts drive me crazy. She does an amazing job with something that's really time-consuming, but I'm anal-retentive like that. ) And I've not seen caps yet, though Athena might be prevailed upon to get to work on those.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                        Anyone know if there's a transcript and/or caps up yet anywhere?
                        Caps are up at Abydos Gate.

                        Welcome Arlilz!


                          Originally posted by Rubicon

                          See, I like my violence, over the top drama & angst on TV. (NOT so much in RL.)

                          Back from cleaning my house (which is still a work in progress).

                          I like my violence and angst and heavy drama too, just no violence between my hunnies. Though if it's played to be funny, I could get into that.

                          Now, I could see Elizabeth dropping *Caldwell* (with Ronan and John cheering her on), and when she was finished, she gives John a "come hither" look as she heads out the door. Yeah, that would be cool. More than cool, actually.

                          Good sci fi is about special effects. Great sci fi is about people.


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            I have to say I loved that scene too.
                            I didn't think the choking was shippy, of course, but I loved everything about that scene. It just says volumes about their relationship. Elizabeth knows she has nothing to fear from John – not the real John, the one who's done so much to protect her. It wasn't him who was attacking her, and she knew it, especially after he asked her to kill him and end it. And that look when she told him she couldn't end it... Yeah. This episode just about killed me.

                            I agree with this completely. Their lives have become so entertwined, and you can see how much they need each other. What's going to happen between them is so inevitable...

                            Good sci fi is about special effects. Great sci fi is about people.


                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                              Hehe. I agree. I picture Liz at school and i totally see her being all rebelious and a party girl...and still fitting her studies in. In my mind, she has a really fun and flirty and playful nature that i'd love to see come out at times...preferably with John

                              Welcome Arlilz! Stay, post lots and have fun
                              Ditto on the welcome to Arlilz! I wish all these lurkers would come out of hiding! HINT! ; )

                              You know, I can too see that about Liz too. I think she really loves to have a good time but just feels like she can't show that 'side' of herself much because it might compromise her position as the leader. And, in honesty, it might. However, I do hope she slowly begins to 'let go' more with john as time goes on. I like the scene at the beginning of Intruder. She doesn't talk to ANYONE else like she does him. She teased and smiled and such. I loved that!



                                Originally posted by manybleemsago
                                I agree with this completely. Their lives have become so entertwined, and you can see how much they need each other. What's going to happen between them is so inevitable...
                       two are making me just sigh in pleasure. ; )

                                It is inevitable -no doubt about it. It's that obvious to me. And Mel...I'm with you on 'that look' she gave him when she denied him the only thing that he could have asked of her that was too much for Elizabeth to ever handle. I wanted to melt when she said it that way. It was just...incredible.


