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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
    I don't like cats (they're evil, and ungrateful pets) but that is a cute pic
    Cats aren't evil or ungrateful, they have a mind of their own. It's one of the reasons I love cats, you can't just tell them to sit or play dead. They'll give you this look that says: "Do I look like a dog?" And turn their behind towards you. I love that attitude

    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
    It's an elevator/transporter. I actually forgot it was there until they did a scene with Carter and John coming out of it into Carter's office. I went back and checked at the time, just to make sure they hadn't put it in there specifically for Carter.
    Ooooh, there's a transporter connected to Liz's office? I think this little piece of info will spark some new fic... smut transporter fic

    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
    I actually thought they would've taken heaps of them. It seemed like they didn't think they'd be coming back, and they took heaps of crap with them. Of course it could've mostly been food and generators *shrugs*
    Well, I 'd rather take extra food with me than an extra uniform. Especially if I was going into an unknown situation without knowing when or even if I'd ever make it back home.

    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
    Sounds good, but maybe the arguement can also include whether John should volunteer at all? And can we foreshadow the use of it (unless it's impractical), even if it is only a vague reference?
    John trusts Rodney and if Rodney claims it's safe, John will trust that judgement, even if he slightly doubts it, he'll still show his support.
    But those are all discussions for season7, which is still far away.

    Sig by me


      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
      Quick note for those in the US: The iTunes Store (US only as far as I know) is currently offering the first episodes of several science fiction series, including SGA, as free downloads. (the link will open iTunes if you have it installed on your computer)

      Mmmm, Rising on my iPod... Bring on that magnum of champagne and our first Sparky eyesex!
      *scratches head* I have never gotten the appeal of watching anything on that tiny screen. Now if I could get the ones that I don't have on my computer from S3-4 I'd do it. Just for clear copies to vid. Going through all that conversion nonsense is a pain otherwise.

      Originally posted by polomare View Post
      Just to add to the informal information gathering: All the women of my family are very tall. I'm 6' (2m), my mother is the runt of the family at 5'8", my grandmother is 5'10" I have an aunt who is 6'1" . . . I WISH I lived in a nation of Amazons! Everyone around me is a shrimp! LOL

      As for the Sparky pet discussion, can I vote they get a horse? Or is that too off the wall?
      I'm thinking John could surprise Elizabeth by riding a pretty stallion he picked up on a local planet right through the gate and into the control room.
      She could then argue with him about why they can't keep it.
      They could then kiss & make up and it ends in a lovely moonlit tandem trail ride around the city's piers.
      Plot bunny! I would so love to read this. Maybe the horse can live with the Athosians and they can visit.

      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
      I have to remember something? Oi! I have no memory, you know that, right?

      *glares at iTunes*
      Why only in the US??
      Ah well, I have several eps on my Blackberry
      Do you have "stickies"? That's my memory file.

      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
      To be fair, she didn't kiss him on the lips, just on the cheek and very close to the lips. I think Ford/Sumner had more chance of success than Weir/Sumner Although I'm sure, had Sumner lived, TPTW would've argued that all that simmering hatred and disrespect from Sumner towards Weir was just UST.

      LOL about the sideways. It's an unfortunate fact of aging.

      I think, on tv at least, they must play with the actresses heights a little. Torri seemed to vary a bit, depending on whom she had scenes with. I saw a behind the scenes thing with Teryl once, where she showed the different shoes she wore, depending on whom she was shooting with. She wore really big boots for shooting with RDA.

      A bit like "lost in translation", compared to "lost in the translator"
      I've heard all kinds of stories about how they do this. In the old days especially when the male was shorter, they would have him stand on a box. Actors as a rule tend to be short. Joe is a pleasant exception I think. And some male stars are very sensitive about their height and how it comes across on screen. I have an OT story to illustrate.

      When my son was in military school they filmed a movie using some of the cadets. Anyone over a certain height didn't get to be in it because they couldn't be taller than the star. Guess whose kid is tall? He was crushed. Especially since they got paid. LOL But then when we saw the movie, we were glad. LOL

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        Do you have "stickies"? That's my memory file.
        I use Google... calendar, docs, mail, chat,... and still I forget stuff constantly.
        At work I scribble things I gotta remember on paper. So my desk is covered in papers and notes and I still forget stuff

        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        I have an OT story to illustrate.

        When my son was in military school they filmed a movie using some of the cadets. Anyone over a certain height didn't get to be in it because they couldn't be taller than the star. Guess whose kid is tall? He was crushed. Especially since they got paid. LOL But then when we saw the movie, we were glad. LOL
        Lol!! Why were you glad? Was it sorta like 'Stonehenge Apocalypse'?

        Sig by me


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          I've heard all kinds of stories about how they do this. In the old days especially when the male was shorter, they would have him stand on a box. Actors as a rule tend to be short. Joe is a pleasant exception I think. And some male stars are very sensitive about their height and how it comes across on screen.
          I read a blog entry once about auditions, casting and everything that goes with it. One of the comments to the entry was a guy who had gotten through every round to end up being sent home on the first day of shooting because he was an inch taller than the star.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            I'm 5'10 so if ever I get the chance to meet TH - I might be able to tell whether she's the same height or shorter. Jewel Staite is shorter. Morena Baccarin is about the same height as me. Nathan Fillion is taller, Sean Maher a little taller. Jonathan Woodward and Neil Roberts are taller. Gigi Edgley is a little shorter. Paul McGillion is about the same height, and Chris Judge is taller.

            I think that about covers it.

            Edit: Corin Nemec is taller, while Don Davis was about the same height though much larger sideways.
            What, no Claire comparison? I'm shocked!

            Originally posted by gateraid View Post
            To be fair, she didn't kiss him on the lips, just on the cheek and very close to the lips. I think Ford/Sumner had more chance of success than Weir/Sumner Although I'm sure, had Sumner lived, TPTW would've argued that all that simmering hatred and disrespect from Sumner towards Weir was just UST.

            LOL about the sideways. It's an unfortunate fact of aging.

            I think, on tv at least, they must play with the actresses heights a little. Torri seemed to vary a bit, depending on whom she had scenes with. I saw a behind the scenes thing with Teryl once, where she showed the different shoes she wore, depending on whom she was shooting with. She wore really big boots for shooting with RDA.

            A bit like "lost in translation", compared to "lost in the translator"
            Boxes, I think, are used quite a lot. We even use them just for our talent who are not close in height (sometimes we have a former basketball player next to your average sports writer and there's a head or so difference.) We've actually had it where one person was sitting and one was standing and forced perspective and all of that.

            One of my all time favorite stories is Minnie Driver and Chris O'Donnell in Circle of Friends. Apparently Minnie quite tall and Chris is short and they had to have him stand on boxes indoors, and they had to dig ditches for her scenes with him outdoors. They faked out that whole movie.

            FYI Matthew McCougnahey is apparently extremely short. We interviewed him a couple of times and he's not much taller than our reporter, who is 5'4.

            Oh, and the point of my post? Timeline is complete. I've added the Wraith at the bottom.


            And no wonder we all got confused as to the story. The Wraith have some fascinating development through about "The Hive" of S2, and then everything just falls off the cliff. Do you know there wasn't a Wraith episode after that until Michael? That's like 6-7 episodes sans Wraith in a row! It was worse in S3, after Phantoms, it was 9 episodes that didn't have a Wraith-centric storyline. And S4 was all over the place.

            No wonder the show lost its way. In the first season, the Wraith were the all-powerful baddies who were constantly around every corner; by the 4th season they were hiding out in space for no good reason (until the Replicators started popping up after First Strike).
            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
              What, no Claire comparison? I'm shocked!
              No, unfortunately no... and I'll likely never meet her up close and personal either, but considering in scenes with Torri she's shorter - she's definitely shorter than me.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                I use Google... calendar, docs, mail, chat,... and still I forget stuff constantly.
                At work I scribble things I gotta remember on paper. So my desk is covered in papers and notes and I still forget stuff

                Lol!! Why were you glad? Was it sorta like 'Stonehenge Apocalypse'?
                Oh yeah. SA is Shakespeare next to that movie. All the military school kids were overweight dorky losers. It was Major Payne. The boys all got to spend several weeks down in Wilmington, NC where it was filmed. They had a ball. The school they used was not my son's school.

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                I read a blog entry once about auditions, casting and everything that goes with it. One of the comments to the entry was a guy who had gotten through every round to end up being sent home on the first day of shooting because he was an inch taller than the star.
                That reminds me of JF's story about why his chair is short and how some actors insist on having theirs be the tallest. LOL

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                  I'd go for that lol; it would be cute/funny, and i like picturing John riding a horsie
                  Cept I'd want him to take Elizabeth riding on a pretty planet with a lightly forested area clearing out to a shore of a big lake or sea.
                  Someone would have to clean up after the horses if they rode through Atlantis. I've been horseback riding and the horsies just go poo as they are walking sometimes lol.
                  LOL. I'm sure Rodney can use poo as some kind of recyclable energy resource.

                  Originally posted by gateraid View Post

                  It's the clean air? IDK. I think it may just be specific to my current location. Most of the guys are tall too. I'm just under six foot, but most of my life I've only been average height at best. But people from rural backgrounds seem to be taller than city folk. I don't know why, it just happens that way. Or maybe taller people are selectively breeding?
                  Well, in my neighborhood they are selectively breeding short people! LOL!

                  Originally posted by gateraid View Post

                  It's an elevator/transporter. I actually forgot it was there until they did a scene with Carter and John coming out of it into Carter's office. I went back and checked at the time, just to make sure they hadn't put it in there specifically for Carter.
                  I never noticed that!!!!!!

                  Originally posted by gateraid View Post

                  There's a funny one of RDA scratching the back of Don's ear too
                  I want to see that!

                  Originally posted by gateraid View Post

                  Which are you? Six foot or two metres? There's a 17cm difference Six foot taller than average for a woman here, but again not exceptionally tall

                  LOL *FAIL* on my part! I put that in parentheses as a placeholder to remind me to confirm and I forgot before I clicked submit. For the record, my doc has me at 1.83M

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  *scratches head* I have never gotten the appeal of watching anything on that tiny screen. Now if I could get the ones that I don't have on my computer from S3-4 I'd do it. Just for clear copies to vid. Going through all that conversion nonsense is a pain otherwise.
                  The appeal is you get to hold it really close to your face. it's a very *intimate* experience! LOL

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Plot bunny! I would so love to read this. Maybe the horse can live with the Athosians and they can visit.
                  Yes!!! I was thinking they'd have to get hay to feed the horse from the mainland anyway.

                  If anybody wants the bunny, Run with it!!!!!

                  And I too have noticed that TH seems to be different heights in different scenes. I've even noticed it in some of the recent caps & gifs you guys have been posting.
                  Why can't they just let people be the height they are??


                    Originally posted by polomare View Post
                    LOL. I'm sure Rodney can use poo as some kind of recyclable energy resource.

                    Well, in my neighborhood they are selectively breeding short people! LOL!

                    I never noticed that!!!!!!

                    I want to see that!

                    LOL *FAIL* on my part! I put that in parentheses as a placeholder to remind me to confirm and I forgot before I clicked submit. For the record, my doc has me at 1.83M

                    The appeal is you get to hold it really close to your face. it's a very *intimate* experience! LOL

                    Yes!!! I was thinking they'd have to get hay to feed the horse from the mainland anyway.

                    If anybody wants the bunny, Run with it!!!!!

                    And I too have noticed that TH seems to be different heights in different scenes. I've even noticed it in some of the recent caps & gifs you guys have been posting.
                    Why can't they just let people be the height they are??
                    I don't think they had to worry too much about height with Torri and Joe because he's just the right height compared to her to make a scene easy to shoot. Sometimes they had to pull the camera back and whatnot. I imagine they had a real problem working Jason into crowd shots. That had a lot to do with who sat where or stood where I imagine. On the commentaries they seem to indicate that placement has little to do with what's going on but everything to do with camera angles and framing.

                    And Torri's height may have changed according to her footwear. I think some of her boots had heels in the 3rd season.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by polomare View Post
                      LOL. I'm sure Rodney can use poo as some kind of recyclable energy resource.

                      Well, in my neighborhood they are selectively breeding short people! LOL!

                      I never noticed that!!!!!!

                      I want to see that!

                      LOL *FAIL* on my part! I put that in parentheses as a placeholder to remind me to confirm and I forgot before I clicked submit. For the record, my doc has me at 1.83M

                      The appeal is you get to hold it really close to your face. it's a very *intimate* experience! LOL

                      Yes!!! I was thinking they'd have to get hay to feed the horse from the mainland anyway.

                      If anybody wants the bunny, Run with it!!!!!

                      And I too have noticed that TH seems to be different heights in different scenes. I've even noticed it in some of the recent caps & gifs you guys have been posting.
                      Why can't they just let people be the height they are??
                      By the end of the show Atlantis was like a Hive ship, it kept growing new parts/doors/windows/consoles without explanation.

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      I don't think they had to worry too much about height with Torri and Joe because he's just the right height compared to her to make a scene easy to shoot. Sometimes they had to pull the camera back and whatnot. I imagine they had a real problem working Jason into crowd shots. That had a lot to do with who sat where or stood where I imagine. On the commentaries they seem to indicate that placement has little to do with what's going on but everything to do with camera angles and framing.

                      And Torri's height may have changed according to her footwear. I think some of her boots had heels in the 3rd season.
                      She had some killer heeled boots. Casual but pretty.

                      I have a feeling on a TV show they don't worry about it as much. It'd be a bear to try and even up a leading lady and leading man all the time if there was a huge height discrepancy. Like those scenes where they're walking everywhere--that'd be a pain, or they'd have to have a specially carved riser/ditch for one or the other.

                      Rachel Luttrell looked pretty tiny all the way through in comparison to all the guys and they didn't seem to want to fix that too much. Of course Joe and Torri, as SR mentioned, have a really nice balance that required no trick photography.

                      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        *scratches head* I have never gotten the appeal of watching anything on that tiny screen. Now if I could get the ones that I don't have on my computer from S3-4 I'd do it. Just for clear copies to vid.
                        I have all the 5 seasons in AVI format HD, double audio italian-english, if you're interested in particular episodes or scenes for your vidding, I can upload them on MediaFire or other free storage sites.


                          Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                          They're very pretty!

                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Hi, welcome back. Those were gorgeous. Added to our art stickie for easy reference.
                          Aww, thank you. It´s always good to come back and see whats going on.

                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          That is a great design! (But then, I've always liked purple. ) One suggestion I'd like to offer is to lighten up the gold and silver of the Atlantis Rising logo/By the Fans, For the Fans line; in all four banners it's dark enough that it kind of blends into the dark background which makes it a bit hard to read.
                          Thanks I was kinda afraid that the text: By the Fans, For the Fans might blend into the background or be hard to read. I can try to lighten it up a bit so it will be better to read.

                          Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                          nice banners.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            Oh yeah. SA is Shakespeare next to that movie. All the military school kids were overweight dorky losers. It was Major Payne. The boys all got to spend several weeks down in Wilmington, NC where it was filmed. They had a ball. The school they used was not my son's school.
                            OMG, I saw that movie... *headdesk*
                            Total abomination, but I do think it was a lot of fun to film.

                            To get back on the OT track: I'm working on the eye!sex blends for Suspicion and there seem to be a lot

                            Sig by me


                              Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                              ZOMG!!!!! If you're a Castle fan, you have to see this:

                              I'm speechless!!!


                                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Screw the Angst Wednesday!

                                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                                It's an elevator/transporter. I actually forgot it was there until they did a scene with Carter and John coming out of it into Carter's office. I went back and checked at the time, just to make sure they hadn't put it in there specifically for Carter.
                                Okay, I'd better nip this in the bud before it gets out of control... There is NO transporter in Elizabeth's office. The alternate door is just another of those stained glass doors we see all over the place in Atlantis. I don't think we've ever seen where the hallway beyond that door leads to, though it's possible that there could be a transporter out in that hallway.

                                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                                I actually thought they would've taken heaps of them. It seemed like they didn't think they'd be coming back, and they took heaps of crap with them. Of course it could've mostly been food and generators *shrugs*
                                True, dat.

                                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                                Sounds good, but maybe the arguement can also include whether John should volunteer at all? And can we foreshadow the use of it (unless it's impractical), even if it is only a vague reference?
                                Also good ideas.

                                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                                To be fair, she didn't kiss him on the lips, just on the cheek and very close to the lips. I think Ford/Sumner had more chance of success than Weir/Sumner Although I'm sure, had Sumner lived, TPTW would've argued that all that simmering hatred and disrespect from Sumner towards Weir was just UST.

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                *scratches head* I have never gotten the appeal of watching anything on that tiny screen. Now if I could get the ones that I don't have on my computer from S3-4 I'd do it. Just for clear copies to vid. Going through all that conversion nonsense is a pain otherwise.
                                Actually, it's not too bad on the iPod touch.

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                I've heard all kinds of stories about how they do this. In the old days especially when the male was shorter, they would have him stand on a box. Actors as a rule tend to be short. Joe is a pleasant exception I think. And some male stars are very sensitive about their height and how it comes across on screen. I have an OT story to illustrate.

                                When my son was in military school they filmed a movie using some of the cadets. Anyone over a certain height didn't get to be in it because they couldn't be taller than the star. Guess whose kid is tall? He was crushed. Especially since they got paid. LOL But then when we saw the movie, we were glad. LOL
                                *cracks up* Ohh, it must've been baaaad!

                                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                                Oh, and the point of my post? Timeline is complete. I've added the Wraith at the bottom.


                                And no wonder we all got confused as to the story. The Wraith have some fascinating development through about "The Hive" of S2, and then everything just falls off the cliff. Do you know there wasn't a Wraith episode after that until Michael? That's like 6-7 episodes sans Wraith in a row! It was worse in S3, after Phantoms, it was 9 episodes that didn't have a Wraith-centric storyline. And S4 was all over the place.

                                No wonder the show lost its way. In the first season, the Wraith were the all-powerful baddies who were constantly around every corner; by the 4th season they were hiding out in space for no good reason (until the Replicators started popping up after First Strike).
                                Excellent! *makes a note to check out the update*

                                And I hear you about the show running off the rails! There were times when I was thinking, 'okay, who's the bad guy supposed to be this week?'

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                That reminds me of JF's story about why his chair is short and how some actors insist on having theirs be the tallest. LOL

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                I don't think they had to worry too much about height with Torri and Joe because he's just the right height compared to her to make a scene easy to shoot. Sometimes they had to pull the camera back and whatnot. I imagine they had a real problem working Jason into crowd shots. That had a lot to do with who sat where or stood where I imagine. On the commentaries they seem to indicate that placement has little to do with what's going on but everything to do with camera angles and framing.

                                And Torri's height may have changed according to her footwear. I think some of her boots had heels in the 3rd season.
                                They did. She looked awesome with those stompy boots.

                                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                                By the end of the show Atlantis was like a Hive ship, it kept growing new parts/doors/windows/consoles without explanation.

                                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                                She had some killer heeled boots. Casual but pretty.

                                I have a feeling on a TV show they don't worry about it as much. It'd be a bear to try and even up a leading lady and leading man all the time if there was a huge height discrepancy. Like those scenes where they're walking everywhere--that'd be a pain, or they'd have to have a specially carved riser/ditch for one or the other.

                                Rachel Luttrell looked pretty tiny all the way through in comparison to all the guys and they didn't seem to want to fix that too much. Of course Joe and Torri, as SR mentioned, have a really nice balance that required no trick photography.









                                Ahhhh, I could just stare at that picspam all day...
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

