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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

    The more I hear about these "ideas" for the movie, the less I like about it. Good thing it was just an April Fools' joke.
    Thank God it was only a joke!
    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
      Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

      The more I hear about these "ideas" for the movie, the less I like about it. Good thing it was just an April Fools' joke.
      Yeah, we do have that to be thankful for. That JM is such a card.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        I have some things that I'd like to say about JM, but since this is a PG-13 thread, I cannot post them. Has he always been out to muck over the Sparky shippers?
        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


          I read what you were all were talking about and I just shake my head I put my views on Sheppard & Teyla in that thread well it won't ever happen at least we can be happy about that

          My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
          poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


            Originally posted by Raelis View Post
            I was convinced the plot was real because, cracky as it is, it sounds pretty much standard Stargate fare to me. Frankly, I think most of SGA/SG-1 episodes are incredibly cracky (still enjoyable, though!). There's a reason this fandom has so much crack!fic, after all! This plot doesn't sound any more dreadful or silly than the plots for Stargate Continum/Ark of Truth or any given SG-1/SGA/SGU ep. *shrug*
            I defiantly get what you are saying, I have no intention of going back to re-read it so I don’t remember if it was just the plot for the movie or if it was for the whole of season 6 but if it was just for the movie then it just seem awfully ambitious to try and fit all of that into an hour and a half long DVD movie and even if it was for the whole of season 6 then t still feel as if they tried to get a whole lot of things into it that had no foundation in any of the early seasons so they would have to do those things from the beginning.

            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            With Mallozzi, the reason so many of us dislike him so has little to do with his writing or the actual show. It's because he insulted the fans on his blog, called us names and made fun of us repeatedly for the last 2 years of the show and beyond. He deliberately misled fans and teased us to the point where we don't believe anything he says. The whole mysterious feud with JF is also a factor. He made a long speech at the wrap party for the show and thanked everyone up to and including the crew, but never mentioned Joe's name. So that is, at least for me, why I will never want anything further to do with the man.
            I wasn’t around here when SGA first aired so I didn’t know about everything that happened BTS but I was really shocked when I did get here and were told about it. These things shocked me especially and they also made me sad and can’t have been easy for Joe but it proves what we all know that he is an awesome person.

            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            ... So I'm thinking of restarting that AU HS fic ... if only I can find the bits and pieces scattered on the thread ... and LJ ...
            Oh, if you want to then please do, I remember that I loved the parts you posted.

            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            Okay, one last thing before I sign off:

            Oh, those two, you can‘t help but love them.


              Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
              But I see a clear difference between general show logic gaps and then episode related logic gaps. The show related ones are just part of the mythology of the show.
              Well, I think aliens speaking English cannot be considered part of the show's mythology because they provided no explanation or reason why they speak English. if they had (like, "The stargate makes us understand each other" or something like that), it would have been part of the mythology. The way I see it, it's a huge logic gap that's left unexplained.

              I had this discussion with my brother awhile ago. I was complaining about how something didn't make sense in some sci-fi show (can't remember which one). He replied by saying "it's set in outer space so it's not real anyway". My argument was that the show should follow logic within the framework of that show. So yeah, this has Stargates and everyone speaking English. You have to accept that as a basic premise of the show. But that doesn't then mean you can do anything you want and just say "hey, it's sci-fi".
              I completely agree.

              Take Irresponsible for example. It features the ancient shield device first shown in Hide and Seek. Yeah, as a concept it lacks some logic - if he can't drink then how can he breathe? But you accept that as part of the show's mythology, that ancient technology is just clever that way, etc. But then in Irresponsible, Mallozzi changed the nature of the ancient shield device so that Lucius could get dunked under water and get wet. That clearly negates what was told in Hide and Seek. To me, this was the real problem I had in logic regarding the ancient shield device.
              Ad this is exactly what I meant when said Malozzie's sense of continuity leaves much to be desired. He ignored the shiled-related canon from the previous episode.

              I just don't see Malozzi as much worse than the rest of the Stargate writers with regards to general plotting. They all kind of suck when it comes to logic. Malozzi is worse when it comes to characterisation or continuity, though.

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              With Mallozzi, the reason so many of us dislike him so has little to do with his writing or the actual show. It's because he insulted the fans on his blog, called us names and made fun of us repeatedly for the last 2 years of the show and beyond. He deliberately misled fans and teased us to the point where we don't believe anything he says. The whole mysterious feud with JF is also a factor. He made a long speech at the wrap party for the show and thanked everyone up to and including the crew, but never mentioned Joe's name. So that is, at least for me, why I will never want anything further to do with the man.
              I know he's a major jerk. I was talking about his writing abilities, though, not his personal qualities. Brad Wright is a jerk too (he said some vile things about the fans and about SGA cast), but he's the superior writer when it comes to characterisation and emotions, IMO.

              My point is, I don't see the script for the Atlantis movie as any worse than the script for any average SG episode. The script for "Echoes" would sound even more ridiculous if we'd read it in advance.


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                Not Sparky fans. He always just ignored us. He called those of us who were complaining about S4 "lemmings." I'm sure FH remembers the exact quote in detail. He didn't like any criticism of the show and tried to pit fans against each other. There were a lot of blog entries in which he complained about the fact that some fans didn't appreciate the wonderfulness of S4, and this continued on into S5 and beyond.
                Thank you. I think i red previous posts of FH in which she mentions the exact quote. I really don’t know what to say about all this behaviour, it is really something unbelivable.

                Originally posted by Raelis View Post
                Well, I think aliens speaking English cannot be considered part of the show's mythology because they provided no explanation or reason why they speak English. if they had (like, "The stargate makes us understand each other" or something like that), it would have been part of the mythology. The way I see it, it's a huge logic gap that's left unexplained.
                I think i once red that the Stargate translated everything that was spoken to English.
                Was it in the legacy books?!
                It would make sense if the “Gate builders” spoke English.
                sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                  sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
         Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                    Originally posted by Raelis View Post
                    Well, I think aliens speaking English cannot be considered part of the show's mythology because they provided no explanation or reason why they speak English. if they had (like, "The stargate makes us understand each other" or something like that), it would have been part of the mythology. The way I see it, it's a huge logic gap that's left unexplained.
                    Now that's just a crack!fic waiting to be written.

                    My point is, I don't see the script for the Atlantis movie as any worse than the script for any average SG episode. The script for "Echoes" would sound even more ridiculous if we'd read it in advance.
                    Hmm... killer whales that use their echolocation to kill ... sounds like a Navy experiment gone wrong.

                    And I accidentally deleted your comment about it, but in regards to the continuity with the shield device -- SG-1 did that too in "Threads", not once but twice. They said that 'Jacob should have been dead four years ago' when it had been six years since Jacob got implanted with Selmak. Of course, there's debate over whether that meant an in-universe event other than the cancer, but if it didn't, it's a pretty significant miss for the writers.


                      it's funny that the fans can probably do a better job at keeping track at canon then the writers can.


                        On Star Trek they have the universal translator, they could have come up with some ancient technology that like you guys said, were a part of the gate, that allowed everyone to understand each other.

                        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                        it's funny that the fans can probably do a better job at keeping track at canon then the writers can.
                        And it’s sad when the writers dislike the fans for it, or at least when they point it out.


                          Originally posted by america126
                          hi all !!!!!

                          i congratulated those shippers of that other pairing.

                          that thing on his blog is not a April fools joke, he did say a few months ago that he would reveal more about the movie and he has.

                          this is from his blog

                          For what it's worth, it involved a return mission to Pegasus, the tragic end of one relationship, the beginning of another, and a surprising progression in the alliance between one man and one Wraith."
                          Congratualte them? Why? Because ONE of the writers after almost four years comes out and says so? They had five seasons to even try and show it during the series run but choose not to so just because ONE of them says so now doesn’t tell me anything and doesn’t make it canon in my book, but saying that I’m not against anyone who ship the other pairing and I understand if you want to be a shipper of that pairing now, for me I’m going with what I saw on the show as canon and my own mind of what happened after the show ended.


                            Originally posted by Brie View Post
                            Congratualte them? Why? Because ONE of the writers after almost four years comes out and says so? They had five seasons to even try and show it during the series run but choose not to so just because ONE of them says so now doesn’t tell me anything and doesn’t make it canon in my book, but saying that I’m not against anyone who ship the other pairing and I understand if you want to be a shipper of that pairing now, for me I’m going with what I saw on the show as canon and my own mind of what happened after the show ended.
                            Well said, Brie. I couldn’t agree more!
                            sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                              Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                              One question, did he say bad things about all fan in general or Sparky fans?
                              He has been known to single out fans (I know this cause I starred on his blog once - didn't know until I was told about it) but he generally called upon all the fans in general especially those that didn't pray at the Mallozzi altar and were quite vocal about where Atlantis was heading.
                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              He called those of us who were complaining about S4 "lemmings." I'm sure FH remembers the exact quote in detail. He didn't like any criticism of the show and tried to pit fans against each other. There were a lot of blog entries in which he complained about the fact that some fans didn't appreciate the wonderfulness of S4, and this continued on into S5 and beyond.
                              The Shrill and Ill-Informed Lemmings Thread

                              And I even found the blog-entry for it...

                              January 15, 2007, and the follow-up January 16, 2007

                              If you want to see how I ended up there, go to his entry of May 19, 2009 and check out his post bag of the day in which he answers questions posted to his blog. The one you need is by Recycled Funk.

                              Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                              I think i once red that the Stargate translated everything that was spoken to English.
                              Was it in the legacy books?!
                              It would make sense if the “Gate builders” spoke English.
                              I think it's a fanon thing, like the TARDIS in Doctor Who translates every alien language to English so the aliens again speak English, not all the time though.

                              Originally posted by america126
                              i congratulated those shippers of that other pairing.
                              What's there to congratulate?! It's never going to happen. *shrug*
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Pearl of Atlantis76 View Post
                                Well said, Brie. I couldn’t agree more!
                                Thank you *hugs*, it’s just how I feel and it will in no way change what I saw and felt when I watch the show, and even more so, again because it’s what ONE or possible TWO (If Mullie had anything to do with it) out of all the writers on the show whose opinion we don’t know, besides it feels pointless to bring it up after almost 4 years unless it was meant to be an attempt to stir up trouble between the fandoms which would suck because I like that we all have come to a place where respect between us works great and we all get along or at least enough to stick with what we like and leave the rest to those who prefer that

