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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    K, I said I'd post this the other day, and here it is...

    shep/weir - Very possible. It has the whole 'two leaders' thing going for it and all that, to make it very nice and angsty and such. They have developed a rather stong emotional connection which does seem to hint to be more than just friendship at times.

    shep/teyla - It was nice for a while, but mostly I see a friend/comrade relationship between the two. Not that I don't seem them possibly getting hitched. I think they still have the physical attraction there, but emotionally, I think they aren't really there anymore and that's what has killed most of the potential of this ship off.

    mckay/weir - I'm not overly fanatical about this ship, but I don't really know why. They are quite close, although sometimes I get the feeling that Mckay is her right hand than anything else. But I don't think that they're really at a platonic level either, so these two getting hitched is defintely a possibility.

    ronan/teyla - They seem to understand each other. On many levels. They're both not from Earth, so they feel that sight bit of outsidership, more Ronon than Teyla, now that Teyla's been around a while and is pretty much accepted amongst the expedition members. And they're both do-ers and they just seem to match well. And they understand each other. Like the bit in that episode, (the name escapes me) where
    Ronon uses her to kill that guy and she tells him to keep it between themselves and not tell the others, cos they 'wouldn't understand'.
    She didn't like that it happened the way it did, but she understood why he did it.

    ronan/weir - Okay...I see this one. A lot. The scenes in Duet and Aurora with the awkwardness and I don't think that Weir quite understands him. He seems to be a bit of an enigma to her, for some reason. He seems to fluster her a lot too. And zomg, those little 'oookays' that Weir says at the end of both interactions?!?! This pairing works.

    caldwell/weir - It has potential, but really, the main thing preventing this ship from sailing is that Weir doesn't trust Caldwell farther than she can throw him (which isn't very far). I think that we've seen a few hints that Caldwell is interested in sailing the ship, although to what end remains to be seen. But it could work. Although maybe they keep their distane cos it didn't work out last time, and Caldwell is jealous of Sheppard or Lorne.

    Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


      Originally posted by ubiquitous

      ronan/weir - Okay...I see this one. A lot. The scenes in Duet and Aurora with the awkwardness and I don't think that Weir quite understands him. He seems to be a bit of an enigma to her, for some reason. He seems to fluster her a lot too. And zomg, those little 'oookays' that Weir says at the end of both interactions?!?! This pairing works.
      I have only seen Duet so far so I can only comment on the very beginning of Ronon/Weir interaction. I agree that there was awkwardness and that Weir doesn't understand him. She said as much to John. Elizabeth is used to being able to figure people out and to use her verbal skills to come to some kind of understanding with them, either that or she just intimidates them verbally (Kavanagh, Caldwell). She can't do either with Ronon because he doesn't communicate. Elizabeth was trying to get some kind of response from him in that scene and she completely hit a brick wall. He doesn't know her, probably therefore doesn't trust her, and wasn't prepared to even try and begin a dialogue. The weird 'ookays' were Weir trying to sound like some kind of agreement had been reached so she can feel she salvaged something from a discussion - that didn't really happen- Ronon just wasn't interested. Now I do think that because they are so very different and because the beginning of their interaction was so poor that it will be fascinating to see how they can start to learn to communicate with and grow to understand each other but I don't see it in 'shippy' terms. Opposites do attract and audiences love 'ships' that comprise of opposites but Ronon and Weir may just be a stretch to far. Sheppard and Weir are different enough to be an interesting combination and a balance of strengths and weakness but they have enough understanding and communication to make it work. Ronon and Weir may well come to respect each other and build a friendship of sorts but I don't think they'll ever have enough in common to build anything more. The little I have seen of Ronon and Teyla's blossoming friendship shows so much potential that I feel it would be a waste of that to go in another direction.

      In Ship terms I go by two rules, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' and 'if it ain't working, don't pretend it is'.
      ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
      FBI - Body Preservation Division


        But Ronon does communicate in Duet. Non-verbally. Elizabeth is a diplomat - she's used to people not talking much. Sure, words are her weapon, but she uses what the oppostition doesn't say to deploy the right one. So the whole brickwall thing isn't really there. And it isn't as if Ronon is completely expressionless and all that that it can be said that Weir couldn't decipher him. In fact, he's pretty much an open book to her, if you look at the non-physical side. He tries to act cool, but he speaks quite clearly with his body language. And I think that the things Elizbeth reads there is one of the main things that gets her so unsure of how to deal with him. And the first 'ookay' is more like she's letting him know how she feels. I think she tries to be frank with him (not just because she is with everyone) because she's afraid to step wrongly with him (to the point where she's almost blunt) and I think that this is quite well shown in the Aurora scene.

        And I have only one rule when it comes to ships - Anything goes.

        Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


          Originally posted by weirfan517
          What annoyed me was that a certain sheylian we all know of came in and said somthing along the lines of 'nope, i still think weir is the weakest character, yadda yadda yadda, but how hot was that sheyla kiss!?' (so you know, not actual quotes) so, here I am ranting about that, cuz it's kinda annoying, why the heck would someone be posting something about sheyla in a weir thread that has nothing to do with them? Okay try to go on topic a little some ship opinions, yall were discussing it earlier.
          This person has had a habit of bashing Weir (and often Torri Higginson) whenever possible. The only reason any of us can fathom for why is that Weir "threatens" her precious Shep/Teyla. She's done the same thing with Ronon/Jason Momoa. And she still brings up Shep/Teyla whenever possible. She has about a billion socks now, and I guess her goal is to make it seem like more people support Shep/Teyla than actually do.

          So yeah. Pay her no mind. And be grateful that enough people called her a disgrace to the fandom that she at least stopped calling Torri Higginson an old cow, or making comments that Weir would emasculate Sheppard if they ever got together.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            This person has had a habit of bashing Weir (and often Torri Higginson) whenever possible. The only reason any of us can fathom for why is that Weir "threatens" her precious Shep/Teyla. She's done the same thing with Ronon/Jason Momoa. And she still brings up Shep/Teyla whenever possible. She has about a billion socks now, and I guess her goal is to make it seem like more people support Shep/Teyla than actually do.
            Funny thing is. . she has now changed her "methods" a bit - she rather likes Weir these days, but thinks she would be better with McKay. In fact, she has been in the McKay/Weir thread quite a bit. Any way she can get folks to move Weir away from her precious Shep/Tey. She has also been hinting at Ronon/Weir as well. She is still nasty as ever to Weir and Ronon on other boards that aren't modded as well as GW.

            As for the Ronon/Weir thing - nope. At this point I don't think Ronon has a lot of respect for Elizabeth and she knows it, and she isn't sure how to get it. She isn't a warrior/soldier, and he has seen her back off when Sheppard wants something. He probably can't figure why Sheppard isn't in charge. Liz is really going to have to do something "big" to prove herself as the leader to Ronon, but I don't see him attracted to her. He is too busy oogling Teyla.

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              <snip> She has also been hinting at Ronon/Weir as well.

              As for the Ronon/Weir thing - nope. At this point I don't think Ronon has a lot of respect for Elizabeth and she knows it, and she isn't sure how to get it. She isn't a warrior/soldier, and he has seen her back off when Sheppard wants something. He probably can't figure why Sheppard isn't in charge. Liz is really going to have to do something "big" to prove herself as the leader to Ronon, but I don't see him attracted to her. He is too busy oogling Teyla.
              Is she being serious with this ship? Oh c'mon! If this were true, we might as well ship Weir with every guy she's been seen in a scene with. I'm not actually taking Ronon/Weir seriously. I'm just being a little silly with it ever since that chess scene. And yesh, he's much too busy oogling Teyla.


                *sobs* very sad fic by angel leviathon and Sparky stickies by mercscilla to make you fell better


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  Funny thing is. . she has now changed her "methods" a bit - she rather likes Weir these days, but thinks she would be better with McKay. In fact, she has been in the McKay/Weir thread quite a bit. Any way she can get folks to move Weir away from her precious Shep/Tey. She has also been hinting at Ronon/Weir as well. She is still nasty as ever to Weir and Ronon on other boards that aren't modded as well as GW.
                  And see, this is why I don't hang out at other forums. People here are respectful, and I can give out spoilers to my heart's content.

                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  As for the Ronon/Weir thing - nope. At this point I don't think Ronon has a lot of respect for Elizabeth and she knows it, and she isn't sure how to get it. She isn't a warrior/soldier, and he has seen her back off when Sheppard wants something. He probably can't figure why Sheppard isn't in charge. Liz is really going to have to do something "big" to prove herself as the leader to Ronon, but I don't see him attracted to her. He is too busy oogling Teyla.
                  I remember getting the sides for Runner – I had literally half the script, and Ronon was just fascinating to me. He brought such an interesting edge to the show, and gave every established character a new angle. And I think he'll do the same for Weir. Just as Sheppard challenged and built up her leadership through Season 1, both Caldwell and Ronon bring something to the table now that will bolster her own leadership of the expedition. She and Sheppard are too closely allied now for last season's tactics to work, and I'm relieved to know that TPTB recognized this. And I agree – Elizabeth's going to have to do something big to prove to Ronon that she IS in charge.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    And see, this is why I don't hang out at other forums. People here are respectful, and I can give out spoilers to my heart's content.

                    I remember getting the sides for Runner – I had literally half the script, and Ronon was just fascinating to me. He brought such an interesting edge to the show, and gave every established character a new angle. And I think he'll do the same for Weir. Just as Sheppard challenged and built up her leadership through Season 1, both Caldwell and Ronon bring something to the table now that will bolster her own leadership of the expedition. She and Sheppard are too closely allied now for last season's tactics to work, and I'm relieved to know that TPTB recognized this. And I agree – Elizabeth's going to have to do something big to prove to Ronon that she IS in charge.
                    So... speaking of spoilers... any ideas what that something would be?

                    Sally, thanks for the links. First fic was very sad... but Sparky stickies make up for all!
                    ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                    The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                      Originally posted by LurkerLa
                      So... speaking of spoilers... any ideas what that something would be?
                      ...I haven't the slightest idea. Whatever makes you think I would? As a pure guess, I'd say The Tower is a possibility, though I don't know enough about the ending to substantiate that guess. Barring that, I suppose we might see something in the last three episodes of the season. I don't have much on what Ronon's up to in Coup d'État, and I've got next to nothing on Inferno or Allies. Any of those have opportunties for Elizabeth to really prove herself as leader.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        I think that it is in The Long Goodbye where
                        Weir gets to kick Shep's butt really good, but I also read that they are both under the influence... possessed or whatever lol


                          Originally posted by Naughtrish
                          I think that it is in The Long Goodbye where
                          Weir gets to kick Shep's butt really good, but I also read that they are both under the influence... possessed or whatever lol
                          And set out to kill each other I think. Joe M. said in his thread that the two were pawns in a war between two different races.


                            Originally posted by xkawaiix
                            And set out to kill each other I think. Joe M. said in his thread that the two were pawns in a war between two different races.
                            That sounds pretty good! Can't wait for that episode (anf for that matter, for ANY new episodes ).. I've read some good fanfics dealing with that exact topic..
                            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                              Originally posted by caty
                              That sounds pretty good! Can't wait for that episode (anf for that matter, for ANY new episodes ).. I've read some good fanfics dealing with that exact topic..
                              LOL! All of the fics on this episode has me on the edge. They really need to put up some pics with Eliz for TLG.


                                Speak of the devil, there are a few new pictures from The Hive, available at New Atlantis. Still none of Elizabeth, but dude, I want that chick's sleeves. Those afraid of spoilers probably shouldn't click.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

