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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    Yeah, that was definitely the line that piqued my curiosity most. There were so many other ways he could have phrased it, but instead he chose to point out them, and what would, under the circumstances, be best for their relationship.
    You think he would have said, "I don't want to live like this, please kill me now." But he added her to the equation - ". . better for both of us." Very much words more likely between people already in a relationship.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      You think he would have said, "I don't want to live like this, please kill me now." But he added her to the equation - ". . better for both of us." Very much words more likely between people already in a relationship.
      Yeah, that line surprised me so much when I first saw the episode that I think I ran it back to make sure I wasn't hearing things. I would have expected him to say it the way you phrased it.

      I don't think I'd say that his phrasing is exclusive to someone already in a relationship, but I'd say it's pretty strong proof that John is fully aware of how close he and Elizabeth are. And just the way he phrased it said to me that he knew it was far beyond having been through a lot – that, at the least, this is the deepest friendship he has in Atlantis. And possibly the deepest friendship he'd had for a long time before that.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Hey gang... hope you don't mind that I "borrowed" your motto... I just like to play in PSP and made this. If anyone likes it, feel free to snurch


          Originally posted by Naughtrish
          Hey gang... hope you don't mind that I "borrowed" your motto... I just like to play in PSP and made this. If anyone likes it, feel free to snurch

          oooh! Cute. Can I pinch??


            shep and weir ROCK!!!!!!!.... a couple of my friends are sheyla fans and we had a ship war... I WON!!!!! i had more meaningful evidence.... YAY!!! go team!!!!
            ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


              Originally posted by alyssa
              oooh! Cute. Can I pinch??


                love the sig naughtrish.... he is soooo HOTT!!!!!!!
                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  Yeah, that line surprised me so much when I first saw the episode that I think I ran it back to make sure I wasn't hearing things. I would have expected him to say it the way you phrased it.

                  I don't think I'd say that his phrasing is exclusive to someone already in a relationship, but I'd say it's pretty strong proof that John is fully aware of how close he and Elizabeth are. And just the way he phrased it said to me that he knew it was far beyond having been through a lot – that, at the least, this is the deepest friendship he has in Atlantis. And possibly the deepest friendship he'd had for a long time before that.
                  Yeah, I'd have to agree... more of a "I know that this is going to get REALLY ugly, so I'd rather give my life now before I hurt you - and everyone close to you - in a very real emotional and very likely physical way" kind of thing. The actual ending aside, does anyone have any thoughts on how it may have ended if
                  the second outing had been unsuccessful? If they had actually reached the "point of no return?" I guess the reason I ask is thinking about Elizabeth's "I can't," and wondering whether she would've been able to put aside her feelings and actually be "responsible" for his death.
                  I dunno... my brain is just wandering in weird directions tonight. I hope that made sense.

                  Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                  still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                    Hi, finally caught up with yall and got a few thoughts concerning what has been discussed recently, so prepare for a lengthy post that goes on and off topic. *cracks knuckles*

                    Someone metioned pages back about coming across a J/T thread about their kiss. Now I've seen on another forum where there was such a thread, which is weird cuz it really wasn't 'hot', it was freaky. I saw that episode with my dad and we were both probally thinking the same thing, 'ooookay, that was freaky', he actually said something along those lines too, cuz it was. Something that annoyed me about it, was that I was reading another thread where it was about Weir. This thread was titled something along the lines of 'is there any doubt that weir is awesome after conversion', so I'm reading thorugh it and it turns out that it's a pro-weir thread. What annoyed me was that a certain sheylian we all know of came in and said somthing along the lines of 'nope, i still think weir is the weakest character, yadda yadda yadda, but how hot was that sheyla kiss!?' (so you know, not actual quotes) so, here I am ranting about that, cuz it's kinda annoying, why the heck would someone be posting something about sheyla in a weir thread that has nothing to do with them? Okay try to go on topic a little some ship opinions, yall were discussing it earlier.

                    shep/weir I love this ship, it's my second favorite, and I like all the different aspects about it. There's friendship, romance in the future maybe, the work relationship, love it all. Seen it since Rising, love how the actors work together, and I'm begining to like John more with his interactions with Liz. Oh and I love chatting with the shippers. ()

                    shep/teyla It was forced and I was thinking about it in the begining, but it just doesn't work for me, I can only see it in fic if it's not from canon moments, if that makes any sense, which it probally doesn't cuz I'm up late and just rambling right now. Let's see, what I see canon, they just don't look right together, IMO of course.

                    mckay/weir This one I could go on about for a while, but I'll save yall from it and summarize my thoughts. This would be my main ship, I see lot's of things for it, friendship is big, they might have something if Rodney grows a little, I've enjoyed their moments through out S1, and well that's all I can say, seeing this is the shep/weir thread.

                    ronan/teyla I love this so much better than J/T, I've caught small things between them like Teyla grinning at him picking on Rodney, I thought that was funny, and I could see something going on for these two, I like it, *note to self, post in pro teyla/dex at some point* ()

                    ronan/weir I just loved their scenes in Duet and Aurora, Liz was just so funny, gosh I love her so, and it's intersting, I'd like to see more of anything between those two, did I mention that Torri said in an interview she'd like to see it herself.

                    caldwell/weir Oh god, *groans* what the heck was I thinking when I said at one point that I liked the thought, honestly I like the Idea of kavanah/weir more than that, which is creepy. I really don't see any potential for either ship, and caldwell is at least 20 years Liz's seinior, it's just creepy. Can you believe that there's a ship community on LJ about them and there isn't one for ronan/weir?

                    slash Well, it's interesting that I like it, I don't actually like male slash as much as I oddly like femslash. I enjoy those kinds of fics and love weir with differnet people, it's pretty interesting, and I also see a better chance of weir/teyla being canon then weir/caldwell, which I don't see either making it, but oh well.

                    Okay, I'm going now cuz I'm pretty tired and I have no idea if I just made any sense, wow tired, bye for now. *yawns*

                    Edit: Forgot, wanted to add this link that I found to some pretty funny icons, they're Liz icons, but there were a few funny shep/weir ones in there.

                    McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                    Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                    McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                    McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                    First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                    My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                      Originally posted by Alaskhah
                      Yeah, I'd have to agree... more of a "I know that this is going to get REALLY ugly, so I'd rather give my life now before I hurt you - and everyone close to you - in a very real emotional and very likely physical way" kind of thing. The actual ending aside, does anyone have any thoughts on how it may have ended if
                      the second outing had been unsuccessful? If they had actually reached the "point of no return?" I guess the reason I ask is thinking about Elizabeth's "I can't," and wondering whether she would've been able to put aside her feelings and actually be "responsible" for his death.
                      I dunno... my brain is just wandering in weird directions tonight. I hope that made sense.
                      i dont know if she could have done that but it would have been interesting in the least to see the inner conflict
                      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                        Originally posted by Naughtrish
                        Thanks! Oh!!! too cute. Look at the pretties!


                          Originally posted by alyssa
                          Thanks! Oh!!! too cute. Look at the pretties!
                          i love the pretties... well then again... dont we all????
                          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY KINGSHELL!

                            HELL YEAH BABY! Sparky rules!!!!
                            Hee! Thanks Sal!!!


                              Originally posted by Alaskhah
                              Yeah, I'd have to agree... more of a "I know that this is going to get REALLY ugly, so I'd rather give my life now before I hurt you - and everyone close to you - in a very real emotional and very likely physical way" kind of thing. The actual ending aside, does anyone have any thoughts on how it may have ended if
                              the second outing had been unsuccessful? If they had actually reached the "point of no return?" I guess the reason I ask is thinking about Elizabeth's "I can't," and wondering whether she would've been able to put aside her feelings and actually be "responsible" for his death.
                              I dunno... my brain is just wandering in weird directions tonight. I hope that made sense.
                              Having not seen the ep in question I can't be sure, but based on what I've seen in the first season + up to "duet" I would say that (gonna spoiler just in case, though it's just my insane ramblings)
                              if John really was that far gone, and the doc said there was no way to save him, Liz would give the order to kill him rather than watch him turn into a monster. She has to consider the lives of everyone on the base, and he would just be too dangerous to keep around. Furthermore, if we regard this from a shipper's perspective, I don't think she could cope with watching him slip away and be replaced by that monster. Even if she does love him and wants to keep him alive (which, you know, she does) it just wouldn't be in his best interests.
                              Also, on the whole "its better for both of us", I think John there is trying to say that he doesn't want Liz to have to watch him go any further, and he's probably scared of hurting her (not sure of the chronology of the ep, but that would definately make sense if it was after his little breakout, and even if it was beforehand actually)

                              Sorry, rambled.
                              Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                              In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                              Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                                Originally posted by mentalmichael
                                Having not seen the ep in question I can't be sure, but based on what I've seen in the first season + up to "duet" I would say that (gonna spoiler just in case, though it's just my insane ramblings)
                                if John really was that far gone, and the doc said there was no way to save him, Liz would give the order to kill him rather than watch him turn into a monster. She has to consider the lives of everyone on the base, and he would just be too dangerous to keep around. Furthermore, if we regard this from a shipper's perspective, I don't think she could cope with watching him slip away and be replaced by that monster. Even if she does love him and wants to keep him alive (which, you know, she does) it just wouldn't be in his best interests.
                                Also, on the whole "its better for both of us", I think John there is trying to say that he doesn't want Liz to have to watch him go any further, and he's probably scared of hurting her (not sure of the chronology of the ep, but that would definately make sense if it was after his little breakout, and even if it was beforehand actually)

                                Sorry, rambled.
                                i agree with what you are saying and you are pretty accurate in your chronology of the ep.... well said....
                                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..

