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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Naughtrish
    Emilio Salgari wrote a lot of pirate books. The most known are the Sandokan series, and The Black Corsair (El Corsario Negro), which was the one that hooked me to pirates
    Sounds like someone that I need to read... er... research...
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


      Hi every one.... just popping in to say hello b4 heading to Sydney... i meeting up with Sapphire and a few others that were at the con last weekend...
      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


        Ooooh, "Instinct" is on tonight - We get to see Kaylee Ingalls Wraith! (I'll never be able to watch this episode again with dying of laughter.)

        "Instinct" is probably my fav review done by zero.point.snark.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          Ooooh, "Instinct" is on tonight - We get to see Kaylee Ingalls Wraith! (I'll never be able to watch this episode again with dying of laughter.)

          "Instinct" is probably my fav review done by zero.point.snark.
          lol I know, that review was hilarious. I was seriously ROTFL the entire time.
          SQUEE like no one's listening.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            Ooooh, "Instinct" is on tonight - We get to see Kaylee Ingalls Wraith! (I'll never be able to watch this episode again with dying of laughter.)

            "Instinct" is probably my fav review done by zero.point.snark.
            LOL, there are so many episodes of Atlantis that have ZeroPointsnark has coruptted for me.

            Especially the one scene in "Condemned",
            when Elizabeth comes on the radio that Torell took from Sheppard. And when we see Sheppard's face I think "OMG! Give me my radio. I need to talk to my girlfriend now!!"


              Originally posted by Easter Lily
              *Reminder to self to watch more Hornblower*
              Ah a Hornblower fan! That takes me back. It was Ioan Gruffudd that first tempted me onto the internet and my life has never been the same since. Before him, I never knew fan communities and threads etc existed.
              ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
              FBI - Body Preservation Division


                Hey,I'm watching Conversion right now and I just noticed that John has a guitar.

                So that means I have two questions, 1. Can he play it? and 2. How many of you think he has written love ballads about Elizabeth?

                I live in a world that is filled with constant fanfiction, its OK I like it here.


                  Originally posted by smallgirl
                  Ah a Hornblower fan! That takes me back. It was Ioan Gruffudd that first tempted me onto the internet and my life has never been the same since. Before him, I never knew fan communities and threads etc existed.
                  Ooh, more Hornblower fans! That's really my favorite period of history and literature. (Yes, I know Hornblower was written in the twentieth century, but it was set then. ) ...Aww, crap, I did not need another AU bunny. *thwaps it soundly*
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Ooh, more Hornblower fans! That's really my favorite period of history and literature. (Yes, I know Hornblower was written in the twentieth century, but it was set then. ) ...Aww, crap, I did not need another AU bunny. *thwaps it soundly*
                    How many AUs do we have going now, anyway? There's Langford, Spygate, the Wild West one, Pirates, and Hatcheter mentioned briefly (and in jest, I think) a Roman one. What else could we add? Oh, yes, there's a high school AU out there as well. So why don't we have an elementary or day care one? Why not add some random ones, like an American Revolution AU? C'mon... there have to be a lot of ideas out there! Wasn't there some story in which they were actors? A theatrical troupe? Something along those lines?

                    Oh yeah, I'm way too into this.

                    And don't thwap the bunnies. Care for them, let them propagate, and then write us many many stories. (This goes for everyone, not just Mel here. Don't want all the pressure to be on her.)
                    ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                    The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                      Originally posted by LurkerLa
                      How many AUs do we have going now, anyway? There's Langford, Spygate, the Wild West one, Pirates, and Hatcheter mentioned briefly (and in jest, I think) a Roman one. What else could we add? Oh, yes, there's a high school AU out there as well. So why don't we have an elementary or day care one? Why not add some random ones, like an American Revolution AU? C'mon... there have to be a lot of ideas out there! Wasn't there some story in which they were actors? A theatrical troupe? Something along those lines?

                      Oh yeah, I'm way too into this.

                      And don't thwap the bunnies. Care for them, let them propagate, and then write us many many stories. (This goes for everyone, not just Mel here. Don't want all the pressure to be on her.)
                      *sprays Bun-B-Gon all over computer* My Spygate fic (which still needs a title, come to think of it) hit 18,000 words today. I don't need more ideas right now, thanks.

                      I vaguely remember one where Elizabeth and John were both stage actors. It was posted to the LJ community. I don't know if the author's done anything more with that. It was an interesting premise.

                      And if you must know, the story I'm thinking of now is set in the Regency period. I just love the language of the era.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        And if you must know, the story I'm thinking of now is set in the Regency period. I just love the language of the era.
                        Not P&P?... *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*
                        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                          Originally posted by Easter Lily
                          Not P&P?... *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*
                          *gasp!* My favorite book ever! (Just don't get me started on the prospect of Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet. I've loved her in some things, but I fear this will likely not be one of them.) I wouldn't say this is really P&P, as I just can't see John and Elizabeth as Darcy and Elizabeth, but I'm thinking something in the period. A wealthy Miss Weir, who will be heiress of her father's vast fortune, and Captain Sheppard, younger son of an earl who went to sea to make his fortune. Past that... I got nothin'.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Got myself a copy of the Official Companion for Season 1 today (season one, of course, coming out on DVD on Wednesday here!)
                            Joe sounds like a nice guy. Good foreward from him. And well written, too! I only have one issue with it, and it's something that makes him sound like a typical man.
                            Why when you have a mostly male lead and supporting cast, and only two girls there on a regular basis, would you thank one for her "professionalism and patience" and the other for "being, well, very beautiful"?? That's such a boy thing to do!! When there are only two girls there, I think it's kind of weird to point out that you think one is beautiful...
                            Torri may not be as exotic as Rachel, but she looks just as good, IMO! Grrrr! Naughty Joe! Next time he should thank Rachel for being a cool fighter (which she is, while still being graceful!) or say they're both beautiful! Silly boy!


                              I was watching an episode of "Rome" earlier today and I thought about that! a Roman AU, Sheppard as a Roman Centurion and Weir as one of the wealthy women connected to those in the Senate... but I quickly whacked that bunny away.

                     a Rengency era AU? You guys are going to break my brain...wait, I think it's already broken.


                                Originally posted by alyssa
                                Why when you have a mostly male lead and supporting cast, and only two girls there on a regular basis, would you thank one for her "professionalism and patience" and the other for "being, well, very beautiful"?? That's such a boy thing to do!! When there are only two girls there, I think it's kind of weird to point out that you think one is beautiful...
                                Torri may not be as exotic as Rachel, but she looks just as good, IMO! Grrrr! Naughty Joe! Next time he should thank Rachel for being a cool fighter (which she is, while still being graceful!) or say they're both beautiful! Silly boy!
                                As a guy, I think I can say that I seriously doubt Joe means it that way.

