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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Oh look, they found a fireplace...


      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
      Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

      Ah, I'd love to visit Washington, DC someday. Definitely want to see the Smithsonian. But I have to say that the traffic horror stories you're telling me about make the traffic here in the Los Angeles area sound like a cakewalk in comparison.
      I think we should have a Sparky meet up here at my house. Bring a sleeping bag.

      LA traffic is more spread out. We've got the beltway, which goes round and round, and I95 plus I66 which back up pretty bad all times of the day. The only places I've been where I've thought it was worse were NYC and Madrid. Rome is pretty bad, but the cars are tiny.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        So guys, girls and lemmings... I have to go to a High School Reunion! Stupid things... anyhoo to cheer myself up, should I write a Sparky fic about Liz taking John to her HSR?


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          I'm loving our travelogue. Who else has a hometown to promote?
          My hometown is a needle in a haystack compared to all the big city talk. Here be a little bit of info on my small village, which was first mentioned by name in 1173 AD - Balen. And we have an airstrip which mostly serves gliders and small small airplanes.

          During the weekdays, however, I live in my new hometown, where I also attended a few years of college - Leuven or the wikipage.

          Originally posted by ShWeir View Post
          So guys, girls and lemmings... I have to go to a High School Reunion! Stupid things... anyhoo to cheer myself up, should I write a Sparky fic about Liz taking John to her HSR?
          Do you really need to ask?
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Do you really need to ask?
            Yeah you're right. Time to get typing!


              Hi everyone!

              I won’t be here tomorrow because I’m heading out to our family’s vacation house from Wednesday to Thursday which is going to be nice, if nothing else then to get out of town for a while.

              On the traffic note, Stockholm isn’t so bad thought we do have some less than good places but it’s a big town (a capital to be exact) so it’s to be expected, thankfully it’s not something that we’re known for though.

              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              He probably grabbed her rear but they edited it out.
              Haha, yeah probably, I bet he couldn’t help himself.

              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              And I've learned an important lesson. If you wanna write crack!fic, it's a bad idea to go read zeropointsnark beforehand. Now all I can think about is writing ... umm, something for Tuesday.
              I had never read those before, hilarious. I wish they had done all episodes though, would have loved to have seen what they said about ‘TRW’ and ‘Echoes’ among others.

              I also loved your ‘Conversion’ fics, funny and sexy and very much like them.
              I just re-watched ‘Conversion’ and I realized again that it’s like watching two different episodes that didn’t really go together; it was a few scenes in the beginning and then the end scene and then the middle part is like it’s whole separate thing (the best part of the episode as well), I just loved Elizabeth in it and the way she was there for John when no one else really was (well, I give it to Carson as well because he wasn’t mysteriously absent like John’s team was). The whole episode was all Sparky though, from Caldwell’s “You two are really close aren’t you?”, to John saying after asking Elizabeth to kill him “It would be better for the both of us” (the line should have been “It would have been better for ALL OF US” if it wasn’t meant as something personal between them), it was also the way that she was the one who came out of Shep’s room to talk to the rest of Shep’s team and to tell them that they might have to say goodbye and then the way she made sure that her face would be the first thing he saw when he woke up, and there was also the way everyone acted around her during the whole ordeal felt a bit like people would act around the girlfriend/wife of someone who is hurt/sick. …there were so many other thing in it that it made me a bit mad that we didn’t get to see a real scene between them at the end where they got to discuss it all, though in all the episodes that followed it almost felt as if they were getting closer than before (if that’s possible).

              Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
              i reminded of this trailer
              I haven’t seen that video, wow, it’s amazing.

              Originally posted by mandogater View Post

              ELECTRICAL POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              No I didn't drop off the face of the Earth. We just lost power here Friday night thanks to a storm and only got it back a couple of hours ago.

              Time to see what all I missed.
              That sucks but I’m glad the power is back now.

              Amazing video SR, love it. Also have to say thanks for the video links.


                Originally posted by ShWeir View Post
                So guys, girls and lemmings... I have to go to a High School Reunion! Stupid things... anyhoo to cheer myself up, should I write a Sparky fic about Liz taking John to her HSR?
                I second what FH said. I did that last year and never again. Yeah, it was fun for the few hours, but thinking back, it accomplished nothing. I have little in common with any of them anymore and probably won't ever see 99% of them again.

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                My hometown is a needle in a haystack compared to all the big city talk. Here be a little bit of info on my small village, which was first mentioned by name in 1173 AD - Balen. And we have an airstrip which mostly serves gliders and small small airplanes.

                During the weekdays, however, I live in my new hometown, where I also attended a few years of college - Leuven or the wikipage.

                Do you really need to ask?
                Both places look lovely. Maybe it would be more fun to have the Sparky meet up over there. *grins*

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Both places look lovely. Maybe it would be more fun to have the Sparky meet up over there. *grins*
                  If you're looking for quiet, almost traffic-free - here be the place-to-be.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    *runs in screaming*

                    It's done! It's done! It's done!

                    Ladies and gentlemen (and fair Lemmings), "We'll Always Have M51-936" has been completed.

                    Here is the epilogue!
                    One week later.

                    Elizabeth tapped the touch screen on another requisition report from Rodney and set it down on the right side of her desk. She glanced at where the pile had previously been on the left and heaved a sigh of relief.

                    She was finally done.

                    Leaning back in her chair, she clasped her hands behind her head and smiled contentedly. Something had changed in her work dynamic. She didn’t like leaving her office at night, knowing that the pile of work waiting on her desk would only double in the morning, so she was making a conscientious effort to complete everything by the time her shift was done. Her work ethic had improved dramatically, due to the fact that she usually had plans with someone every evening after work. Carson hadn’t even had to call her down to the infirmary and berate her on her lack of sleep.

                    Elizabeth smirked. Thanks to her military commander, she had been sleeping just fine.

                    Just then, John Sheppard came walking across the walkway into her office, arms swinging and smiling like he didn’t have a care in the world. “Hey,” he called out, taking a seat on the outside edge of her desk.

                    She sat up in her seat. “Hey yourself.”

                    He looked across the desk and let out an admiring whistle. “Wow. You got all your paperwork caught up? Didn’t stuff it in a drawer to make it look like you’re all done?”

                    She smiled, then closed her laptop and took her PDA off the dock. “No cheating. Everything’s done.”

                    John narrowed his eyes. “That’s the third time this week that you’ve left your office with a clean desk.”

                    Elizabeth gave him an identical look. “And you’re keeping count.”

                    He shrugged, then stood up. “So, you wanna grab some dinner?”

                    “Sorry, can’t. Have plans.” She rose from her desk and glanced casually at her PDA, then left it on the desktop.

                    “Oh. Sure. With Teyla?” he asked, sliding his hands in his pockets.

                    “No,” was Elizabeth’s short response as she moved around the desk, heading towards the exit.

                    “’No’?” John replied, following her out. “With who, then?” he asked in a slightly higher voice.

                    She turned around to regard him when they neared the stairs. “Good night, John,” she replied with a tight lipped smile, and descended down the stairs.


                    After a quick shower and a change of clothes, Elizabeth left her quarters and began walking through the city. She bit her lip, wishing she had brought her PDA. The person she was having dinner with had emailed her earlier with the specific location, but she had gotten distracted and left it sitting there in her office. It was some obscure place in the city, and she could barely remember the general location, much less the exact spot.

                    She reached to tap her earpiece and call to ask for directions, but just as her finger almost came in contact with the earpiece the corridors became increasingly familiar. She cleared her throat and glanced nervously down a corridor, and was relieved to not see anyone. She smoothed the faint wrinkles out of her dark jeans and kept walking, looking out the windows to see if anything was familiar.

                    A faint sound of glass clinking echoed lightly down the hallway, and she made a turn to the left. Sunlight was streaming in an open door at the end, and she walked towards it, a little more confidently.

                    She walked through the doorway and found her dinner date, wearing an off white, slightly wrinkled buttoned up shirt and a faded pair of jeans.


                    John turned around and smiled widely. “Hey! I was beginning to think you’d gotten lost,” he told her, walking up to her and cupping her face, giving her a swift kiss on the lips.

                    “Almost,” she replied, tilting her head and nodding to the labyrinth of corridors behind her. “So, you picked a secluded spot for a date.”

                    He shrugged. “Had to make sure no one saw us.”

                    She looked back at the balcony to see what he had set up for dinner. There was a blanket spread out on the hard floor, with a standard Expedition storage bin laying towards the back of it. She snickered. “What, you couldn’t find a picnic basket?”

                    He glanced down at it. “Yeah, because that wouldn’t have been obvious.”

                    There was a bottle of wine setting next to the bin, with two wine glasses next to it. That must have been the sound she heard down the hallway. Elizabeth lowered herself onto the blanket and picked up the wine bottle, looking at the label. “And yet, you somehow absconded with wine glasses.”

                    John nodded as he sat down next to her on the blanket. “Yeah. The cafeteria lady owed me a favor.”

                    “Oh. She’s so sweet.”

                    “Yep.” He pointed at the wine bottle. “You want some of that?”

                    She laughed softly as she handed it to him. “John, you do remember what happened the last time the two of us had a bottle of wine during dinner?”

                    He twisted the cork out of the bottle neck with a pop and smiled. “No, actually, I don’t. Care to remind me?”

                    In a graceful twist, she leaned over and cupped a hand behind his neck, pulling him towards her. She kissed him, but instead of the chaste greeting kiss that John had given her only moments before, this one was passionate, craving, hungry.

                    John disengaged and held up a finger, then carefully put the wine bottle back on the floor, up against the wall.

                    Elizabeth pulled back just enough to meet his gaze and smiled in slight confusion. “I thought we were having dinner.”

                    He smiled, tilting his head as he kissed her neck. Elizabeth was immediately happy that her pale green shirt had a wide neckline, giving him more access.

                    “Yeah, so did I.”

                    She chuckled and pushed John down onto the blanket, then carefully maneuvered around the bin and straddled his hips.

                    He looked up at her, slightly startled, and she only shrugged as she began to unbutton his shirt.

                    “I thought we’d just reenact it.”

                    He smirked at her, and before Elizabeth lowered her lips to meet his again, she began planning exactly how to get that smirk off his face.

                    And yes, the last sentence is stolen from a lovely person on LJ sorry, I forget who exactly who has an icon with Elizabeth saying something to the effect of "I'm coming up with non-PG ways to wipe that smirk off his face". Hee.
                    Though it’s always hard to see a great fic end that ending was perfect and amazing, I am really glad to see that everything did work out in the end.


                      For my Sparkies in the U.S.

                      My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                      poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                        Oh so guess what, not only do I have to go to a HSR, but my older brother has leave and wants to spend it with me... Brill, I hate him and haven't seen him since I was 13 and now he wants to be friends again! What the hell do I do?


                          Say thank you, but I have other plans...


                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

                            Ah, I'd love to visit Washington, DC someday. Definitely want to see the Smithsonian. But I have to say that the traffic horror stories you're telling me about make the traffic here in the Los Angeles area sound like a cakewalk in comparison.
                            Try living in New York Sweetiee the Traffic is brutal every day.

                            I have been to DC, I think the archetecture is wicked (but thats the Art History major part of me who loves that type of stuff) and its got interesting sites.

                            But still I dont think anything is gonna compare to that Israel least not for a while XD
                            The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              But hey, this is a great place to visit. Come and bring your friends. I'll meet you for lunch and maybe even go sightseeing with you. Washington is a very clean city, at least in the tourist areas and is stunningly beautiful all lit up at night. We're not very friendly as a group though. Everybody is in a hurry because they are all very important, so don't expect chitchat. Stand to the right on the Metro escalators. Don't walk 4 abreast and block the sidewalks and don't talk loudly on the Metro. Remember all that and you should be fine. Oh, and bring money. Lots and lots of money. PS. The Smithsonian Museums are free.

                              End commercial.
                              I'm coming ... Hubby and I are taking a long weekend to visit at the beginning of September for our anniversary. The Air and Space Museum is a must. I was in DC about 23 years ago. Looking forward to getting back there. I need to prioritize the sight seeing though.
                              To succeed in life, you need 3 things ... a Wishbone, a Backbone and a Funny Bone


                                *pops into thread*

                                So topping my list of stupid ideas right now: going for a run when I haven't run in probably, oh, three weeks, and while the temperature is 91 degress. I'm slightly dizzy ... so I figured the Sparky thread is a good place to hide out.

                                Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                                I love it, SW!!!! Almost as much as the end of We'll Always Have M51-936.

                                Since I can't green you again yet. Mental Sparky Green.
                                Aww, thanks!

                                And as regards all the travelogue ... I come from this small, boring town in NC that I only ended up in on accident when I was five. Long story. Anyhow. Nothing exciting about it at all. Just a nice, small place to grow up in where the big entertainment was going to the two screen theater on Main Street, or cruising the Walmart parking lot on a Saturday night, and the high school drop out rate was 50%. And I am not exaggerating at all. Thank God I was homeschooled, huh?

                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                They do know how to make a mean margarita on the Riverwalk
                                Ooh, I'm in. I would love to visit both DC and San Antonio. And NYC. But for any of those places, I lack the funds to get there. Maybe next summer ...

                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                Cute! But considering it's 90 degrees here, it's making me hot.

                                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                                Though it’s always hard to see a great fic end that ending was perfect and amazing, I am really glad to see that everything did work out in the end.

                                And on the subject of traffic insanity -- I live in Florida. Which means snowbirds during the fall and winter and spring. Nothing against people over 60 who come to visit, but take an IQ test beforehand. Or use public transportation. Or listen to that family member that's been begging you for years to give up your license.

