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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    *inserts shameless fic rec here*

    The first crack fic I ever wrote. Still makes me laugh and guffaw every time I read it.

    "Atlantis Orientation"


      Originally posted by ShWeir View Post
      Oh so guess what, not only do I have to go to a HSR, but my older brother has leave and wants to spend it with me... Brill, I hate him and haven't seen him since I was 13 and now he wants to be friends again! What the hell do I do?
      I'd vote for giving him a chance. Maybe he's changed and now that you are older maybe you'll see him differently too. You'll never know unless you try.

      Originally posted by Soulster View Post
      I'm coming ... Hubby and I are taking a long weekend to visit at the beginning of September for our anniversary. The Air and Space Museum is a must. I was in DC about 23 years ago. Looking forward to getting back there. I need to prioritize the sight seeing though.
      Great. You will definitely want to not overplan. Each museum takes several hours.

      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
      *inserts shameless fic rec here*

      The first crack fic I ever wrote. Still makes me laugh and guffaw every time I read it.

      "Atlantis Orientation"
      I remember that fic and it's just as funny now.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        So I just went and took a trip down Memory Lane with all of my ships. And I added way too many views to the "Sparks Ignite" trailer. God, I'm addicted ... oh so bad but oh so good!

        Well, off to officially complete my story. *sigh*

        EDIT: Updated the sites.

        Epilogue at Command Dynamics

        Epilogue at FFdotnet

        Whew! So I'm imposing a fic break to chillax a little this summer. I'll be lurking, planning my next fic, and possibly working on a fic that has been incomplete for over 3 years (McKeller ... with definite Sparky) ... ... And we'll see when I post my next one!

        Last edited by ShipperWriter; 03 July 2012, 06:01 PM.


          And this is what happens when I play with Photobucket and listen to Garth Brooks on repeat in iTunes:


          *yawns* Time to head to bed. Night, Sparkies!
          Last edited by ShipperWriter; 03 July 2012, 07:19 PM.


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            SR Jr lived in Stirling when he first got out of college. But there's no train from there. We call it Metro here, but the nearest station isn't far. They are expanding the Metro in that direction, hoping to take it all the way to Dulles Airport which is causing one holy traffic mess out that way and won't be done for about 10 years. At the same time, they are adding another lane or so to I66 and adding to the beltway. It all meets in Tysons Corner in the worst traffic slowdown in human history. If you're not from here, you don't know, but Tysons Corner is a 4.9 square mile area in Virginia that has 46 million square feet in office and retail space, a daytime population of over 100,000 and a nighttime population of under 20,000. Just try to imagine that. And that doesn't count all the people going to shop at the various huge malls. I try to avoid it at all costs. *shudders*

            But hey, this is a great place to visit. Come and bring your friends. I'll meet you for lunch and maybe even go sightseeing with you. Washington is a very clean city, at least in the tourist areas and is stunningly beautiful all lit up at night. We're not very friendly as a group though. Everybody is in a hurry because they are all very important, so don't expect chitchat. Stand to the right on the Metro escalators. Don't walk 4 abreast and block the sidewalks and don't talk loudly on the Metro. Remember all that and you should be fine. Oh, and bring money. Lots and lots of money. PS. The Smithsonian Museums are free.

            End commercial.
            Right before I went to bed I wondered if it was called a metro or not.

            We did manage to see a couple of The Smithsonian Museums when we were there in 1990. Couldn't talk my dad into going to the Air and Space one though.

            My dad was pretty much ready to go after seeing the Vietnam Memorial. Having served in the war, he got a bit freaked out, I think, when he said he felt like the wall kept pulling him towards it.

            Walking around the Mall was fun, especially since 2 World Cup teams were practicing there at the time. All though nearly getting plowed down by a player on a bike because he was late for practice sucked.
            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              That's one of the things I love about San Antonio - we don't have bad traffic. Sure, we complain about it, but in reality, ours is quite light considering we're the 7th largest city in the nation. San Antonio is one of America's 4 Unique Cities (San Francisco, New Orleans, and Boston are the other three). We have a very strong Spanish influence - in architecture, food, music, and celebrations. San Antonio is very clean. Even the older, run-down sections are tidy. Some of the famous attractions - the Riverwalk (absolutely beautiful and a great way to spend an afternoon/evening), the Alamo and the Missions, a world-renowned zoo (our endangered animal breeding is very successful), and several theme parks (Sea World, Fiesta Texas - a 6 Flags park). We also have the second-oldest park in America after Boston Commons. [/chamber of commerce plug]
              My mom would LOVE to see the Riverwalk. If we ever went, military history buff that I am, I'd probably never leave the Alamo.
              I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

              Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                Hi everyone!

                I won’t be here tomorrow because I’m heading out to our family’s vacation house from Wednesday to Thursday which is going to be nice, if nothing else then to get out of town for a while.

                On the traffic note, Stockholm isn’t so bad thought we do have some less than good places but it’s a big town (a capital to be exact) so it’s to be expected, thankfully it’s not something that we’re known for though.

                Haha, yeah probably, I bet he couldn’t help himself.

                I had never read those before, hilarious. I wish they had done all episodes though, would have loved to have seen what they said about ‘TRW’ and ‘Echoes’ among others.

                I also loved your ‘Conversion’ fics, funny and sexy and very much like them.
                I just re-watched ‘Conversion’ and I realized again that it’s like watching two different episodes that didn’t really go together; it was a few scenes in the beginning and then the end scene and then the middle part is like it’s whole separate thing (the best part of the episode as well), I just loved Elizabeth in it and the way she was there for John when no one else really was (well, I give it to Carson as well because he wasn’t mysteriously absent like John’s team was). The whole episode was all Sparky though, from Caldwell’s “You two are really close aren’t you?”, to John saying after asking Elizabeth to kill him “It would be better for the both of us” (the line should have been “It would have been better for ALL OF US” if it wasn’t meant as something personal between them), it was also the way that she was the one who came out of Shep’s room to talk to the rest of Shep’s team and to tell them that they might have to say goodbye and then the way she made sure that her face would be the first thing he saw when he woke up, and there was also the way everyone acted around her during the whole ordeal felt a bit like people would act around the girlfriend/wife of someone who is hurt/sick. …there were so many other thing in it that it made me a bit mad that we didn’t get to see a real scene between them at the end where they got to discuss it all, though in all the episodes that followed it almost felt as if they were getting closer than before (if that’s possible).

                I haven’t seen that video, wow, it’s amazing.

                That sucks but I’m glad the power is back now.

                Amazing video SR, love it. Also have to say thanks for the video links.
                Have fun at your family vacation house. We'll miss you.

                I think you hit the nail on the head about Conversion, Brie.


                Not much here in Coshocton, Ohio, expect Roscoe Village and the wineries. Roscoe was a town on the old canal system. It has a nice museum and several of the old buildings have been preserved and have historical interpretors in them most of the day. Also if you walk along the tow path you'll find a rebuilt canal boat you can ride. Of course, I preferred it better when the boat my great-uncle built was the one being used. It's been retired now.

                You're welcome, SW.
                I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  And this is what happens when I play with Photobucket and listen to Garth Brooks on repeat in iTunes:

                  *yawns* Time to head to bed. Night, Sparkies!
                  You should listen and play more often.

                  Happy 4th of July to all the Americans. Remember those who founded this country under threat of death when you're eating your picnic. And remember that most of those men lost everything they had because of their actions. I wonder if we have anybody left today who is that brave.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Screw the Angst Wednesday, and Happy Independence Day to all of my fellow Americans!

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Happy 4th of July to all the Americans. Remember those who founded this country under threat of death when you're eating your picnic. And remember that most of those men lost everything they had because of their actions.

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    I wonder if we have anybody left today who is that brave.
                    I'm beginning to fear they only exist now in film and TV.
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.




                        Happy 4th July my American friends


                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          *waves Sparky flag along with US flag*

                          *dusts hands* And my work for the day is done as assigned by Mr. SR. My task was to try to make my new and impoved iMac crash. Couldn't do it. Couldn't even get the spinning beach ball. Hopefully, I haven't gloated too soon.

                          Any other Mac people around, do you know about fan control? It controls the speed of your fans, which I didn't even know existed, to help cool your machine. Heat has been a problem for all computers since day one. Mr. SR can tell stories about how they kept the mainframes cool back in the dinosaur age. I think there are versions for PC too. Check it out.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            How's everyone's 4th July?


                              Originally posted by ShWeir View Post
                              How's everyone's 4th July?
                              Mine was great went shopping, helped out with an activity tey are doing tomorrow at my job and watched farscape.....I like farscape
                              The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                I went back looking for old vid sites and found most of them no longer work. I found a few places though that have a few vids left. You'll have to try various links. Kawoosh will drive you nuts and depress you when you see what you missed but there are a few left. There are also quite a few oldies on YouTube.




                                I hate it when links quit working because it feels like the fandom is dying. I remember spending a lot of time on kawoosh. I think it was one of the first vid sites I found. I also love this one: http://www.dreamvision-entertainment...resources.html. Lots of different fandoms here, but again, a lot of sites don't exist anymore.

                                I also want to join in the DC love. I visited 15 years ago and would love to go back. We stayed with friends in Gaithersburg and took the Metro into DC. Saw the monuments and Smithsonians, but there was so much we didn't have time for. We also drove over to Gettysburg and toured the battlefields. So awe-inspiring. And to top it off we were there over July 4th so we went to the Mall and watched the fireworks. I will never forget all those people!!! LOL

                                I would like to win the lottery so I could drive around visiting historical sites.

                                Happy 4th everyone!
                                sig by SueKay

                                My Team:

