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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ShWeir View Post
    How's everyone's 4th July?
    Like any other day, including the b'day pie I got at my aunt's house. See, we celebrated too except it has nothing to with independence. Had strawberry pie - my favorite.

    And I made it to another round number, halfway to the next one.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by ShWeir View Post
      That was awkward... Ran to my old locker room, oops left my date behind... He'll be OK... I think, as long as he stays away from Annie that is. So need a bit o' Sparky to give me a little boost!
      Hope this helps a little!


        Thanks SW that helped a lot... and cue 'in the navy'! I don't know who's controling the music, but they need to be swaped for somebody else!


          Originally posted by ShWeir View Post
          Thanks SW that helped a lot... and cue 'in the navy'! I don't know who's controling the music, but they need to be swaped for somebody else!
          The only song that's in my head right now is Outkast, "Hey Ya". That's a great party song ... LOL


            Yeah it is... Not a clue what's being played now.*Rollls eyes* It's rap and it's crap!


              i was watching Men in Black just now and i was just curious to see how sparky would've worked out if John was one of the men in black and elizabeth was that coroner chick.


                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                You two realize I'm right here, don't you?

                Did someone else say something, Elizabeth?

                No, John. Now, where were we? *Goes back to having eyesex*
                I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                  Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                  You two realize I'm right here, don't you?

                  Did someone else say something, Elizabeth?

                  No, John. Now, where were we? *Goes back to having eyesex*
                  Rodney is such a CB!!!!

                  This is also my OT3
                  The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                    Trying to play around with GIMP. Not being very cooperative. And unfortunately, the person who could help me the most with it just moved to Australia (a young man in one of the classes I interpreted last year).

                    Uhh ... I'm just having one of those days, I guess ...


                      So I messed with Paint. And Photobucket. And it looked bigger when it was bigger, but I'm proudly wearing it!

                      Heading to bed! Have a good night, everyone!


                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        Just got back from grocery shopping and meeting with the principal of my new school. Very nice. New campus -- they just rebuilt alot of it. So she took me around and gave me the dime tour. It might not be so bad as I was making myself think it will be.

                        Anyhoo. Just hanging for the afternoon. The fic bunnies disappeared shortly after M51-936 finished, so when I find them and taser them then I'll start working on my next story. I may try doing two at once. I have the AU HS fic, and I also have that "Elizabeth gets rescued in S7" fic that SR called "the first fanfic for SGARising."

                        But we'll see. It's rainy in Florida, and I don't really wanna do anything.


                        That, and "The Mentalist" is on TNT.
                        Awesome! Glad the tour went well. As for the bunnies, hey, at least they're giving you a bit of a break.

                        Ah, Torri and Joe look so cute in that pic!

                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        So I messed with Paint. And Photobucket. And it looked bigger when it was bigger, but I'm proudly wearing it!


                        Heading to bed! Have a good night, everyone!
                        Whoo hoo! Sparky Eye!Sex FOR THE WIN!
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                          So I messed with Paint. And Photobucket. And it looked bigger when it was bigger, but I'm proudly wearing it!

                          Heading to bed! Have a good night, everyone!
                          Nice work, SW. For some reason you have me wondering now are there any pics from the series with the two of them in it were they aren't having eye sex?
                          I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                          Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                            Sorry, no caps today

                            I'm just here to pimp SGA Rising. One of the initial goals was to write fic with a broad appeal. As a fan of the big three (Sheppard, Weir & McKay), I thought I would miss Weir in this series. I don't. AT ALL. Maybe that's because in the back of my mind I know there are plans for her *shrugs* It especially annoys me that TPTW didn't consider this as a possibility and limit the character's screentime rather than axing her completely.

                            I have been both impressed and surprised by the quality of the scripts/stories to date, especially with how easy it is to picture what is happening as if it were on tv. Keep up the good work

                            Also, last time I was on here, the was a discussion about Steen v Higginson. Since I learned that Ben Browder was their first choice for Sheppard, I have been of the opinion that they cast the original Weir with that in mind. When BB wasn't available and they went with JF instead, they went with a different actress for Weir. It's just speculation, but I think the original duo would've been closer to what TPTW intended. Both pairs have different default settings for how they interact with other characters/actors. Certainly I think actor chemistry had an influence on some of their later scripts, probably not so much in s1.


                              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                              So I messed with Paint. And Photobucket. And it looked bigger when it was bigger, but I'm proudly wearing it!


                              Heading to bed! Have a good night, everyone!
                              I love it. You did great. I have the same problem with icons. They always look better when big, and then when you reduce them the text often gets unreadable and you have to redo it in another font. Annoying. Maybe that means I need to practice more.

                              Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                              Nice work, SW. For some reason you have me wondering now are there any pics from the series with the two of them in it were they aren't having eye sex?
                              None when they are in the same room, that's for sure.

                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              Sorry, no caps today

                              I'm just here to pimp SGA Rising. One of the initial goals was to write fic with a broad appeal. As a fan of the big three (Sheppard, Weir & McKay), I thought I would miss Weir in this series. I don't. AT ALL. Maybe that's because in the back of my mind I know there are plans for her *shrugs* It especially annoys me that TPTW didn't consider this as a possibility and limit the character's screentime rather than axing her completely.

                              I have been both impressed and surprised by the quality of the scripts/stories to date, especially with how easy it is to picture what is happening as if it were on tv. Keep up the good work

                              Also, last time I was on here, the was a discussion about Steen v Higginson. Since I learned that Ben Browder was their first choice for Sheppard, I have been of the opinion that they cast the original Weir with that in mind. When BB wasn't available and they went with JF instead, they went with a different actress for Weir. It's just speculation, but I think the original duo would've been closer to what TPTW intended. Both pairs have different default settings for how they interact with other characters/actors. Certainly I think actor chemistry had an influence on some of their later scripts, probably not so much in s1.
                              Thank you for those kind words. And may I say that your beta skills have been very helpful in giving us a perspective we sometimes miss. We are trying to the best of our ability to make our readers able to visualize our stories as being an episode of the show. We are proud of how close we have stuck to canon even when it has been painful, and now that we are getting into the meat of our arc we will be able to branch out without the appearance of altering canon for our own devices. Our characters will behave just as they did on the show or we will beat them into submission. It's just that simple. The Wraith are still the big scary monsters they always were, and everyone else is recognizable.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                I've found that waiting to put the text on until AFTER you've reduced the size is a good way to make certain that it's going to work on an icon.

