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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Yeah, and this one actually looks pretty good for a change. But of course with Joe in it, how can it be bad?
    Stonehenge Apocalypse (TH)
    Vipers (CR)

    Seriously hilarious but bad, bad, bad...

    Oh wait, I know have another one that made me roll over the floor laughing -> Mammoth, with Summer Glau.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      Yeah, and this one actually looks pretty good for a change. But of course with Joe in it, how can it be bad?
      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      Stonehenge Apocalypse (TH)
      Vipers (CR)

      Seriously hilarious but bad, bad, bad...

      Oh wait, I know have another one that made me roll over the floor laughing -> Mammoth, with Summer Glau.
      Ah, they're all so bad, they're good. Bring on the crack!
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        Ah, they're all so bad, they're good. Bring on the crack!
        Like John in dinoworld before Finding Elizabeth Queen of The ZuZu people.....I ought to write it one day!
        The Breeding Ground of Ships.



          What the frell?!?!?! GW is so frakkin with my mind right now with the whole pirate schematic ... please tell me they're gonna change it back tomorrow?!?!

          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Ahahahah! That's a cute and naughty little pic ficlet! John sure is prepared for anything, isn't he?
          Thanks!!! Although, I got a little freaked out when I saw my post ... I'm guessing due to the pirate takeover, my pic links got disrupted. As did my avatar. And some other people's sig. Thankfully, David Tennant is still there. Phew!

          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Ahem. Beware of Scary Kitties bringing fic previews...

          The following is set in Act Two of "Return to Pegasus, Part 2," after Atlantis has returned to the Pegasus Galaxy and safely landed on its new planet:


          As Teyla, Kanaan and Ronon stepped from the ready room into the hallway leading to the Gateroom, Mayel Serrana swiftly approached from the other direction.

          "Teyla Emmagan. I would speak with you, if you would permit it." The formal language and sober expression on Mayel's face gave Teyla a sudden feeling of dread.

          "I will permit it," Teyla responded. Mayel nodded and stepped forward. She looked a little uncertain, a curious change from her confidence during the staff briefing earlier.

          "You are going to New Athos in search of your people, correct?"

          Teyla raised an eyebrow, and answered with a question of her own. "You do know more about my people than you are telling, do you not?"

          Mayel sighed and nodded in acknowledgement. "I apologize. When we spoke before, there were things I still did not know that I wished to clarify, as I had not been on the Genii homeworld at the time those events occurred. I felt that you should know as much as possible, and that you deserved to be informed privately. We were not exactly alone then," she ruefully added in memory of the discreet presence of a guard that had shadowed her while Atlantis was still on Earth, a condition imposed by the IOA that Woolsey and Colonel Sheppard had dispensed with once Atlantis had safely landed on their new world.

          Teyla's lips quirked in shared understanding. "And now?"

          "I have just spoken with General Radim, and I do have some more information to give you. I am afraid not all of it is good."

          The dread turned to ice in Teyla's stomach as she felt Kanaan and Ronon freeze behind her.

          Mayel continued, "As I told you before we left Earth, shortly after the time that we now know Atlantis left for the—Milky Way—" her voice stumbled over the still unfamiliar Earth words— "the people of Athos were attacked, by the Wraith. According to the survivors, many were taken. Not killed, but taken." No further explanation was needed to know what that meant.

          Teyla closed her eyes. Not again. Please, not again. "How many?"

          "We were not able to get a full count, but we believe that fully two-thirds are missing. Possibly more. Some of the survivors came to the Genii for help; from what they did say, it seems that there were others who chose to remain in hiding and await the return of those who came to meet with my people. We offered to take them in ourselves, since there were so few, but they refused. They said they did not wish to bring further trouble. So we resettled them on a new planet with no other inhabitants. We did have regular contact for a while, but after a few moons had passed, we lost contact with the new settlement. The people we sent to check on them found little sign of them, and what they did find was old, as though they had been gone for a long time. However..."

          She paused then, as if considering her next words, "we did not find any of the usual signs that the Wraith had ever been there. I suppose it is possible that your people may simply have moved to a different location that they felt would be better defense against the Wraith. General Radim had wanted to send additional people to check again, but with the Wraith moving in force against so many worlds all at once, we had not the resources to continue when there were others who needed our assistance." Mayel took a breath. "I know that is surely not what you wished to hear—"

          "It is something," Teyla sighed. "It is a hope."

          "That you found no sign of the Wraith at all is a comfort," Kanaan mused. "It may be as you said, that they simply moved elsewhere. We do move our camps with the turn of the seasons. It is a likelihood that this is all that has happened."

          Mayel nodded, trying to dredge up a confident smile. "I sincerely hope so. The daughters and sons of Athos have been a strong voice of wisdom among the peoples of this galaxy for many years. I hope they will remain so for many years to come."

          Teyla nodded her head in gratitude, her throat too choked by worry and doubt to say anything. Kanaan's fingers found her own, squeezing lightly in comfort. Mayel tried to smile, touched by the gesture. She herself had experienced in the past weeks how hope could be a powerful force.

          Dum-dum-DUM!!!!! *evil grin*


          Here's some catnip for you! Ooh, I'm excited, can't wait for the whole thing!!!

          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          Wtf????????? My avatar! My sig!!! Wtf?
          Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
          Me too wtf why do i have pirates kolyaaaaaaa
          Annnnd, should we be asking why you're now being identified as TheWenchMore???

          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          SK and Eri, I just read your snippets! Awesome stuff! I need to gear up and write write write this weekend!
          *glomps Nuna*

          Good to see you ... sis? Cousin? *scratches head* Did we ever figure out teh Sparky thread members family tree?

          In any case, good to see you!!!

          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
          You're going to manip that, right?

          It's snowing here AGAIN. There's finally enough snow that I can do this...
          ***throws snowball at ShipperWriter***
          I never forget when I owe someone such things.

          Crap, gotta bring this back on topic... John and Elizabeth having a snowball fight. Yeah, that would be fun.


          Hey 'Lizabeth, snowball fight off the West pier in 20 minutes?

          Last time I joined in, you and Rodney tag teamed me. I got soaking wet!

          Um... you looked good wet?

          Excuse me!!

          Ok I'll come John. But only if Teyla is on my team.
          Grr ... nice shot, JT, now I look like I pee'd myself!!! LOL

          And nice pic fic, could totally see that going down during Wintertime in Atlantis ... if there was such a thing. Did they ever have winters???

          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
          Lol, thanks for the update
          And I'm totally going to the Halfway convention in France
          I also hinted about Torri's closeness to my contacts at Facts
          They emailed me back that they're working on it!!

          Good to be back Missed you guys like crazy!!!
          Just wish GW wouldn't give me such a headache when I try to open it!

          Thanks!!! Will really try to check back regularly now!
          *glomps Kris* Welcome back to Sparkyville!

          Originally posted by es! View Post
          Sparky action for April Fool's Day!

          It's a companion piece to this hilarious ficlet by Polomare:
          Hahaha, I love that story!!! And poor Chuck's reaction ... I sooo would pay to see that onscreen!!!

          Well, on the bright side of RL, I have a job interview on Monday for a regular job at a school, no more crazy schedules, no more crazy coworkers ... just whacked up high school students! The interview is more of a formality than anything -- I've been applying for this job for months now and they had to go and change some requirements to get me in there, so hopefully I'll be back to a regular sane life soon, and have some more time during the week I can devote to my Sparky fics. It's getting bad. The bunnies are even growling at me.

          Well, off to bed! Night all!!!


            EDIT: And I'm a freakin' parrot!!!

            Arg, Polly wanna cracker! Arg!

            *shudders* Dear God, where did that come from?!


              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post

              What the frell?!?!?! GW is so frakkin with my mind right now with the whole pirate schematic ... please tell me they're gonna change it back tomorrow?!?!

              Thanks!!! Although, I got a little freaked out when I saw my post ... I'm guessing due to the pirate takeover, my pic links got disrupted. As did my avatar. And some other people's sig. Thankfully, David Tennant is still there. Phew!
              Yeah, it's all an April Fools' joke. Everything should be more or less back to normal tomorrow.

              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post


              Here's some catnip for you! Ooh, I'm excited, can't wait for the whole thing!!!
              Catnip? Feh. My plot bunnies demand tribute payments of chocolate.

              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              And nice pic fic, could totally see that going down during Wintertime in Atlantis ... if there was such a thing. Did they ever have winters???
              Not that we know of. The closest they probably got was The Storm, though they did also have the occasional establishing shot of Atlantis wreathed in fog during S1-3. So we know that Lantea at least had real weather.

              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              Well, on the bright side of RL, I have a job interview on Monday for a regular job at a school, no more crazy schedules, no more crazy coworkers ... just whacked up high school students! The interview is more of a formality than anything -- I've been applying for this job for months now and they had to go and change some requirements to get me in there, so hopefully I'll be back to a regular sane life soon, and have some more time during the week I can devote to my Sparky fics. It's getting bad. The bunnies are even growling at me.

              Well, off to bed! Night all!!!
              Good luck on the job interview, hope it goes well!

              And have a good night's sleep with pleasant Sparky dreams!

              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              EDIT: And I'm a freakin' parrot!!!

              Arg, Polly wanna cracker! Arg!

              *shudders* Dear God, where did that come from?!
              LMAO! Probably the same reason we're all now drunk on rum.
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                Annnnd, should we be asking why you're now being identified as TheWenchMore???
                I think you know the answer I liked it better when I was TheL A D YMore, Wench is not the best word to describe a L A D Y with such callibur and such ideas which are sometimes a bit crazy but that's me. .

                All bets next year is gonna be a reinaissance theme!!!

                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                Yeah, it's all an April Fools' joke. Everything should be more or less back to normal tomorrow.
                It better if I spend one more day as TheWenchMore I am going to go rambo on people with Kolya's harpoon just as John went Rambo for Elizabeth in "The Storm" or I am gonna call Elizabeth and have the ZuZu People handle it.
                The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                  I love the Pirate theme and I really would like to keep it!

                  Even though it totally messes with my signture images... but that reminds me I still have to change them, which I started last night. Have to add a Rising one after all... and I got this silly idea... plus that parrot on Kate's shoulder...
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post

                    What the frell?!?!?! GW is so frakkin with my mind right now with the whole pirate schematic ... please tell me they're gonna change it back tomorrow?!?!

                    Thanks!!! Although, I got a little freaked out when I saw my post ... I'm guessing due to the pirate takeover, my pic links got disrupted. As did my avatar. And some other people's sig. Thankfully, David Tennant is still there. Phew!



                    Here's some catnip for you! Ooh, I'm excited, can't wait for the whole thing!!!

                    Annnnd, should we be asking why you're now being identified as TheWenchMore???

                    *glomps Nuna*

                    Good to see you ... sis? Cousin? *scratches head* Did we ever figure out teh Sparky thread members family tree?

                    In any case, good to see you!!!

                    Grr ... nice shot, JT, now I look like I pee'd myself!!! LOL

                    And nice pic fic, could totally see that going down during Wintertime in Atlantis ... if there was such a thing. Did they ever have winters???

                    *glomps Kris* Welcome back to Sparkyville!

                    Hahaha, I love that story!!! And poor Chuck's reaction ... I sooo would pay to see that onscreen!!!

                    Well, on the bright side of RL, I have a job interview on Monday for a regular job at a school, no more crazy schedules, no more crazy coworkers ... just whacked up high school students! The interview is more of a formality than anything -- I've been applying for this job for months now and they had to go and change some requirements to get me in there, so hopefully I'll be back to a regular sane life soon, and have some more time during the week I can devote to my Sparky fics. It's getting bad. The bunnies are even growling at me.

                    Well, off to bed! Night all!!!
                    I guess they're making progress. The skull and crossbones are gone from the background. Should be back to normal soon.

                    Congrats on the new job. I hope it gives you lots of normal RL free time.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Sparky!Family Saturday! I'm off to do a mess of errands and then some work on RtP2 this weekend, so try not to burn down the forum while I'm gone.
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Sparky!Family Saturday! I'm off to do a mess of errands and then some work on RtP2 this weekend, so try not to burn down the forum while I'm gone.
                        I have a big day planned too. Clean the downstairs: check. Watch for the mailman just in case: to do all day. Work on "To Build A Fire": later.

                        I got rid of a huge writer's block yesterday after following a suggestion by Mr. SR. Does this mean he gets writer's credit? Now I pretty much know how to get the team out of trouble and reunited. Thanks, sweetie. And may I just say "poor poor John"?

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          I have a big day planned too. Clean the downstairs: check. Watch for the mailman just in case: to do all day. Work on "To Build A Fire": later.
                          Hah! I know how the 'watch for the mailman' thing goes when you're waiting for something important.

                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          II got rid of a huge writer's block yesterday after following a suggestion by Mr. SR. Does this mean he gets writer's credit? Now I pretty much know how to get the team out of trouble and reunited. Thanks, sweetie. And may I just say "poor poor John"?
                          You most certainly may say that! There's no such thing as too much whump for John.

                          Does Mr. SR get writer's/story credit? I don't see why not. Or maybe you can just include a thank you in the author's notes, LOL!
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Happy Saturday Sparkyites....HEY I AM NO LONGER A WENCH! *Squee*

                            Getting excited about all this talk of Atlantis rising! At my Hillel formal which was all the religious groups banding together to help cerebal palsey. (BTW I think this Elizabeth Weir finally found her John Sheppard) we had a crafts table, where the people attending can draw on stars.

                            So I made door tags for my Roommate and I which declared our love for our fandoms, I put Mrs. Nor Sheppard for mine (obviously for John Sheppard) and Mrs. Chelsea Becker (For Captain Becker in Primeval) and put jokes from our favorite fandoms.

                            To make a long story short I put both "Sparky Rules" on my star and "Atlantis Rising FTW" on mine, so that cemented my love for Sparky and my excitement for Rising. =D
                            The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                              I'm thinking of naming my new iPad 'Sparky.' Is that sufficient for declaring my love for this fandom?
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                I'm thinking of naming my new iPad 'Sparky.' Is that sufficient for declaring my love for this fandom?
                                Oh you named your ipad too? I named mine the Cromster after Thomas Cromwell.

                                That and if you name your dog Sparky =D!
                                The Breeding Ground of Ships.

