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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
    These shows are shot under a very tight schedule (one week for actual filming, I believe), so they either didn't really notice it through the camera during filming, or didn't have time/money to go back for a reshoot, or maybe it came out as they intended. . .a "maybe/maybe not".

    They wouldn't do that, would they?
    Heh. A 'vision' of big men in dark suits holding a knife to an SGA editor's throat in a dark editing room just flashed thru my brain. "We *said* cut it short you idiot!"

    FP, is that your cat? I've been meaning to ask. That is a COOL pic.


      Originally posted by Bama
      FP, is that your cat? I've been meaning to ask. That is a COOL pic.
      I have two cats but the "remote control kitty" doesn't look like either. It just reminded me of my husband - couch, TV remote, bottle of beer, scratching himself.

      Every time I mention dumping the cat for a REAL siggy, I get bombarded with "save the cat" PM's. *shaking head*

      When all else fails, change channels.


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        I have two cats but the "remote control kitty" doesn't look like either. It just reminded me of my husband - couch, TV remote, bottle of beer, scratching himself.

        Every time I mention dumping the cat for a REAL siggy, I get bombarded with "save the cat" PM's. *shaking head*
        ROTFLMAO! It reminds me of mine too! Right down to the 'narrowed' eyelids barely awake! Classic. I love it. ; )

        Now, back on topic....

        Oh yeah, we were talkin about john and liz touching weren't we?
        Nice topic. Sweet topic. *pets topic with gentle care*


          So I had a weird dream where me and my friends were in this medeivel ballroom (full clothing too) and team!Atlantis happened to be there and I was waltzing with major lorne b.c he's short and the only one that I could kinda reach. And Shep and Weir were dancing and they were bad and kept stepping on each other toes so 2 of my guy friends came waltzing up to them and tried to teach them how and then Ronon shot them and so shep and weir shrugged and went back to stepping on their toes and then the king, who was the Headmaster of Chilton (from Gilmore Girls) came out and then me and my friends shot him.

          In conclusion, if shep and weir are in love in my dreams it must be true, I shouldn't watch atlantis all night while talking to my friends and then go to sleep, and I should stop smoking crack.

          they seem to agree

          Thought I would share that story with you.
          Citizen of Braneville


            You know, I'm quite sure this has been pointed out like, A ZILLION times before but I was up munchin on breakfast this morning and Top Gun was playing on tv and I thought again how Shep and Weir really have this whole 'Top Gun' relationship/vibe down pat. It's like watching the relationship aspect of that movie in extreme slow-mo. Older, very experienced, sharp woman comes in and locks horns with the brash, cocky, gorgeous flyboy.

            There are some similarities with the characters-no doubt. I even wonder if Shep has this whole 'dad' complex like Cruise did in TG. I think he's been 'put down' or he and someone (dad? family?) aren't on speaking terms. sigh...I'd so like to know.

            And then, there is Elizabeth with with her past hurts and world-wary but still hungry to discover nature much like McGillis's character in the ep. She doesn't want to be attracted and taken in by what she knows is a guy that's dangerous and could get them both in a lot of trouble and is also a professional 'no no' for her but she just can't help herself.

            We even got an early episode -HotZone- that defined imo, the complicated but exciting nature of their forthcoming relationship-both professional and personal.

            Hope we get to see a similar explosion of feelings at some point like we see in TG. ; ) I'll take the scene in TG against the car...cept maybe we could sub a puddle jumper for the car.

            But in the words of Kelly McGillis from Top Gun..."This is going to be complicated."

            Yeah, it is.

            just some more random thoughts...

            Last edited by Bama; 18 September 2005, 11:59 AM.


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Oops, wasn't clear enough. I was talking about The Eye. John shoots Kolya and saves Elizabeth, and then after she tells him that no, she's not all right, he tells her she will be. Then he grabs her hand and they run out of the gate room together. It's all out of frame, but you can tell that he reaches forward and grabs her hand to get her moving.
              You can even hear it


                Originally posted by Bama
                You know, I'm quite sure this has been pointed out like, A ZILLION times before but I was up munchin on breakfast this morning and Top Gun was playing on tv and I thought again how Shep and Weir really have this whole 'Top Gun' relationship/vibe down pat. It's like watching the relationship aspect of that movie in extreme slow-mo. Older, very experienced, sharp woman comes in and locks horns with the brash, cocky, gorgeous flyboy.

                There are some similarities with the characters-no doubt. I even wonder if Shep has this whole 'dad' complex like Cruise did in TG. I think he's been 'put down' or he and someone (dad? family?) aren't on speaking terms. sigh...I'd so like to know.

                And then, there is Elizabeth with with her past hurts and world-wary but still hungry to discover nature much like McGillis's character in the ep. She doesn't want to be attracted and taken in by what she knows is a guy that's dangerous and could get them both in a lot of trouble and is also a professional 'no no' for her but she just can't help herself.

                Actually, if we're comparing the Shep/Weir relationship to a movie, I'd just like to mention 'Peacemakers.' That a ninty's movie with George Clooney and Nichole Kidman. Goerge plays an military colonel who was just transferred under the command of Kidman, who plays sometype of civilian specilist or something that's heading up the government taskforce that's trying to stop a nucleur war from arupting. It's a really intelligent movie that watched again sometime last month, and the entire time I kept thinking . . . . that is soooo Shep/Weir!

                Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                  Originally posted by Whistler84
                  Actually, if we're comparing the Shep/Weir relationship to a movie, I'd just like to mention 'Peacemakers.' That a ninty's movie with George Clooney and Nichole Kidman. Goerge plays an military colonel who was just transferred under the command of Kidman, who plays sometype of civilian specilist or something that's heading up the government taskforce that's trying to stop a nucleur war from arupting. It's a really intelligent movie that watched again sometime last month, and the entire time I kept thinking . . . . that is soooo Shep/Weir!
                  Hmmmm...good analogy too. I hadn't thought of that one-been a while since I've seen it. Actually, I much prefer tv male/female relationships over what we see portrayed in the movies every time simply due to the 'time factor'. On tv, you get a longer-term build-up and backstory for a relationship that's built on a lot more than the lusty feelings you usually see portrayed in movies. And whistler, you *know* you have it bad for a relationship when you go around like we are going..."Oh now that is Soooooo Shep/Weir." LOL
                  This one is driving me personally crazy though. I CANNOT figure out for the life of me why *this one* grabbed me like it did when I haven't found a relationship to really 'get into' since XF.

                  Yep....on my to 'rent' list now...'peacemaker' and 'top gun'. BTW, really great to go into movie gallery and blockbuster these days and see 'Atlantis Rising' copies amongst the 'new release' films.


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    Hmmmm...good analogy too. I hadn't thought of that one-been a while since I've seen it. Actually, I much prefer tv male/female relationships over what we see portrayed in the movies every time simply due to the 'time factor'. On tv, you get a longer-term build-up and backstory for a relationship that's built on a lot more than the lusty feelings you usually see portrayed in movies. And whistler, you *know* you have it bad for a relationship when you go around like we are going..."Oh now that is Soooooo Shep/Weir." LOL
                    This one is driving me personally crazy though. I CANNOT figure out for the life of me why *this one* grabbed me like it did when I haven't found a relationship to really 'get into' since XF.

                    Yep....on my to 'rent' list now...'peacemaker' and 'top gun'. BTW, really great to go into movie gallery and blockbuster these days and see 'Atlantis Rising' copies amongst the 'new release' films.
                    Yup, totally agree. I got it *bad* for this ship! But that movie, the parallels just hit you upside the head. They argue and bicker over what to do and how to do it, but the underlyning tone of respect and admiration (and unresolved sexual tension) is always there. Just like S/W. The 'romance' in that movie is all totally unspoken until the last scene, so it's nice and subtle. And . . . dude, just go watch the movie. I'm telling you, you'll think you're watching Sheppard and Weir in a past life or something.

                    Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                    I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                    Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                      Originally posted by Whistler84
                      Yup, totally agree. I got it *bad* for this ship! But that movie, the parallels just hit you upside the head. They argue and bicker over what to do and how to do it, but the underlyning tone of respect and admiration (and unresolved sexual tension) is always there. Just like S/W. The 'romance' in that movie is all totally unspoken until the last scene, so it's nice and subtle. And . . . dude, just go watch the movie. I'm telling you, you'll think you're watching Sheppard and Weir in a past life or something.
                      Whistler, have you SEEN Vix's new video? Go now. Do not pause. To the Weir apprec. thread and watch it. Blew me friggin away. One of the best I've seen even if from a mostly Weir perspective on her journey. Still shippy too! with shep/weir. She did great use of words on screen and dialogue! I'll post a link here if she doesn't first! awesome stuff. We're being treated to some great shep/weir fans stuff lately. The fanfic, the vids, icons, manips are just marvelous lately!!! Shep/weir RULES! ; )


                        Oh, one more thing I meant to share. While perusing other boards and such a little the other day I ran into some more convo by some Shep/Tey gals about how that
                        mouth attack thing was shippy and that it was really latent feelings etc..etc..and they were like 'ha, all he did was try to strangle Weir...obvious how he doesn't care too much for her'...blah blah...

                        Well, this man tells them that obviously they haven't been around too many men and that *if* they were using the (in his opinion flawed because of the bug impact) logic that his latent feelings were sexually charged for Tey, then you had to say they were off the charts for Weir simply because it was obvious that he could control his emotions to a much lesser degree with her. He said that it was pretty obvious to him that she brought out strong, strong emotions in sheppard that far surpassed anything he felt for anyone else and it was also obvious that he felt confined and frustrated in how he could channel those strong feelings.

                        Now, I'm not a man so I'm not sure about all that 'take' but I asked my husband about it and he said it sounded 'about right' to him. Whatever that thoughtful *snort* response means.

                        I think the male 'take' on Conversion has been very eye-opening. They've certainly driven the pro shep/teyla folks crazy. ; )


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          Oh, one more thing I meant to share. While perusing other boards and such a little the other day I ran into some more convo by some Shep/Tey gals about how that
                          mouth attack thing was shippy and that it was really latent feelings etc..etc..and they were like 'ha, all he did was try to strangle Weir...obvious how he doesn't care too much for her'...blah blah...

                          Well, this man tells them that obviously they haven't been around too many men and that *if* they were using the (in his opinion flawed because of the bug impact) logic that his latent feelings were sexually charged for Tey, then you had to say they were off the charts for Weir simply because it was obvious that he could control his emotions to a much lesser degree with her. He said that it was pretty obvious to him that she brought out strong, strong emotions in sheppard that far surpassed anything he felt for anyone else and it was also obvious that he felt confined and frustrated in how he could channel those strong feelings.

                          Now, I'm not a man so I'm not sure about all that 'take' but I asked my husband about it and he said it sounded 'about right' to him. Whatever that thoughtful *snort* response means.

                          I think the male 'take' on Conversion has been very eye-opening. They've certainly driven the pro shep/teyla folks crazy. ; )
                          Yeah, that sounds about right to me, too.

                          a time to mourn


                            Since I was asked to post it here

                            Elizabeth video (with some J/E in there)

                            Book of Days
                            Contains season 2 spoilers.

                            Originally posted by Bama
                            We're being treated to some great shep/weir fans stuff lately. The fanfic, the vids, icons, manips are just marvelous lately!!! Shep/weir RULES! ; )
                            When two people inspire the fans creatively so much it just goes to show what an amazing couple they are with that beautiful chemistry that keeps drawing other people to them


                              Originally posted by Bama
                              Oh, one more thing I meant to share. While perusing other boards and such a little the other day I ran into some more convo by some Shep/Tey gals about how that
                              mouth attack thing was shippy and that it was really latent feelings etc..etc..and they were like 'ha, all he did was try to strangle Weir...obvious how he doesn't care too much for her'...blah blah...

                              Well, this man tells them that obviously they haven't been around too many men and that *if* they were using the (in his opinion flawed because of the bug impact) logic that his latent feelings were sexually charged for Tey, then you had to say they were off the charts for Weir simply because it was obvious that he could control his emotions to a much lesser degree with her. He said that it was pretty obvious to him that she brought out strong, strong emotions in sheppard that far surpassed anything he felt for anyone else and it was also obvious that he felt confined and frustrated in how he could channel those strong feelings.

                              Now, I'm not a man so I'm not sure about all that 'take' but I asked my husband about it and he said it sounded 'about right' to him. Whatever that thoughtful *snort* response means.

                              I think the male 'take' on Conversion has been very eye-opening. They've certainly driven the pro shep/teyla folks crazy. ; )

                              *Buys that man (and Hatch ) a drink*


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Oh, one more thing I meant to share. While perusing other boards and such a little the other day I ran into some more convo by some Shep/Tey gals about how that
                                mouth attack thing was shippy and that it was really latent feelings etc..etc..and they were like 'ha, all he did was try to strangle Weir...obvious how he doesn't care too much for her'...blah blah...

                                Well, this man tells them that obviously they haven't been around too many men and that *if* they were using the (in his opinion flawed because of the bug impact) logic that his latent feelings were sexually charged for Tey, then you had to say they were off the charts for Weir simply because it was obvious that he could control his emotions to a much lesser degree with her. He said that it was pretty obvious to him that she brought out strong, strong emotions in sheppard that far surpassed anything he felt for anyone else and it was also obvious that he felt confined and frustrated in how he could channel those strong feelings.

                                Now, I'm not a man so I'm not sure about all that 'take' but I asked my husband about it and he said it sounded 'about right' to him. Whatever that thoughtful *snort* response means.

                                I think the male 'take' on Conversion has been very eye-opening. They've certainly driven the pro shep/teyla folks crazy. ; )

                                So I asked my husband what his opinion was about this. He said that while Sheppard's kiss with Teyla was sexually motivated, by the time he choked Weir, he was so far transformed all he was thinking about was feeding, not breeding. Confining *that* need was more the issue at that moment. I tend to agree with him.

                                Vixen, just saw your vid. Completely awesome!

                                Good sci fi is about special effects. Great sci fi is about people.

