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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Lazy Sunday!

    Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
    Here's a new icon for anybody that wants it.
    That's beautiful! I love how they've got practically the same pose; they're mirroring again!

    Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
    'Epiphany' rerun and lol'ing with malp-on-a-stick
    *cracks up* I love Epiphany. The snarky one-liners are made of such win.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    The auto session was quite rushed and all I got out was the Torri comment which stopped the line for a moment so, heh. I did pass out a number of cards though. 3 ladies in front of our seats were all excited to find us. They had heard about us and the first thing they asked was were we bringing back Weir. So yay! Everyone was very happy to get a card. Oh, and the guy who is doing the comic books was here and it was announced that the comics for SGA will start right after EatG and WILL be considered canon. The Daniel comic will come out first. I didn't hear when the SGA ones will be done.
    Oooh, that's good to hear that the comics are still on track! I know there's been some teaser stuff posted for both a Vala comic and a Daniel comic; I thought the Vala comic was coming out first. Must've been a change in schedule. I hope we'll start hearing more about the SGA comics soon!

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Someone asked about linking to my posts on FB. That's fine. I will be writing a detailed report for them next week but go ahead and link to the tidbits. I know people are waiting.

    Speaking of tidbits, do you have the details on the hankie yet? Joe had a runny nose and was blowing it on stage. DH went postal about the hankie "Do you know how many germs are in that thing? I can't believe you use a hankerchief. My grandfather uses one of those. OMG" It was hysterical. Joe kept waving it like a flag at him and then stuck it back in his pocket.
    Bwahahahah! Sounds like Hewlett's been letting his inner Rodney come out to play again!

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    A couple of girls presented Joe with the "actor of the month on Twitter" trophy. LOL And one for DH as runner up. Anytime DH got a question and Joe didn't he waved his trophy and gloated.
    Oh, that is just so good! Hahahah!

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Oh yeah, my pic with the guys came out great but someone looked at it and said "OMG, it looks like Joe's hand is on your ass" It does actually. David's is on my shoulder but Joe's is missing. I kept gloating to people about it and had lots of fun with it. Then when I got David's autograph, he took the pic and asked, "So, how did we do?" I said "Great, but there seems to be some question as to exactly where Joe's hand is." He studied it and said "You know you may be right." And he wrote "I found the hand." on my pic. It was the best. He is beyond adorable and I just wanted to pinch his cheeks. Lovely man.
    What? No way! Oh, that is just too funny! I imagine you'll be treasuring that picture for years to come! LOL! *high-fives*

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Michael is also quite great and we had a little chat when I got his autograph. I have very detailed notes on his talk and will write a long report. Much much more to say.

    Mr. SR is waiting to do our Chicago tour. We are skipping the SGU stuff. MS did his usual survey of the audience. SGU fans: little applause; Don't like it: huge roar.. Enough said.

    More when I can. It may be tomorrow late because we have an early flight.
    OMFG. Michael, I love you, man! LOL!

    Yay! I'm so glad you had a great time at the con!
    Last edited by Scary Kitty; 29 August 2010, 06:49 AM.
    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


      Oh, Southern Red and Flowerbud - I LOVED the reports. I may comment on them later, when my brain regains coherence. This is just wonderful SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!

      The janitor story cracks me up so hard
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        SR and Flowerbud, thanks for your reports!!!
        Now we need some pictures!


          Originally posted by Flowerbud View Post
          Con Report
          Nervous meeting JF, but simply got my picture taken with him and said a simple thank you to him for coming to Chicago. He was a little bleary-eyed and had his usual stubble. He is not as tall and built as I was expecting him to be. Kind of a skinny dude with a big head, but easy to see he is very fit and has a fairly well-proportioned body. The most the striking thing about him is not his good looks, but this incredible presence and charisma that shines through which partly explains his success in a tough business. Overall, he was friendly and relaxed. A very nice guy.
          He is such a sweetheart, isn't he? Squee! I'm glad you got to go see him!

          Originally posted by Flowerbud View Post
          All the con attendees were friendly and easy to talk to. I was surprised at how many people there were my age and older who were deep fans and had strong viewpoints. It was a lot of fun chatting with them. Nearly every one said they gave SGU a chance and didn’t like it.
          *nods* Yup, it's like I said last night, the fan energy at these events is amazing. It really seemed after going last year that my fandom batteries were totally recharged. Of course, it could just have been the squee of getting to press flesh with Joe.

          Originally posted by Flowerbud View Post
          Stage Presentation with JF and DH
          They are performers with a lot of humorous banter and DH amping up the energy level every now and then. Unfortunately, I did not take notes and don’t recall much of it. I was way in the back and could barely seem them. The con organizers have to do a better job with the video screens or find a hotel with conference room designed with good AV presentation equipment.

          • Sparky Connection → Both JF and DH joked that in EATG, John is the only one without a girlfriend/spouse. In fact, JF speculating on what happened to Todd said Teyla probably would have 3 more kids. No other mention of shipping at all otherwise.
          • Both JF and DH loved Vegas and said it should have been the last episode instead of EATG. Also, Vegas was much more character-based. JF wryly stating that yes it was one episode in which he did not have to act much with DH and DH shooting back that he loved the idea of Joe dying in the desert.
          • When asked how they got into acting, JF said they both sort of failed into acting, not being successful at other jobs. DH said he did poorly in college and was not interested in doing the necessary homework and regretted it because that learning would have helped him in his acting work. JF said that it was just as important to know what kind of work one doesn't like to the young boy asking a question about careers. JF is great with kids.
          • DH said that if he couldn’t be an actor, he would have liked to gone into computers but he didn’t think he was smart enough not being good in math and science.
          • In school, JF was good in reading and writing, but terrible at math and science. JF said he majored in history and focused on European and American Intellectual Thought and found that it was helpful to his acting work. DH looked impressed. JF admitted he would enjoy doing a period piece, but that they are mostly done in the U.K. by the BBC, but if he were to do a period piece he would love to do a western.
          • JF was asked something to the effect of how much input he had on the John Sheppard character. They both chimed in that they both felt they owned /knew the character after a few episodes. JF felt that JS was like him in many ways and noted that they both shared an antiauthoritarian streak. He gave an example of how in grade school, he was always getting in trouble and at one point, he and a friend managed to flood the hallways in the school and the weary janitor came to his classroom asking for them. No other suspects and in fact, he and his friend managed to produce the flood.
          • A few mild digs at SGU by both of them.

          There was much more, but can’t recall much of it. A lot of the substantive things they said were said in previous cons. I suspect that JF may not do many more cons as he becomes more successful.
          LOL at the school stories... so Joe was a little troublemaker, eh? Somehow, this does not surprise me. At all. Hahahah!

          I'd love to see Joe do a period piece. Maybe something set during the Revolutionary War. *drools at the thought of seeing Joe in a waistcoat and breeches*

          Originally posted by Flowerbud View Post
          Met Southern Red and her hubby and had a lovely lunch with them. Gave out a few of the SGARising cards and left the rest of the cards in many strategic sitting areas. I’m just not bold enough to go out and hand them out.

          Had to make a phone call and by the time I got back, I was one of the last ten people in the JF autograph line. He was very tired and looked as if he was hitting the wall in his fatigue. He had both a coffee and a can of either dark beer or an energy drink. I just very quickly mentioned that Torri said she would like to give him hug, but didn't get a chance to explain more before I was shooed off the line. Joe looked a little puzzled and said that's was nice of her. And that’s it. If I think of anything else that is interesting I will post more.
          Hee, I know what you mean about not being bold enough to go handing cards out; I've got to screw up my courage to approach people sometimes. *huggles*

          Poor Joe, sounds like he needed a nap.

          Eeee! I'm so glad you had a great time at the con!
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Thank you flowerbud and SR for the detailed reports, including the hand-positioning incident. ...I predict this will be re-quoted (with envy) from time to time in this thread


              Originally posted by fergus View Post
              Thank you flowerbud and SR for the detailed reports, including the hand-positioning incident. ...I predict this will be re-quoted (with envy) from time to time in this thread
              Hee! I think you're right about that!
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Guys! Allow me to mention that fourth chapter of Amarantine is up! It's a gorgeous story, set after "Ghost in the machine", and one of the most romantic, mkost beautiful sparky stories I've ever read. Speckles worked on it for months, go and give it a look! And I know for a fact that a nice comment would make her happy.

                Go read!
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  Hee! I think you're right about that!
                  It actually gives me an idea ... Let's play a game!

                  Find all moments where John's hands were in, ahem, questionable places.

                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    anuna, to me, in your picture this is far too obvious Even Rodney will figure it out, eventually...

                    we need one less conspicuous


                      SR and Flowerbud, thank you so much for your reports!! They were AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Sig by me


                        Originally posted by fergus View Post
                        anuna, to me, in your picture this is far too obvious Even Rodney will figure it out, eventually...

                        we need one less conspicuous

                        I'd say it's him who's wondering where her hand has srayed.

                        Here's another example of that:


                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          I'd say it's him who's wondering where her hand has srayed.

                          Here's another example of that:


                          well, I can tell you, this is downright naughty!
                          he's surprised and almost blushing, isn't it? while trying to keep a straight face. He's probably not a good poker player


                            Originally posted by fergus View Post
                            well, I can tell you, this is downright naughty!
                            he's surprised and almost blushing, isn't it? while trying to keep a straight face. He's probably not a good poker player
                            There is an interesting thought! (I don't think I read a fic where two of them played poker. I think he'd be good, up to one point, but she would win. *G*)

                            Also, I am known as Mrs. Naughty on this thread.

                            Here is an example of John being oh so obvious. If only Elizabeth would look up. LOL.

                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Originally posted by fergus View Post
                              well, I can tell you, this is downright naughty!
                              he's surprised and almost blushing, isn't it? while trying to keep a straight face. He's probably not a good poker player
                              Naughty? Trust me, here on the Sparky thread, it's all about the smut.

                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              There is an interesting thought! (I don't think I read a fic where two of them played poker. I think he'd be good, up to one point, but she would win. *G*)

                              Also, I am known as Mrs. Naughty on this thread.

                              Here is an example of John being oh so obvious. If only Elizabeth would look up. LOL.

                              Oh, well if we're going to play that game, here's one where Elizabeth most certainly is looking up... because John has taken 'playing footsie' to a whole new level!

                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                Naughty? Trust me, here on the Sparky thread, it's all about the smut.

                                Oh, well if we're going to play that game, here's one where Elizabeth most certainly is looking up... because John has taken 'playing footsie' to a whole new level!

                                Ford is cracking up, McKay is trying not to kick him (injured man and all that) and Teyla is all confused...

                                John is going to get an earful from Elizabeth. Or get a special assignment.

                                Like this:

                                I wonder where John is!
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

