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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
    I've just looked and the transcript isn't up yet, but you can keep checking these sites:

    GW and Twiz TV.

    and find caps here.

    Regarding Shep/Teyla.
    THere have been spoilers that suggest that they kiss. I can't remember exactly where, but i think RL said she gets a kiss this season, and i think Joe mentioned kissing Rachel at one of the cons. Maybe someone else could help out with the exact quotes.

    In Conversion, John turns wraithal when the bugs from 38min attack him. I think he gets bitten and ends up with wraith DNA mixing with his own, and it takes over him.
    Pic of Wraith!Shep

    Woo! Bama, that fic was HOT!! More, more You brought all the spoilers together perfectly.

    Blue, I'd just clicked for Part 2 of Veracity when i checked here and found your rec. Definatley one of the best fics i've ever read

    It isn't!?
    I think if:

    John and Tey'la do kiss, it will be chalked up to alien influence. Then John will suffer 2 a$$ from Elizabeth for possibly harming her and one from Ronan for messin' around with "his Tey'la."


      Originally posted by Feli
      And furthermore I don't think she's the kind of woman he'd normally be attracted to! John strikes me as someone who's had mostly meaningless flings as would be expected from a daring flyboy like him - not because he isn't capable of anything serious (he definitely is) but because it never occured to him to search out women with whom a more serious and mature relationship would work. Women like Elizabeth in other words. Now though that he's pending so much time with her there's a good chance he'll realize who perfect she is for him - all he needs to do is to notice the attraction now and get his head around the concept.
      I think John wanted to say something to her in "38 min." but got all nervous and so didn't follow through. And in the Sam/Jack ship....John thinks there's some regs in place....and we all know what kind of track record TPTB have had in dealing with regs...


        Originally posted by Whistler84
        Glad I could help! How lucky were we to have *that* as our first S/W fanfic? I mean, after that, how could we not become addicted to S/W crack? Plus, it also protrays John's feelings for Teyla perfectly! Ah, I so have this on my favorites list!
        I think I spotted Shep/Weir cuz I'm now more adept at reading ship than I was during SG-1....I had to be bludgeoned by an obvious declaration in "Divide and Conquer" before I could even acknowledge that there was ship of any kind in the series....yup....I didn't think in such romantic terms than as I do guys have had your first heart attack....a guy who can think romantically....


          Originally posted by leafy
          I agree. Besides I don't think that Elizabeth would be the type who'd want to control a guy. She might even relish the fact that she can't control John...even if she tries. He is the complete opposite of every person that she deals with day in, day out. Everyone is under her command. I'd imagine that he would be quite refreshing.
          hmm....wonder if John ever went to calm her down in the ep where:

          Rodney, in his ever-present arrogance, thought he was better than the Ancients and could make their little zero-point doohickey work and instead wound up taking out an entire solar system. Holy crap! could hear Elizabeth chewing him out through the closed doors!! bet she was fuming so badly that all the airmen were scurrying outta her way.


            Originally posted by weirfan517
            Hi yall, again just poppin in, I had to read like 5 pages to catch up at the place I was, and lots of discussion here. I want to say that the links to the fics were cool and I like Bama's, that was a pretty good one and hope that the ep is as good. I don't care if the actual ep TLG is shippy or not, I just want to see it cuz there's suppose to be lots of Weir in it. Let's see on topic of fanfic, anyone got any ideas for a SWAMA they might want to see, actually does anyone here like SWAMA? I'm planning for lots of different fic recently, got a Liz dream fic in the works, I'd like to get a SWAMA and MWASA written, just need more time, I think I might actually write a shweir fic, cuz I'm likin this ship more now. Yeah, yall's discussion could convert people to shweirism ( ) I admit I like it a little more than I use to and I don't mind if it makes canon, as long as Liz and Rodney are the best of friends. Actually all 3 of those characters are the heart of the show, imo of course. Let's see something else I wanted to say is that all this shippy discussion is well it's interesting, I noticed that yall (shweir shippers) and me and others (mcweir shippers) have quite a bit in common. We ship our ships the same way and write fics for tiny moments that non shippers don't get and we ship with the same woman (Liz who is amazing) and I made this list a while back, I'm pretty sure I made it in July, so it's a little old and hope it makes up for all this ramblin.

            How you know you’re an obsessive shipper

            1. You overanalyze every episode for shippy moments
            2. You can interpret “looks” into shippiness
            3. Your friends and family understand the concept of shipping from your ramblings
            4. You secretly want the real actors to hook up cuz they’re so cute together
            5. You have a name for every ship
            6. And you name all the ones that don’t have them
            7. You’ve read every fanfic about your favorite couple
            8. There’s not enough so you write your own
            9. You compare your real relationship with your favorite ship
            10. You write a list like this
            11. You make music vids of your ship
            12. Cuz there’s not enough to watch in the first place
            13. You’ve joined every online group about your ship
            14. You dress up for Halloween with another as your ship
            15. You name your animals after the characters
            16. You squee everytime the two people talk to eachother on the show
            17. You argue with other shippers about who’s ship is better
            18. You’re posting on the thread that this list is on
            hmmm.....that's me...which is rare among guys....and I can cook too...


              Originally posted by mad_gater
              hmmm.....that's me...which is rare among guys....and I can cook too...
              gotta go....the Daedalus is here to pick me up and take me to the Sam/Jack thread...


                Originally posted by Whistler84
                You really think that Elizabeth thinks she can control this ship? Hmmm. I always thought Elizabeth was well aware that John was the wild card she couldn't predict. She's knows that John has a way of changing the rules in whatever situation he's in. I'm pretty sure that when she first came across Major John Sheppard, she had him pegged as nothing more than a potential friend. Those feelings have changed, probably despite her best efforts otherwise. I have a feeling that Elizabeth is all too aware that she *can't* control this ship, because if she could, I really doubt she would have allowed her feelings for him to develope so strongly in the first place.
                I really think she thinks she can control her own feelings in regard to the ship and I think she believes she can control anything that might develop. And yeah, I think to an extent-that means she feels she can control the 'john' factor. I think she sort of likes to believe now that she has some sort of special influence on him that others might not. (and she might be right) I agree that she had him pegged as a potential friend only and didn't give serious thought to anything else. The feelings as you say, developed against her better judgement. Is she scared yet that she can't control things? I really don't see evidence of that yet. I mean she jumped in his arms without thinking. A person who is scared of losing control doesn't do that. By the time she figures out that all control is gone, it will indeed be too late.

                Interesting guys rock. ; )



                  Originally posted by mad_gater
                  I think I spotted Shep/Weir cuz I'm now more adept at reading ship than I was during SG-1....I had to be bludgeoned by an obvious declaration in "Divide and Conquer" before I could even acknowledge that there was ship of any kind in the series....yup....I didn't think in such romantic terms than as I do guys have had your first heart attack....a guy who can think romantically....
                  I have to admit, I was not an early SG1 watcher, so I can't truly compare properly but to me, this one just jumped off the screen very, very early. Like I said above, it is still hard for me to believe that the chemistry and potential between the two characters wasn't spotted by TPTB very early on. They're gorgeous together and their interactions are always charged-even more so than early Sam/Jack in what I've seen. With them, you always had the military thing with sam being a subordinate. Though it made for an interesting aspect, I feel this one is more so because the characters share such great power on the show and are both is such positions of leadership that so depend on each other and helping the other not to screw the pooch.

                  I think it's great if you're a guy that can be a shipper. My husband can see Shep/Weir though he'd usually rather post about the Ori or something. ; )



                    Originally posted by mad_gater
                    gotta go....the Daedalus is here to pick me up and take me to the Sam/Jack thread...
                    Come back any time!

                    Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                    I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                    Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                      Originally posted by Southern Red
                      Great story. Doesn't it seem like TPTB are using this for an outline? I mean once he started calling her Elizabeth, he hasn't stopped and look where it's led.
                      Agree....great little fic. I don't read much fic but that one was worth stopping for. thanks for the link you guys!

                      Love the list earlier! So very, very telling...

                      -B ; )


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        I really think she thinks she can control her own feelings in regard to the ship and I think she believes she can control anything that might develop. And yeah, I think to an extent-that means she feels she can control the 'john' factor. I think she sort of likes to believe now that she has some sort of special influence on him that others might not. (and she might be right) I agree that she had him pegged as a potential friend only and didn't give serious thought to anything else. The feelings as you say, developed against her better judgement. Is she scared yet that she can't control things? I really don't see evidence of that yet. I mean she jumped in his arms without thinking. A person who is scared of losing control doesn't do that. By the time she figures out that all control is gone, it will indeed be too late.

                        Interesting guys rock. ; )

                        Good point. I hadn't even thought about it from that angle.

                        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                          Hey Weirfan, nice to see you venturing over here from the weir thread. consorting with the 'enemy' so to speak. ; ) Great list! Although I must admit I haven't dressed for halloween and my pet's name is the same as my handle but I've probably done the rest and I'm especially bad at number one. ; p



                            Originally posted by Feli
                            Rewatched 38 minutes yesterday and while I don't believe he was as far in his awareness of their relationship as you indicate here I also like to think that his message was for her personally rather than a goodbye to everyone.
                            If you think about it, she's the one who needs his last words most. I do think that he was going to tell her not to be afraid, or to trust herself. She wasn't qualified in any way for what they actually faced in the Pegasus galaxy, and she immediately lost the man who was supposed to be her military advisor. Sheppard hadn't exactly proven his ability to lead or follow, and who's after him? A twenty-five-year-old lieutenant. Not exactly promising. He needed to address her at the end, because she was going to be in over her head rather quickly.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              Originally posted by Whistler84
                              Well, who cares for the other more? I guess I will be the risk-taker in this one, and go with John.

                              Wowww. Thanks, I believed I was the only one who thought that too !!! Good thing you're the risk taker !!

                              Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                                Just read this on James Bamford's blog. Not too sure which episode he's talking about but I'm presuming it's TLGB
                                "Joe had some cool action hero moments during this week as well..................Torri.......well..............I am not allowed to say................she ROCKS!! Wait till you see what she can do.......................................ooooooooooooooooooooooooooyaaaaaaaaa!"
                                . Can't wait!

                                As to the debate as to who cares for the other the most. Hmmm...I'm not sure...I think I'd have to say it's pretty equal at the mo'. They both show they care, but in different ways. It's gonna be interesting to see how the writers deal with this...and they've GOT to take it somewhere!! The connection between them is just to intriguing to ignore!

