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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Vixen in Violet View Post
    Hey guys, I've just written a piece of fluff that is not angsty! ('cause we've been seeing a lot of that, think). I hope you can tell me how much in or out of character they are. I dunno, I'm not too thrilled about it, but the idea came to me last night and I wanted to write it up as soon as possible.

    You'd Be Surprised

    Sounds like a lot of fun. Too bad I missed the Spark-a-riffic first three seasons.

    I love the leather in BAMSR too.

    Aw, very sad! But nice job. Actually, you and Probie have inspired me to draw. *hunts for sketchpad*
    Nice. I can see Teyla getting fed up with their circling of each other and taking matters into her own hands.

    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
    Fic rec! One of my favorite Sparky writers wrote me a fic and that fact alone is making me happy and all giddy, but also, the fic is gorgeous and worth yout time and attention:

    Amor Fati (Love your fate) by Speckleberry --- John got to take her hand and lead her home.
    That was just stunning. I left her a comment.

    Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
    i got one more sparky scene (With a little carson Thrown in) i thought u guys might like it

    I just wrote it right now.


    FADE IN:


    CLOSE on TEST TUBES and BEAKERS of bubbling liquids, establishing this as The INFIRMARY.

    PANNING LEFT we find Sheppard sitting on the edge of a bed, patiently waiting as DR. CARSON BECKETT patches a cut over Sheppard’s eye.

    I’m telling you, Colonel. You’ve got to stop bringin’ ladies home – people will talk.

    Oh no, she brought me home. Without my knowledge, I might add. My plan was to gate to the Alpha Site and radio home.

    Beckett finishes with the cut, then moves around the bed to a laptop set
    up at Sheppard’s bedside. The doctor studies the results on the screen.

    Well, disregarding a few minor injuries, you’re just as healthy as when ye left. As far as I’m concerned, you’re cleared for Elizabeth’s briefing.

    Aw, Doc. Can’t you tell her I’m sick? A nasty alien bug or something?

    Beckett’s eyes catch something off camera.

    Sorry, Colonel, she already knows.

    NEW ANGLE to reveal Weir standing in the doorway, looking unimpressed. Sheppard winces.

    (making conversation.)
    Hey, Elizabeth… What’s on your mind?

    Weir remains silent. Her eyes seem calculating, as if trying to determine where to strike first. Sheppard prepares himself for a severe tongue lashing.


    Wet puppies.

    Sheppard’s expression falls into confusion. Weir moves to the foot of the bed

    I was going to wait until the meeting to ask this, but since you brought it up… What possessed you to reveal the existence of Atlantis when you were about to blow yourself up to keep it a secret?

    Sheppard regains a serious tone.

    I didn’t tell her anything… At lest, not about where we were.

    You’re saying she came here all by herself?

    After the day I had, I’m not sure what I’m saying.

    Weir grows silent for a time. Her voice takes on a concerned tone.

    That’s actually what I came to talk to you about.

    Beckett finishes with the computer. Sensing a moment between Weir and Sheppard, he excuses himself.

    If you’ll pardon me, I’ve got other patients to attend to.
    (to Weir.)
    Elizabeth, he’s all yours.

    Weir and Sheppard acknowledge his exit. Weir pauses before she continues.

    After all that’s happened today, I feel like I have to apologize.


    I was the one who gave the order to raise the shield. If it hadn’t been for… Well… Whatever that was…

    Sheppard cuts her off, his tone both soothing and stern.

    Don’t do this, Elizabeth.

    Do what?

    Doubt yourself…
    …It scares me.

    Weir smiles wryly. Sheppard continues in a reassuring tone.

    …You had no way of knowing it was me and every reason in the world to believe it was the Wraith. I would have made the same decision.

    Weir studies him.

    You can’t know that for sure.

    Oh yes I can – you aren’t dumb enough to try to gate home without a GDO.

    I’m glad you’re back, John.

    (perking up.)
    Beckett mentioned something about a meeting?

    Yes, Teyla is anxious to speak with you.

    Sheppard slides off the bed.

    I’ll go get my sparring sticks.

    I don’t think she wants to fight you, John.

    Oh, I beg to differ.

    Weir and Sheppard exit.
    I think script writing is definitely your niche and you should do more. This is very intriguing.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
      okay so anyway i remember reading on LJ i think it was about how someone thought that maybe john was infected by nanites and he was dreaming the events of Season 4 and 5 so here's my version of that. trust me if i get good reviews im going to make my own version of the season 5 ending and boy its going to be good.

      Very nice job! I like the script format. You're good at it.

      Originally posted by Vixen in Violet View Post
      Hey guys, I've just written a piece of fluff that is not angsty! ('cause we've been seeing a lot of that, think). I hope you can tell me how much in or out of character they are. I dunno, I'm not too thrilled about it, but the idea came to me last night and I wanted to write it up as soon as possible.

      You'd Be Surprised
      Hurray for fluff! Read and reviewed

      Originally posted by Vixen in Violet View Post
      Aw, very sad! But nice job. Actually, you and Probie have inspired me to draw. *hunts for sketchpad*
      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
      *goes to look*


      It IS angsty! Oh, poor John and Elizabeth! *hugs them*
      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
      That is so angsty
      Yeah, I know. Odd thing is I originally sat down with the plan to draw something happy and Sparky. Obviously that plan failed miserably. Darn angst.
      But yay for Vixen in Violet getting inspired to draw!

      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      Fic rec! One of my favorite Sparky writers wrote me a fic and that fact alone is making me happy and all giddy, but also, the fic is gorgeous and worth yout time and attention:

      Amor Fati (Love your fate) by Speckleberry --- John got to take her hand and lead her home.
      Absolutely wonderfully lovely. Thanks for reccing it.

      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
      i got one more sparky scene (With a little carson Thrown in) i thought u guys might like it

      I just wrote it right now.


      I like this one too. The banter was well done.
      Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


        Originally posted by Vixen in Violet View Post
        Aw, very sad! But nice job. Actually, you and Probie have inspired me to draw. *hunts for sketchpad*
        Oh cool. I can't wait to see what you will draw.

        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
        i got one more sparky scene (With a little carson Thrown in) i thought u guys might like it

        I just wrote it right now.


        FADE IN:


        CLOSE on TEST TUBES and BEAKERS of bubbling liquids, establishing this as The INFIRMARY.

        PANNING LEFT we find Sheppard sitting on the edge of a bed, patiently waiting as DR. CARSON BECKETT patches a cut over Sheppard’s eye.

        I’m telling you, Colonel. You’ve got to stop bringin’ ladies home – people will talk.

        Oh no, she brought me home. Without my knowledge, I might add. My plan was to gate to the Alpha Site and radio home.

        Beckett finishes with the cut, then moves around the bed to a laptop set
        up at Sheppard’s bedside. The doctor studies the results on the screen.

        Well, disregarding a few minor injuries, you’re just as healthy as when ye left. As far as I’m concerned, you’re cleared for Elizabeth’s briefing.

        Aw, Doc. Can’t you tell her I’m sick? A nasty alien bug or something?

        Beckett’s eyes catch something off camera.

        Sorry, Colonel, she already knows.

        NEW ANGLE to reveal Weir standing in the doorway, looking unimpressed. Sheppard winces.

        (making conversation.)
        Hey, Elizabeth… What’s on your mind?

        Weir remains silent. Her eyes seem calculating, as if trying to determine where to strike first. Sheppard prepares himself for a severe tongue lashing.


        Wet puppies.

        Sheppard’s expression falls into confusion. Weir moves to the foot of the bed

        WEIR (CONT’D)
        I was going to wait until the meeting to ask this, but since you brought it up… What possessed you to reveal the existence of Atlantis when you were about to blow yourself up to keep it a secret?

        Sheppard regains a serious tone.

        I didn’t tell her anything… At lest, not about where we were.

        You’re saying she came here all by herself?

        After the day I had, I’m not sure what I’m saying.

        Weir grows silent for a time. Her voice takes on a concerned tone.

        That’s actually what I came to talk to you about.

        Beckett finishes with the computer. Sensing a moment between Weir and Sheppard, he excuses himself.

        If you’ll pardon me, I’ve got other patients to attend to.
        (to Weir.)
        Elizabeth, he’s all yours.

        Weir and Sheppard acknowledge his exit. Weir pauses before she continues.

        After all that’s happened today, I feel like I have to apologize.


        I was the one who gave the order to raise the shield. If it hadn’t been for… Well… Whatever that was…

        Sheppard cuts her off, his tone both soothing and stern.

        Don’t do this, Elizabeth.

        Do what?

        Doubt yourself…
        …It scares me.

        Weir smiles wryly. Sheppard continues in a reassuring tone.

        …You had no way of knowing it was me and every reason in the world to believe it was the Wraith. I would have made the same decision.

        Weir studies him.

        You can’t know that for sure.

        Oh yes I can – you aren’t dumb enough to try to gate home without a GDO.

        I’m glad you’re back, John.

        (perking up.)
        Beckett mentioned something about a meeting?

        Yes, Teyla is anxious to speak with you.

        Sheppard slides off the bed.

        I’ll go get my sparring sticks.

        I don’t think she wants to fight you, John.

        Oh, I beg to differ.

        Weir and Sheppard exit.

        This is really good. Keep writing. I love what you do.
        Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


          Lt.Col John Speppard Nice stories. The script format is a nice change of pace from the typical prose. That vid was very angsty indeed.

          Probie Nice drawing.

          Anuna Good fic rec. No deserts involved too

          Vixen in Violet That was a very fluffy fic rec. It was romantic.

          Erin87 Your drawing was angsty to the max.
          "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


            Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Lazy Sunday!

            Originally posted by Vixen in Violet View Post
            Hey guys, I've just written a piece of fluff that is not angsty! ('cause we've been seeing a lot of that, think). I hope you can tell me how much in or out of character they are. I dunno, I'm not too thrilled about it, but the idea came to me last night and I wanted to write it up as soon as possible.

            You'd Be Surprised
            Oh, that's funny! Teyla would so set them up! I can just see her, Ronon and even Rodney sitting around, plotting and planning to get those two together, because they're all being driven nuts by the way that John and Elizabeth keep dancing around each other. Heehee!

            Originally posted by Vixen in Violet View Post
            Sounds like a lot of fun. Too bad I missed the Spark-a-riffic first three seasons.

            I love the leather in BAMSR too.
            When we get the best-of S4-5 list done, come on out and join us! There's always room for more Sparkies!

            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            Fic rec! One of my favorite Sparky writers wrote me a fic and that fact alone is making me happy and all giddy, but also, the fic is gorgeous and worth yout time and attention:

            Amor Fati (Love your fate) by Speckleberry --- John got to take her hand and lead her home.
            *flails and squees* Lizzie's home in Atlantis and everything is right with the world again. Thank you for reccing this, it's lovely!

            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            i got one more sparky scene (With a little carson Thrown in) i thought u guys might like it

            I just wrote it right now.


            FADE IN:

            INT. INFIRMARY - DAY

            CLOSE on TEST TUBES and BEAKERS of bubbling liquids, establishing this as The INFIRMARY.

            PANNING LEFT we find Sheppard sitting on the edge of a bed, patiently waiting as DR. CARSON BECKETT patches a cut over Sheppard’s eye.

            I’m telling you, Colonel. You’ve got to stop bringin’ ladies home – people will talk.

            Oh no, she brought me home. Without my knowledge, I might add. My plan was to gate to the Alpha Site and radio home.

            Beckett finishes with the cut, then moves around the bed to a laptop set
            up at Sheppard’s bedside. The doctor studies the results on the screen.

            Well, disregarding a few minor injuries, you’re just as healthy as when ye left. As far as I’m concerned, you’re cleared for Elizabeth’s briefing.

            Aw, Doc. Can’t you tell her I’m sick? A nasty alien bug or something?

            Beckett’s eyes catch something off camera.

            Sorry, Colonel, she already knows.

            NEW ANGLE to reveal Weir standing in the doorway, looking unimpressed. Sheppard winces.

            (making conversation.)
            Hey, Elizabeth… What’s on your mind?

            Weir remains silent. Her eyes seem calculating, as if trying to determine where to strike first. Sheppard prepares himself for a severe tongue lashing.


            Wet puppies.

            Sheppard’s expression falls into confusion. Weir moves to the foot of the bed

            WEIR (CONT’D)
            I was going to wait until the meeting to ask this, but since you brought it up… What possessed you to reveal the existence of Atlantis when you were about to blow yourself up to keep it a secret?

            Sheppard regains a serious tone.

            I didn’t tell her anything… At lest, not about where we were.

            You’re saying she came here all by herself?

            After the day I had, I’m not sure what I’m saying.

            Weir grows silent for a time. Her voice takes on a concerned tone.

            That’s actually what I came to talk to you about.

            Beckett finishes with the computer. Sensing a moment between Weir and Sheppard, he excuses himself.

            If you’ll pardon me, I’ve got other patients to attend to.
            (to Weir.)
            Elizabeth, he’s all yours.

            Weir and Sheppard acknowledge his exit. Weir pauses before she continues.

            After all that’s happened today, I feel like I have to apologize.


            I was the one who gave the order to raise the shield. If it hadn’t been for… Well… Whatever that was…

            Sheppard cuts her off, his tone both soothing and stern.

            Don’t do this, Elizabeth.

            Do what?

            Doubt yourself…
            …It scares me.

            Weir smiles wryly. Sheppard continues in a reassuring tone.

            SHEPPARD (CONT’D)
            …You had no way of knowing it was me and every reason in the world to believe it was the Wraith. I would have made the same decision.

            Weir studies him.

            You can’t know that for sure.

            Oh yes I can – you aren’t dumb enough to try to gate home without a GDO.

            I’m glad you’re back, John.

            (perking up.)
            Beckett mentioned something about a meeting?

            Yes, Teyla is anxious to speak with you.

            Sheppard slides off the bed.

            I’ll go get my sparring sticks.

            I don’t think she wants to fight you, John.

            Oh, I beg to differ.

            Weir and Sheppard exit.
            AHAHAHAH! Oh, that's hilarious! 'Wet puppies.' *dies laughing*
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              How about one of our favorite flirty moments? Cheeky.


              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Fic rec! One of my favorite Sparky writers wrote me a fic and that fact alone is making me happy and all giddy, but also, the fic is gorgeous and worth yout time and attention:

                Amor Fati (Love your fate) by Speckleberry --- John got to take her hand and lead her home.
                Omg, that's a beautiful fic. Thanks for recommending it.

                Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                i got one more sparky scene (With a little carson Thrown in) i thought u guys might like it

                I just wrote it right now.


                I really like this. Also, I like your style of script writing. I think if you prefer that style over regular story formatting, you should totally keep doing what you want.

                Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                has anyone seen this video ? cause it made me crack a tear.
                Aw, I almost cried too. I like the story the video maker came up with.

                Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                I think they're IC.
                And it was very cute. I can totally imagine Teyla setting them up
                Originally posted by Probie View Post
                Thank you. I'm glad to hear that because I never took drawing lessons and I do this for fun.

                I love your fic. Now I'm a big fan of
                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                Nice. I can see Teyla getting fed up with their circling of each other and taking matters into her own hands.
                Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                Hurray for fluff! Read and reviewed
                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                Oh, that's funny! Teyla would so set them up! I can just see her, Ronon and even Rodney sitting around, plotting and planning to get those two together, because they're all being driven nuts by the way that John and Elizabeth keep dancing around each other. Heehee!
                Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
                Lt.Col John Speppard Nice stories. The script format is a nice change of pace from the typical prose. That vid was very angsty indeed.

                Probie Nice drawing.

                Anuna Good fic rec. No deserts involved too

                Vixen in Violet That was a very fluffy fic rec. It was romantic.

                Erin87 Your drawing was angsty to the max.
                Thank you for taking the time to read it. I know it's not as good as most of those plot-driven fics out there or the awesomeness that was "Amor Fati", but who doesn't enjoy happy fluff once in a while? At least I do, lol. To be honest, though, I think I need help when it comes to writing real stories. Lately, I keep doubting something will work in my writing and I will take forever to make sure I have each part the way I like it. It's weird, since writing used to be something I could do so freely, but now I feel like I have to take forever to make it any good.. lol. Guess I should keep plugging away at it..
                Last edited by Janet Fraiser; 19 July 2009, 09:50 AM.
                rest easy now


                everything will be all right

                // tumblr //


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  How about one of our favorite flirty moments? Cheeky.

                  There can never be enough cheeky.

                  Originally posted by Vixen in Violet View Post
                  Thank you for taking the time to read it. I know it's not as good as most of those plot-driven fics out there or the awesomeness that was "Amor Fati", but who doesn't enjoy happy fluff once in a while? At least I do, lol. To be honest, though, I think I need help when it comes to writing real stories. Lately, I keep doubting something will work in my writing and I will take forever to make sure I have each part the way I like it. It's weird, since writing used to be something I could do so freely, but now I feel like I have to take forever to make it any good.. lol. Guess I should keep plugging away at it..
                  Fluff is always welcome!

                  Believe me, I understand where you're coming from with the 'taking forever to make sure every part of a story is the way I like it' thing. My Big Bang story is like that; I've been picking away at the idea for the past two years, trying to figure out the backstory and how I wanted everything to go. But it was only once I signed up for the challenge that I finally got down to actually writing the story. Just keep writing, and it will come to you.
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Thank you to all those that enjoyed my style of writing i promise i'll try not to let u guys down.


                      Originally posted by Vixen in Violet View Post
                      Omg, that's a beautiful fic. Thanks for recommending it.

                      I really like this. Also, I like your style of script writing. I think if you prefer that style over regular story formatting, you should totally keep doing what you want.

                      Aw, I almost cried too. I like the story the video maker came up with.

                      Thank you for taking the time to read it. I know it's not as good as most of those plot-driven fics out there or the awesomeness that was "Amor Fati", but who doesn't enjoy happy fluff once in a while? At least I do, lol. To be honest, though, I think I need help when it comes to writing real stories. Lately, I keep doubting something will work in my writing and I will take forever to make sure I have each part the way I like it. It's weird, since writing used to be something I could do so freely, but now I feel like I have to take forever to make it any good.. lol. Guess I should keep plugging away at it..
                      The only way to get better at writing is to write. You're off to a great start.

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        SR what does ur Sig Say I've talked to friends i've talked to god but i cant make out the rest of it. care to fill in the blanks.


                          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                          SR what does ur Sig Say I've talked to friends i've talked to god but i cant make out the rest of it. care to fill in the blanks.
                          I've always wondered that too. It's like one of those eternal questions we contemplate. What is the meaning life? Why are we here? What is it Meatloaf won't do for love? What does Southern Red's sig say?
                          "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


                            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                            SR what does ur Sig Say I've talked to friends i've talked to god but i cant make out the rest of it. care to fill in the blanks.
                            Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
                            I've always wondered that too. It's like one of those eternal questions we contemplate. What is the meaning life? Why are we here? What is it Meatloaf won't do for love? What does Southern Red's sig say?
                            Ha ha, you guys are comedians today I see.

                            It's from a song by Keith Anderson called "I Still Miss You". It's a pretty much perfect country song. Here are the lyrics. Very Sparky I thought.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Ha ha, you guys are comedians today I see.

                              It's from a song by Keith Anderson called "I Still Miss You". It's a pretty much perfect country song. Here are the lyrics. Very Sparky I thought.
                              yeah that is some song and thanks.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                Ha ha, you guys are comedians today I see.

                                It's from a song by Keith Anderson called "I Still Miss You". It's a pretty much perfect country song. Here are the lyrics. Very Sparky I thought.
                                Wow. That does fit really well. I thought these lines were particularly Sparky:
                                I never knew til you were gone
                                how many pages you were on


                                On another note, I just watched Ghost in the Machine again. Gah! If it wasn't for the marvelous acting of Joe Flanigan and the moments of angst I would hate and despise that ep with a passion for what it does to her. Stupidest ending ever! There is no way that Elizabeth's story ends like that. Three years she's in charge of the expedition, and this is her grand send off? I don't think so. *goes off to live in my world of happy denial* That is not how it ends. I refuse to accept it. So there.
                                Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~

