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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Tigon_(5)
    cute manip post:
    Hehe, lol. That's really cute Tigon

    And lovely post Mann One!


      It's great to know that a good segment of males see the same things so many of us women see and we females really don't want a huge hammerhead shep/weir anvil
      he he, anvils make me think of J.K, she likes anvils, LOL. I don't want anvils either, i prefer the subtle.
      And on the
      kiss, i haven't seen the episode yet, and probably won't get to see until next year. But i knew it wouldn't be anything terrible (like the sinking of our ship, for instance), i'm kind of glad it wasn't Shep/Weir snoggin though. Yeah, i know i sound like a bad case of the grapes are sour, but my experience with the characters of my ship snoggin' has never been good. The kisses Mulder and Scully had were lousy, *so* dissappointing, and lacking that at the time i wished those had never happened, they never met my expectations. And Harm and Mac's kisses were the worst, with all due respect i think DJE looked terrible kissing anyone on screen.
      So... I'm not very enthusiastic at the prospect of a Shep/Weir kiss, it could be *SO* good, but it could also go so wrong. I think i'd rather just imagine how it would be than actually seeing it.

      Give me touching and gazing any day.
      Last edited by Luz; 10 September 2005, 02:00 PM.


        And closets and balconies too.


          Here's the thing that REALLLLLLLLLLY hits me too guys...

          If TPTB say decided to pursue a relationship of 'that' nature between tey and shep, then what are they saying? They've spent the ENTIRE first and second season building a real foundational relationship between Elizabeth and John. They turn to each other in crisis. They lean on each other. They seek out the other with problems. They've become the best friends of each other. I mean, how would that be?

          "Oh, yeah Teyla babe, the sex was pretty good but I gotta go talk to Elizabeth now. You know how that 'thing' is between us don't you? I mean she is my best friend." COME ON! Give me a break. That's beyond STUPID. ; ) They better start building some kind of foundation fast between shep and tey and find Elizabeth somebody else to 'hang out' with and carry her problems to. I can just hear her now can't yall. "Oh, John, after you and Teyla finish sexin, would you please meet me in my office, I *really* need to talk to you about something important." LOL!

          Think about it folks.


          -B ...really goin to watch some more football now.


            Originally posted by Luz
            he he, anvils make me think of J.K, she likes anvils, LOL. I don't want anvils either, i prefer the subtle.
            And on the
            kiss, i haven't seen the episode yet, and probably won't get to see until next year. But i knew it wouldn't be anything terrible (like the sinking of our ship, for instance), i'm kind of glad it wasn't Shep/Weir snoggin though. Yeah, i know i sound like a bad case of the grapes are sour, but my experience with the characters of my ship snoggin' has never been good. The kisses Mulder and Scully had were lousy, *so* dissappointing, and lacking that at the time i wished those had never happened, they never met my expectations. And Harm and Mac's kisses were the worst, with all due respect i think DJE looked terrible kissing anyone on screen.
            So... I'm not very enthusiastic at the prospect of a Shep/Weir kiss, it could be *SO* good, but it could also go so wrong. I think i'd rather just imagine how it would be than actually seeing it.

            Give me touching and gazing any day.
            Agree on some of what you said.
            The Sheppard/Teyla kiss was rather lackluster. It was over too quick and Teyla was barely even responding because she was just so suprised by it. I've read some other people call it 'passionate,' and I just don't see it as that. If that same kiss would have happened between Sheppard and Weir, I would have been dissappointed by it, so it's not like I'm saying that because it didn't happen between my ship of choice. The kiss was nothing to write home about.

            If a Weir/Sheppard kiss were to happen, I'd want it years down the line, when they're both in control of their bodies and minds, and its just something mutual - with plenty of angst and emotion. Slow and passionate, yes? Kinda lingering, like their looks.

            Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
            I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
            Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


              I did some... ahem... scientific research on the "spoiler scene" we are all talking about. And, the way the scene was setup
              there was nothing about the kiss that made me like it. Johns shoulder was in the way. Hes Grabbing her too tight. She is holding her hands up defensively. And no closeups of the mouth. Yes lingering is what I want.

              I feel like the beginning few minutes the sets the viewer up to see how OOC John really is acting.


                Qasim posted several of the "moment" pics in the J/T thread (before/during). Tell me. . is this woman enjoying her
                "hot kiss"

                It is a spoiler pic - just warning.


                When all else fails, change channels.


                  I think i read somewhere else on this thread that tptb said Teyla was a Possible love interest so in a way it's kind of funny that shippers use there shippy blinders and look only at the love interest part of the quote and convenientely forget the word possible obviously like most people i saw the initial written attraction between the characters but after rising it fizzeled out and dissapeared for me.

                  Then suddenly the Sheppard/Weir attraction/chemisty snuck in there.

                  What i like about farscape is that unexplainable yet warmly-electrifying chemisty between the actors that drives the relationships home with a certain amount of depth and realness no matter what the situaions the characters are involved in given that this is Science fiction and things tend to get out of this world weird. It helps that what i see in Torri and Joe whilst acting opposite each other is a similar yet not identicle kind of chemisty that existed between Claudia Black and Ben Browder on farscape.

                  I may sound quite stupid in saying this but part of me wonders if they had planned for a Weir/Sheppard ship at some point as it just seems a bit convenient at times in certain eps like "The eye", and "The seige part's two and three" (i wont list every ep with shippiness) that the parts dripping with angst seem at the time seem overtly shippy and although everyone is welcome to there own opinion the ones that just rationalize those particular certain scenes as "Just concern for a friend" just amaze me i can imaging it would feel like being slapped in the face with a wet smelly kipper if the show goes with sheppard and weir eventually.but maybe its just a certain amount of optimism on my part.

                  The frustrating thing about multiple ships as seen on and off since this show started is one ship seems to believe it is the "True Ship" and the other is just the figment of the shippers imagination so snarky pig headed nastyness ensues at least if there was a definative ship, shippers could either get behind it and support it or say to hell with it and believe what they want about the shows characters shippy intentions at least for the viewers who aren't overly shippy and can't ignor those shippy scenes imbedded in to the episodes they would at least know where the shows shippy intentions are headed and they wouldn't be left wondering where the ship was going.

                  As far as im concerned one ship between two Chemistry filled warmly-electrifying actors is worth a hundred ships between actors that have no chemistry at all.

                  Damn Sheppard looks aggressive in that picture how the hell could sheylas interpret that as a shippy intention is beyond my humanly limited imagination.

                  i hope that didn't come out as a babble but its 11:51pm and im more than slightly tired.
                  Last edited by Mann One; 10 September 2005, 03:04 PM.


                    Originally posted by Luz
                    he he, anvils make me think of J.K, she likes anvils, LOL...
                    haha Yeah well as long as TPTB stay away from using the word "delusional", no one will be too upset I think.
                    SQUEE like no one's listening.


                      Have wonderful day and all the best to you! *huggles*

                      Here in Germany it is already Sunday and I'm going to bed now, because it's 2.15 am.

                      Tomorrow I'll catch the last missing pages here... *screams out for happiness*

                      By the way I loved "Conversion", it was really great.

                      Sleep well, good night!


                        Does anyone notice that the first time we see John's bedroom in Conversion when he tells Beckett about his arm "infection", there is a guitar in background? Maybe he will sing a love song to Weir. lol
                        And when Weir come to see him when he is in the room with light turn off, there is a frame/ picture where we can see a old man and a young boy (maybe John and his father).


                          Great posts everyone! Very interesting. I want to believe the optimistic interpretation.

                          I think the PTB have purposefully created this episode to stir things up because they haven't decided what they want to do regarding romance. Unfortunately, IMO, it tends to diminish the show, making it more like a daytime soap opera. I got hooked on a couple of daytime soaps when I was a teenager. Eventually, the shows felt very manipulative as the stories just went around in circles with no beginning, middle, or end and the characters became unfathomable. In fact, I came to despise just about every character.

                          There's the danger that the producers will continue this for the next 3-4 seasons. I wonder if they cannot write a mature relationship. I would hate to see what happened to Sam happen to Elizabeth. Sam was suddenly acting like a teenager with her first crush. Please, please don't do that to Elizabeth. I already feel that women are secondary in the Stargate universe.


                            Beauty and the Beast, anyone?

                            Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                            I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                            Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                              Originally posted by Bama
                              Like I said, if I hadn't believed that Elizabeth loved him before this one, I'd sure as heck believe it now. John's feelings still aren't as clear to me. You could make a case that he's attracted to Teyla on a visceral level but he's reactive toward Elizabeth on an emotional one. He has some high emotions in the ep for sure but with him being so out of character due to the bug bite, it was hard to tell much of anything for certain in his interactions with Elizabeth or Teyla. Of course, that's what the writers wanted. This one was all about watching their reactions and actions. That's where the money is for now.

                              -B ; )
                              I must say I have to agree with you there, Bama... I don't think we should get too excited about a Sheppard/Weir tango just yet. The violins haven't started playing and one of the partners isn't even sure about the steps. He's not even someone who wears his heart on his sleeve.
                              I admire Weir's ability on this occasion to hold everything together in spite of the crisis... her loyalty to Sheppard is admirable but her resilience has been really key to holding everyone together.
                              Did I say that Martin Gero is my hero... ? Except when he flannelling about hugs...

                              I don't think anybody should get worried or excited about the kiss... From where I was standing, it was a cliche of Broca Divide proportions and all that happened was that Sheppard did mouth to mouth with Teyla upright and sucked oxygen out of her rather than vice versa. It was a momentary lapse of reason...
                              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                                And in response to all the Weir/Cadwell thoughts today . . .

                                Cadwell: C'mon, Elizabeth! Look at me! Look at me!
                                Weir thinking: Damn, John looks good tonight.

                                Can you blame the girl? Bedheads over baldies any day.

                                Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                                I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                                Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!

