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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Just a quick reminder, this is not directed at you Shippymom, since I know you are a brand spanking new poster, but also because we have a lot of new posters recently. And sometimes when some of us get over excited over certain spoiler information we forget about spoiler tags.

    So don't forget spoiler tags for pretty much anything that is Season 2 since not everyone has seen some episodes yet.

    If you don't know how to do spoiler it's very simple.

    Before the spoiler info put [*spoiler] whatever you want [/*spoiler] minus the "*" of course and you should get this
    as an outcome.

    And Welcome to board Shippymom!


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      Yup, I was an opera performance major. I'm a dramatic soprano – big, loud, dark voice that tends to resonate in large halls. I didn't stick in music, though. It started becoming work instead of fun, unfortunately, and I just wasn't enjoying it enough anymore.

      Or were you shocked by the ethnomusicology bit?

      And Southern Red, the quote from Rob Cooper on Shep/Weir being like Jack and Daniel just cracks me up. They really messed that one up, didn't they?
      You know, I always thought that Daniel and Jack had a better relationship and foundation than Sam and Jack ever did. Coming from someone who is indifferent to S/J (yet means no offense to its shippers), I couldn't get past the fact that Sam and Jack were never on a level playing field. She was his subordinate, and acted like it through and through. (I don't see the same between Sheppard and Weir.) Jack and Daniel, although they had their strifes in a professional manner, and tended to disagree about ideology, were pretty much solid *best friends* from practically the get-go. I always felt, technology stuff notwithstanding, that Jack would listen to Daniel more than he would listen to Sam. The type of respect and friendship between J/D was protrayed better than the ptb's handling of the love between Sam and Jack (and, despite not being a shipper for them, I can still clearly see).

      So, all I'm saying, there could be worse things to compare S/W to. Both dynamics have respect and friendship and a sort of mutual dependency between them. If I actually had to choose between having S/W go down the path of Jack/Daniel type of evolution or the Jack/Sam road, I'd choose Jack/Daniel. Granted, not ship. But I'm not talking about strickly ship here. The relationship and dynamic comes first, before the ship can take place because it needs a solid foundation. Daniel/Jack had the best foundation from the beginning of any two pairings. I'm not a slasher, but if Daniel had been a girl, I would have been a J/D fan!!! That's the honest truth.

      Oh, and ShippyMom, I can make you a sig. Just not this week. Finals time. (Actually, I should be studying right now, but this thread and forum manages to pull me in yet again. BAD THREAD!!! I've got work to do!)

      Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
      I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
      Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


        Originally posted by ShippyMom
        I'd heard about the Conversion S/T kiss before seeing the episode, so I made a point to watch it with an open mind to see if I could see any S/T spark without my S/W bias interfering. But nope, no spark and Teyla's literal sigh of relief after her conversaton with Shep speaks pretty plainly that the door has been closed on a S/T romance.

        I feel rather sorry for the S/T shippers who were set up in Rising and then had their hopes dashed by season two. Fickle PTB! But thank goodness it isn't my ship they trashed. LOL!

        Aside from the S/T death knell in Conversion, in Intruder we are plainly told that (a) Weir is now single, (b) Weir will stand up to TPTB for John and (c) Weir's worry and concern for John is extreme. Then in Conversion, aside from Elizabeth's support of and worry for John we are also told, via Caldwell, that she and John are close. Sheesh, if I didn't harbour a cynasism about TPTB, my head would be hurting from having the beginning of the S/W romance being beaten over it by the aforementioned PTB.

        If they continue to keep this up, maybe we should be sending TPTB a nice box of mints, in security-sealed packing, of course.

        Oh my, maybe I made a mistake in joining the forum. Now I'm never going to get anything done around here!

        I agree with you completely with your assessment of the Shep/Teyla thing.
        As for never getting anything done, join the club! Don't work, don't sleep! Just play!
        So many of us spend soooo much of our time and energy here!
        Welcome, by the way!


          Originally posted by ShippyMom
          If they continue to keep this up, maybe we should be sending TPTB a nice box of mints, in security-sealed packing, of course.
          I think you'll fit right in here with us.

          *Have also added the word "craptacular" to my vocabulary*

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            I think you'll fit right in here with us.

            *Have also added the word "craptacular" to my vocabulary*
            Don't you love this thread! We learn new things everyday!

            Seriously, everytime I hear the word "Sparky" I can't think of anything else but John and Elizabeth.


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              And yes, it was badly dubbed. I'm not sure that was Rachel's fault, either. I think there was just one long clip where they didn't sync the audio and video properly.
              Its not so much that it was dubbed wrong but it was recorded in a way that didn't mirror the space she was singing in. I've taken a lot of computer composition and i worked at a recording studio and there are just so many ways to have made it seem like she was singing in the room. Well I just relistened to it and the fact is that it is wayy too resonating for that type of room. It wouldn't have so much reverb b.c its not very conductive and most likely the ceilings aren't vaulted. Esp. b.c its made out of cheap stuff the set and even if we think "atlantis" the city is made out of like the crap that the stargate is which I highly doubt is very acoustic Rachel has a very pretty voice they just executed it way wrong.

              And Opera singer?? Too freaking cool!! What shows did you do? and where did you major? (loves it!)
              Citizen of Braneville


                Seriously, everytime I hear the word "Sparky" I can't think of anything else but John and Elizabeth.
                Oh me too. I've just done a quiz and one of the questions was Have you ever done puddle jumping?
                Of course first thoughts are : EEEEEEeee!!!!! Atlantis. Then i think that maybe it's somthing John and Lizzie would do


                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                  Oh me too. I've just done a quiz and one of the questions was Have you ever done puddle jumping?
                  Of course first thoughts are : EEEEEEeee!!!!! Atlantis. Then i think that maybe it's somthing John and Lizzie would do
                  You mean, taking a spin around the planet with puddlejumper?

                  I will resist the bunny!!! *runs away from plot bunny*


                    Originally posted by Athenaktt
                    Liz: John, is that Jor trying to sing Opera over the intercom system?

                    John: Yep. Guess I'm going to have to muzzle the bugger at night from now on.

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Originally posted by Athenaktt
                      Seriously, everytime I hear the word "Sparky" I can't think of anything else but John and Elizabeth.
                      And let's not forget the "closets"

                      Welcome ShippyMom!


                        Welcome ShippyMom

                        Hmm, so TLG is Torri's favorite of the season (was that right?), tptb raved about it, it's on DH's list as one of his favorite episodes to shoot.....Has JF mentioned anything about TLG?
                        Last edited by Vixen; 12 December 2005, 12:23 PM.


                          Welcome Shippy Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          i cant wait til tonight to see Grace Under Pressure!!!!!! i really wanna see the interactioin between john and liz...

                          io agree on "Sparky" and "Closets"... also add the word "Funtastic"
                          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                            Everyone go over to this thread and give Darren a big congrats on "Baby Joshua"!


                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              Originally posted by Whistler84
                              The relationship and dynamic comes first, before the ship can take place because it needs a solid foundation. Daniel/Jack had the best foundation from the beginning of any two pairings. I'm not a slasher, but if Daniel had been a girl, I would have been a J/D fan!!! That's the honest truth.
                              Now that you mention it, with J/D i was *this* close to becoming a slasher, talk about chemistry, it's one of those cases were you know it's so not gonna happen, but still you'd wish that cannon slash was possible.
                              I too would prefer it that S/W was compared to J/D instead of S/J. S/J shippers don't get mad, but i've always felt that ship was kind of pushed by tptb because they felt like they had to write S/J innuendo, just because Sam was the female lead, and Jack was the male lead (supposedly, for me SG1's heart and soul has always been Daniel).
                              Originally posted by wizengamot
                              Its not so much that it was dubbed wrong but it was recorded in a way that didn't mirror the space she was singing in.
                              No songs should be allowed to intrude sci-fi, period, i love musicals, but there are some places where a song just doesn't fit. Maybe if it was done in jest like they did on TXF with Scully singing Jeremiah was a... i don't remember, but i hate it when action is interrupted to show someone singing, like in real life people break into song, blah!, when i watch the ep i'll just fast forward.


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                Liz: John, is that Jor trying to sing Opera over the intercom system?

                                John: Yep. Guess I'm going to have to muzzle the bugger at night from now on.

                                Oh dear, he's been at it again. If you want to *encourage* the ship, that's not the best way of going about it, Jor! Then, again, carry on, it might give other ships a chance!
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

