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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    They also showed a trailer with clips from several early episodes...
    and the first clip was of Torri from BAMSR saying the "It's time to begin" line. Made me both squee (because it's Torri! And they still can't do it without her! Hah!) and grit my teeth (hello, she's not even appearing this year, deceptive advertising, much?) at the same time.
    I've come to the conclusion that a) Skiffy still thinks they're suckering the Elizabeth fans into believing she's still there and b) they just don't care about the show anymore. To me that second point was really driven home by the new ads for Eureka. Have you seen them? They're adorable and they were specially filmed by the cast. Can't say that about SGA this season.

    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
    And they continue to use Torri/Elizabeth *headdesk* Hey guys if you really want to use Elizabeth JUST APOLOGIZE AND BRING HER BACK. I wonder who made the clips. What I found out from Doctor Who fandom is that RTD has a say in what goes on the previews up to the point where he said no preview for you for Journey's End because it would spoil too much. Fandom exploded because there was no preview. LOL. Anyways SGA peeps just want us to think that Lizzie will be there but we know better.
    Did you notice Skiffy put up a preview after The Stolen Earth last night? I'm so glad I saw the last episode without that preview.

    And again, with using Elizabeth in the previews, someone obviously thinks she's important to the show. When I see what they did in season 4 of Doctor Who with
    I just want to scream. Something similar with Elizabeth would have been awesome.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    You're right there, but Scary Kitty clears it up a bit. I hope they put this bit up on YouTube because I want to see Joe's body language and hear the scarcasm in his voice when he says this. I get the feeling also that he's bored with the romance thing. I don't think he would take kindly to S5 speculation
    portraying John as a love sick schoolboy while Teyla is living in sin domestic bliss with Kanaan. I think that would turn off a lot of people. But knowing how the anti-Sheyla sentiment exists at least in part with PM, I don't think we need to be very concerned.
    I totally agree. I wouldn't put it past TPTB to try and sneak it in again, but I'm not too concerned at the moment and Broken Ties helped.

    Originally posted by Reiko View Post
    » Torri Interview!: Video and Transcript.

    » God, I love this woman! And she thinks Elizabeth should have ASCENDED!

    » Small sad snippet:

    Looking back at the 4th season of Atlantis, what do you miss the most?
    The people, I miss the people, I miss going, you know it was like going to what has become your family, you spend so much time with them. I miss the hair makeup people, I miss having our chat in the morning and then the jokes with the sound department during the day and uh, and just the energy of so many different types of personalities that they all melt together in a great harmony, so yeah I miss that.

    That was the hardest thing to leave?
    Yeah, that was the hardest thing to leave.

    » She also acknowledges the SEW.
    Awwww. Thanks for posting this. At the end the interviewer says, "I will follow you." And in my mind I said, "Me too."

    I miss her. Hope she lands a new series soon.
    sig by SueKay

    My Team:


      Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
      Okay not intentionally but if they never would have fired Torri they still would have had two female characters to play with. I think probably the only reason they made Teyla be pregnant was because she was the only full time female character. If they would had her be kidnapped or lessened her screen time people would have *****ed and called them sexist. What with dropping Torri and all. They could have had Torri and Amanda and Rachel. All they needed to do was not fire Torri. Elizabeth could have been part of team Shep, that would have been an interesting take on her character, Sam could have still been in charge of Atlantis and they could have had Teyla be kidnapped until Rachel had her bb. They could have milked sheyla all they wanted if they chose to but I doubt they would have since it seems not all the writers are pro sheyla. So in the end they kind of killed their own ship by getting rid of Torri.

      They screwed themselves. LOL.

      I just think that with most shows a baby kind of kills a ship. More than death. At least in sci-fi they can always be brought back. But to have the person you intended to ship with the lead have a baby with another man that is just too much soap opera for some people. It's not good storytelling (unless you are planning some sort of arc or the show itself focuses on these characters)and kind of kills the ship. Sure shippers can try to justify it but in the end the writers chose to have her be pregnant and imo there is no going back. They can still do sheyla but it will be the most horrible ship in the history of stargate because of that reason. Before at least in my eyes while unbearable Shep and Teyla would have been an blah ship BUT now it becomes cheap. If it was sparky I would have still shipped them because I'm loyal like that but it would have destroyed the ship for me. At least with sparky it stayed perfect in my eyes.
      Oh, I totally agree with all that!

      There were so many awesome possibilities they could've had with a Torri-Rachel-Amanda triumvirate. Now that would've been an all-female team that I would've happily thrown my support behind. Sam, with her own experience with Replicators at the hands of Fifth, helping Elizabeth recover from her own ordeal with them? Elizabeth being there to support Teyla through her pregnancy, and joining Team Shep to search for Teyla after Michael kidnaps her? Argh, that would've so rocked!

      And TPTB killing Sheyla with Teyla's baby? Priceless.

      Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
      I've seen that too. I think I read on some website that it felt
      false, like tptb really wanted Elizabeth to be there because while Ford was important to John, he chose his own destiny. I thought John had made peace with that. Elizabeth was more recent and would have made more sense. But in a way I think it worked to not have Elizabeth because it made the dream more wtf and that is exactly how I chose to view it.
      I rather like that take on the scene.
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
        I've come to the conclusion that a) Skiffy still thinks they're suckering the Elizabeth fans into believing she's still there and b) they just don't care about the show anymore. To me that second point was really driven home by the new ads for Eureka. Have you seen them? They're adorable and they were specially filmed by the cast. Can't say that about SGA this season.
        SGA is so the ugly stepsister. During the SGA panel at Comic-Con, someone even asked about SGA's future with Stargate Universe on the horizon, and all the responses from the Skiffy rep, Gero and Wright were all very, "Atlantis has plenty of stories left, it's not going anywhere, blahblahblah." Yeah, right.

        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
        And again, with using Elizabeth in the previews, someone obviously thinks she's important to the show. When I see what they did in season 4 of Doctor Who with
        I just want to scream. Something similar with Elizabeth would have been awesome.
        I think it goes to show just how much TPTB have lost touch with the fans, and the concept of good storytelling.

        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
        I totally agree. I wouldn't put it past TPTB to try and sneak it in again, but I'm not too concerned at the moment and Broken Ties helped.
        Yeah, with recent events on the show, trying to do Sheyla now would just kill whatever's left of the characters and the story. I really do think TPTB are trying to distance themselves from it at this point.

        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
        Awwww. Thanks for posting this. At the end the interviewer says, "I will follow you." And in my mind I said, "Me too."

        I miss her. Hope she lands a new series soon.
        Me three! I so want to see her on NCIS again!

        Going to be offline again for most of tomorrow, so I bid you all good night, and I'll be back tomorrow evening! Happy Sparky dreams, everyone! *waves*
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          I actually had some discussion with sheyla fans about the baby story line. And in all empathy with the characters (after whole misery business that was season 4) I came up with an idea that singlehandedly makes Atlantis darker and creates a possibility of a baby story and even sheyla.

          What if Teyla was raped? By an unknown man? And then she discovers she is pregnant? Does she keep the baby? How does she handle it? How do her friends handle it? Imagine John going bananas over the whole thing! The way I see Teyla I can see her keeping the baby, being strong and overcoming the trauma. A storyline like this would make the show darker just like that, it provides character development possibilities, heck even romance, but imagine the writing skill it requires. Heh, and leave it to me to come up with an idea like this one. I'm good at torturing characters, just ask for it.

          But seriously. This is an issue of importance. They could have even used it to send a message to women and girls suffering after such an experience. Science fiction should do that, IMO.
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            I actually had some discussion with sheyla fans about the baby story line. And in all empathy with the characters (after whole misery business that was season 4) I came up with an idea that singlehandedly makes Atlantis darker and creates a possibility of a baby story and even sheyla.

            What if Teyla was raped? By an unknown man? And then she discovers she is pregnant? Does she keep the baby? How does she handle it? How do her friends handle it? Imagine John going bananas over the whole thing! The way I see Teyla I can see her keeping the baby, being strong and overcoming the trauma. A storyline like this would make the show darker just like that, it provides character development possibilities, heck even romance, but imagine the writing skill it requires. Heh, and leave it to me to come up with an idea like this one. I'm good at torturing characters, just ask for it.

            But seriously. This is an issue of importance. They could have even used it to send a message to women and girls suffering after such an experience. Science fiction should do that, IMO.
            First thing you'll have to invent is how did she get raped in the first place. We both know that Teyla would be capable of defending herself unless the guy was chemicaly or genetically enhanced (or just had a Wraith stunner in his hands). There is a lot of room for Kate/Teyla scenes. I can imagine her friendship with Ronon, John and Rodney would suffer, 'cause she might find it hard to trust men in general after such an experience. But of course, I'm operating on wild hunches here. This is not my area of expertise


              Your hunches are right. Wraith stunner solves the problem of why she didn't/couldn't defend herself and it certainly gives all of them something to do. But I'm faraid I won't be writing this one. TSM was quite enough.
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Your hunches are right. Wraith stunner solves the problem of why she didn't/couldn't defend herself and it certainly gives all of them something to do. But I'm faraid I won't be writing this one. TSM was quite enough.
                I might give it a try, but I won't be able to make it right without your supervision


                  I'm here to help! Big bang is all behind me now!
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    I'm here to help! Big bang is all behind me now!
                    Is this a Big bang challenge?


                      Nah. It's just a challenge if you want it. You don't have to put it into S4 though. You can make it an AU.
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        Nah. It's just a challenge if you want it. You don't have to put it into S4 though. You can make it an AU.
                        Okay. I'll put some thoughts into it. Might have a useable plotline just after lunch. But don't expect the final story to be longer than 20,000 words. (But that what I said about my other story that is already 26,000 words long and I haven't gotten to the good bit yet)


                          Did anyone else see the video from comic con for the SGA panel? A lady asked "what happened to Dr Weir 1?" Brad Wright then said "next question" he then added saying something like "things change" then JoeF said "people die" with an awkward little laugh. Brad then says "not that one the one from Lost City, she got lost" at which point they leave the question hanging there and move on. You could feel the presence of Torri hanging in the air so heavily, for a second I stupidly thought that Brad Wright would actually address the question but hey no surprises when he didn't.

                          I was a little let down by JoeF, in a way it seems that the fighting spirit he has shown in the past has been squashed and he is having to toe the line, heaven forbid anyone actually gets to speak their mind anymore.


                            Originally posted by tricia View Post
                            Did anyone else see the video from comic con for the SGA panel? A lady asked "what happened to Dr Weir 1?" Brad Wright then said "next question" he then added saying something like "things change" then JoeF said "people die" with an awkward little laugh. Brad then says "not that one the one from Lost City, she got lost" at which point they leave the question hanging there and move on. You could feel the presence of Torri hanging in the air so heavily, for a second I stupidly thought that Brad Wright would actually address the question but hey no surprises when he didn't.

                            I was a little let down by JoeF, in a way it seems that the fighting spirit he has shown in the past has been squashed and he is having to toe the line, heaven forbid anyone actually gets to speak their mind anymore.
                            Hm, I don't look at it that way. I think Joe did all he could and he showed his support to TH, Elizabeth and Elizabeth fans when it was hardest. I still believe he doesn't agree with the mighty changes. Ultimately, SGA will never get rid of Elizabeth's shadow. Joe is still my anti hero for speaking up when nobody did and nobody can erase that. He did it. It happened. Thank you, Joe, that was grand! (On the other hand, I don't think he is having as much fun like before. So there.)

                            Here's a cute fic: Children's curiosity
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Originally posted by tricia View Post
                              Did anyone else see the video from comic con for the SGA panel? A lady asked "what happened to Dr Weir 1?" Brad Wright then said "next question" he then added saying something like "things change" then JoeF said "people die" with an awkward little laugh. Brad then says "not that one the one from Lost City, she got lost" at which point they leave the question hanging there and move on. You could feel the presence of Torri hanging in the air so heavily, for a second I stupidly thought that Brad Wright would actually address the question but hey no surprises when he didn't.

                              I was a little let down by JoeF, in a way it seems that the fighting spirit he has shown in the past has been squashed and he is having to toe the line, heaven forbid anyone actually gets to speak their mind anymore.
                              JoeF: Now that Amanda wants to go, we can bring Torri back. The fans want her - It would improve the ratings

                              JoeM: Shut up or Sheppard gets a lethal alien STD

                              Pajus: *waits for Fionnait's return, as he needs the biology in two of his stories reviewed*


                                Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                                JoeF: Now that Amanda wants to go, we can bring Torri back. The fans want her - It would improve the ratings

                                JoeM: Shut up or Sheppard gets a lethal alien STD

                                Pajus: *waits for Fionnait's return, as he needs the biology in two of his stories reviewed*
                                Sounds actually believable. And I also miss Fionnait. She once wrote a crack!fic with Shep and alien STD. Actually half of Atlantis had the disease. The fic was hilarious.
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

