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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
    awww - i'm sorry hahahaha

    try to think of something nice ... maybe that helps

    hehe love it!
    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


      Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
      hihi, yeah.. i've seen that pic after i posted
      well.. not sooo mine .. its looking more like a 'boy' to me

      yeah true. with older ones, they are older too and its not sooo hot anymore to ship them with s-e-x and so *rofl*
      i mean .. nobody wants to imagine 'old-ppl' while doing it .. at least i dont haha
      LOL. At just what age do you think people stop having sex? Now I can see them getting frisky on the couch while their teenagers are out on dates, but that's just me.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        LOL. At just what age do you think people stop having sex? Now I can see them getting frisky on the couch while their teenagers are out on dates, but that's just me.
        i never said they stop having s.e.x .. i just said i dont want to imagine

        lol, john & liz will always be frisky ... they're both hot so they turn theirselfs on


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          LOL. At just what age do you think people stop having sex? Now I can see them getting frisky on the couch while their teenagers are out on dates, but that's just me.
          Is that a bit of TMI from you SR?


            *closing eyes and ears*

            i'm still so youngh and innocent... please save my untouched mind ....


              Originally posted by mcat View Post
              I'm having one of those weeks. To cheer myself up I shall post on Suspicion, though I clearly should be studying... *checks syllabus* "Geriatrics" instead. *headdesk*

              So as other people have noted there was more yummy conflict in this one. I'll try not to rehash what's already been said, so while I do think it was sweet that John later defended her to Teyla, I should also point out that Teyla did essentially the same thing herself. Ie, got angry with John while they talked about it, but then defended him (and Elizabeth) to the Athosians later. In fact, I sometimes wish they had done that scene with just Teyla and Halling, so that later Halling could defend Teyla to the rest of the Athosians. I am a bit silly, yes.

              spoiler-cut for images!

              Anyway, I like the scene where John dismisses Bates and then Elizabeth is all "oh no you di'int," except she's too polite to actually say that so she just stares at him

              until he gets the point.

              Then, when he says she can dismiss him if she wants, she instead says "Why don't you go and see how Lt. Ford is doing," complete with teh eyebrow,

              thus dismissing him without actually dismissing him.
              It takes him a second to process that,

              and then he doesn't really have anything he can say to that, so he quietly exits, leaving Elizabeth all alone with her tiny table.

              I also like this line:
              "Dr. Weir wants to meet them; that's all. It's nothing personal. Well, I mean, it is in the sense that she wants to meet them all personally—" Ah, remember when John was really just a lovable secret dork? I miss those days.

              Also, doesn't Elizabeth look super-pretty in this blue top?

              I bet he noticed, which is why he was so on-edge this episode. Too distracted by inappropriate thoughts about jumping his boss. (Or jobbing, if you prefer that expression. )

              Other things I miss from this episode:
              • Sandwich references.
              • Bates.
              • Ford being a kid.
              • Actual characterization.

              Aaaand that's all I've got for you! Wow, I do feel better after that.
              I love that Analysis! Especially the picture dialogue, senkyuu!!!

              Elizabeth totally rocked teh blue. She always looked good in blue.

              Originally posted by Wormhole View Post

              *Sniffs* are they going to replace the character with someone else?.

              Or the later?
              My longish thoughts...

              My guess is they'll make 'Elizabeth' download with the rest of them. For me it's the only thing that makes sense, and if they're going where I think they're going, it's symbolic: they'll maybe make Weir become a part of Atlantis by the end of the story. They'll probably reiterate that her body was 'killed' after Lifeline but she wasn't dead: her consciousness was preserved.

              Maybe she appears to them in another form--being disembodied initially, she could be anyone. Hey, she may even be Fran herself and that's the big shocker. Without Torri there, it seems like something these PTB would do--and there were no plans to bring back Fran initially; they seem to have brought her back due to viewer response. So the re-write perhaps includes Fran to be voice of Weir.

              As it's only one episode, however, and since the casual viewer is expecting Torri, I don't see them bringing in a completely new actress to be Weir. I could see her be the 'ghost in the machine' who is always a part of Atlantis by the end, though--it seems very Carl Binder to me. The idea of her always there, asleep (or awake) in the city would leave room open for possibilities. It's the Carson storyline, again, without having Torri physically appear and yet never really losing her.

              My other guess would be she gets off-screen mentions, but is still 'out there, somewhere'. You could still shock the Heck out of the Atlantis squad by mentioning Elizabeth is responsible for the whole thing, but never having to see or hear Elizabeth. It doesn't seem like something they'd do, though.

              If they're hoping they can woo Torri back sometime down the road, either way leaves open that possibility without having to recast for only one episode. And the future is open for everything--Torri coming back, or not. They can always make her real body come back if Torri comes in, or have someone replace her if they really want 'Elizabeth' back. Or she's with them forever, just never in form.

              While I hate the idea of Elizabeth being disembodied--especially without Torri--her being a part of Atlantis itself is certainly symbolically cool. Binder's between a rock and a hard place in having to re-write this, since writing out Elizabeth wasn't his decision, so I'd be curious to see how much of her soul he tries to keep, if it plays out in any form similar to my hypothesis. It may be sorta interesting to see Elizabeth 'downloaded' into Fran, too, if that's the way it goes. I don't know why, the idea is just intriguing. Maybe because I liked Fran.

              Of course, I don't think I'll be watching either way--I've gotten away from the show and I haven't really suffered for it. I'm not bitter, just, unfortunately, not really interested anymore. I miss Torri, and it doesn't feel like any amount of rewriting to 'honor' Elizabeth will make me want to come back without her.
              Last edited by Eri13; 18 March 2008, 08:01 AM.
              Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                Sorry I couldn't participate in the Suspicion discussion yesterday, but thanks so much for all the dialogue, it was fun to read!

                And now, without further adieu, Childhood's End:

                Um, yeah. That's about it, because there wasn't a John/Elizabeth scene in this one, was there?

                I did like how Sheppard took a 'big brother' approach to Keras in this one; it showed his maturity.

                Elizabeth also seemed to control Rodney in this episode. There wasn't as much questioning as 'answer my questions' in her attitude.

                And one thing I found sorta creepy--the idea that the kids had to have kids. We never saw pregnant 14 year olds in this episode, but you know there had to have been one or two because they were all so young. *headdesk*

                I haven't seen this episode in a while, so refresh my memory if you have something better!
                Last edited by Eri13; 18 March 2008, 07:44 AM.
                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  LOL. At just what age do you think people stop having sex? Now I can see them getting frisky on the couch while their teenagers are out on dates, but that's just me.
                  Ouch! A big bad plot bunny hit my head!!!!
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    Is that a bit of TMI from you SR?
                    Only if it really bothers you. Hee.

                    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                    I love that Analysis! Especially the picture dialogue, senkyuu!!!

                    Elizabeth totally rocked teh blue. She always looked good in blue.

                    My longish thoughts...

                    My guess is they'll make 'Elizabeth' download with the rest of them. For me it's the only thing that makes sense, and if they're going where I think they're going, it's symbolic: they'll maybe make Weir become a part of Atlantis by the end of the story. They'll probably reiterate that her body was 'killed' after Lifeline but she wasn't dead: her consciousness was preserved.

                    Maybe she appears to them in another form--being disembodied initially, she could be anyone. Hey, she may even be Fran herself and that's the big shocker. Without Torri there, it seems like something these PTB would do--and there were no plans to bring back Fran initially; they seem to have brought her back due to viewer response. So the re-write perhaps includes Fran to be voice of Weir.

                    As it's only one episode, however, and since the casual viewer is expecting Torri, I don't see them bringing in a completely new actress to be Weir. I could see her be the 'ghost in the machine' who is always a part of Atlantis by the end, though--it seems very Carl Binder to me. The idea of her always there, asleep (or awake) in the city would leave room open for possibilities. It's the Carson storyline, again, without having Torri physically appear and yet never really losing her.

                    My other guess would be she gets off-screen mentions, but is still 'out there, somewhere'. You could still shock the Heck out of the Atlantis squad by mentioning Elizabeth is responsible for the whole thing, but never having to see or hear Elizabeth. It doesn't seem like something they'd do, though.

                    If they're hoping they can woo Torri back sometime down the road, either way leaves open that possibility without having to recast for only one episode. And the future is open for everything--Torri coming back, or not. They can always make her real body come back if Torri comes in, or have someone replace her if they really want 'Elizabeth' back. Or she's with them forever, just never in form.

                    While I hate the idea of Elizabeth being disembodied--especially without Torri--her being a part of Atlantis itself is certainly symbolically cool. Binder's between a rock and a hard place in having to re-write this, since writing out Elizabeth wasn't his decision, so I'd be curious to see how much of her soul he tries to keep, if it plays out in any form similar to my hypothesis. It may be sorta interesting to see Elizabeth 'downloaded' into Fran, too, if that's the way it goes. I don't know why, the idea is just intriguing. Maybe because I liked Fran.

                    Of course, I don't think I'll be watching either way--I've gotten away from the show and I haven't really suffered for it. I'm not bitter, just, unfortunately, not really interested anymore. I miss Torri, and it doesn't feel like any amount of rewriting to 'honor' Elizabeth will make me want to come back without her.
                    Love your thoughts. I would have liked to see
                    Torri as Elizabeth appearing to John and maybe even the others, but especially John. If we can't have that, I don't want anyone else representing her. Now I won't object to John talking to her while we can't see her. That would be cool.

                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    Ouch! A big bad plot bunny hit my head!!!!
                    I aim to please.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Say "smut"!!!

                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post

                        Of course, I don't think I'll be watching either way--I've gotten away from the show and I haven't really suffered for it. I'm not bitter, just, unfortunately, not really interested anymore. I miss Torri, and it doesn't feel like any amount of rewriting to 'honor' Elizabeth will make me want to come back without her.

                        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                        Sorry I couldn't participate in the Suspicion discussion yesterday, but thanks so much for all the dialogue, it was fun to read!

                        And now, without further adieu, Childhood's End:

                        Um, yeah. That's about it, because there wasn't a John/Elizabeth scene in this one, was there?

                        I did like how Sheppard took a 'big brother' approach to Keras in this one; it showed his maturity.

                        Elizabeth also seemed to control Rodney in this episode. There wasn't as much questioning as 'answer my questions' in her attitude.

                        And one thing I found sorta creepy--the idea that the kids had to have kids. We never saw pregnant 14 year olds in this episode, but you know there had to have been one or two because they were all so young. *headdesk*

                        I haven't seen this episode in a while, so refresh my memory if you have something better!
                        Yeah, they never even talk to each other over the radio I think. This was never one of my favorite episodes, although it did have a few funny lines in it. Emm... yeah. I guess since they got to live until 25, they could wait until at least 17ish to start having kids. That gives them plenty of good child-bearing years, and the whole point was to not have the population grow too much. I'm glad someone told them about inbreeding though. I mean, really, who set this whole thing up anyway? File that away under "questions that will probably never be answered"...

                        Sparky on youtube


                          . Did someone mention stories? Who’s ready for a new one? I can't get the flipping plot bunnies out of my head.
                          BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                            Originally posted by Anuna View Post

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              I'm still reading it, I get distracted by all kinds of things.

                              But Do you like it - You know I do exchange? Such a male thing to say!!!
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                More fic reccing! This amazing author is on my friends list on journal, and her stories are just amazing.

                                Three views to a secret, part one by leave me light

                                Three views to a secret, part two

                                Three views to a secret, part three

                                Go read, off with you!!!
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

