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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ra-hanna
    Oh Yaaaay! New ep and a fanfic sequel! I just finished reading Strange bedfellows and really enjoyed it. I recommend it to those who haven't read it. Luckily for me you had finished the fic before I read it so cliffhangers only lasted as long as a bathroom break.
    What? Bathroom breaks aren't allowed during the reading of my fics! Hold it, jeez!

    Sorry people, I have to finish this one before I begin to post it, otherwise I'll have lots of mistakes in the fic, and no one likes those....

    Welcome ladeee!


      I like your thoughts Bama

      Originally posted by Bama
      HOWEVER, what concerns me now is that TPTB, are men and men like to be right and their original 'plan' was for a John/Teyla angle so I could foresee them doing the whole love 'triangle' thing where John is in the middle as the ladies duke it out for his heart. They may want to show him torn between them and emotionally confused.
      I hope they don't ever try a love triangle scenario. It would be ridiculous for me.

      Welcome ladeee!


        Originally posted by Space_Pirate
        Lol, yeah, I'd say you're right.

        I like the sig by the way, very mysterious.

        But whats ha-ha and Saic and the others?
        Thanks! I absolutely loved that pic (a cap from Rising), and short of starting a City Thunk thread, I figured that making a sig was the most productive way to use it. ...

        *meanders off-topic* HA-HA is the Hussy Anti-Headgear Association at the Daniel Jackson thunk thread (beware the hussy wars... ) and my title at Shep Thunk is Special Agent in Charge of Clone Quality Control.

        *wanders back to topic*

        Originally posted by ladeee
        ARGH!!! PLEASE don't say that!!! As much as I love Joe Flannigan, I will turn off the set if Sheppard ends up with Teyla. The Shep/Weir potential ship is the ONLY reason that I started watching Atlantis after seeing 38 Minutes a few weeks ago.

        Okay, got that off my chest. Hello to everyone. I'm a newbie but have been enjoying everyone's post for a couple of weeks now.
        First of all, welcome! Second of all, I think WG's point is less about there being a Sheppard/Teyla ship, and more about TPTB getting their act together and actively pursuing a Sheppard/Weir ship. They seem to be more into angst than ship exploration. There's probably going to be a LOT of POTENTIAL ship, but as to any ACTUAL relationship... well, we'll see if they do things differently in Atlantis. Until then, we have threads, fan fics, and vivid imaginations!!

        Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
        still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


          Okay new episode,probably not a lot of Shep/Weir were lucky if we get any, since the episode is about
          saying hello to Ronan, goodbye, sort of to Ford *sniff*.
          Lady F


            So, “Runner.” I liked it! Some initial thoughts, should anyone care to read them....

            Not too much on the shippy front, but I liked it. Nice to see the tension between Caldwell and Sheppard, since we saw it last week for Caldwell and Weir. Rank is becoming a sensitive issue, eh?

            I’m liking Teyla more and more – I loved her reply to McKay’s “Have you seen my complexion?” She said so much with that “Yes.” I’m really getting a feel for her character now. I never really disliked her, but for much of last season I was just disinterested. They're finally (late last season to now) making her interesting!

            SuperFord! He’s such an interesting character now – I really liked the interaction with Rodney, and the way he wavered between friendly buddy-buddy and wacko. I like seeing him more confident and independent, and we had another wonderful confrontation between Shep and Ford!

            Ronon – seems interesting, and I want to see more. But ack! Surgery without anesthesia? Loved John’s expression as we watched that!

            And I just have to have a quick paragraph devoted to Rodney’s likeable lines: “That’s just reckless.” “What do I need this for?” “You can’t kill an unarmed upside-down man!” and “I shot him, too!” (Kudos to Rodney for that – he actually did it!).

            Anyway, to keep this on topic, we didn’t see much Shep/Weir shippyness (although I liked their positioning at the end, with her behind and slightly higher than him, and she did shoot him a glance just as the episode ended. I don’t care if that’s reaching – I saw it! So there! ), but I think it was a great episode for character development, which we all love and find essential to this pairing. I feel like there was an awful lot going on for Shep in this episode, despite it being mostly about introducing Ronon and dealing with the Ford issue. I just haven’t got it all straight in my head yet.

            Anyway, that’s my non analytical two cents – I probably should just refrain from these initial reactions because I always rethink things and/or notice new things after I’ve read a few other responses. Still, overall, no complaints.

            Okay, now I'm going to go back and see what I've missed on this thread recently, as long as my internet is actually working. (Okay, I promise, no more complaining about things like this from me after this. I've realized I do it far too often, and it must be kind of annoying. Thank you all for putting up with it!)
            ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
            The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


              My take on Runner...

              Well, not too good for our ship but I still loved it. And I miss Ford!!!! But Dex is alright. I saw a bit of sparks between Teyla and Dex in this episode. (And I know that a whole mob of people from the Sheyla thread would kill me but c'mon! You didn't see that?)

              And I almost saw sparks fly between John and Teyla when John said, "What are you doing???" "Getting my hand free." "... well it didn't feel like that..." I didn't like that too much...

              But as I ran the scene through my head I think that John was more angry than shocked at Teyla so whew.

              And besides the 'almost' shippyness I thought that that was a bad attempt at the "sexyness" that they are trying to encourage, INCLUDING the whole chest thing with Dex although it would have been good for a Dex/Teyla ship. I still think that Teyla belongs with Ford.

              And speaking about Teyla, I think that her character is starting to grow a bit more. I'm glad to see that she has a nice sense on humor. (Kinda reminds me of Teal'c! )

              Then there is Rodney. Lovely lines, very lovely lines. "Hey, I shot him too!" Can't believe he actually did that lol.

              And last but not least, John. Loved the tension with Caldwell and Ford and the whole think with Dex. Very very good stuff right there!

              Anyway, I think overall the episode was great.

              Oh and I can't believe I forgot to post this but did you see that glance that Weir threw at John at the end of the episode!!! Can someone tell me whether that was Liz looking at the MALP screen or at John?
              Last edited by xkawaiix; 29 July 2005, 06:59 PM.


                Thoughts on Runner:
                Well, I think we're seeing hints of the wrench Caldwell's going to throw into the works. John and Elizabeth had only just worked things out to a point where they could function with each other and work together, and now this new guy's come in with his own set of guidelines. He may not command the Atlantis military contingent, but he, like an admiral, can pull rank whenever he feels like it. So it'll be interesting to see how the three of them function together, as I imagine we're going to be getting all kinds of tricky alliances formed.

                I like the new guy a lot; he's got the potential to be the tough-guy element the show needed. Warrior princess she may be, but Teyla never seemed threatening. There's something about that hair never being pulled back that just makes me want to yank on it and see how tough she is then. Anyway, the ceiling and floor still have more natural chemistry than Sheppard and Teyla. The scene where Teyla apparently felt around more than John was comfortable with was actually kind of amusing, but mostly for the extremely uncomfortable look on John's face. And it wasn't the kind of uncomfortable from the hug — it was "Okay, this can stop any time now..."

                And La, you weren't dreaming: the episode did indeed end on Elizabeth staring at John.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  The scene where Teyla apparently felt around more than John was comfortable with was actually kind of amusing, but mostly for the extremely uncomfortable look on John's face. And it wasn't the kind of uncomfortable from the hug — it was "Okay, this can stop any time now..."
                  I'm pretty sure Sheppard would have said those lines no matter who he was tied to, female or male. It was a typical guy thing to say. Though it might have been even funnier if he was tied to McKay.

                  There wasn't any ship in this episode, but that's fine with me. We want this to develop slowly, so what better way to do that than intersperse the ship among lots of cool action? (
                  Need more knife fights!

                  a time to mourn


                    Thanks for the welcome everyone!! OMG its so hard to keep up with all these posts!! But i dont know what id do without them (apologies in advance if i step on peoples toes and rewrite something )

                    Can't wait to see Runner, seems like a good epsiode from the spoilers ive read I think the new guy (Ronnan?) will hopefully take some attention off the whole sheppard/teyla *shudder* ship

                    Thoughts? Comments? Anything to make a dull job more interesting?

                    Lovebar made by natz099
                    My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                      Not much shep/weir… but I didn’t except much of that in this episode (seeing as it took place mostly offworld). I loved it though. Even though I’ll miss him I think superFord is great, and still think there is a possibility between him and Teyla. She’s the only one to call him Aiden, and she doesn’t call anyone else by their first name… except Ronon. Which, along with the nice conversation they had while he was holding her hostage, makes me see a possibility there too.

                      I didn’t see John and Teyla being tied up together shippy. Seemed just like two friends in a awkward situation and teasing each other about it. Makes me wonder how they would act if John and Liz were tied up together.

                      Anyway, I imagine we’ll have a it more than glances next week as far a Shep/Weir goes (I get this because it seems to take place more on Atlantis which means more Weir). Plus spoilers say that:
                      "Meanwhile, as Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa) settles in at Atlantis, he shows off his impeccable fighting skills during arsenal training. Impressed, Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) implores Weir (Torri Higginson) to put aside her reservations about the newcomer and consider allowing Ronon to join the Stargate Atlantis team."
                      Which means they at least have a conversation.


                        I'm torn between loving Runner & being Meh about it.

                        RD was hawt, and he has pretty eyes. I cracked up at the "What are you doing back there" line. There was ALOT of talking for such an action-packed running/fighty type episode.


                          WAHOO!! A conversation! More chances for some glances and innocent lines that we shippers will turn into some juicy innuendos (Now dont lie to yourself, you know you will )

                          Lovebar made by natz099
                          My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                            Originally posted by xkawaiix
                            My take on Runner...

                            Well, not too good for our ship but I still loved it. And I miss Ford!!!! But Dex is alright. I saw a bit of sparks between Teyla and Dex in this episode. (And I know that a whole mob of people from the Sheyla thread would kill me but c'mon! You didn't see that?)

                            And I almost saw sparks fly between John and Teyla when John said, "What are you doing???" "Getting my hand free." "... well it didn't feel like that..." I didn't like that too much...

                            But as I ran the scene through my head I think that John was more angry than shocked at Teyla so whew.

                            And besides the 'almost' shippyness I thought that that was a bad attempt at the "sexyness" that they are trying to encourage, INCLUDING the whole chest thing with Dex although it would have been good for a Dex/Teyla ship. I still think that Teyla belongs with Ford.

                            And speaking about Teyla, I think that her character is starting to grow a bit more. I'm glad to see that she has a nice sense on humor. (Kinda reminds me of Teal'c! )

                            Then there is Rodney. Lovely lines, very lovely lines. "Hey, I shot him too!" Can't believe he actually did that lol.

                            And last but not least, John. Loved the tension with Caldwell and Ford and the whole think with Dex. Very very good stuff right there!

                            Anyway, I think overall the episode was great.

                            Oh and I can't believe I forgot to post this but did you see that glance that Weir threw at John at the end of the episode!!! Can someone tell me whether that was Liz looking at the MALP screen or at John?
                            ; ) No friggin way...
                            She was not lookin at the stupid screen! ; ) She ALWAYS looks at John to help her with the hard answers. Ronin is one of those new 'difficult' issues they'll have to 'address' together. I think we'll see a lot more of Elizabeth next week as they wrestle with what to do.

                            I really liked Ronin and looking at him and watching him, I IMMEDIATELY thought to myself, 'now *there* is a bad ASS dude for Teyla-alienette warrior woman! LOL He and Teyla DO look good together. They have sort of that rugged, edgy odd/unique looking quality about them. I could totally dig and see the writers making the two of them vie to be the B.A.s of SG:A.
                            Actually, I think Ronin will be a terrific addition to the cast! The team needed a B.A. / tough guy sort to match up with the unique Teyla and this dude fits the bill to a T. He is bound to create some interesting conflicts within Atlantis too with his other world ideas on military and fighting and ethics.

                            Anyway, I like the Super Six team of Weir, Sheppard, Caldwell, Teyla, Ronin and McKay.

                            I think with those characters as the main thrust and focus of season two that this series is about to take off to new heights and unprecidented popularity.

                            And did you guys notice...? I hate to say I told you so but that 'authority' thing popped up yet again....hummhummm? I loved the anger and conflict between Caldwell and John. This 'rank' and 'authority' thing is brewing large and is bound to play huge in a big arc soon. The power triangle of Weir, Caldwell and Sheppard is going to get very interesting before it's settled. Lots of potential ship for Shep and Weir there. Lots.

                            And you know...again...nothing, na-da feelies between Teyla and Shep. I just don't see *anything* there -at all. Even with the cutsy line about where her hands were going was more to enforce the Shep 'bad boy' personality than it was to indicate he was having loving thoughts about his teammate. Of course, Shep has noticed Teyla's legginess and beautiful bod. Who wouldn't? It's on display-constantly. But you don't build a long-term relationship on skimpy outfits and cute lines. I prefer the quiet talks, sizzling stares and hooded looks and affectionate hugs as we build one small brick at a time. Ahhhh....

                            Two thumbs up for our new Runner -Ronin. And the ep...not as good as the first two but still a very good ep.

                            -Bama ; )


                              Oh, and a quick P.S. to my post above before I hit the sack.

                              ? Next week, I'm seeing a lot of use of the secret ingredient in the ever blossoming Weir/Shep relationship. TRUST.

                              Lot of heated pleas and discussion about what to do but I think we'll see the theme recurring next week with Weir trusting her partner-and his judgement as believing in his (and her own) instincts yet again.

                              Believe me, Elizabeth's trust of John is going to be a recurring/central theme as we go along with the 'authority' thing in season two. Caldwell is going to question it's origin and reason and therefore, so may the powers that be over the entire atlantis project. Elizabeth's trust of John and her devout belief in him is going to cost her at some point-big time when something huge goes wrong. Big ol fat shipper crystal ball prediction there but her unyielding trust and belief in him is one big thing that is going to earn her the love of her co-commander. I could totally see it blowing up in her face at some point as she beginning to question her own motives. Mark it down-it is gonna happen. Just a matter of time...tick. tock.



                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Oh, and a quick P.S. to my post above before I hit the sack.

                                ? Next week, I'm seeing a lot of use of the secret ingredient in the ever blossoming Weir/Shep relationship. TRUST.

                                Lot of heated pleas and discussion about what to do but I think we'll see the theme recurring next week with Weir trusting her partner-and his judgement as believing in his (and her own) instincts yet again.

                                Believe me, Elizabeth's trust of John is going to be a recurring/central theme as we go along with the 'authority' thing in season two. Caldwell is going to question it's origin and reason and therefore, so may the powers that be over the entire atlantis project. Elizabeth's trust of John and her devout belief in him is going to cost her at some point-big time when something huge goes wrong. Big ol fat shipper crystal ball prediction there but her unyielding trust and belief in him is one big thing that is going to earn her the love of her co-commander. I could totally see it blowing up in her face at some point as she beginning to question her own motives. Mark it down-it is gonna happen. Just a matter of time...tick. tock.

                                Mmmm... I'm loving the emotional whump implications... So... what do you think is going to happen as/if
                                Caldwell starts noticing that there's something between our favorite couple
                                ? Will they try more to cover their tracks and distance themselves emotionally, or will it bring them closer? I have my guesses, knowing TPTB... but a girl can dream, can't she?

                                Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                                still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.

