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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Somebody in my opinion put it best, by saying that John's reaction was like a lost boy. I think that is the perfect desciription for his reaction.
    Lady F


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      It's endearing that this would make him more nervous than a suicide mission did.
      I about fell off the couch at Shep's nervous voice "So where are we?"!! It reminded me of BSG Lee/Kara during the mini -- OMG you're dead/OMG you're alive! & "Lee's so how goes the repairs?".

      Quick let me change the topic before I jump you! Sigh.


        Sigh...I was lookin at that photo of the hug again and it just strikes me how totally dumbfounded and confused and surprised that John looks. Elizabeth's open display of affection really, really caught him off guard. Makes you wonder just how much affectionate and loving displays he has experienced from grown women. I'd venture to say that he's had his share of sexual displays from them given his cocky attitude and mussy good looks but just the sheer happiness and tenderness she shows at seeing him alive and well again is something he wasn't prepared for from her. I'd like to think that her 'caring' for him is something he'll come to want and need more and more even as he begins to see her as a female he wants to get his hands on. The sum of that is usually falling in love.

        In my opinion, I see more John like a man who's never been used to affection. We'll see in Letters from Pegasus that he does not seem to have a family or at least, not a family he is in good terms with, for he does send any personnal message on Earth.
        This implies also that he does have any serious relationship either. His relations with women I'd say were far more about sex than anything else. I think that all the hugs he received were sexual whereas the hug Elizabeth gave him was a tender one. I think this hug appealed to feelings John never really shared with women; and that's why he had that confused look on his face.

        But well, that's just a thought.


        Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



          Found this on the Joe Mallozzi thread and is sure to amuse us all

          Sheppard's team designation is not AR-1 but 'First Atlantis Reconnaisance Team'.

          Anybody else think Joe might have been giddy from all the Ice-cream he seems to be making.


            OK so when is something not a spoiler? After its aired in the US? UK?


              Originally posted by Rubicon
              OK so when is something not a spoiler? After its aired in the US? UK?
              After the season in which the 'spoiler is in' has been aired in Syndication in the US. So for Atlantis, any season 1 or season 2 information is still considered a spoiler.


                The guideline around the site is that it's not a spoiler after it's aired in syndication in the US. Of course, Atlantis hasn't even started airing in syndication, so we've not really been following that. Still, I think we ought to use spoiler space until after an episode has aired in the US, UK, and Canada. Both the UK and Canada will start getting this season in the fall.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006



                  I am SO dern sorry about screwing up the 'spoiler' tag thing. I learned how to do and just plain out forgot. I posted this morning early before I headed to work and just now realized that I'd left it without 'tags'. We never had to do that when I posted on the XF sites so it is totally new hat to me. I've 'fixed' my post to include taggies. Hope noone was spoiled that didn't want to be.

                  Beggin forgiveness as a newbie...

                  -Bama ; )


                    Originally posted by LadyF
                    Somebody in my opinion put it best, by saying that John's reaction was like a lost boy. I think that is the perfect desciription for his reaction.
                    Yup, because I think that if
                    John had huged her back much too soon and without a 'second thought' I think that the writers would have pushed the ship too much.
                    And I also think that
                    his lost boy look showed that he usually doesn't really feel such affection from anyone. And like snoopoony said the women that he was involved with were probably just for pleasure instead of comfort and support.


                      Originally posted by Bama

                      I am SO dern sorry about screwing up the 'spoiler' tag thing. I learned how to do and just plain out forgot. I posted this morning early before I headed to work and just now realized that I'd left it without 'tags'. We never had to do that when I posted on the XF sites so it is totally new hat to me. I've 'fixed' my post to include taggies. Hope noone was spoiled that didn't want to be.

                      Beggin forgiveness as a newbie...

                      -Bama ; )
                      Oh don't worry about it too much, I'm sure all of us has let it slip by accident once or twice.


                        Originally posted by snoopoony
                        In my opinion, I see more John like a man who's never been used to affection. We'll see in Letters from Pegasus that he does not seem to have a family or at least, not a family he is in good terms with, for he does send any personnal message on Earth.
                        This implies also that he does have any serious relationship either. His relations with women I'd say were far more about sex than anything else. I think that all the hugs he received were sexual whereas the hug Elizabeth gave him was a tender one. I think this hug appealed to feelings John never really shared with women; and that's why he had that confused look on his face.

                        But well, that's just a thought.


                        Oh yeah...but a good thought. ; ) Believe you're right. A hug like that shows him that women can be more than sexually 'useful' to him in a personal way. I think that's what we may continue to see in the WSR. Elizabeth treating him with tenderness and kindness and an open heart. That sort of love will appeal to him once he gets used to it and that along with finding her a good-looking, sexy woman will lead him to eventually want and seek more with her. The natural thing we might expect would be for him to take the chance with her first. He is the risk taker of the two after all...
                        However, I'm not so sure that's how things will go with this. I think John may be 'scared' of these growing and most unusual feelings he slowly is developing for his 'boss'. He may try to hide his feelings behind flirtiness or snippiness even. The entire relationship dynamic is out of his realm of experience as we've noted. Elizabeth, having been in a serious adult relationship of her own would seemingly have the more groundedness to deal with it all. I could be 'off' but I could see the writers going that way pretty easily.

                        Just some 'more' thoughts...

                        -Bama ; )


                          Originally posted by xkawaiix
                          Yup, because I think that if
                          John had huged her back much too soon and without a 'second thought' I think that the writers would have pushed the ship too much.
                          And I also think that
                          his lost boy look showed that he usually doesn't really feel such affection from anyone. And like snoopoony said the women that he was involved with were probably just for pleasure instead of comfort and support.
                          Yes, flyboys have the reputation of love 'em and leave 'em.
                          Lady F


                            Oh, and one more thought from this past week's ep...


                            When I mean Col Caldwell is arguing with Elizabeth he made a statement that I liked and noticed as a shipper. He said something to the effect of 'sometimes the chain of command on Atlantis gets fuzzy....but not here.

                            I don't think that was just a 'throw-away' one shot line.

                            Could be that we'll see in future eps, some buildage on that statement. As John and Elizabeth grow personally closer and more secure with each other, it does indeed put the chain of command more at risk-at least from the higher-ups standpoint. I think we'll see a 'revisit' of this in the future. They could clearly see that Elizabeth was going to go to bat for her top military commander and I bet we'll see John do the same for her at some point. If the higher ups perceive that trust/closeness as a danger to the mission, we'll see some action. Yummy good drama potential there.


                            -Bama ; )


                              Originally posted by LadyF
                              Yes, flyboys have the reputation of love 'em and leave 'em.
                              Yep, they sure do. ; )


                              I promise, one last post and I'll shut up a while. ; ) If the actor (Joe F.) has played that *any* other way, it wouldn't have been shippy in the least. His pause and surprise and discomfiture showed that she wasn't 'just a buddy' slappin him on the back for a job well done and a 'great to see ya'. Liz's (Terri's) little awkward "I'd like that" and odd laughter showed the same thing...*awareness*.

                              And having not seen all of last season's eps, what other moments have you guys noticed that awareness? I think Elizabeth's eyes show her 'extra' care for John when he's on a mission. Her level of panic is greater for him-I've no doubt-than it is for say...Teyla. It's in the eyes... ; )

                              Or some might say my immagination but I so don't think so.

                              -Bama ; )


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Oh, and one more thought from this past week's ep...


                                When I mean Col Caldwell is arguing with Elizabeth he made a statement that I liked and noticed as a shipper. He said something to the effect of 'sometimes the chain of command on Atlantis gets fuzzy....but not here.

                                I don't think that was just a 'throw-away' one shot line.

                                Could be that we'll see in future eps, some buildage on that statement. As John and Elizabeth grow personally closer and more secure with each other, it does indeed put the chain of command more at risk-at least from the higher-ups standpoint. I think we'll see a 'revisit' of this in the future. They could clearly see that Elizabeth was going to go to bat for her top military commander and I bet we'll see John do the same for her at some point. If the higher ups perceive that trust/closeness as a danger to the mission, we'll see some action. Yummy good drama potential there.


                                -Bama ; )

                                I think that line had to do with the fact that
                                Weir was arguing with Caldwell about his decision, in front of civilans and lower miltary personnel, on his ship. He did not want his authority undermined or questionned in front of his crew.
                                Lady F

