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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Let me just say how awesome it has been to read all your well-thought out responses. Everyone has added to my own interpretations of what I'm seeing and I enjoy the differing angles.

    Atlantis is truly 'new' to me. I got hooked watching the original Stargate series when my husband convinced me I needed a tv series 'fix' after my beloved Xfiles ended. After I got hooked on stargate, I refused to watch atlantis. (I just don't watch much tv as a personal choice) But then, I had some time off and watched a few eps while I was 'doing something else' and the two main characters just began to grab at me.

    I haven't seen ALL of the first season episodes. So, if I may, can I ask a few questions of you seasoned veterans?

    Was Teyla really intended to be Shep's 'woman'? I just have a hard time buying that after seeing some of the first season eps. Nothing. nada. there.

    Why is Weir sparsely used in much of the first season? I immediately liked her and found myself wanting to see mucho more of her. Do they plan to use her more? Make her more hands on and involved?

    ** Can anyone tell me the supposed 'age' of the characters? One thing that absolutely THRILLS me about this ship is how close in age the characters are. It is rare to see a man/woman relationship portrayed where the female is as mature or moreso than the male. I think the writers could make this a 'growth' issue for the characters as well if they went about it right.

    John and Elizabeth are terrific old English names that just sound good together-don't they? ; )



      Bama, a couple things:

      Yes, the original concept for Teyla was that she was Sheppard's romantic interest. (In fact, that was about all there was to her in the original casting descriptions, but that's a whole different discussion...) At some point in the pre-show publicity, they decided to stop pushing the ship angle. Can't say why, other than speculate that it was because there's absolutely no chemistry there. But that's hard to determine when you cast a major role entirely on video.

      As for ages... there's a pretty big debate about that. Sheppard was originally slated between 35 and 40, and Joe Flanigan is somewhere in there. To be at his current rank, he has to be at least 38 (assuming he graduated from college and entered the Air Force at 22 — you have to be in the service for a certain number of years to be promoted, no matter how qualified you are for the next rank). Weir, on the other hand, was described as 35, which is, quite frankly, way too young to have done as much as she has professionally. Being brilliant and possibly having connections will only take you so far, as you still have to have time to eat and sleep. I don't know how old Torri Higginson is, however, but I'd guess 30 to 35, given when she started working professionally. I think she and Rachel Luttrell are about the same age, though Torri's done a lot more work.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by snoopoony
        Hi everybody.

        I had a question about Intruder and I wanted to know what you think about it.

        I was wondering : how do you think Sheppard, because he surely will learnt it someday, will react when he’ll know how he’d got his promotion. I mean, I’m not sure, he’d react very calmly. He would not be very happy to know that his superiors did not promote him from their own will. He maybe would have the feeling that he did not deserve it and that it’s only because Weir used her influence. I think that, at the beginning, he would be mad at her, especially if he learnt it from Caldwell... I mean, even if he knows that he deserves this rank for all the actions he did to save the city, it’s always quite hard for your ego to know that you obtained something because of the help of someone’s else. He could make an interesting conflict between Weir and Sheppard, and possibly with Caldwell.

        So, what's your opinion ?

        First let me say, all these discussions are great! This has to be the most intellectual thread on the forum!

        I don't think he'd be mad at all. I think he'd take it with a smile. Remember,
        he said there were a lot of people who thought he'd never make it past Capt, so I'm thinking he's just happy to prove them wrong, no matter how he gets the promotion. I also got the feeling he's been waiting a long time to get promoted, and we know he deserves it!

        And as for potential Shep, Weir, and Caldwell tension -- count on it. In fact, I'm looking forward to it!


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          I don't know how old Torri Higginson is, however, but I'd guess 30 to 35, given when she started working professionally. I think she and Rachel Luttrell are about the same age, though Torri's done a lot more work.
          Really? I thought RL was younger than TH, like maybe in her late 20's??


            Yes Luttrell is younger 20-something
            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
            love Torri


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Bama, a couple things:
              But that's hard to determine when you cast a major role entirely on video.

              What? Are you saying that Rachell and Joe didn't audition together or Rachell didn't audition live at all? That sounds propsterous given the characters were originally supposed to be involved in some way.


                The thing that works for me about Shep and Weir is that they look closer in age regardless of what Character ages are supposed to be. Joe doesn't look his actual age and, not being catty cause I'm older than Torri, but I thought she was around 40 and prefer to think of Weir that way. Weir to be 35 and achieve what she has and to be put in charge of Atlantis isn't believable to me. And I love the idea of a beautiful, 40 year old woman, LARGE AND IN CHARGE. I also love the thought of Weir being older than Shep.

                As for Teyla. She was listed as being around 25. I'd be stunned if Rachel was in her 20's. I'm older, not a slam. Just an observation. No one I know who watches the show believes her to be younger than 30.

                Rainbow is the only one I know of who gave a video taped audition. In some interview Rachel talked about auditioning with Joe and sharing a sandwich with him for lunch that first day they met.


                  Originally posted by Merlin7
                  I also love the thought of Weir being older than Shep.
                  I TOTALLY works for me too...around the same age...but with her being the more 'acheived' of the two in some ways, it lends a dynamic that you don't ordinarily get in a ship. It also works imho, to lend a built in challenge for Shep. Many men would be intimidated by Elizabeth and all she would bring to the table in a one on one relationship.
                  Even Simon seemed to be according to his own admittance. He seemed to be saying that he couldn't keep up with her adventurous spirit and drive and determination.
                  Shep would see all those characteristics in her as a challenge I think. It would be a lot of fun to see his growth as a character who could accept their equality and even her superiority on some things. The entire dynamic between the two of them is so exciting and real and it's something that is a gold mine waiting for some good writing to plumb it's depths. I just love seeing a male and female that are without reason attracted to each other find each other's strengths and weaknesses and use those to learn and change themselves for the better as they grow together slowly over time.

                  And a P.S. Being an ex Xphiler, I know you guys are going to love the HARDASS aspect that Pileggi is gonna bring to the cast in his time with them. I wouldn't be surprised to see him as a regular in season three and he gives Weir and Sheppard a common 'hoss' to hate at times. He worked terrific in that capacity on the xfiles and he'll do it again with atlantis I think.

                  -Bama ; )
                  Last edited by Bama; 26 July 2005, 02:57 PM.


                    From what I understand, all the actresses auditioning for Teyla were auditioned on tape. (Might be true of other roles too — I know the guest stars are auditioned on tape most of the time.) Rachel Luttrell wasn't cast until a few days into filming, at which point they had to choose someone for the part. She probably did a screen test with JF, which isn't the same as actually auditioning with another actor. Amanda Tapping talked about her screen test with Richard Dean Anderson involving standing next to him with his arm around her while he tried to get her to laugh.

                    As for the ages of these actresses, both Rachel Luttrell and Torri Higginson appeared in first-season episodes of Forever Knight back in 1991 or 1992, and I believe they were both playing adult characters, though they were both rather baby-faced. (Incidentally, David Hewlett appeared in that season as well, but all three in different episodes.) So that's where I got the idea that they're close to the same age.
                    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                    Last update: 14 April 2006
                    Melyanna's Multimedia
                    Last update: 15 February 2006


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      I TOTALLY works for me too...around the same age...but with her being the more 'acheived' of the two in some ways, it lends a dynamic that you don't ordinarily get in a ship. It also works imho, to lend a built in challenge for Shep. Many men would be intimidated by Elizabeth and all she would bring to the table in a one on one relationship.
                      Even Simon seemed to be according to his own admittance. He seemed to be saying that he couldn't keep up with her adventurous spirit and drive and determination.
                      Shep would see all those characteristics in her as a challenge I think. It would be a lot of fun to see his growth as a character who could accept their equality and even her superiority on some things. The entire dynamic between the two of them is so exciting and real and it's something that is a gold mine waiting for some good writing to plumb it's depths. I just love seeing a male and female that are without reason attracted to each other find each other's strengths and weaknesses and use those to learn and change themselves for the better as they grow together slowly over time.

                      And a P.S. Being an ex Xphiler, I know you guys are going to love the HARDASS aspect that Pileggi is gonna bring to the cast in his time with them. I wouldn't be surprised to see him as a regular in season three and he gives Weir and Sheppard a common 'hoss' to hate at times. He worked terrific in that capacity on the xfiles and he'll do it again with atlantis I think.

                      -Bama ; )
                      Word. What you said. I love the dynamic that this opens up. The dynamic that is so THERE with them. One of my fave scenes between them is in HOME when she comes to his room. He was...awkward with her being there. She was, and usually IS, more in control of her emotions. Shep is the passionate/intense one. Seeing the Woman in charge for once is fab. And yet Shep isn't intimidated either. Which is also fab. TPTB could do so much with this. So I really hope they build up slowly. Take the time to make it realistic.

                      I love Mitch and I'm really looking forward to him and Shep butting heads. Especially since we know Caldwell knows Shep can think on his feet and deliver the goods. But we ALSO KNOW
                      that he wants Sheps job


                        Originally posted by Merlin7

                        I love Mitch and I'm really looking forward to him and Shep butting heads. Especially since we know Caldwell knows Shep can think on his feet and deliver the goods. But we ALSO KNOW
                        that he wants Sheps job
                        Yeah, the great thing that Mitch's presence might bring about is that our two leads will most likely discover just how willing they are to battle for each other. His presence will strengthen their relationship on many levels. Being an ex Xphiler, I know that as I was watching the last two eps, I couldn't help but be a little reminded of the MSR (that's the Mulder/ Scully relationship for all you non Xphilers).

                        Weir is a bit like scully in that she doesn't mind being large and in charge or being called a ***** on wheels. She is very accomplished like Scully as well and is the more 'intellectual' of the two leads. Shep on the other hand is a bit of a freelancer and free thinker like the Mulder character and isn't as 'in control' of his job, his emotions or his actions as his counterpart in Weir.

                        I just hope we see more 'use' of Weir in action so that she and Shep can engage in meaningful interaction. Any ideas on that?

                        -Bama ; )


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          Yeah, the great thing that Mitch's presence might bring about is that our two leads will most likely discover just how willing they are to battle for each other. His presence will strengthen their relationship on many levels. Being an ex Xphiler, I know that as I was watching the last two eps, I couldn't help but be a little reminded of the MSR (that's the Mulder/ Scully relationship for all you non Xphilers).

                          Weir is a bit like scully in that she doesn't mind being large and in charge or being called a ***** on wheels. She is very accomplished like Scully as well and is the more 'intellectual' of the two leads. Shep on the other hand is a bit of a freelancer and free thinker like the Mulder character and isn't as 'in control' of his job, his emotions or his actions as his counterpart in Weir.

                          I just hope we see more 'use' of Weir in action so that she and Shep can engage in meaningful interaction. Any ideas on that?

                          -Bama ; )
                          Okay, so there are a lot of new ppl joining the thread so a big WELCOME!!!! to everyone.

                          And I agree, it's like, Weir and Scully use their knowledge while John and Mulder usually follow their noses. Same with Sam and Jack. Complete opposites and you know what they say, opposites attract!


                            I just hope we see more 'use' of Weir in action so that she and Shep can engage in meaningful interaction.

                            I would definitley like to see Weir get more action. I would particularly like to see her get to do more with language/translations--it was great in "The Gift". Perhaps she would have to be brought along on a mission to communicate with a group of people, or translate something on location.


                            Signature By Amber Moon


                              Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                              I just hope we see more 'use' of Weir in action so that she and Shep can engage in meaningful interaction.

                              I would definitley like to see Weir get more action. I would particularly like to see her get to do more with language/translations--it was great in "The Gift". Perhaps she would have to be brought along on a mission to communicate with a group of people, or translate something on location.

                              With me being new to the series and not yet having viewed all the first year eps, can you clue me as to what she is expertised at exactly? I've not seen the pilot so I've relied on bits and pieces to clue me in. I know she's of a scientific background but what is exactly her strength area? You mention the language/translations stuff and that sounds extremely useful. I'm looking for more creative and realistic ways to get her 'off world' with Team Sheppard here to provide for more than just those worried 'looks' we get from Elizabeth when Shep is talkin to her on the cute little ear mic. I figure if we can think of it, then SURELY the writers can too.

                              -Bama ; )


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                With me being new to the series and not yet having viewed all the first year eps, can you clue me as to what she is expertised at exactly? I've not seen the pilot so I've relied on bits and pieces to clue me in. I know she's of a scientific background but what is exactly her strength area? You mention the language/translations stuff and that sounds extremely useful. I'm looking for more creative and realistic ways to get her 'off world' with Team Sheppard here to provide for more than just those worried 'looks' we get from Elizabeth when Shep is talkin to her on the cute little ear mic. I figure if we can think of it, then SURELY the writers can too.

                                -Bama ; )
                                First, welcome to all the newcomers. Kick back, relax, enjoy the fun and (occasionally) intellignet conversation, and help yourselves to the mints.

                                Bama, Weir's background is international politics. When the character was intriduced on SG-1, Daniel mentioned that he had referenced her works for Earth's alliance treaty with the Tok'ra. She spoke multiple languages (4, 5 initially?) and has apparantly picked up Ancient along the way.

                                I'm looking forward to what I've heard about her going 'into the field' in some episodes this season.

                                a time to mourn

