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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Thank you guys.... *hugs* *squeeeeeeeeeee* Now I have to go, to catch my train. See ya on Monday, take care.....

    Bye, bye,....


      As for the Simon situation - I had a rocky first marriage - I knew what I needed to do, I knew how to do it, I took all the steps, but when the final moment hit, it was extremely painful. I fully understood Elizabeth in this episode, and kudos to Torri - she did a wonderful job all the way through.

      When all else fails, change channels.


        I thought "Intruder" was great. I was surprised how much of the Shep/Weir momentum built up by "Siege III" was maintained. Now for the spoilery stuff.

        The opening scene was nice. I was really getting interested to see where their conversation was going then interruption! lol, I liked seeing that Shep/Weir can be so understanding/comfortable with each other. I think it is significant (for the ship) that Weir played such a big role in Shep's promotion--she was essentially willing to stake her reputation on him. The Simon scenes were pretty emotional. I think Torri did a great job in those scenes. I agree with Major Fischer and Mel that it seemed that Simon had moved on a while beofre the LFP notice. I wasn't surprised that Elizabeth thought Simon would be coming back with her. She seemed like she had a second chance and wanted to take it. Although she probably knew that it was impossible.

        Is it just me, or did the writers seem to make Simon out to be a bit of a jerk? I remember one of my friends comme ted as we were watching "what a sleaze!" (even though he had already seen LFP). It reallyu seems like Simon picked a bad time to tell her. Well, Weir is definitely single now anyway--no more doubts there.

        Side note, I was curious has anyone ever noticed Shep actually flirt with Weir? I think he has very subtlely ofcourse, but I was wondering if I missed something overt.


        Signature By Amber Moon


          Originally posted by Major Fischer
          Hmmm my Intruder thoughts:
          I thought the cafeteria conversation was ackwardly written and the actors did the best they could with it. I didn't find it terribly shippy aside from all the "John" "Elizabeth" and the chemistry.

          I was mainly relieved that the fight was over John's promotion and not Elizabeth's job. I was dreading that for months, that she'd have to defend her decisions and it would undermine her character. The fact that the military had to deal with her and couldn't get rid of her was refreshing and interesting and I really like the dynamic between Weir, Sheppard, and Caldwell.

          I was a little disappointed that all we saw of the Simon interaction was Elizabeth upset and sounding very shrew-like. As Mel pointed out to me in AIM it feels like there were probably lots of normal converations before that, but all we saw was her screaming. Though I'm pretty unimpressed with the fact that he didn't tell her he'd moved on sooner, or with the costuming department for putting her in that lace number.
          I think she should wear that lace number much more times on the show as she looked lovely! Did Shep notice her in the lace top? Oh squeeee it would be so great to see them more out of their uniforms!!!


            Ugh, the chiffon-and-lace number was horrid. Someone ought to be shot. Elizabeth looked great, as she usually does, but that outfit was just too old for her. (Besides, the lace wasn't even all that pretty.)

            So, my thoughts on "The Intruder" that don't involve lace.
            I had very mixed feelings going into this episode, and very mixed feelings coming out of it, though for completely different reasons. I went into it worried that Elizabeth was going to have to spend lots of time defending herself in front of high command, which really would have weakened her. Thank goodness they evaded that by maintaining the support of the President and foreign leaders.

            That said, I was very pleased that she was putting up a fight to keep Sheppard around, apparently as commander of the military contingent. I had wondered how they were keeping Caldwell to recurring only, and now there's a good explanation — he's shuttling back and forth in the Daedalus rather than being base commander. The tension between Elizabeth and Caldwell was wonderful. I think the fact that they survived for a year on their own, despite the mistakes that she made, has really given her a lot of confidence in her abilities.

            And she was a joy to watch in the first flashback. I have hopes that this will silence a lot of the naysayers who think Weir didn't have any qualifications for the job. She really came off as a real negotiator in those scenes, and she knew she'd won before she even sat down. And I think we can all guess that that wasn't the end of the conversation. I'm sure Landry and Caldwell still thought they were going to win in the end.

            As for Elizabeth and Simon, I actually never had the idea that things were all rosy between them, and that he was sitting at home knitting while she went off on important missions. I doubt this was the first time they'd argued over their work. Elizabeth knew something was wrong with Mist!Simon in Home, and I always figured that it was him being so nice about everything. Sure, he's glad she's alive, but once that wears off, I'd imagine he'd actually be pretty mad at her for leaving him without saying goodbye in person. I know I would be.

            Also, I had suspected that by the time Elizabeth sent the message home, Simon had already moved on. There can't be more than a couple months between LFP and this. The Brotherhood, The Gift, and Siege I, II, and III all happened in the span of about two weeks. My guess would be that less than a month has passed between the message being sent and Elizabeth showing up again. That's not really enough time for Simon to have met someone and become so involved that he wouldn't be willing to go back to Elizabeth, especially since they were together for a while. I think that's probably what was so painful for Elizabeth — Simon had clearly moved on already.

            Overall, the episode had the problems that would be expected of an episode that spans this much time. No matter how many times they told us in the first scene that a month has passed, it's hard for the viewers to make that jump. Even Aaron Sorkin has screwed that one up. Still, it was better at that than I was expecting.

            As for the first scene, I'm really not sure what to think of it. The idea of them having a late-night chat is fun, but the scene itself was awkward, as its goal wasn't character interaction, but rather an explanation of what's happened since we left off. Still, I think it's evident that Elizabeth is becoming more and more conscious of the nature of her relationship with John, and it might be that John's starting to get an inkling of it.

            And for a totally random comment, how cool is it that Elizabeth knows what BASE jumping is? Bet that was one of her hobbies in college.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Well, I have to say this... YEESSS!!!

              I have been a weir/shep shepper since day 1... kinda, actually not really day one, but I prefer it a helluva lot more then a sheyla...

              Secondly, I am one of the few guys who like the romantics in sci fi, or in anything for that matter (except stupid shows about people in modern life who try to be funny about love and it just ends up being about sex in a city *cough*), and I love the stories about subtle romantic relationships. I am currently in a position similar to weir and sheppard. I want to go out with this one girl, and she kinda wants to go out with me, problem is... she's my best friends girlfriend. So, I kinda see myself in sheppard and weir, they do care about each other (as I see it, they both kinda realize it) but they fear actually acting upon it because what it will mean for their position from the higher ups and the reaction from their staff.

              I have been kinda "trolling" I guess is the term on this thread and I just dont have the gaul or the patience to read each post so let me just say this, I don't want to see them hugging each time he comes back through the gate. I kinda like the meaningful glance, and maybe when they together in private, they might end up kissing or something. I just dont want to see a make out episode like RDAs glorious exit from SG-1

              Ok and to FURTHER prove myself the noob o' the month... some one PLEASE tell me what TPTB stands for, Im guessing it means the writing team


                Hi, Colonel Sheppard! TPTB stands for "the powers that be." Basically, the producers, writers, directors, etc. (That one took me forever to figure out, but not as long as "GFFA" took back in my first fandom...)

                Anyway, welcome aboard! Always fun to have new people around.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                  I think she should wear that lace number much more times on the show as she looked lovely! Did Shep notice her in the lace top? Oh squeeee it would be so great to see them more out of their uniforms!!!
                  She had a really nice suit on
                  in first flashback. I think the caps from that scene might not be so good though, since all the flashbacks were shot overexposed.


                    Welcome Colonel Sheppard Always good to have new people.

                    The term you probably want is "lurking" and no one blames you for not reading every post. I know I certainly haven't. "Trolling" usually implies someone who drops into a thread, asks a question or makes a post just to see the reaction but never posts again in response.


                      I really like intruder, and it had some shippy parts (as well as a really top notch episode. No teyla either. (well until the end).

                      Simon is a right *******. Hopefully Weir can find solace with Shepard

                      Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                        Welcome Colonel Sheppard!

                        It is always nice to see people delurk and join in the conversation.

                        I don't blame you for not reading every post in these thread. This thread has definately grown quite a bit over the past year.

                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        And for a totally random comment, how cool is it that Elizabeth knows what BASE jumping is? Bet that was one of her hobbies in college.
                        I loved that moment. I need to see the episode again, because I know I've missed a lot of stuff.


                          Hi all! Somewhat a newbie here. Since we're asking about terms, what is a "thunk" thread? I haven't read the whole thread either.

                          I also noticed something in Siege3 - 2x01:
                          After Weir/Shep hugged upon his return to atlantis and she sent him off to sickbay to see the previously commaning dude, did anyone else notice Weir turning and looking at Shep below the waist as he walked away?

                          I had recorded it on DVD and was able to watch clearly frame by frame as she checked out his backside. Just wondering if anyone else had noticed that.

                          The Characters from Bloom County were located to another world where they could live in Peace and avoid the wrath of Jeanne Kirkpatrick.

                          Here's a photo of Bill the Cat hanging out by the gate waiting for more partying supplies:


                            Originally posted by BloomGate
                            Hi all! Somewhat a newbie here. Since we're asking about terms, what is a "thunk" thread?
                            Welcome BloomGate. A thunk thread is usually devoted to drooling over, gushing, and generally admiring the physical aspects of an actor in particular. I believe the origin is that "thunk" is the noise your brain makes when it stops thinking


                              Welcome Bloomgate!

                              And MF beat me to explaining what "Thunking" means so to make this a relevant post...

                              Regarding the
                              horrid lace number Elizabeth, I was talking to Blue Banrigh and had this theory that Elizabeth took all her nice clothes with her to Atlantis and all she had were her ugly clothes left. Besides Elizabeth doesn't want to look too nice for Simon now. At least John would appreaciate her more.


                                Ah! That lace shirt was, as Carson of QE would say, "Horrendo." Seriously (and sadly) all I could think about in that scene was how horrible that shirt was. She looked amazing in the first
                                then in that Yuck yuck yuck yuck!!

                                The one part I did like about that first scene was
                                when she says something about his promotion and how.. uh... can't remember the wording but how the people that did believe about him were the ones that counted and then she sat back very smugly. I found that hilarious. And the whole, It's been a month since your promotion, and your still finding ways to sneak that into conversations.
                                Citizen of Braneville

