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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
    Found something very silly on another thread this evening (take a guess). I've removed the poster's name.

    If I offended anyone. . *shrug*.

    Yeah, I saw that one too....

    Doesnt offend me - each to their own I say.

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      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      Found something very silly on another thread this evening (take a guess). I've removed the poster's name.

      If I offended anyone. . *shrug*.
      Wow. You'd think there weren't any mods around with someone saying stuff like that. Not that that thread hasn't had that kind of problem in the past...
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        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        Found something very silly on another thread this evening (take a guess). I've removed the poster's name.

        If I offended anyone. . *shrug*.
        Hm...and I thought ship wasn't a competition.

        And if the Sheyla thread gets 3,000+ more posts in the next couple days. I think anyone with eyes can see that a lot of people have an interest in Sheppard and Weir. Just from the mere, numbers of views and numbers of posts on this thread.

        And I personally don't believe these 'ship thread' would help determine which ship the TPTB will chose, IF they decide to have ANY ship at all.


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          Found something very silly on another thread this evening (take a guess). I've removed the poster's name.

          Originally posted by -----
          Oh, and, as a side-note, we ought to work to keep this thread up with the Sheir one. We don't want people to think there's more support for the Sheir relationship than for Sheyla. That could lead to some very nasty things happening (like the writers changing their minds about Teyla and John... *shudder*)
          If I offended anyone. . *shrug*.
          Well, we're on the cusp of 7000 posts here. I don't see them actually catching up in post count without something real and canon to inspire them, and that's not gonna happen.

          But, the mods have made their stance known:

          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
          Starting new duplicate threads won't make us angry, it's easy enough for us to merge them into the existing thread.

          Being snotty about S/W fans will make us angry. Don't.

          Go Mod Squad! BTW, I seem to recall some thread combining done there in the past, and it still didn't close the gap.

          a time to mourn


            Originally posted by Bama
            Hey, a quick question before I head off to snoozeland tonite...

            I noticed an old tv guide cover with Shep/teyla (not shippy slanted) on it somewhere...(er...but what is up with THAT?) Is that the most recent or only one ever done with SGA?

            Have Joe and Torri done anything other than those standard promo shots together? I know when I used to watch XF, I would pay close attention to the promo shots early on in the series and they could hint you sometimes what was going down relationshipwise. Promos are usually a lot sexier than what they'll allow on the show.

            Info on that? Anyone? Bueller...Bueller?

            -Bama ; )
            OMG! If this doesn't post I'm going to scream! (if it does post please ignore)

            I believe this is the first SGA cover for TV Guide it was released during the premiere week for "Scifi Fridays". There were four covers. SG-1 (Browder and Tapping), SGA (Flanigan and Luttrell), BSG (Callis and Helfer), and the last one only availble to subscribers have actors from all three shows. (Browder , Flanigan, and Helfer).

            It is obvious that TV Guide chose these certain people for their covers because of sex appeal. Let's face it, we all know that Sex sells. I think it was Mel who said that the TV Guide peoplie might have just received a batch of promotional photos from each show, and they picked the "Sexists" people from each show and photoshopped them together as their covers.

            The covers look photoshopped because in the picture of Joe and Rachael the pictures just look off, even the Sg-1 cover with Ben and Amanda look off. Also I think many of us can pick out exactly which of the original promotional pictures these cover pictures are from.

            As for Sheppard and Weir covers...Blue Banrigh made a great and beatiful manip of a Sheppard/Weir TV Guide Cover.

            For the cover that should have been:



              Originally posted by Bama
              Hey, a quick question before I head off to snoozeland tonite...

              I noticed an old tv guide cover with Shep/teyla (not shippy slanted) on it somewhere...(er...but what is up with THAT?) Is that the most recent or only one ever done with SGA?

              Have Joe and Torri done anything other than those standard promo shots together? I know when I used to watch XF, I would pay close attention to the promo shots early on in the series and they could hint you sometimes what was going down relationshipwise. Promos are usually a lot sexier than what they'll allow on the show.

              Info on that? Anyone? Bueller...Bueller?

              -Bama ; )
              Yeah, that was the most recent they covered for Scifi Friday. Don't recall any other SGA cover for the TV Guide.

              As for casual promos ala this one. THe closest that I've seen is this one of Teyla, Beckett and Ford. No Sheppard/Weir or Sheppard/Teyla of any sort.


                Yeah, I agree that the size of our threads will not likely influence TPTB. I'm not offended (that's generally pretty difficult), but I see no reason to keep stirring the pot (and IIRC, the person who posted that is new, anyways). If we're supposed to be the more mature thread, we might as well try to act that way.

                Aaaaaaanyways... I've tried to keep up with what's going on in here this weekend, but my internet has been all wonky, so I've missed quite a bit (so please forgive me if I'm saying something that's already been mentioned). I love how
                they're putting the characters more and more at odds with one another - particularly, in this case, John & Rodney, and by extension, John & Elizabeth. These relationships, forged quickly in the heat of battle, are now being tested by the pounding of day to day life. I think that, for now, anyways, TPTB have let J/E get as close, UST-wise, as they're gonna get for a while. I agree with whoever said that there's going to be a lot more foundational relationship building. Some of it isn't gonna be pretty, but when is it really ever? I like how Torri said that both characters' hearts are in the right place, 'cause I think that knowing that will keep them from ripping each other's heads off, but it won't keep them from butting heads. I'm looking forward to it, actually. It should be very interesting!!

                Okay... I'm rambling now. Time to get my tired brain to sleep.

                Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  Found something very silly on another thread this evening (take a guess). I've removed the poster's name.

                  If I offended anyone. . *shrug*.
                  Ack, the mods have posted, let's leave it to them..

                  Now, onwards and upwards, anyone got any good pictures we can caption?

                  I read a great fic at the weekend, I'll try and find it...

                  ETA: here it is..



                    Well, I don't have any new ones, ATM, but you can do pretty much anything with this one!

                    We play this game in another thread I'm in... it's called "What They Were Really Thinking". I'm tapped right now, but someone else is more than welcome to give it a go!

                    Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                    still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      It is a great story, isn't it. Read it a couple of times over a few days ago...
                      It's got so much UST in it, I loves my UST so I do.


                        Originally posted by Alaskhah
                        If we're supposed to be the more mature thread, we might as well try to act that way.
                        Okay, now that offends me.

                        Anyway, Shep/Weir photos?

                        a time to mourn


                          Originally posted by Hatcheter
                          Okay, now that offends me.

                          Anyway, Shep/Weir photos?

                          That's such a lovely pic. Torri/Weir has such a pleasant look on her face and she looks so pretty. Plus we can really see Joe's ear. tee hee.
                          "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                          "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                          Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                          Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                          "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                          Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                          Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                          (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                            Originally posted by ra-hanna
                            That's such a lovely pic. Torri/Weir has such a pleasant look on her face and she looks so pretty. Plus we can really see Joe's ear. tee hee.
                            Ahh, they lovely pointed ears!


                              Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                              I read a great fic at the weekend, I'll try and find it...

                              ETA: here it is..

                              ooooh. . .I loved it!


                              Liz: "John, I'm awfully busy today, do you think you could take Jor for his afternoon stroll? And please stay away from Ronon. I get the impression that Ronon would find poor little Jor quite tasty."

                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                LOL, FP. I think that is one of the best yet!

                                Poor Jor, but I can see Ronon thinking him as a tasty treat for some reason. At least John will take care of him. LOL

