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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hello guys! I hope you all had a great weekend. Me, not so much bc I'm sick, but still I didn't abandon the cause. Here are a couple of new wps.


    That's what Weir stands for.


      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      That's what I think too, and the NE being the NE would twist it cos sex sells... *rolls eyes*
      That's exactly my take on it. With such a short article, they were probably looking for the most eye-catching statements to pull from interviews, and that one certainly has caused an uproar here. Compare that to RL's remarks in the DVD interview thingy linked last week, where she said that they only play with the topic a little bit on TV, and have to drag it out over the seasons.

      I wonder which remark came first, and if she might have been intentionally teasing the fandom with the EN remark. Maybe she learned a thing or two from the producer who made the "interesting kiss" comment in a teaser commercial.

      Originally posted by Shonaille
      Out of curiousity, what do people honestly expect will happen to the Sheppard and Weir relationship in intruder. From the spoilers released, it looks like we will be getting some more personal info on both characters.
      I figure we'll get more background on the characters, and they'll learn more about each other as well. In the process laying more foundation for the future ship.

      a time to mourn


        Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
        So the Shep/Weir fans don't miss out.

        I knew I should have renewed my subscription of TV Guide weeks ago.


          TV guide pics- Is not interesting that in pics ST in uniform(well..kinda ) while SW are dressed in some pretty casual clothes ...mmm
          Last edited by seetheship; 04 July 2005, 11:32 PM.

          “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
          - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


            Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
            So the Shep/Weir fans don't miss out.
            Superb! That should win an award!


              Originally posted by Shonaille
              That's cool And i just have to say your banner always makes me sigh bcse I would love to see Torri with longer hair, it really suits her. Maybe by the the third season will get Torri with longer hair?
              She's gorgeous in that photo isn't she? In fact so is McKay, I'm not so found of the Sheppard one tho', I like him casual better.


                Yikes, you know you've spent too much time on Livejournal when you start looking for the right icon to post and of course you're on Gateworld....


                  Originally posted by Watters87
                  Anybody read Joe Mallozzi's latest Blog Entry
                  [Long Goodbye]
                  Apparently Torri gets to Kick major butt in this. I'm thinking she goes off-world with Sheppard and co. If she does it could offer us a lot of bonding with Sheppard and for her to see first hand what he does and maybe expand and offer a new dynamic to their relationship.

                  [The Tower]
                  Another story which seems to be Weir-centric. Liz faces a major dilemma in her dealings with an interesting new ally.

                  It seems this season we will get a lot more character development for Liz than in Season 1 and hopefully it will give more good development for the John/Liz relationship.
                  That's good news! I can't wait to see those.

                  And I love the TVG cover. I could frame that cover!

                  Very nice art Baroness. Especially the first one


                    @Baroness: I love the first Wallpaper, really nice work

                    The cover is great... poor that we only have 2 magazines for TV-series....that mean, just a little tiny chance for SGA/SG1 to be on the cover!

                    Only 10 more days !!!!!!!!!!!


                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      Superb! That should win an award!
                      *shrugs* Athenaktt was suggesting it for theraputic reasons... to prevent brain annurisms (or twitching facial veins, both not pretty) in Shep/Weir fans.

                      Plus it was fun.


                        [QUOTE=Royal_Nonesuch]Cover looks good. I have a question, it reveals what a newbie I am in the SG world, but I have seen many references to the Sam/Jack ship having issues in early seasons. I haven't seen all that much of SG-1, so could someone give me a brief synopsis of what went wrong[QUOTE]
                        I think it started going wrong season 5, where after a season that was ship-heavy, the ship was not only greatly diminished but so was the SJ interaction IIRC. THis is bc TPTB thought that S4 was going to be the last so they pushed the ship, then it was renewed sp they toned it back down. Same thing happened it S7. a lot of changes where made bc they thought it was the last series. Then it got renewed. So in short, IMHO, it was the yoyo-ing of the ship that ruined it for some people.

                        I wonder which remark came first, and if she might have been intentionally teasing the fandom with the EN remark. Maybe she learned a thing or two from the producer who made the "interesting kiss" comment in a teaser commercial.
                        I wondered that aswell but it was ''there'll be a kiss, a death, a marriage'' teaser from AT for Moebus that i was thinking RL might be imitating.

                        Baroness, they're beautiful. You've surpassed yourself this time
                        I lurve the first one in particular. It's so squeealicious!!

                        I like the sound of the teasers from Joe's Blog. I'm looking forward to seeing how the team she's with reacts/behaves towards her. Especially if it's Sheps team. IT will be interesting to see if they lean towards macho protective behaviour or go about as normal with the routine that they have built up over the past months. It will be nice to see Liz show off her negotiating skills more as we've only really seen that side of her in The Siege P2.


                          Hey guys! kinda a newbie here, been floating around for awhile, thought i'd say hey.
                          Anyway, yeah, so today I'm at livejoural, and i saw the mock-up cover that Athenaktt made, and i was like, "boo-yaa!" all exited and stuff, thinking it was real. ThEn i found out it wasn't, and instead the cover has got bloody teyla on the front. I was so devo'd.
                          But then i was thinking about the ad in sci fi mag awhile back, with all of the cast, and I'm so not worried about the tv guide now.
                          With Tv guide, it's being bought by lots of ppl who don't watch atlantis, so they've had to make the cover appeal to ppl in some way. And it looks like they've done this by making the cover seem 'sexy,' and trying to make it seem like there's all this sexual urst beween john n telya, when all of us here know there isn't.
                          Whereas the ad that was in Sci Fi mag, with Torri at the front and joe next to her, is being specifically bought by ppl who watch sci fi shows. So the ads that they print, and the relationships that the pics allude to are going to have to be alot more accurate as ppl reading the mag actually watch the show. And i sooo like that ad better!
                          I live in Aus, so I dont get tv guide, and i dont know what it's usually like. But our 'counterpart' TV week, always has covers that implies something is going to happen on a show but it doesn't, so fingers and toes that's the case here!
                          Anyway, that's just my $0.02.


                            Originally posted by daisyflower
                            Hey guys! kinda a newbie here, been floating around for awhile, thought i'd say hey.
                            Anyway, yeah, so today I'm at livejoural, and i saw the mock-up cover that Athenaktt made, and i was like, "boo-yaa!" all exited and stuff, thinking it was real. ThEn i found out it wasn't, and instead the cover has got bloody teyla on the front. I was so devo'd.
                            But then i was thinking about the ad in sci fi mag awhile back, with all of the cast, and I'm so not worried about the tv guide now.
                            With Tv guide, it's being bought by lots of ppl who don't watch atlantis, so they've had to make the cover appeal to ppl in some way. And it looks like they've done this by making the cover seem 'sexy,' and trying to make it seem like there's all this sexual urst beween john n telya, when all of us here know there isn't.
                            Whereas the ad that was in Sci Fi mag, with Torri at the front and joe next to her, is being specifically bought by ppl who watch sci fi shows. So the ads that they print, and the relationships that the pics allude to are going to have to be alot more accurate as ppl reading the mag actually watch the show. And i sooo like that ad better!
                            I live in Aus, so I dont get tv guide, and i dont know what it's usually like. But our 'counterpart' TV week, always has covers that implies something is going to happen on a show but it doesn't, so fingers and toes that's the case here!
                            Anyway, that's just my $0.02.
                            Hi, Daisy! Welcome to the thread.

                            And you make some excellent points! As Auralan said in someone's LJ (I think), a young half-dressed girl sells more magazines than a more fully clothed woman. And they're not really aiming it at us; they're aiming it at the casual audience. The ad in the official magazine, which, presumably, TPTB have more say in, was much more geared toward Sheppard and Weir, which is reasonable, since they're the leads.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              Originally posted by daisyflower
                              Hey guys! kinda a newbie here, been floating around for awhile, thought i'd say hey.
                              Anyway, yeah, so today I'm at livejoural, and i saw the mock-up cover that Athenaktt made, and i was like, "boo-yaa!" all exited and stuff, thinking it was real. ThEn i found out it wasn't, and instead the cover has got bloody teyla on the front. I was so devo'd.
                              But then i was thinking about the ad in sci fi mag awhile back, with all of the cast, and I'm so not worried about the tv guide now.
                              With Tv guide, it's being bought by lots of ppl who don't watch atlantis, so they've had to make the cover appeal to ppl in some way. And it looks like they've done this by making the cover seem 'sexy,' and trying to make it seem like there's all this sexual urst beween john n telya, when all of us here know there isn't.
                              Whereas the ad that was in Sci Fi mag, with Torri at the front and joe next to her, is being specifically bought by ppl who watch sci fi shows. So the ads that they print, and the relationships that the pics allude to are going to have to be alot more accurate as ppl reading the mag actually watch the show. And i sooo like that ad better!
                              I live in Aus, so I dont get tv guide, and i dont know what it's usually like. But our 'counterpart' TV week, always has covers that implies something is going to happen on a show but it doesn't, so fingers and toes that's the case here!
                              Anyway, that's just my $0.02.
                              the cover was Blue's but it was splendid wasn't it?

                              welcome to the thread daisyflower...


                                Originally posted by daisyflower
                                Hey guys! kinda a newbie here, been floating around for awhile, thought i'd say hey.
                                Anyway, yeah, so today I'm at livejoural, and i saw the mock-up cover that Athenaktt made, and i was like, "boo-yaa!" all exited and stuff, thinking it was real. ThEn i found out it wasn't, and instead the cover has got bloody teyla on the front.
                                That actually wasn't me but Blue Banrigh. I don't think I could conjure up a mock-up like that. I have to admit. Blue did a great job on it.

                                And welcome Daisyflower!

