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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
    Trust me it's better if the episode ends there.
    Crawls off to bed.

    Kidding, but more would be good. Ah, was worth a try.

    New posters btw


      *comes in sadden and determined*

      Because of *DENIAL* I wrote fic.

      The desert is dry and all the water is dirty.

      banner by Stef


        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
        *comes in sadden and determined*

        Because of *DENIAL* I wrote fic.

        The desert is dry and all the water is dirty.


        Denial is love!

        Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.


          Yeah, I couldn't even hold out for 24 hours. Still haven't seen TMC yet (will be watching it next week), but I've read the spoilers.

          Well, it sounds utterly expected and utterly disappointing. I took a peek in the TMC sub-forum, and it looks like it's in an uproar... The general consensus seems to be that the episode overall was pretty weak, but even people who aren't necessarily Weir fans are speaking up and saying that the presence of Torri/Weir made TMC a better episode and showed just what Season 4's been missing.

          What a damn shame. This one had so much potential, and like every other damn thing that Weir's been given, it was wasted. Again. *sighs*

          JM has just posted the big TMC round-up to his blog, and there's one thing in particular I'd like to repost here (take note of the bolded section):

          Many interesting little revelations in this sequence of scenes, not the least of which concerns the ultimate fate of Elizabeth Weir. We learn from Repli-Keller that Weir is dead, killed by Oberoth because she exerted an unhealthy influence on the collective. Sad news that, from a series perspective, allows Sheppard and co. some closure on the issue and finally puts to rest any hopes of a rescue mission. On the other hand, can Repli-Keller be trusted? Is what she revealing the sad facts as she knows them, or is this an attempt by her to forestall any potential rescue attempt that would rob them of the precious template that has allowed them to create humanity? Is Elizabeth Weir really dead? Well, it depends on which producer you ask.
          Sounds like JM is again hedging his bets in fearful anticipation of the Mother of All Fan Revolts. Anyone got some torches and pitchforks? I've got marshmallows, we could make s'mores while we burn JM at the stake!

          I am really very curious now to see just what Weir's fourth episode is, and what exactly it's going to mean for the character. Originally the mystery fourth appearance was supposed to be in the first half of the season, and now it's been moved to the second half. Some last-minute restructuring of the arc to open the door just a little more to a future return?

          Damnit all, I WILL hold on to my hope. John's just in denial. He's cutting out his heart to save his sanity after "losing" Elizabeth again. Poor woobie.

          And the really sick and evil (in a good way!) part about this is that TMC fits in perfectly to a post-Season 4 Sparky fanfic idea that's been eating my brain for the past couple of months...

          Am I out of my mind for thinking any of this? Am I? Because if so, where's my straitjacket?

          LONG LIVE SPARKY!!!!!!!
          Last edited by Scary Kitty; 08 December 2007, 06:03 PM. Reason: Re-edited to separate spoiler from general comments.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by Faylinn View Post
            *delurks and steps into thread* Hi, everyone! I normally just read this thread, but thought I might as well join...I'm Lizabeth's sister, btw, I made some wallpapers I think she posted here a bit ago...anyway, I'm still clinging to hope that Liz will still be back somehow, but in light of that yucky AU known as This Mortal Coil, I thought we could remember the days of old and the bright, shining new, sparky-ling city of S1. Wallpaper! (in spoiler tags for size)

            Hi Faylinn and welcome! Love your wallpapers.
            sig by SueKay

            My Team:


              i THINK because it's just scenes, the youtube links are ok. but folks please, if anyone finds the whole episode do NOT post links here.

              It's against our rules
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                Yeah, I couldn't even hold out for 24 hours. Still haven't seen TMC yet (will be watching it next week), but I've read the spoilers.

                Well, it sounds utterly expected and utterly disappointing. I took a peek in the TMC sub-forum, and it looks like it's in an uproar... The general consensus seems to be that the episode overall was pretty weak, but even people who aren't necessarily Weir fans are speaking up and saying that the presence of Torri/Weir made TMC a better episode and showed just what Season 4's been missing.

                What a damn shame. This one had so much potential, and like every other damn thing that Weir's been given, it was wasted. Again. *sighs*

                JM has just posted the big TMC round-up to his blog, and there's one thing in particular I'd like to repost here (take note of the bolded section):

                Sounds like JM is again hedging his bets in fearful anticipation of the Mother of All Fan Revolts. Anyone got some torches and pitchforks? I've got marshmallows, we could make s'mores while we burn JM at the stake!

                I am really very curious now to see just what Weir's fourth episode is, and what exactly it's going to mean for the character. Originally the mystery fourth appearance was supposed to be in the first half of the season, and now it's been moved to the second half. Some last-minute restructuring of the arc to open the door just a little more to a future return?

                Damnit all, I WILL hold on to my hope. John's just in denial. He's cutting out his heart to save his sanity after "losing" Elizabeth again. Poor woobie.

                And the really sick and evil (in a good way!) part about this is that TMC fits in perfectly to a post-Season 4 Sparky fanfic idea that's been eating my brain for the past couple of months...

                Am I out of my mind for thinking any of this? Am I? Because if so, where's my straitjacket?

                LONG LIVE SPARKY!!!!!!!
                I was just reading the blog and was going to say that! Bring on the pitch-forks and the torches!!!

                And thus the mob marches out into the night!!!

                But, after reading all of it... well, I don't really feel like marching right now... I'm kind of appeased by the Blog. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME???

                And I rewatched TMC and it was not too bad... Lots of good scenes. Despite that one little flaw.

                Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.


                  I've seen the ep, but can I make a plea for people who haven't that we use spoiler cuts?? Scary Kitty, your post could use spoiler tags because it involves some major plot revelations.

                  It's only courteous.


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    You rock Anji! Have good luck with your exam! (hugs) See ya again here?
                    Thanks... and here I am! A little hello before I go to bed.

                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    One thing before I head off to bed.

                    Remeber people that we are free of canon now. We have freedom to take this ship wherever we want to, because SGA ended for our couple, but we still love them

                    If you need something for your personal canon, then this is probably one of very best fics ever written for Sparky.

                    Unexpected by Oparu

                    It's golden. And everyone is in character. And there is lots and lots and lots of sparky. Everyone have good night and see you again tomorrow!!!
                    Oh I love 'Unexpected'! One of the totally great sparky stories out there. ^_^

                    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                    I uploade sparky scenes to youtube, well some because youtube sucks and refused to accept the other ones. So the rest are on imeem.


                    For the peeps that don't watch SGA anymore but want to see sparky.
                    Squee. Thank you. Though most of those moments make me cry...

                    Originally posted by Wormhole View Post

                    *hugs* thank you. Arghhh, you can't leave it there.
                    You don't wanna see the end.

                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    *comes in sadden and determined*

                    Because of *DENIAL* I wrote fic.

                    The desert is dry and all the water is dirty.

                    Isa that was wonderful. Thankyou!

                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    Yeah, I couldn't even hold out for 24 hours. Still haven't seen TMC yet (will be watching it next week), but I've read the spoilers.

                    Well, it sounds utterly expected and utterly disappointing. I took a peek in the TMC sub-forum, and it looks like it's in an uproar... The general consensus seems to be that the episode overall was pretty weak, but even people who aren't necessarily Weir fans are speaking up and saying that the presence of Torri/Weir made TMC a better episode and showed just what Season 4's been missing.

                    What a damn shame. This one had so much potential, and like every other damn thing that Weir's been given, it was wasted. Again. *sighs*

                    JM has just posted the big TMC round-up to his blog, and there's one thing in particular I'd like to repost here (take note of the bolded section):

                    Sounds like JM is again hedging his bets in fearful anticipation of the Mother of All Fan Revolts. Anyone got some torches and pitchforks? I've got marshmallows, we could make s'mores while we burn JM at the stake!

                    I am really very curious now to see just what Weir's fourth episode is, and what exactly it's going to mean for the character. Originally the mystery fourth appearance was supposed to be in the first half of the season, and now it's been moved to the second half. Some last-minute restructuring of the arc to open the door just a little more to a future return?

                    Damnit all, I WILL hold on to my hope. John's just in denial. He's cutting out his heart to save his sanity after "losing" Elizabeth again. Poor woobie.

                    And the really sick and evil (in a good way!) part about this is that TMC fits in perfectly to a post-Season 4 Sparky fanfic idea that's been eating my brain for the past couple of months...

                    Am I out of my mind for thinking any of this? Am I? Because if so, where's my straitjacket?
                    LONG LIVE SPARKY!!!!!!!
                    I'm all for the torches and pitchforks, and IMHO JM's blog smacks nothing more than worry. He knows that he's done us wrong and he's trying to rebuild the bridge... well guess what? I've washed my hands of the show (unless of course Lizzie is brought back FULL time) and that bridge has been burnt to ashes and the span between us and them (TPTB) has turned into a giant chasm never again to be crossed by the likes of me...
                    Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
                    And I rewatched TMC and it was not too bad... Lots of good scenes. Despite that one little flaw.
                    That's what I said. Not a bad episode- but like Sunday it had its major flaws. *GRR*

                    ....I hate them for putting us through this. I really do. All I can do is hope and pray that they pull a Daniel and some how bring her back.

                    *sigh* I think that I'm more furious now than sad- though when I thought of the implications of that blog I wanted to cry again because I think that they actually like toying with our precious feelings... *tear* Well, that's it. I'm done with the show.

                    Long Live Sparky Ever After.

                    But I need to go to bed, I have a take-home to write in full tomorrow. Night gang!
                    Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                    |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Oh for frak's sake... sorry for word people, I'm just aggravated.

                      First of all, this wasn't her last appereance.

                      Secondly, that guy who wrote that article and mentioned Torri in one sentence isn't the source of official news.

                      Third decisions can be made and then changed.

                      Fourth, who are PTB to tell me my ship is over?

                      That said, I came to conclusion that everything - or almost everything I predicted would happen - did happen. So much about being original and no big surprises there. I haven't watched the episode, but I hate to see so many people I like being upset.

                      But upset is toatlly expected right now, and people - went, write, rant, do everything that makes you feel easier. When things settle down - here is something we could think about.

                      We don't have to pay any attention to the canon now. All of this is fiction and what we like isn't gone. Sparky is still there, in first three seasons and that can't be erased. And just because PTB decided to write a story arc that doesn't suit our taste, it doesn't mean we should stop having fun.

                      Finally I'm sticking to SEW and this thread. I'm still totally in love with Sparky and ready and able to write more about them, I'm still interested to discuss them, to interpret them in various ways. They represent something all of us like - and I'm still able to have fun with that. In my mind SGA, the show I loved was cancelled some time ago. There's another show, similar to SGA but that's not it. And what do people do when the show is over? If it was really good and if it still pleases them, they keep having fun discussing it. So that's how I choose to view our ship of choice and canon can kiss my tushie.
                      I knew I could count on Anuna to keep the positive alive. Woo Hoo!! We are free to do what we want any 'ol time now.

                      Originally posted by JesterDala View Post
                      Though I am holding out hope that...

                      ...Repli!Keller and her gang could have been lied to or accidentally or purposefully misinformed, it does seem like Elizabeth to fight the Replicator part of her. And as we've seen already in The Real World, she has the strength to defeat them. It does seem possible that if she held out against her Asuran nature that they-

                      -covers face- Oh, I can't think about it! It's too horrible! But then if she really is gone.. maybe Torri's next appearance is a Shep!fantasy. One can only hope.

                      But, you know, Anuna is right. Forget canon. We'll always have fanfiction and as many Sparky bebbiez as our little hearts can handle.
                      I think that somebody is lying to somebody and I can't wait to find out who!!

                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                      Maybe we can write to Joe F. and tell him to steal it from the props warehouse and put it in John's room on his own. XD. That, or the watch. I would desperately love to see him on the balcony in some random episode, fingering the watch and then shoving it in his pocket/vest sheepishly.
                      The Shep whumper in me wants him to carry it wherever he goes and as he is being held captive somewhere he pulls it out to hold onto to. It is his link to Home!

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      So glad you stopped by. I feel like we are hosting a wake and neighbors are dropping by with food.

                      And that little moment completely escaped me. I'll rewatch later. Thanks so much. It has been really interesting the number of people on the episode thread and even on that blog who have made little comments about the connection between these two. This has happened before for other episodes, but somehow TPTB just let it roll over them. By golly, they have a ship plan and even if they are the only ones who want it, they are not going to change their minds.

                      It seems to me that a good number of people
                      don't think she is really dead.
                      Anything is possible, but like I said before I'm no longer a fan of this show. I come on here because I'm a fan of JF and TH. SGA not so much.
                      Reminds me of Tim Finnegan's wake. They thought he was dead until they spilled whiskey on him. He woke up spluttering "thunder and lighting do ya think I'm dead"

                      (yes I am a nerd and listen to old Clancy Brother's Irish Folk Songs)

                      Originally posted by Bells View Post
                      Hey I thought i'd come out of lurking for a moment to thank you guys for the optimism. =] It's nice to see people not giving up on sparky.
                      Originally posted by Faylinn View Post
                      *delurks and steps into thread* Hi, everyone! I normally just read this thread, but thought I might as well join...I'm Lizabeth's sister, btw, I made some wallpapers I think she posted here a bit ago...anyway, I'm still clinging to hope that Liz will still be back somehow, but in light of that yucky AU known as This Mortal Coil, I thought we could remember the days of old and the bright, shining new, sparky-ling city of S1. Wallpaper! (in spoiler tags for size)

                      Welcome to new Sparkies!! Have some mints to celebrate the freedom we have been granted

                      I wasn't sure how the mood was going to be in here today and sadly I feared the worst. I am so glad I was proven wrong and the strong Sparky spirit is alive and well and living in AU for now!!! Go create people!!!


                        Originally posted by RoryJ View Post
                        I've seen the ep, but can I make a plea for people who haven't that we use spoiler cuts?? Scary Kitty, your post could use spoiler tags because it involves some major plot revelations.

                        It's only courteous.
                        *headdesk* Sorry, I was rather annoyed at the time and not paying attention. My apologies.

                        I am however going to re-edit the edit that was made, to free up some general comments that should have been left out of the spoiler tags.
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Oh, but before I go... some self pimping for anyone who missed it.

                          The way 'This Mortal Coil' SHOULD have ended. Homecoming is the ending that should have been, and in case anyone is interested Love is Letting Go is just a little 'Lifeline' drabble that I think needed to be pointed out...

                          ....and so you all have something to look forward I'm going to update my 'What Would Elizabeth Do' storyline up to TMC and I'll hopefully get another chapter of 'Everlasting' up within the next week or so. ^_^ But we'll see, I also have a couple of original stories that are nagging at me to get done....

                          So, adieu beloved sparky fans. Till we meet again in the morn. ^_^
                          Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                          |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                            Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                            I'm all for the torches and pitchforks, and IMHO JM's blog smacks nothing more than worry. He knows that he's done us wrong and he's trying to rebuild the bridge... well guess what? I've washed my hands of the show (unless of course Lizzie is brought back FULL time) and that bridge has been burnt to ashes and the span between us and them (TPTB) has turned into a giant chasm never again to be crossed by the likes of me...
                            Amen to that! At this point, the only reasons I'll still be watching the show is for:

                            1) "Outcast", because I REALLY want to see the Shep backstory
                            2) whatever fic fodder I can twist to my own Sparky ends...

                            ....I hate them for putting us through this. I really do. All I can do is hope and pray that they pull a Daniel and some how bring her back.
                            It could happen... all we have to do is keep up the pressure on 'em. We know we've got Saint Joe (Flanigan) in our camp, and really, we can't be wrong if the Flan is on our side!

                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            The Shep whumper in me wants him to carry it wherever he goes and as he is being held captive somewhere he pulls it out to hold onto to. It is his link to Home!
                            Hee! Or he could accidentally lose it on a mission and have to go back for it and get whumped some more! Ah... The joys of Shep!Whump, when combined with the pleasures of Sparky!Angst, are a match made in heaven.
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              Amen to that! At this point, the only reasons I'll still be watching the show is for:

                              1) "Outcast", because I REALLY want to see the Shep backstory
                              2) whatever fic fodder I can twist to my own Sparky ends...

                              It could happen... all we have to do is keep up the pressure on 'em. We know we've got Saint Joe (Flanigan) in our camp, and really, we can't be wrong if the Flan is on our side!
                              Yeah, but any fodder for sparky I'll just get from reading the transcripts. And with JoeF in our corner, maybe there is hope.

                              Now, I don't know if this'll show up on the blog but this is my reply to TMC.

                              I watched ‘This Mortal Coil’ today and I don’t know what to say Joe. I feel a huge sense of loss, surprising only because it is over a television character but not surprising because Elizabeth was my favourite character an in my opinion the heart and soul of another wise lifeless, explosion centric show. The seemingly permanent departure of Elizabeth reminded me of Lifeline all over again and that was painful enough... I could hardly stand watching ‘This Mortal Coil’

                              The scenes that Elizabeth was in were just heart wrenching and speaks to Torri’s wonderful ability as an actress. What bothers me the most is the way that she has been discarded and I can only hope that the ratings plummet and the powers that be get what they deserve while the actors go on to bigger and better things.

                              However, even though I feel totally cheated with the ‘death’ of Elizabeth I feel that the plot was engaging even though it was a total rehash of some very well done SG1 episodes. And while you say name you an episode that wasn’t a rehash I say to you- that may be true but you have to find new and interesting ways to redo the plots. You did not do this.

                              I wish that the whole ‘organic duplicate’ team arc had been spread out over a few episodes. Not only would it have given us a chance to see Elizabeth for more episodes but it would have been interesting to see how the team has changed from when Elizabeth was left behind to now.

                              In the end Joe, I’ve washed my hands with the whole farce. The entirety of season four has been nothing but a bad dream- and if the ratings fall to far then perhaps you guys should seriously consider the whole ‘dream’ reset button and take the series back to its pre-Sunday brilliance. Hell- it’ll probably bring back your ratings and get Atlantis renewed for a sixth season.

                              I know that I for one would watch that in a heartbeat. Anything else is futile and in terms of the whole ‘is she/ isn’t she’ dead quandary that you’ve raised- all I’ve got to say to that is that you are back peddling. You’re trying to appease the fans but it’s too late, the Elizabeth fans have had enough and I personally don’t care about the show anymore and am cold towards it.

                              I think that the majority of SGA fans should stick to fanfiction where the writers actually care about the continuity of the emotional state of the characters and what happens to them to boot. What most would be considered ‘canon’ is a great let down and I don’t care to see anymore.

                              So thank you Joe- this is one more fan that is no longer going to watch the show. I hope that you’re happy.

                              I for one am not a happy camper.
                              Night all.
                              Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                              |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                                Not to self advertise, but...Wrote a somewhat tragic fic focusing on Repli!Weir's thoughts here. Not sure if it's really very good or not, but I just like writing angst...

                                But for more optimism! From Joseph Malozzi's blog:

                                Also, it’s a little thing, but there’s something about seeing Weir hitting the dirt and Sheppard stopping to help her up before resuming their run that I love every time I see watch this episode.

                                So this has to be good, right? A little hint that JM is not so opposed to Sparky? *desperately squeezes sparky hope* I'm not giving up!

