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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Heh! Good caption! Best of luck Anuna!!!!

    Wow, well you all said pretty much everything. So I'm gonna say why these two work so well, and why they their attraction has gone past the physical part.

    There was this interesting little quote from the movie The Wedding Planner that went something like this: She took good care of me. For the first time...I appreciated her. Then the appreciation grew to respect. Respect grew to like. Then like grew to love.

    It's a nice little description of how their little relationship might have evolved and why eventually they would, you know, fall in love. But I think respect plays a huge part with these two. In the beginning I'm sure he'd been wary of her (they come from different backgrounds i imagine, and with different views), and we see the conflicts that are more frequent in the beginning. But as time went on, both learned to really see the other's point of view, think about it and eventually accept it, and they grew to respect and trust each other. Where you once had in Hot Zone that scene where she questions whether he really trusts her (something that is truly important for the survival of the city and the expedition), by the time TS2 comes along, you have John defending her and saying (among other things) how she has earned his trust. John strikes me as the type whose trust you gotta work hard to earn and Elizabeth has done that. I think he also has come to think highly of her because of the choices she had been forced to make even in situations that were perhaps better suited for someone with a different background. And I think she sees in him a man that wants to do what is best for this expedition and it's also something she has come to respect. Didn't Torri once say about Sheppard and Weir that their hearts were at the same place, about wanting to do right, or something similar?

    She took a chance on him by taking him on this expedition. Yes, the gene played a part but I'm sure she didn't hear very flattering things about him and decided to make a gamble anyway, and I think John never forgot that. It's also what I think he wanted to tell her in 38 minutes: Thank you for taking a chance with me. He then goes on to save her life, find out her birthday AND get her a present, defends her honor, is her shoulder and ear when she needs it, listens to her, makes her smile, tries to lighten her emotional burden even if only a little and so on. When he found out that she played a huge part in his promotion (and remember he says everyone thought he'd never make it past Captain), it showed him that she trusts him and thinks so highly of him of what he had done, to defend him and fight in his name. It was also a good boost to his ego knowing that he basically proved all those who doubted him wrong with this promotion.

    They both found something in each other that they never quite thought they would: a friend and not just a colleague. I'm also gonna pull out an old Voyager quote where Janeway tells Chakotay that in the beginning she barely knew his name, but now couldn't imagine life without him (a more accurate quote I'm sure you Voyager fans could bring out). They really have been through a lot together and it forced them to acknowledge their respect towards each other. They have both become a large part of each others lives.

    They know that Atlantis always comes first and both have risked their lives to save it and keep it safe. Despite the feelings they know not to sacrifice their home for each other.

    So, we have seen how they have come to like, appreciate, respect each other, and....perhaps even felt something deeper for each other.

    As for when Elizabeth entrusted him with her life, I think it was back in Rising when she decided to make him Atlantis's military commander. That pretty much said everything.

    I also hope that at least some of what I said makes sense.....


      Amazing post Vixen, that's all I can say for now (bc I'm writing again). But it's great to see new insight in two of them, something I didn't think about.

      I love the fact that there is so much mutual respect in their relationship, as well as trust, but what I really enjoy is how they seem to be tuned into each other - surprisingly, John being the one with better emotional insight.

      Not only that he reacts on his own emotions more often, but it seems that he knows what to say and when to say it when it comes to Elizabeth. He also knows how not to step over the line and when it's time to leave; and I think it's great to see how he respects that invisible limit she tends to draw sometimes. But nevertheless, he also knows when it's time to push it.

      On the oher hand when his feelings have to be adressed he gives Elizabeth hard time. Conversion is a great example - she tried so hard to break his defenses. i think he didn't want her to see him in such state, apart from fearing he could do her harm due to his uncontrollable behaviour. But she doesn't give up on him, i think she picked up that "we don't leave our men behind" philosophy; and she certainly doesn't intend to give up on him. She witnesses his darkest moments never losing her courage and their bond is strong and visible through those events. It's also very good to notice that carson picked her to go and talk to John about his health status. Did our good doctor sense their bond? Hmmmm.

      So many things to talk about
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        Amazing post Vixen, that's all I can say for now (bc I'm writing again). But it's great to see new insight in two of them, something I didn't think about.

        I love the fact that there is so much mutual respect in their relationship, as well as trust, but what I really enjoy is how they seem to be tuned into each other - surprisingly, John being the one with better emotional insight.

        Not only that he reacts on his own emotions more often, but it seems that he knows what to say and when to say it when it comes to Elizabeth. He also knows how not to step over the line and when it's time to leave; and I think it's great to see how he respects that invisible limit she tends to draw sometimes. But nevertheless, he also knows when it's time to push it.

        On the oher hand when his feelings have to be adressed he gives Elizabeth hard time. Conversion is a great example - she tried so hard to break his defenses. i think he didn't want her to see him in such state, apart from fearing he could do her harm due to his uncontrollable behaviour. But she doesn't give up on him, i think she picked up that "we don't leave our men behind" philosophy; and she certainly doesn't intend to give up on him. She witnesses his darkest moments never losing her courage and their bond is strong and visible through those events. It's also very good to notice that carson picked her to go and talk to John about his health status. Did our good doctor sense their bond? Hmmmm.

        So many things to talk about
        He sure did. *I want him baaaack!*

        Speaking of Conversion, it showed again her trust in him. She went into his room despite knowing that he could turn violent, perhaps harm her, even kill her. Even the guards warned her but she just said "I'll be fine" and went to see him. She stepped inside the room alone, with no guards. Elizabeth could've told him the news over the radio, get one of the guards to do it, but she went in there to tell him personally what was happening. What if he had hurt her seriously? Again it's that same huge-risk-taking that was later shown in TRW. Why? Why? Why? Because she cares for him, trusts him enough not to hurt her, and offer as much moral support as she could while the others tried to find him a cure.

        BTW Anuna, you have no idea how much you have contributed to this thread. *huggles you*


          Oh did I? *feels flattered*

          It's an interesting question you asked - I mean the one about Conversion, and I'm struggling with my vocabulary because my brain is slowly falling asleep.

          She could tell him the news over the radio, but imagine how that would look like and what message John would get. "You are too dangerous, we lost hope, it's best that you remain isolated." It's the same thing that was done to leppers. It's different when you slide the food under the door and when you actually open that door and face the person who is suffering, not caring about yourself, but about that person. That is the way you give people hope and tell them they are worth effort and that they should fight.

          Remember this scene?

          She never left his side. He is hidden under that cloak - to preserve his dignity I persume. Other people don't have to look at him and feel disgusted or frightened - remeber how Rodney reacted when he saw him? But Elizabeth didn't react like that, not once. What she saw wasn't half - man, half - besat, but John; the person she respects and cares about.

          I'm gonna leave you with a little homework to do! Caption this!!!

          Last edited by Anuna; 11 August 2007, 02:48 PM.
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Elizabeth : John would you stop looking at my upper body?
            John : *blushes* Elizabeth, we're dealing with a very serious situation here...
            Elizabeth : *whispers* Yeah, you wandering your mind on my breasts!
            John : I'm not wandering, I'm very observant to the beauty that's next to me!
            Elizabeth : ... let's solve this crisis now, closet, 5 mn?
            John : I thought you'd never ask! *g*


              The pr0ny monster is back! *g* *waves at BG*

              J: Eliznabeth... not in a public place... someone could walk in...
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Well, I think I will give you my two cents about why they love each other. Much has already been said, but I think that it also plays a role that they challenge each other (I hope that has not already been said, I didn't read everything).

                Anyway, I've been listening to "Extraordinary Machine" from Fiona Apple all day and these lines from "Window" made me think of "Conversion" *g*:

                So I had to break the window
                It just had to be
                Better that I break the window
                Than him or her or me

                My mind is so sick

                Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.


                  Oh a good way of sick I'd say!!!

                  Tese lyrics remind me of "Conversion"

                  "I'll stand by you" by Pretenders:

                  Oh, why you look so sad? The tears are in your eyes
                  Come on and come to me now
                  But don't, be ashamed to cry, let me see you through
                  'Cause I've been in the dark side too
                  When the night falls on you, and you don't know what to do
                  Nothing you confess, could make me love you less

                  I'll stand by you, I'll stand by you
                  Won't let nobody hurt you, I'll stand by you

                  And yes, they do represent a certain challenge to each other - great point! And no, nobody said that last night

                  Which reminds me of these lyrics ("Human" by Pretenders):

                  I play a good game
                  But not as good as you
                  I can be a little cold
                  But you can be so cruel
                  I'm not made of brick
                  I'm not made of stone
                  But I had you fooled enough to take me on
                  If love was a war
                  It's you who has won
                  While I was confessing it
                  You held your tongue
                  Now the damage is done

                  Well there's blood in these veins
                  and I cry when in pain
                  I'm only human on the inside
                  And if looks could deceive
                  Make it hard to believe
                  I'm only human on the inside

                  - it's one of those "tempt me, tease me" songs... hmmm, is that my video making muse trying to tell me something?

                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Ok, so I'll make a post I'm sure I won't get lynched about (as seems to be the trend).

                    I bring you more Sparky!sims (and offspring).


                    Last time I promised some pictures of the twins so here you go

                    Mommy Lizzie with toddler Lily.

                    Daddy with toddler Jonathan.

                    Lily playing 'toss in the air' with her mom.

                    And the toddlers together.

                    Meanwhile Matthew (their firstborn) grew up to be a teenager.

                    He's going to be a killer looking guy when he grows up.

                    The twins grew up to beautiful (how predictable) children. Everytime John comes home from work (he's USAF General *grin* and goes to and from work by helicopter), they run from whatever they're doing at the moment to greet him with a hug. It's cute.

                    And now more Sparky pics (some might contain (concealed and/or implied) nudity (they're such exhibitionists )

                    He's such a pig. *giggle*

                    Fascinated by the table.

                    His wife is sleeping and he thinks of woohooing with her. Ehm.

                    Finally he got his woohoo. And looks extremely happy afterwards.

                    Cutest thing evah. ^^

                    Also a bit prettier pic I edited:

                    (for uncensored pic go's just his butt *g*)

                    And a pic of how they react when they see each other naked.


                      Nice pics dana if only it was real lol.

                      Banner by Stef
                      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                        So cute, dana!
                        Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                        at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                        R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                          Very cute, you won't get lynched, and thanx!!! Cheered me up for sure! (I love that big grin on his face)
                          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                            Dana *hug*. I'm sorry you got that impression from before but I hope it can be be remedied somehow. We've had people reacting a bit too hyper over spoilers, interviews etc (and it's normal), in the past here and after that (as the case was the past two days) others would add their thoughts to try to calm everyone down and keep the zen. It wasn't an attack or anything to your reaction.
                            And thanks for posting the cute Sims pics! I actually wanted to ask about them yesterday.

                            BTW, if anyone would like to post their favorite J/E pic of any episode (except TRW since it's on the list already), in this thread, just go ahead. We could use a few more lovely Sparky pics.


                              Just posted my favourite pic.

                              Hey dana, nobody wanted to attack you. We just tried to regroup and keep our shipper zen, and have fun with our favourite ship. Thank you so much for beautiful SparkySim! pictures, they are beautiful- we sure need stuff like that.

                              OT: I just got sucked into Battlestar Galactica world. Didn't watch it before. That was an experience!
                              Last edited by Anuna; 12 August 2007, 04:46 AM.
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post

                                I'm gonna leave you with a little homework to do! Caption this!!!

                                R: Elizabeth, we have a situation. We found some vibrating stuff in a closet off the south pier.
                                J: Blushes furiously
                                E: Rodney, it's probably massage devices for the ancients. You know how "hard" they worked
                                J: Elizabeth, maybe we should go check it out.
                                E: Rodney, I think you should go check on the Athosians on the main land. John, meet you for inventory in 5 minutes.
                                sig made by me

