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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Something is wrong with those spoiler tags up there. Nevermind. You apologize for something you consider to be wrong, you feel guilty about... heee! This was more like, whoops, what now? I have to think about it, oh no, must not look at him/her; oh but I want to sooo much!

    And I keep wondering why John was teasing her and then zipped up when Caldwell appeared? Did he remeber the kiss, hoping she wasn't and knowing Caldwell was there, saw the whole thing...? Hmm! Thoughts my Sparky fellas?
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      Something is wrong with those spoiler tags up there. Nevermind. You apologize for something you consider to be wrong, you feel guilty about... heee! This was more like, whoops, what now? I have to think about it, oh no, must not look at him/her; oh but I want to sooo much!

      And I keep wondering why John was teasing her and then zipped up when Caldwell appeared? Did he remeber the kiss, hoping she wasn't and knowing Caldwell was there, saw the whole thing...? Hmm! Thoughts my Sparky fellas?
      I always thought they both remembered the kiss - at least that's the general impression I got from their expressions.

      The Conversion kiss was so domineering - it actually made me nervous even to watch it ... his body took over her entire space - dominated her. There was no tenderness in it at all ... just a grab, tower over and take on. Her hands coming up by her face, palms open and away from him, doesn't translate into equal participation to me.

      On the opposite spectrum, in TLG, Elizabeth's hands framing his face, her pulling him closer, body bending and shifting closer to his, and him leaning down, was a gentler approach by comparison; even for an alien invasion kiss.

      I did find it amusing/interesting when John even w/o looking over know she's awake. This kind of communication only happens when the other person is fine tuned into each other's responses. They may not have "done it" by now, but I think they are very aware of each other.

      The PDA - is actually a Palm that JF was playing solitaire on according to the commentaries on the DVD.

      I gotta get back to work, so more on this later. I know I ramble so very much!
      sig made by me


        Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
        I always thought they both remembered the kiss - at least that's the general impression I got from their expressions.

        The Conversion kiss was so domineering - it actually made me nervous even to watch it ... his body took over her entire space - dominated her. There was no tenderness in it at all ... just a grab, tower over and take on. Her hands coming up by her face, palms open and away from him, doesn't translate into equal participation to me.

        On the opposite spectrum, in TLG, Elizabeth's hands framing his face, her pulling him closer, body bending and shifting closer to his, and him leaning down, was a gentler approach by comparison; even for an alien invasion kiss.

        I did find it amusing/interesting when John even w/o looking over know she's awake. This kind of communication only happens when the other person is fine tuned into each other's responses. They may not have "done it" by now, but I think they are very aware of each other.

        The PDA - is actually a Palm that JF was playing solitaire on according to the commentaries on the DVD.

        I gotta get back to work, so more on this later. I know I ramble so very much!

        Wow, great comment!

        Yup, Conversion kiss was domineering and without any tenderness; his complete body language was agressive. She didn't participate at all.

        TLG kiss had more gntleness and I start to wonder if Phoebus and Thalan had something going on in the past - and i wonder that because of this gentle approach to that kiss.

        And about being fine tuned to each other... more body talk; or something what I call mirroring each other postures, even facial expressions.



        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          Very interesting points Anuna and SR!

          Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
          I always thought they both remembered the kiss - at least that's the general impression I got from their expressions.
          Oh they did. It's the same impression I got from that scene.
          I'm curious about E and J's reaction when the kiss was actually happening (and how nervous John was before he became Thalan's host), heh. Since we know they were aware of the whole thing.

          Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post

          The Conversion kiss was so domineering - it actually made me nervous even to watch it ... his body took over her entire space - dominated her. There was no tenderness in it at all ... just a grab, tower over and take on. Her hands coming up by her face, palms open and away from him, doesn't translate into equal participation to me.

          Exactly. And as Anuna said, great comment!

          Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post

          I did find it amusing/interesting when John even w/o looking over know she's awake. This kind of communication only happens when the other person is fine tuned into each other's responses. They may not have "done it" by now, but I think they are very aware of each other.
          I love these observations.

          Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
          The PDA - is actually a Palm that JF was playing solitaire on according to the commentaries on the DVD.
          Heh, that reminds me of this cap:

          It was mentioned that sometimes Torri plays solitaire on set and they put that in. And guess what episode that scene is from.

          Originally posted by Anuna View Post

          TLG kiss had more gntleness and I start to wonder if Phoebus and Thalan had something going on in the past - and i wonder that because of this gentle approach to that kiss.
          You know, I love playing with that idea.


            Solitaire! Conversion! It must be fate!!! BTW I'm working on new chapter as we speak.

            You know that saying - in love and war ebverything is allowed? It makes me wonder about Thalan and Phoebus (and there are few fanfics around that play with this idea too)... but the main thing is, both John and Elizabeth were conscious during everything that happened.


            "What? She is going to... kiss him, I mean me, oh my God!!!"

            Maybe that is the reason of John's nervousness, he did believe he was going toh ost Phoebus's husband. Heoplesly romantic?

            New (smutty) fic appeared:
            Last edited by Anuna; 09 August 2007, 12:50 PM.
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by Anuna View Post

              "What? She is going to... kiss him, I mean me, oh my God!!!"

              Maybe that is the reason of John's nervousness, he did believe he was going toh ost Phoebus's husband. Heoplesly romantic?
              Oh yes. He didn't have to do it, but chose to take on the role as Thalan's host anyway to give the 'lovers' a chance for one last goodbye. Hopeless romantic is right.

              I think Ankareeda once made a Sparky shirt with those words and had JF sign it. Very cute.



                Hopeless! I think I should go and get some sleep. Any fic recs for me? *blink blink*
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  Hi Sparky shippers!

                  For those of you who haven't heard, I just completed a fan film called "Shipper Wars." I thought I'd share it since Sparky is discussed (and duked out!).

                  Shipper Wars

                  Part 1:
                  Part 2:
                  Part 3:

                  Wishing you all much love, laugher and light!
                  Sig by LadyBozi


                    Black Hawk, that was hilarious! Sparky and Spanky all the way!
                    Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                    at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                    R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                      Thanx Black Hawk! That was simply amazing!!!

                      I was busy last night and here comes a new chapter of TSM.


                      If you sense more trouble coming, you have a good feeling. *black adder mode* "I have a cunning plan!"

                      And now I must decide which episode to rewatch to make my headache go away.
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Interesting analysis going around here!

                        Also I have noticed that usually those to, John and Liz, are next to each other in most scenes.
                        Ok, they are leaders so they have to talk to each other a lot and exchange looks, but they don't always have to stand next to each other, unless they chose too.

                        Maybe the writers noly wanted to show the leaders together and nothing more, but they did it so many times that now I can't even separate them, it seems natural for them to be close together. Of course other things make me think that, too, , but this is one reason.

                        I promise to post a picture of a scene in 'The Game'.
                        It goes like this: at the end she comes to see John and Rodney who are playing chess in the mess. There are two empty chairs at the table, one next to John and one next to Rodney. What chair does Elizabeth chose to go and lean on while speeking to them? the one next to John of course .
                        Maybe I imagine too much.

                        And earlier when the three of them are on her office and the 'boys' are arguing about cheating she stands and shouts at them both, but first she looks at John. She expect him to be more responsible, not Rodney. And it seems to me that she is more upset with John beeing irresponsible than with Rodney. Of course Rodney has done some giant mistakes, while John didn't, so that might be justified.

                        Poor John, if he really feels something for her he should be devastated to loose her. He was very upset when they lost Ford and Carson, now he should go mad. If the writers don't write him this way I would be very very surprised, and disappointed.

                        But they can do pretty much what they want so .... I'm not looking forward much.


                          Black Hawk, that was just.....brilliant! Too funny! Good, honest laughter is always good for the soul. Bravo.

                          Originally posted by Alexandra
                          Poor John, if he really feels something for her he should be devastated to loose her. He was very upset when they lost Ford and Carson, now he should go mad. If the writers don't write him this way I would be very very surprised, and disappointed.

                          This brings me back to that last scene from TS3, when she tries to comfort John, giving him a little hope. A very nice scene.

                          Anuna, try BIS.


                            I decided to cross over to the dark side and right now I'm watching Star Trek Voyager, pilot episode. Star trek is my first love after all *feels happy*

                            I can't but make comparsion between Janeway and Elizabeth. They both left their fiancees in a similar way; only Elizabeth knew she won't be going back home soon.

                            I might rewatch BIS. It would do me some good I think.
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              You never forget your first love.
                              I forgot to add that I loved the earlier picspam.
                              BTW, are you a Blackadder fan?

                              Speaking of Voyager, didn't Janeway also sacrifice herself for a better future for her other self and the crew, like Elizabeth?


                                Yup I like Blackadder AND Star trek! Exactly, Janeway sacrificed herself for her crew, just like Elizabeth did. And both of them are great leaders, they gain respect by their mere presence.

                                Hmmmm, any other similarities?
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

