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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Or maybe, bc of her status in the gov, Liz has enough money to buy a BMW. I mean, with the risks she takes when negotiating peace with these countries, maybe she is very well paid. Maybe she even bought Simon's car too. lol

    That's what Weir stands for.


      Originally posted by Melyanna I've wondered if Elizabeth was projecting some subconscious shift in her taste in men.
      Can I assume that by that you mean men who "like ferris wheels, college football and anything that goes over 200 miles per hour." ??

      “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
      - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


        Originally posted by seetheship
        Can I assume that by that you mean men who "like ferris wheels, college football and anything that goes over 200 miles per hour." ??
        Especially the "over 200 miles per hour" part right?


          That's a very interesting insight Melyanna. I htought of another moment. I think it ocurred in "Underground" (ould be wrong), but Shep comes to talk to Weir about negotiating with the Genii. He comments that they want a nuclear weapon. Weir responds " I usually stop just short of nuclear weapons" aside form bein a very funny moment, didn't it kind of seem the two were flirting slightly? Now I know I'm reading into it too much again lol.

          It has been pointed out before, but I really think that Teyla is always recognizing Shep's connection with Weir. As in "Hot Zone" when she says "she's not the only one who suffers from that affliction" and in "Home" she notes how he is thinking of Elizabeth. It is also interesting that Shep's imagined reality included Teyla, but he spent all his time thinking about Weir, and she spent her time thinking of Shep! Even tusting him over Simon.


          Signature By Amber Moon


            I love in Home when he says he is thinking of Weir... silence... and everyone else in Atlantis. Then Teyla looks slightly disstressed/annoyed/"Oh yes-should-have-expected-that" and then says that she is sure Weir is fine. huge pause. "as I am sure they all are"

            GAH love it!
            Citizen of Braneville


              Nothing like posts by newbies to give us an opening to go back to shippy moments Always love it ! I suppose in retrospect there are many subtle shippy moments even if the TPTB have not gone with an overt SW ship ( will they ever?)

              Joe & Torri as said before just have amazing on- screen chemistry which makes it quite easy to go with SW. Still maintain that the "gazefests a.k.a "eye- sex" esp in latter half of S1 is the most shippiest parts

              Back to Home...loved it when at the end how in sync SW is in convincing AlterHammond to let them go. The way the camera captures them in one frame and how close they stand together was just great! For an ep before BIS , HZ there was certainly a lot of subtext relating to SW.

              “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
              - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


                Originally posted by Tomcatter
                This particlular quote really pissed me off, because she says, "and then John-" and then breaks off. When I was watching for the first time, I was like, "And then John what? What?! Curse you old lady!" It was a nailbiter for me.
                So that's why Old!Weir
                died. It had nothing to do with her being over 10,000 years old. It's bc Tomcatter cursed her!

                HZ was a great SW ep, and Peter Grodin knows! When Liz leaves the control room after getting one over on John...

                ''We did think of that, Major. That entire section had to be powered up for you to open the door to Peterson. In fact, if you hadn’t gone after him, he wouldn’t have been able to use the transporters. D’you still feel it was a good idea?''

                ...the camera stays on Grodin and he glances a look towards Liz, with a smile on his face. It's like he's laughing at them to himself, thinking 'Score 1 for Dr.Weir! but aww they should just get together already and stop being all childish right now'


                  Originally posted by seetheship
                  Back to Home...loved it when at the end how in sync SW is in convincing AlterHammond to let them go. The way the camera captures them in one frame and how close they stand together was just great! For an ep before BIS , HZ there was certainly a lot of subtext relating to SW.
                  Yep....they stood pretty close to each other in this eppy.....probably even closer than this pic shows!

                  I lurk here more than post, but it's great stuff you all produce! Hi to all the newbies!!


                    The rational part of my brain says that Shep steps infront of Liz to further get his point across when talking to mist!Hammond but the shippy side says he's being all protective

                    Really hate to break up a good time but i just found this vv(snipped from Tapping/Luttrell Article in National Enquirer [GW thread] )

                    If you're of a weak disposition - DON'T READ.
                    Meanwhile Luttrell promises that the romantic tension between Teyla and Earth Commander John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) will evolve into "some off-duty physical contact."

                    Please please please tell me that RL's been smoking something no disrespect meant to RL and that by 'off duty physical contact', it's Teyla falling over and John helping her up or Teyla being cold and John putting his jacket on her shoulders
                    Ah well, at ealst the Sheylas will be happy

                    Given the source and the lack of content i'm really not going to pay much credence to this. Nu-huh.

                    Ah, some JohnLiz shippy goodness

                    Stood close together? Check
                    Matching poses? Check
                    Looking deep into each other eyes? Check
                    yup it's all good

                    And we'll finish off with a classic
                    Last edited by SallyLizzie; 03 July 2005, 08:04 AM.


                      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                      If you're of a weak disposition - DON'T READ.
                      Meanwhile Luttrell promises that the romantic tension between Teyla and Earth Commander John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) will evolve into "some off-duty physical contact."

                      Please please please tell me that RL's been smoking something no disrespect meant to RL and that by 'off duty physical contact', it's Teyla falling over and John helping her up or Teyla being cold and John putting his jacket on her shoulders
                      Ah well, at ealst the Sheylas will be happy

                      Given the source and the lack of content i'm really not going to pay much credence to this. Nu-huh.
                      Well, I guess she's really made it if she's talking to National Enquirer.

                      Rachel Luttrell always says this kind of thing, and she's the only one who does. I wouldn't put much stock in it. She's probably talking about Runner, where
                      Sheppard and Teyla are tied up together. But they're unconscious for most of that. Possibly Conversion, where she's sparring with Sheppard, but honestly, she looks terrified in those pictures.

                      Anyway, I wouldn't put much stock in it. She's said bizarre things in interviews before that have been flatly contradicted by others, and contradicted by what we actually see. She brings up ship whether she's asked or not, where the others don't even give a straight answer when they're asked about romance. I don't mean any disrespect to Rachel Luttrell, but I honestly think she says these kinds of things because she wants it to happen, not because it's going to. And as Sally said, consider the source and move on.

                      Just remember everything we saw over the course of Season 1. When a life was in danger, when a difficult decision had to be made, when there was an opportunity for genuine personal growth, it wasn't Sheppard and Teyla who were highlighted. It was Sheppard and Weir.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                        So that's why Old!Weir
                        died. It had nothing to do with her being over 10,000 years old. It's bc Tomcatter cursed her!

                        HZ was a great SW ep, and Peter Grodin knows! When Liz leaves the control room after getting one over on John...

                        ''We did think of that, Major. That entire section had to be powered up for you to open the door to Peterson. In fact, if you hadn’t gone after him, he wouldn’t have been able to use the transporters. D’you still feel it was a good idea?''

                        ...the camera stays on Grodin and he glances a look towards Liz, with a smile on his face. It's like he's laughing at them to himself, thinking 'Score 1 for Dr.Weir! but aww they should just get together already and stop being all childish right now'
                        Yeah, sorry about that curse thing, old Dr. Weir, lol. Whoops.

                        Good catch on the HZ scene! I'm just going to have to re-watch all of season one now. Oh, twist my arm....

                        SO hope the spoilers aren't true, but I'm not too worried. The whole Sheyla thing is just so forced... it's better when ships evolve from tension or even dislike in some cases. I love the fact that Shep and Liz have established a good (although sometimes tentative) working relationship built on respect first. The Sheyla thing to me seems like one of those, dare I say, cliched scenarios where Earth man falls for hot alien chick. And that's why I think it won't work out in the end, because the writers are too smart for that. Here that writers?! Yes, I'm sucking up so we here can get some ShWeir!


                          I made my first Sheppard/Weir music vid. I was going to wait till season two for more clips since I did not want this to seem like it was a rehash of other ship vides I've seen. But the vid bunny would not leave me alone (I was trying to do an Elizabeth vid, but this one kept getting in the way) so I went ahead.

                          I did this basically in a day (up since 5:35), so I may be a bit crazy now (after listening to this song about a million times). I kept on going Taxiwrong song (a subconscious thing?) and Taxisong ride instead of Taxiride song.

                          Any comments, good or bad would be appreciated.

                          Title: Let's Spend the Night
                          Artist: Taxiride
                          Edited by: me, Blue Banrigh
                          Pairing: Sheppard/Weir
                          Spoilers: Season 1
                          Length: 00:02:45
                          Size: 9.97
                          Format: *.wmv


                            I'm with Mel and Tomcatter on this - be a question of the proverbial Don't Panic!
                            Its an interview in National Enquirer - kinda says it all really!

                            Seriously I wouldn't put any store by what RL said - she seems to have a tendency to try and lead on the idea of Sheyla in interviews but I don't remember anyway else mentioning it and it certainly doesn't come across on screen. I agree with Mel (and also mean no disrespect to RL) but its almost like she hopes it'll happen cos it means her character is more likely to stay around. And as Tomcatter said, the writers are too smart to get led down that path.

                            Personally, I'd put my money on them having some intense stick fighting scenes that lead to "physical contact" in the widest sense.

                            Ultimately, there is no way that TPTB are going to progress anything too serious on the relationship front for any character just yet. Its still way too early in the whole story and character dynamic for anything much to be set in stone - to be honest that suits me just fine for now.
                            My guess is they'll let it progress with hints of all combinations to try and keep all parts of the fandom happy for at least a couple of seasons yet. If they are smart - and I hope they have learned lessons well from SG1 - they'll let the actors and characters lead them one way or another naturally. That way, I really believe that the natural chemistry that JF and TH have on screen will start to be built in. It gives them a whole lot of opportunity for all the gambit of plot scenarios and emotional range for the characters to go through and would make it all the more interesting than jumping straight into a romantic relationship.


                              Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                              I made my first Sheppard/Weir music vid. I was going to wait till season two for more clips since I did not want this to seem like it was a rehash of other ship vides I've seen. But the vid bunny would not leave me alone (I was trying to do an Elizabeth vid, but this one kept getting in the way) so I went ahead.

                              I did this basically in a day (up since 5:35), so I may be a bit crazy now (after listening to this song about a million times). I kept on going Taxiwrong song (a subconscious thing?) and Taxisong ride instead of Taxiride song.

                              Any comments, good or bad would be appreciated.

                              Title: Let's Spend the Night
                              Artist: Taxiride
                              Edited by: me, Blue Banrigh
                              Pairing: Sheppard/Weir
                              Spoilers: Season 1
                              Length: 00:02:45
                              Size: 9.97
                              Format: *.wmv
                              Fantastic, really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!


                                Originally posted by Tomcatter
                                The Sheyla thing to me seems like one of those, dare I say, cliched scenarios where Earth man falls for hot alien chick.
                                LOL, I remember reading over at the Sheyla thread that they thought the idea of a romantic relationship between the two leaders was cliched.

                                Perhaps we are both right, though I can't really think of an example for the leadership one.

