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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Thanks for the welcome guys, it’s the middle of the night and I still get one. I feel so….welcomed! and thank you Melyanna for the 39:30 explanation.


      Originally posted by LurkerLa
      And can I just add that one of the things I liked best was the timing? I really hate it when the timing of the images has nothing to do with the music. Yours fits so seamlessly; it's a prime example of what a video SHOULD be. On all fronts.
      Thanks for the comments, everybody.

      I put a lot of effort into figuring out the exact beats of the song, then cutting the clips to that. Unfortunately, Windows Movie Maker only works in .07 second incriments. (I'm a dork, aren't I?)

      Originally posted by Melyanna
      Hatcheter, I hope you don't mind, but I went ahead and uploaded the file again, since it seems to have run out already.

      Hatcheter's vid
      Don't mind at all, thank you. Guess I need to find a better solution if I want to keep at this vid thing.

      Welcome to the madness, Tigon. Don't eat the mints if they're offered to you.

      a time to mourn


        Originally posted by Hatcheter
        I put a lot of effort into figuring out the exact beats of the song, then cutting the clips to that. Unfortunately, Windows Movie Maker only works in .07 second incriments. (I'm a dork, aren't I?)
        But it's the kind of dorkiness we appreciate.

        Welcome, Tigon! This thread does manage to suck us in, doesn't it? I'm practically a professional lurker, and these folks managed to get me started posting (and now I can't stop).

        But who could resist Shep/Weir?
        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


          Originally posted by LurkerLa
          But who could resist Shep/Weir?
          Answering that could cause...issues.

          a time to mourn


            I've just watched your vid Hatcheter and I only have one word : AMAZING !

            Actually, every Shep/Weir vid I've watched is really good. Do you think it could be because these 2 characters are great and look good together ?
            Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


              I may be a little late in this (I've been away) but

              WELCOME to JuJu, Ankareeda and Tigon

              And Hatch - that vid is awesome!!


                Welcome Tigon!
                Here's a nice pic to welcome you to the madness
                This pic just screams 'couple'.

                Originally posted by florence
                I've just watched your vid Hatcheter and I only have one word : AMAZING !

                Actually, every Shep/Weir vid I've watched is really good. Do you think it could be because these 2 characters are great and look good together ?
                Hell yeah! There's so many moments between them, and there's a great range. You've got angst, cuteness, tension, flirtyness...It's all good
                Last edited by SallyLizzie; 22 May 2005, 05:27 AM.


                  Once again thank you all for the wonderful welcome- don’t worry, I brought my own mints. Hatcher, nice video. I put it right in my small but growing collection. I also find that all shep/weir videos are good. I’m gonna go see Star Wars now.

                  p.s. dorkness is good, embrace it.


                    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                    Here's a nice pic to welcome you to the madness
                    This pic just screams 'couple'.
                    My first thought when I saw that pic.... D@mn do they look good together. (Followed by "Ooh... shiny shirts!" Like some birds, I'm attracted to bright things - and I know it's just the way the light hits them.)

                    And on the subject of shirts - what material do you think those are? Are they comfortable?

                    I'm officially wacko now.
                    ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                    The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                      *collapses into thread from running up and down 4 flights of stairs twice*

                      My first thought on the tops was lycra then i remembered i had a top that looks like the same material and it says it's 92% polyester and 8% elastine, and yes, my top is comfy and cool (as in not hot)....and i can't believe we are discussing fabrics, lol.

                      My first thought when I saw that pic.... D@mn do they look good together. (Followed by "Ooh... shiny shirts!" Like some birds, I'm attracted to bright things - and I know it's just the way the light hits them.)
                      Amen to that La, and dony worry, you're not alone. I'm attracted to anything purple or sparkly


                        Originally posted by LurkerLa
                        And on the subject of shirts - what material do you think those are? Are they comfortable?

                        I'm officially wacko now.
                        Torri Higginson said in an interview several months ago that she'd really, really like to wear something in this show that's made from natural fiber. So I guess it's not all that comfy. Generally, though, Teyla's wardrobe looks the least comfortable. Sheppard and Weir have both had scenes where they got to run around in jeans, but Teyla is constantly in that silly purple top. I've sewn with that kind of material before — it hurts the fingers to handle after a while. I can't imagine what it's like to wear.

                        Er... yes. I'm a nerd.
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          It's either I haven't gotten enough sleep...or we really are talking about fabric. :-p

                          Originally posted by Tigon_5
                          p.s. dorkness is good, embrace it.
                          I first read that as Darkisde is good instead of "dorkness"...Star Wars on the brain much??? *headesk*

                          Then again I've heard something about coming into this thread as joining the darkside.


                            Originally posted by Athenaktt
                            It's either I haven't gotten enough sleep...or we really are talking about fabric. :-p
                            I'm a seamstress; it's in my blood.

                            I first read that as Darkisde is good instead of "dorkness"...Star Wars on the brain much??? *headesk*

                            Then again I've heard something about coming into this thread as joining the darkside.
                            Us? Dark side? Noooooo... *ignores fact that AIM screen name starts with Darth*
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              Originally posted by Athenaktt
                              It's either I haven't gotten enough sleep...or we really are talking about fabric. :-p
                              Terrifying, huh?

                              Then again I've heard something about coming into this thread as joining the darkside.
                              "Know the power of the Dark Side, Anakin.… er... lurkers."

                              Seriously, though, this thread does seem to be very good at seducing people into delurking, and shipping Shep/Weir. I guess we just have right on our side! All those people who have joined up, fallen in (been brainwashed ) - just falling victim to the undeniable something that there is between Sheppard and Weir.
                              ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                              The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                                Seriously, though, this thread does seem to be very good at seducing people into delurking, and shipping Shep/Weir. I guess we just have right on our side! All those people who have joined up, fallen in (been brainwashed ) - just falling victim to the undeniable something that there is between Sheppard and Weir.
                                It was definately something that made me delurk and join up

                                I'm a seamstress; it's in my blood.
                                I'm a barmaid. Guess what's in my blood?

