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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Cute fic:


      Originally posted by alyssa
      Ha! well there is that ongoing search for boxer shots that comes up there all the time.. I post there occasionally. I think if Joe had come to Melbourne and I'd actually seen him, I'd be more inclined to visit those threads more often. I think there's something about actually seeing these guys that really hits home!
      LOL, I remember when the search for the boxers shorts first started. I remember actually being the one to find a bunch of them for last season. Lately I've been too busy looking for Sparky instead of boxer peekage.


        Originally posted by xfkirsten
        Agreed. Don't get me wrong, he's fun to watch, but I think part of the reason that I find Sheppard a bit more uninteresting is the lack of a broader evolution in his character. With Weir, we're seeing her facing things that make her question her own attitudes. She's having to come to the conclusion that her past way of thinking may not always apply, and it's really fun to watch her deal with that. Sheppard, on the other hand, seems to be stuck in a more-or-less unchanging role. Yes, he's dealing with new adversaries, but he's not having to adapt his character at all to do so. He just goes along with the military flow of things, and stays more or less the same.

        ...if that rambling made any sense at all.
        Yep, Weir has changed and grown as a character while Shep has remained pretty stagnant. With all the Carter controversey, I'm starting to think TPTB don't really know where to take Sheppard either. *crossing fingers for the future*

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by alyssa
          Here's a question completely unrelated to anything we've discussed before (I think )
          Has anyone noticed that most of us who post in the Shep/Weir thread also post in the Weir/Torri threads, but not often in the Shep/Joe threads?
          Any theories as to why that may be? Is it that most of us tend to relate to Elizabeth/Torri more than Shep/Joe? You'd think with the majority of the posters here being girls, you'd get more response on Joe's threads!
          Well, I find that I don't post in the thunk threads much, mostly cos I'm used to typing more than a line (although it probably doesn't seem that way sometimes ) and I don't really have many pics to post. And the Sheppard discussion thread is a bit scary and long at times. And the Weir threads aren't. The Weir threads however both have a bit of discussion, and aren't as scary anymore, and that a lot of the same people are here is another reason I visit there. It's more familiar. Although I do intend to go more to the other threads in the holidays, when I have more time to actually be on here.

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            Originally posted by LurkerLa
            I want to be Torri when I grow up.
            Me too! Er...wait a minute....
            *I am not old. I am not old. I am not old.*

            Seriously, I do think my own enjoyment of the Weir character so much has to do with my own age and experiences and maybe even my personal relationship status. I think once you've been around the block a few times, you just sort of lose the zing of being a 'fangirl' and drooling over the hot guy and just look for deeper meaning and attraction even in people of your own gender. Now that doesn't mean you automatically become homosexual or bisexual as you grow older but I think you are able to 'step back' and identify more and admire more openly without inhabitions of youth to hold you back. It's rather freeing actually. I've noticed that my husband would rather watch a film or tv show with a tough lead male while I go more for the mature, confident female types. Neither of us are gay last time I checked so I think it must be that we enjoy seeing people portrayed that we can identify with and even enjoy being a little envious of.

            I talk all the time about how 'hot' Torri is on the wow thread. And I truly feel that way. She turns me on not so much by how strikingly gorgeous she is (Even I can realize she's not a super model) but rather by the qualities she has that make me pump my fist. She's what a lot of us strive to be as women. Successful, confident, intelligent, brave...and yet she's still very much a female and has a sexuality and compassion about her that is undeniable and unashamed.

            I have no qualms about posting in the Shep thread when I get something really yummy characterwise to sink my teeth into. But I don't 'identify' with Shep so much beyond his yummy looks yet. Like many of you, I find myself craving more 'story' and 'motivation' on him though. But he's still a *man* and I'm not so to say that I'll ever find him as intriguing as I do Eliz. may be a stretch for me.

            Let's face it older know I'm right....the 'power of the penis' only goes so far and then you begin to yearn for a bit 'more'.


              Originally posted by alyssa
              Oh, that was really cute! Perfect way to end the day.
              ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
              The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                Originally posted by alyssa
                Adorable fic! I'm gonna have the mental image of that last paragraph in my head all night!
                "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
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                  Originally posted by Bama
                  Me too! Er...wait a minute....
                  *I am not old. I am not old. I am not old.*
                  You can still have aspirations for "when you grow up" no matter what your age. (At least, that's what I'm telling my parents. But heck, I'm only 24 so I'm not grown up yet - even if I do have a house and car and bills and... now I'm depressed.)

                  I don't know about the guys on this thread, one of the things that attracts me to Shep/Weir (besides the fact that the chemistry is just there) is that, as others have said, I relate to Weir. Maybe that's why I'm more interested in discussing her character - I think it will give me insights into my own... okay, never mind, now I'm just reaching. I think it's high time I went to bed, so I can rest my mind and start making sense again.
                  ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                  The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    Me too! Er...wait a minute....
                    *I am not old. I am not old. I am not old.*

                    Let's face it older know I'm right....the 'power of the penis' only goes so far and then you begin to yearn for a bit 'more'.
                    I'm not "old" either.

                    And your last paragraph is right on. *LOL*

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      Me too! Er...wait a minute....
                      *I am not old. I am not old. I am not old.*

                      I have no qualms about posting in the Shep thread when I get something really yummy characterwise to sink my teeth into. But I don't 'identify' with Shep so much beyond his yummy looks yet. Like many of you, I find myself craving more 'story' and 'motivation' on him though. But he's still a *man* and I'm not so to say that I'll ever find him as intriguing as I do Eliz. may be a stretch for me.

                      Let's face it older know I'm right....the 'power of the penis' only goes so far and then you begin to yearn for a bit 'more'.
                      I hadn't really thought about why I've stopped posting in the Shep thunk thread until you guys had this discussion, but you're right. After a while it does get monotonous. I still go over there to look at the purdy pictures, but once that's done, nothing left to add. I'm still a psycho fan girl. Now I just channel it on this thread. I've been very disappointed in the development of his character this season. Don't know who's fault that is, but I have high hopes for the second half. Particularly Epiphany. BTW, the boxer shots have been replaced by the gratuitous crotch shots. If they panned the camera up one of the women's spread legs the way they do his, there would be much protest from all of us. (Not the men)

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        Me too! Er...wait a minute....
                        *I am not old. I am not old. I am not old.*

                        Don't worry, you're not old, actually I believe there's that expression, 'you're as old as you feel'and I honestly don't percieve you as "old"

                        Seriously, I do think my own enjoyment of the Weir character so much has to do with my own age and experiences and maybe even my personal relationship status. I think once you've been around the block a few times, you just sort of lose the zing of being a 'fangirl' and drooling over the hot guy and just look for deeper meaning and attraction even in people of your own gender. Now that doesn't mean you automatically become homosexual or bisexual as you grow older but I think you are able to 'step back' and identify more and admire more openly without inhabitions of youth to hold you back. It's rather freeing actually. I've noticed that my husband would rather watch a film or tv show with a tough lead male while I go more for the mature, confident female types. Neither of us are gay last time I checked so I think it must be that we enjoy seeing people portrayed that we can identify with and even enjoy being a little envious of.

                        I talk all the time about how 'hot' Torri is on the wow thread. And I truly feel that way. She turns me on not so much by how strikingly gorgeous she is (Even I can realize she's not a super model) but rather by the qualities she has that make me pump my fist. She's what a lot of us strive to be as women. Successful, confident, intelligent, brave...and yet she's still very much a female and has a sexuality and compassion about her that is undeniable and unashamed.

                        I have no qualms about posting in the Shep thread when I get something really yummy characterwise to sink my teeth into. But I don't 'identify' with Shep so much beyond his yummy looks yet. Like many of you, I find myself craving more 'story' and 'motivation' on him though. But he's still a *man* and I'm not so to say that I'll ever find him as intriguing as I do Eliz. may be a stretch for me.

                        Let's face it older know I'm right....the 'power of the penis' only goes so far and then you begin to yearn for a bit 'more'.
                        Lets' see, I think that I can't really add anything else here, you've pretty much said everything that I would've said and so I agree with you and just wanted to add that I'm another person who thinks Torri is hot, cuz she is, I think she actually appeals that way to both sexes, even my friends who've never even seen Atalntis said she seemed and looked cool (I also had to tell them about the batteries too, Torri was pretty cute), I also love what they've done with her character so far this season, and I'vd like more, on the other hand, Shep (like a lot of male actors and characters for me) is mostly eye candy.
                        McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                        Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                        McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                        McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                        First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
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                          Originally posted by Southern Red
                          BTW, the boxer shots have been replaced by the gratuitous crotch shots. If they panned the camera up one of the women's spread legs the way they do his, there would be much protest from all of us. (Not the men)
                          You say gratuitous, I say "character development".

                          Watching the scanning crotch shot the first time, I thought -- That would make an excellent sig. on GW!!


                            I for one wouldn't mind having Sam on for one or two episodes. It would be interesting to see her in a different setting, and to see the characters we know interacting with an equal with whom they don't usually interact. It has the possibility to be intersting, as long as they don't drag things out or try to make things overly dramatic. Not that I have faith that the PTBs are gonna behave themselves on this.

                            However I will not be happy if they try to turn Atlantis into the Sam the Guest Star Show. Or the Lets Watch Sam and Rodney Argue Show.

                            But history has shown that the PTB's are gonna do whatever they darn well please no matter how much we gripe about it, so I'm going to try to stay positive about whatever they give us.

                            I agree with whoever it was who was talking about like the image of leadership being a duet between John and Elizabeth. It certainly is a lovely image. It makes me think back to the fan fiction that came out at the very beginning of the show, where we all expeced Atlantis to stay cut off from Earth for years. And the characterazation was certainly different in our imaginations back then. Ah, the nostalgia...

                            Magic is a flick of the wrist...


                              I have a question. Would it be a problem to start a NON SHIP Shep and Weir thread? And I ask this sincerely. I used to enjoy this thread but it's turned into a true shipper thread which heavy leanings towards actually being a Weir thread and Shep is just the guy you ship her with. I like the Shep and Weir dynamic as leaders and friends but can't chat about it here comfortably and, as a huge Shep fan, I find it hard to actually post about him here, or read the reaction/comments about him, because oft times I feel like this should be the Weir thread instead given how PRO Weir and kinda Anti-shep it actually gets. And before anyone jumps on me for my opinion, I'm not trying to start anything I just want a place I'm comfortable posting about Shep and Weir as equals and not as a romantic ship. IS there a thread for that already? Cause I'll happily back away and go there. I figured you guys would know.


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                Yep, Weir has changed and grown as a character while Shep has remained pretty stagnant. With all the Carter controversey, I'm starting to think TPTB don't really know where to take Sheppard either. *crossing fingers for the future*
                                They should take him to Weir's bedroom

                                Er...did I just say that out loud!? *looks innocent*

                                Originally posted by Merlin7
                                I have a question. Would it be a problem to start a NON SHIP Shep and Weir thread? And I ask this sincerely. I used to enjoy this thread but it's turned into a true shipper thread which heavy leanings towards actually being a Weir thread and Shep is just the guy you ship her with. I like the Shep and Weir dynamic as leaders and friends but can't chat about it here comfortably and, as a huge Shep fan, I find it hard to actually post about him here, or read the reaction/comments about him, because oft times I feel like this should be the Weir thread instead given how PRO Weir and kinda Anti-shep it actually gets. And before anyone jumps on me for my opinion, I'm not trying to start anything I just want a place I'm comfortable posting about Shep and Weir as equals and not as a romantic ship. IS there a thread for that already? Cause I'll happily back away and go there. I figured you guys would know.
                                If you started one I'd happily join it - I love the ship - but I love their friendship and the leadership dynamic even more. Given the choice I'd pick friendship over ship ship for the actual show - but its always fun to play with in fandom!

                                Interesting the way u've put it as a "Pro-Weir anti-Sheppard" thread....which sorta links in with alyssa's question...I suppose that's just because there has been more Weir developement - and after we get more Sheppard character developement
                                hopefully in Epiphany etc
                                hopefully this thread will become more equal again...

                                But at the moment i find myself very much loving the Weir character, and starting to care less for Sheppard because...well he hasn't changed much....

