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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Happy Birthday, Melyanna!



      Aw, I watched BIS last night. Such a great ep!

      "And then John..." *collapses*


        Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
        Aw, I watched BIS last night. Such a great ep!

        "And then John..." *collapses*
        I wonder... we know how John talked to Old!Weir at one point in time off screen. Because he was told Old!Weir it was their birthday, so I wonder if she ever finsihed "and then John..." Oh my imagination can go anywhere with that. lol


          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
          I wonder... we know how John talked to Old!Weir at one point in time off screen.
          Yeah, I was thinking about that last as I beat those pesky bunnies back, lol.

          Because he was told Old!Weir it was their birthday, so I wonder if she ever finsihed "and then John..." Oh my imagination can go anywhere with that. lol


            Happy Birthday Melyanna!

            As for UST vs RST, I prefer UST because I would like my imagination to fill in the rest. My idea of a "relationship" and someone else's may be completely different. I don't want to be disappointed in the finished product.

            I also like the waiting and hoping. It keeps me interested to see what is going to happen. How will reactions pan out. Does he, doesn't she.

            Waiting for too long can be painfull and frustrating though. Not sure what balance I would like. A short series with resolution or a long series with wait and see.


              Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
              Yeah, I was thinking about that last as I beat those pesky bunnies back, lol.
              *pokes repeatedly to make the bunnies come back*


                Nooo, back bunnies, BACK! Seriously, I have the first chapter fic I'm working on (plus bits that want to be in a sequel), another Earth based one, a doctor_sga one... and now thanks to Angel Leviathan, an AU fic where Lizzie's a stripper, lol.

                Just not enough hours in the day, I tell you!

                And to top it off, I've just seen this pic...

                ...and do I see Skinner? Noooo, I see Caldwell! *shuddersliekwoah*


                  Happy Birthday Melyanna! I saved my 1,000 post for you.

                  Talking about ust and rst, I was talking to my Dad today about a show he and I use to watch together. Providence. Syd was a doctor who worked at a clinic in her home town. She seemed to have a revolving door of boyfriends. And the things they did to result in her breaking up with them got to be so convoluted. When she was with her last boyfriend in the series I quit watching the show before the last season. They introduced another guy which is one of the usual ways to break up the relationships she has. Turned out she ended up marrying her boyfriend at the end of the series and didn't actually break up with him.

                  I've come to strongly dislike shows that focus on a main character's romantic life the way Providence did.

                  Now I watch a show like Numb3rs and there is a relationship between two of the supporting regular cast. There is no revolving door of boyfriends/girlfriends. Nor is there the usual cliched conflict between the couple that will inevitably break them up. The thing is with these two they are part of a group of people and their friends are mutual so we don't have one that can easily be dropped because he has emotional ties with the same people as she does.

                  I like shows like SGA because romantic relationships are the last thing the show is about. UST between two main characters in a show like SGA has always been something I assumed would exist. I rarely care about it one way or the other.

                  What I like about Shep/Weir is that we don't have this revolving door of boyfriends/girlfriends (No, Teer, Norina and what'shername from Tower don't count ). I also find their more than the standard UST of main characters on shows that I never expect to go anywhere. I think they have more potential to be like my favorite couple on Numb3rs.

                  PHewww, I haven't posted in awhile here and I found I had a lot to say. Although I'm not entirely sure what the point of all that rambling was.


                    Originally posted by SGLAB View Post
                    Happy Birthday Melyanna! I saved my 1,000 post for you.

                    Talking about ust and rst, I was talking to my Dad today about a show he and I use to watch together. Providence. Syd was a doctor who worked at a clinic in her home town. She seemed to have a revolving door of boyfriends. And the things they did to result in her breaking up with them got to be so convoluted. When she was with her last boyfriend in the series I quit watching the show before the last season. They introduced another guy which is one of the usual ways to break up the relationships she has. Turned out she ended up marrying her boyfriend at the end of the series and didn't actually break up with him.

                    I've come to strongly dislike shows that focus on a main character's romantic life the way Providence did.

                    Now I watch a show like Numb3rs and there is a relationship between two of the supporting regular cast. There is no revolving door of boyfriends/girlfriends. Nor is there the usual cliched conflict between the couple that will inevitably break them up. The thing is with these two they are part of a group of people and their friends are mutual so we don't have one that can easily be dropped because he has emotional ties with the same people as she does.

                    I like shows like SGA because romantic relationships are the last thing the show is about. UST between two main characters in a show like SGA has always been something I assumed would exist. I rarely care about it one way or the other.

                    What I like about Shep/Weir is that we don't have this revolving door of boyfriends/girlfriends (No, Teer, Norina and what'shername from Tower don't count ). I also find their more than the standard UST of main characters on shows that I never expect to go anywhere. I think they have more potential to be like my favorite couple on Numb3rs.

                    PHewww, I haven't posted in awhile here and I found I had a lot to say. Although I'm not entirely sure what the point of all that rambling was.
                    I liked your rambling about Numb3rs. Now there's a show you can relax while watching and not worry about who will get together or with whom. I also love their family bonding moments. Much more natural than the often painful stabs at it on SGA. I also love the ship situation on Bones.
                    I know some people must be frustrated with both Booth and Bones hooking up with random others, but do you ever doubt that they will eventually end up together? I don't feel like I'm being jerked around on that show. I think their dating others is a perfectly natural part of life.
                    Maybe SGA has just gotten under my skin more than other shows, but I never feel like I can let my guard down shipwise. *glares at writers*

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Happy Birthday Melyanna!

                      Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                      at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                      R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                        Nooo, back bunnies, BACK! Seriously, I have the first chapter fic I'm working on (plus bits that want to be in a sequel), another Earth based one, a doctor_sga one... and now thanks to Angel Leviathan, an AU fic where Lizzie's a stripper, lol.
                        Ok... *keeps the bunnies away from SL* But just because I love doctor_sga universe and that AU fic is really intriguing... lol

                        Just not enough hours in the day, I tell you!
                        *looks at her fic opened on her comp* Yep, totally agree, we need more hours! Maybe we should have Atlantis days instead of Earth days!

                        And to top it off, I've just seen this pic...

                        ...and do I see Skinner? Noooo, I see Caldwell! *shuddersliekwoah*
                        Seriously Caldwell (or Skinner, this is the same in the end) in a bath? Something's wrong...


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          I liked your rambling about Numb3rs. Now there's a show you can relax while watching and not worry about who will get together or with whom. I also love their family bonding moments. Much more natural than the often painful stabs at it on SGA. I also love the ship situation on Bones.
                          I know some people must be frustrated with both Booth and Bones hooking up with random others, but do you ever doubt that they will eventually end up together? I don't feel like I'm being jerked around on that show. I think their dating others is a perfectly natural part of life.
                          Maybe SGA has just gotten under my skin more than other shows, but I never feel like I can let my guard down shipwise. *glares at writers*
                          Well I'm a Bones/Booth and don't get me wrong I love the ust goin' on between them... amazingly done ! But I fear that in the end this show could end up like X-files. IMO, if ust lasts too long on a show where there's only one canon/possible/plausible pairing, the ship might end up rushed by tptb toward the end of the series. Evolution's the best part as long as at least a part of the ust is resolved. (if you get what I mean )
                          Well at least FF will always save us all !

                          Wow SL : Liz as a stripper? Can we have John as a Chippendale ? Well that's what AU's for, isn't it ?


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            I liked your rambling about Numb3rs. Now there's a show you can relax while watching and not worry about who will get together or with whom. I also love their family bonding moments. Much more natural than the often painful stabs at it on SGA. I also love the ship situation on Bones.
                            I know some people must be frustrated with both Booth and Bones hooking up with random others, but do you ever doubt that they will eventually end up together? I don't feel like I'm being jerked around on that show. I think their dating others is a perfectly natural part of life.
                            Maybe SGA has just gotten under my skin more than other shows, but I never feel like I can let my guard down shipwise. *glares at writers*
                            The great thing about Numb3rs is that it doesn't make ship a priority over other things in the show. And we have so many different relationships. Parent/child, sibling, co-workers/friends and mentor/mentee. Then they have a criminal case to be solved every week.

                            SGA has a lot of different characters and there are different and varied relationships. With SG-1 I felt like I wanted to see the team all equally feel the same for each other and have the same relationship with each other. Watching SGA I think the levels of closeness varies among the group and a ship between Shep/Weir would work because it doesn't take away from the relationships they have with the others. Granted the writing has to make that work and sometimes I'm not sure TPTB know how to balance different relationships.


                              Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                              Wow SL : Liz as a stripper? Can we have John as a Chippendale ? Well that's what AU's for, isn't it ?
                              I blame Angel Leviathon xfkirsten lurkerla Rent.

                              And no you may not, lol. I've already stripped John down to boxers and a bow tie in one of my fics so to do it again would just be repetitive. I'd hate for my fics to become boring.

                              Tbh, I'm not sure John will feature heavily in that fic bc I'm sure if he'd ever seen 'Lucious Lizzie' strip, he wouldn't have forgotten. *blatantly steals Cath Willows lines*


                                Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                                Well I'm a Bones/Booth and don't get me wrong I love the ust goin' on between them... amazingly done ! But I fear that in the end this show could end up like X-files. IMO, if ust lasts too long on a show where there's only one canon/possible/plausible pairing, the ship might end up rushed by tptb toward the end of the series. Evolution's the best part as long as at least a part of the ust is resolved. (if you get what I mean )
                                Well at least FF will always save us all !

                                Wow SL : Liz as a stripper? Can we have John as a Chippendale ? Well that's what AU's for, isn't it ?
                                I totally get what you mean. I'm one of those who lost interest in X-files long before the end. I'm still hoping that some writers somewhere will finally get it right in my lifetime. I don't have much hope for that happening on SGA though. Now on to fanfic. The idea of John as a Chippendale just makes me have to sit down and fan myself with my hankie.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

