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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Just watched Conversion
    I know why they showed John's apologie to Teyla cause...well I think teyla's facial expression after the apologie tells all. But I still wanted to see a talk or something about what he did to Elizabeth, but of course they couldn't show something that Ship-happy on screen now could they? Sigh. I will console myself with fics.

    ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
    I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
    Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


      Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
      Just watched Conversion
      I know why they showed John's apologie to Teyla cause...well I think teyla's facial expression after the apologie tells all. But I still wanted to see a talk or something about what he did to Elizabeth, but of course they couldn't show something that Ship-happy on screen now could they? Sigh. I will console myself with fics.
      Wow!!! don't worry they didn't have an ending scene for one simple reason : he kissed Teyla but he spent his entire time struggling against "his bug conversion" with Liz's emotional support. This episode is so much more about their friendship than the one he has with Teyla, but I'm not gonna go on that subject again. Some people said that TLG was more of a Sheyla ep and that Conversion felt more like a Sparky ep...well I don't know about that but I consider these two episodes to be "totally sparky" !

      Ok what follows is a post that has no real purpose and really has no interest at all.

      Why is Liz always crying or having tears in her eyes... whatever.. in every single ( ok I'll give you that it's usually angst/romance/drama fics ) fic I've came accross for the past 2 years. Cause in the end I can't stop laughin' at the idea that she's gonna cry again sometime in the fic I'd love to see cry once in a while !

      Well really what makes me go LMAO is when the author ( not judgin' any ff author here, that I deeply respect and love because they're writing amazing fics ! ) has lizzie with tears in her eyes/crying for 4 chapters and then, by the end of chapter 5, the writer says that it's the first time Liz ever cried ( since the begining of the fic ).... COME ON !

      Ok she's emotional and all and John's the perfect guy who always gives her time, helps her get through everything... but... well ok that's why I came to the conclusion that reading too many fics isn't good for my health..

      SL that's why I need more Sparky fics in an AU or not, with him being in his boxers, dancin'.... Lizzie watching of course ! BUT NO MORE CRYING PLEASE... Ok maybe I could understand small tears in her eyes, cause I could cry over a man's body chest ( especially Johnny Depp, Joe F, Brad Pitt, Ryan Reynolds... well ; OK OK OK ok, I'm going to write that fic, you guys aren't helping ^^ )

      *ducks to avoid tomatoes, that are being thrown at me*
      Last edited by Blower'sGate; 22 February 2007, 01:58 PM.


        If I were over Johnny Depp's body, crying would be the last thing I'd be doing.

        I don't even read anything on ffn anymore. I know there's some good stuff out there but I've found it's few and far between, and I just don't have the time or inclination to sift through them all.


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
          If I were over Johnny Depp's body, crying would be the last thing I'd be doing.

          I don't even read anything on ffn anymore. I know there's some good stuff out there but I've found it's few and far between, and I just don't have the time or inclination to sift through them all.
          Well crying is also a positive emotion... anyway I think it would be the last thing I'd be doing too .. cause wow Johnny Depp is... well... if he asked me to cry I would, I'd do anything for him ! I'm his slave ^^

          Well I try to read fics from time to time. But she's always crying.... so I eventually give up and go back to reading Wuthering Heights !


            Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
            If I were over Johnny Depp's body, crying would be the last thing I'd be doing.

            I don't even read anything on ffn anymore. I know there's some good stuff out there but I've found it's few and far between, and I just don't have the time or inclination to sift through them all.
            I am so hating right now. I've been putting some of my fic up on it lately. One of them is a series and I've been adding a couple chapters every day. I put two chapters on the same Word document and forgot to delete part of the doc. once it was uploaded. So I had ch. 5 and 6 in the same chapter and then chapter 6 again. Editing it was a pain.

            And uh just to keep this remotely on topic, I'm writing S/W babyfic right now. Maybe I'll have something by tomorrow.


              Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
              Got this from Joe's blog. Think it could be about Elizabeth?

              “Is there any chance that there'll be another Earth-based scenario simliar to what we saw with Return Part 1?”

              Magic 8 Ball says: Signs point to yes.

              This makes me sad
              Very sad....but if she's alive then there is hope and where there is hope.

              Originally posted by Vicky View Post
              Actually, about that I thought,
              that maybe she tried to shut him off or something like that. She's just lost Carson to whom she was pretty close, and we know that she's close to John too so maybe she's just trying to push him away a bit 'cos she knows that maybe one day he wouldn't come back...
              I like that explaination...I like that explanation a lot...
              Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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                Ok MVid time : here's the yt link to a nice music vid ( a Sparky TRW vid !! ) made by Vala1 ( not sure if I know who that is ).

                I love the song, I love the vid and I love the last part of the lyrics : "We don't need a tv show; to tell us which way to go"


                  Originally posted by SGLAB View Post
                  I am so hating right now. I've been putting some of my fic up on it lately. One of them is a series and I've been adding a couple chapters every day. I put two chapters on the same Word document and forgot to delete part of the doc. once it was uploaded. So I had ch. 5 and 6 in the same chapter and then chapter 6 again. Editing it was a pain.

                  And uh just to keep this remotely on topic, I'm writing S/W babyfic right now. Maybe I'll have something by tomorrow.
                  OOOOOH! Baby fic! Keep me updated, can't wait!

                  ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                  I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                  Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                    Seriously starting to be annoyed again.

                    1) Second half of season 3 delayed AGAIN!!
                    2) Atlantis Season 4 doesn't start until FALL NOW!!!
                    3) Hearing pleanty about AT and JS's number of Season 4 epi's but not a PEEP about how many TH will be in.


                    I know this isn't the thread for it but my lack of time means I don't get to visit many threads so I must vent here.

                    Plus, I think this has plenty to do with Sparky as yet again, Lizzie's fate is as yet to be determined. Rawr.


                    PS There was something in that article about how it's only been a 3 month break midseason? Whatever. Try six! Maybe I read it wrong but I'm too annoyed over all to go back and check.


                      Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                      Well I'm a Bones/Booth and don't get me wrong I love the ust goin' on between them... amazingly done ! But I fear that in the end this show could end up like X-files. IMO, if ust lasts too long on a show where there's only one canon/possible/plausible pairing, the ship might end up rushed by tptb toward the end of the series. Evolution's the best part as long as at least a part of the ust is resolved. (if you get what I mean )
                      Well at least FF will always save us all !

                      Wow SL : Liz as a stripper? Can we have John as a Chippendale ? Well that's what AU's for, isn't it ?
                      This all reminds me of a convo I had with my sis about Rodney during his college days and what he did to pay for school. This eventually led to a brief few months where my sis (who's a major McKay fan) would get all wigged out when our three year old nephew would start saying "Go Rodney! Go Rodney! Go! Go! Go Rodney!"

                      It was freaking hilarious. Especially since I started him on it.



                        Happy Birthday, Athena!

                        *gives the birthday bumps!* Have a great day!!


                          Happy Birthday Athena!!!


                            Happy Birthday, Athena!!!

                            Liz:Go faster, John, we're missing Athena's birthday.
                            John: *grumbles* **** backseat drivers. I'm hurrying 'Lizbeth. We have to get there before the mint cake is all gone.


                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Happy B-Day, Athena!
                              Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                              at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                              R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY ATHENA!
                                Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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