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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
    No, no, no, no... what would have happened is John would have slept on the floor by her bed, and during the night she would have rolled over, fell off and landed on top of John.
    *waves the fic!poking stick threateningly*
    "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
    My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
      No, no, no, no... what would have happened is John would have slept on the floor by her bed, and during the night she would have rolled over, fell off and landed on top of John.
      hahah bit of both he refuses she says ok and during the night she falls on him. rumor Mills running high

      Originally posted by xfkirsten View Post
      *waves the fic!poking stick threateningly*
      do it do it do it!
      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


        Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
        do it do it do it!
        Ah, but I have no mad fic writing skillz. *pokes the authors in the thread*
        "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
        My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


          ............Just watched submersion................and HOLY CRAP.........

          Dr. Elizabeth Weir has made some serious changes in her demeanor.....interesting....very interesting. I don't normally get this analytical and considering the less than subtle nature of TPTB my observations are more likely delusions than anything else..

          "This is NOT a negotiation" she was SERIOUSLY pissed!!
          Then, what I felt as the kicker was her response to "You are all about to die".... Dr. Weir's response is what us folks down in the psych ward call "incongruent" Her tone was disbelieving but her expression was something different entirely....She was stricken by that statement profoundly and in addition to her facial features she was doing something I do a lot of when I'm trying to convince a patient to stay in the hospital...she was nodding her head "yes.".........*bites finger nails* THEN when they were looking forward to the adventures of Jacque Cousteau in the moon pool room, I swear to heaven before Rodney motioned to complain, I freaking swear she looked like spouting out a reserved "I'll go."

          Of course there's this whole name when I first read the posts (before watching the episode) I was thinking...[huh, what's the big she's calling him Colonel and Shepard, big freakin' deal..] but then I watched the episode.... She can call Dex by his first name but in the same breath John is now Sheppard (or Colonel earlier on) and with a tone to her voice...what was it? exasperated? ...something WAS definitely up between those two...she was extremely tense around John...while I loved the 'Potato, PotAdo" was almost like she was over compensating for something, or trying to squash something down..... like 1-they slept together and he blew her off (not too likely) 2-they slept together and she's trying to blow him off 3) she's realized she has feelings for the fly boy and she's trying to ignore them 4) they just got into a knock down drag out fight and she's not over it yet 5)she's been kissed by that Mike dude and feels like she might need to assert some more dominance (6) [this one is my favorite and it's MINE!!! *evil laugh* all mine!!] Liz is sick/close to death/something's just freakin' wrong and it could endanger Atlantis, Carson was the only other person that knew about her problem and now he's gone. Meanwhile she's come to the realization that she has some feelings for our dear Colonel! So what the hell is she going to do now!!

          Okay, I've said enough for the moment
          ..I need to sleep so I can get up and go back to work tomorrow....

          Pieces out (laying scattered all over the floor)


          ps for those of you non-english based folks when I say "pieces out"
          I am playing on the phrase "peace out".........
          It's M.D. as in Massive Debt
          Medicinae Doctor? HA!!
          ................................................................................ ............................

          Uh, anyone got a dollar I can borrow?


            Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post

            Another scene I liked was when Elizabeth was interrogating the Queen. I thought she did a really good job of showing her firm leader qualities blended with still being extremely frightened, as anyone would. I loved the protection from the boys when the queen lunged towards her, although Ronon did more than John did. But Ronon is more of the brunt force guy anyway.
            Yeah, I loved that scene,

            It seemed like Dark!Lizzie made a reappearance. She was seriously angry and a tad aggressive toward the Wraith Queen. I don't know if she was just worn down and emotionally drained after recent events or if she had just had it with the Wraith in general, but Elizabeth was not backing down! Lizzie:1 Wraith Queen: pwned!

            And I too noticed that Ronon seemed to be doing more to protect Elizabeth than John, but then I realized that,'s Ronon; he was just looking for an opportunity to attack the Queen.

            “Le monde a tellement de regrets
            Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
            Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
            Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

            ~ Francis Cabrel


              Originally posted by xfkirsten View Post
              Ah, but I have no mad fic writing skillz. *pokes the authors in the thread*

              *joins poking with xfkirsten*
              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                Great caps!

                The 3rd and 2nd last remind me of looks from 'Siege II' for intenseness.

                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                No, no, no, no... what would have happened is John would have slept on the floor by her bed, and during the night she would have rolled over, fell off and landed on top of John.
                *spit take on the monitor, pauses to wipe* I can so see that!

                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                I know people have been asking why Elizabeth went on the mission, and I think it's bc she could. She's the boss, and as long as Shep has no qualms about it, then it's a go. She spends the majority of her time in Atlantis, in her office. A simple research mission comes up which is still on Lantia so she decides to tag along.

                Lizzie: I think I'll join you on this mission.
                John: Yay! More Lizzie!time.

                It could also be why Elizabeth wasn't so whiny. While such missions are routine to the others, I think this was Lizzie's first time underwater. So she's still captivated by it all and excited about the mission -- "I'm all yours, Colonel. Put me to work!" -- the others aren't, which is why they were all "R we neeely there, yet?"

                Can also see that!

                Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                hahah bit of both he refuses she says ok and during the night she falls on him. rumor Mills running high

                do it do it do it!
                Given the plot there, I thought you wrote Mills and Boon! I had to do a double take! *avoids pokey stick*


                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post

                  I know people have been asking why Elizabeth went on the mission, and I think it's bc she could. She's the boss, and as long as Shep has no qualms about it, then it's a go. She spends the majority of her time in Atlantis, in her office. A simple research mission comes up which is still on Lantia so she decides to tag along.

                  Lizzie: I think I'll join you on this mission.
                  John: Yay! More Lizzie!time.

                  It could also be why Elizabeth wasn't so whiny. While such missions are routine to the others, I think this was Lizzie's first time underwater. So she's still captivated by it all and excited about the mission -- "I'm all yours, Colonel. Put me to work!" -- the others aren't, which is why they were all "R we neeely there, yet?"

                  And we all know that our Lizzie is all for exploring everything that is Atlantis. So she couldn't help herself.

                  Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                  LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                  Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                    Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                    Sometimes we need to up our shippy glasses prescription to have a little fun. Especially after last week, tensions were high, now everyone is relaxing and letting their imaginations go a little wild.
                    ITA! Why would we do if we didn't have them?

                    No, no, no, no... what would have happened is John would have slept on the floor by her bed, and during the night she would have rolled over, fell off and landed on top of John.
                    Ooh! I can so see that! *imagines others face at that sight* ROFL!

                    *avoids sticks too*



                      I've been um lurking in GW forums for a while now and finally joined up. My massive enthusiasm reboot
                      after seeing Submersion and expelling the dread on thinking Sparky and general Atlantis shippiness had taken a knock in Sunday
                      may have something to do with it

                      Elizabeth was fantastic in Submersion! I was sitting watching it and feeling thankful I was a 'shipper and Elizabeth fan, otherwise I may have found the ep, dare I say, a tad boring. And the squee on "I'm all yours, Colonel." So yes, she was calling him 'Colonel' again (I thought she'd gotten over that ) but did you see her eyes when she said it and the little smile she and John shared after?? So not official. The Eye!Sex is back!

                      Like I said in the Daniel/Vala thread (recog'ing a few sigs that appear in both), I come bearing fanfic in Sparky glory...

                      "I Need Two Hearts"
                      Sunday post-ep one-shot, focussing on Sparky. SPOILERS for Sunday.

                      "Practical Romantics"
                      Fluffy little humour/flirtation thing I wrote, no spoilers, Sparky.

                      "How To Save A Life"
                      In-prog Sparky adventure thing, chapter 3 going up when my beta sends me it back...

                      Hope you like and forgive a) shameless self promotion b)utter lack of sig or dp.

                      kay x
                      Save Elizabeth Weir! Regular! Not! Recurring!


                        Originally posted by Meditrina View Post
                        ............Just watched submersion................and HOLY CRAP.........

                        Dr. Elizabeth Weir has made some serious changes in her demeanor.....interesting....very interesting. I don't normally get this analytical and considering the less than subtle nature of TPTB my observations are more likely delusions than anything else..

                        "This is NOT a negotiation" she was SERIOUSLY pissed!!
                        Then, what I felt as the kicker was her response to "You are all about to die".... Dr. Weir's response is what us folks down in the psych ward call "incongruent" Her tone was disbelieving but her expression was something different entirely....She was stricken by that statement profoundly and in addition to her facial features she was doing something I do a lot of when I'm trying to convince a patient to stay in the hospital...she was nodding her head "yes.".........*bites finger nails* THEN when they were looking forward to the adventures of Jacque Cousteau in the moon pool room, I swear to heaven before Rodney motioned to complain, I freaking swear she looked like spouting out a reserved "I'll go."

                        Of course there's this whole name when I first read the posts (before watching the episode) I was thinking...[huh, what's the big she's calling him Colonel and Shepard, big freakin' deal..] but then I watched the episode.... She can call Dex by his first name but in the same breath John is now Sheppard (or Colonel earlier on) and with a tone to her voice...what was it? exasperated? ...something WAS definitely up between those two...she was extremely tense around John...while I loved the 'Potato, PotAdo" was almost like she was over compensating for something, or trying to squash something down..... like 1-they slept together and he blew her off (not too likely) 2-they slept together and she's trying to blow him off 3) she's realized she has feelings for the fly boy and she's trying to ignore them 4) they just got into a knock down drag out fight and she's not over it yet 5)she's been kissed by that Mike dude and feels like she might need to assert some more dominance (6) [this one is my favorite and it's MINE!!! *evil laugh* all mine!!] Liz is sick/close to death/something's just freakin' wrong and it could endanger Atlantis, Carson was the only other person that knew about her problem and now he's gone. Meanwhile she's come to the realization that she has some feelings for our dear Colonel! So what the hell is she going to do now!!

                        Okay, I've said enough for the moment
                        ..I need to sleep so I can get up and go back to work tomorrow....

                        Pieces out (laying scattered all over the floor)


                        ps for those of you non-english based folks when I say "pieces out"
                        I am playing on the phrase "peace out".........
                        holey moley do some analyzing darlin...its great!!
                        and as for your idea, you and yours alone, i could totally see a BSG moment,
                        you know the whole Roslin dying Adama comforting (read kiss) know, lizzie in the bed (with no carson of course) and john looking down at her all angsty...oh yes, more fun fanfic stick poking moments here....*POKE*
                        thanks Erised for the sig!


                          Originally posted by Kales View Post
                          "I Need Two Hearts"
                          Sunday post-ep one-shot, focussing on Sparky. SPOILERS for Sunday.
                          First of all, welcome!
                          And then this fic is my fave of the three. So well-written and so powerful.



                            I just had to write something after that ep. And the almost lack of Sparky in the ep itself ... Had to be done.

                            On the upside in Submersion on the naming issue, though,
                            he calls her Elizabeth rather than Doctor.

                            Kay x


                              Originally posted by Meditrina View Post
                              Dr. Elizabeth Weir has made some serious changes in her demeanor.....interesting....very interesting. I don't normally get this analytical and considering the less than subtle nature of TPTB my observations are more likely delusions than anything else..

                              "This is NOT a negotiation" she was SERIOUSLY pissed!!
                              Then, what I felt as the kicker was her response to "You are all about to die".... Dr. Weir's response is what us folks down in the psych ward call "incongruent" Her tone was disbelieving but her expression was something different entirely....She was stricken by that statement profoundly and in addition to her facial features she was doing something I do a lot of when I'm trying to convince a patient to stay in the hospital...she was nodding her head "yes.".........*bites finger nails* THEN when they were looking forward to the adventures of Jacque Cousteau in the moon pool room, I swear to heaven before Rodney motioned to complain, I freaking swear she looked like spouting out a reserved "I'll go."

                              Of course there's this whole name when I first read the posts (before watching the episode) I was thinking...[huh, what's the big she's calling him Colonel and Shepard, big freakin' deal..] but then I watched the episode.... She can call Dex by his first name but in the same breath John is now Sheppard (or Colonel earlier on) and with a tone to her voice...what was it? exasperated? ...something WAS definitely up between those two...she was extremely tense around John...while I loved the 'Potato, PotAdo" was almost like she was over compensating for something, or trying to squash something down..... like 1-they slept together and he blew her off (not too likely) 2-they slept together and she's trying to blow him off 3) she's realized she has feelings for the fly boy and she's trying to ignore them 4) they just got into a knock down drag out fight and she's not over it yet 5)she's been kissed by that Mike dude and feels like she might need to assert some more dominance (6) [this one is my favorite and it's MINE!!! *evil laugh* all mine!!] Liz is sick/close to death/something's just freakin' wrong and it could endanger Atlantis, Carson was the only other person that knew about her problem and now he's gone. Meanwhile she's come to the realization that she has some feelings for our dear Colonel! So what the hell is she going to do now!!
                              You make some very interesting points in your analysis, Meditrina.

                              "Sunday" and "Submersion"
                              Usually, I don't care if Elizabeth calls John "Sheppard" or "Colonel" because the writers then to use them interchangably, but there was something kind of odd when it was said by her throughout this episode. Maybe I was just used to hearing her call him John. For all we know, they may have been lines where she calls him John and they were cut out. I remember Hewlett saying that he has called Sheppard "John" before in a scene, but it never made it into the final product.

                              But I find it interesting you mention "Sunday". Maybe this change in calling him by his rank could be something to do with her date with Mike. Maybe that kiss and date made her realize that she might like John more than she thought, and she has been trying to avoid going down that road since she did tell Mike that she makes it a point to not date people who work for her.

                              Then again she might have just been having fun at being able to finally get out of Atlantis and get to explore the ocean and be part of the team. Hence the "I'm all yours!" comment. And calling him "Colonel" and "Sheppard" made her feel more like part of the team that's out on a mission.

                              Either way, Submersion was a decent episode. Like many said it felt like Season 1 again, which is one of the better seasons IMO.

                              Welcome Kales and anyone else who just delurked to join us!!


                                Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post

                                "Sunday" and "Submersion"
                                Then again she might have just been having fun at being able to finally get out of Atlantis and get to explore the ocean and be part of the team. Hence the "I'm all yours!" comment. And calling him "Colonel" and "Sheppard" made her feel more like part of the team that's out on a mission.
                                I think she was trying to be all professional but kept slipping and went back to being with John..."bc she looooves him, she wants to hold him, she wants to kiss him, she wants to..." *ahem* As I was saying, it's a conscious effort on her part. By calling him 'Colonel' and telling him to put her to work, shows her acknowledgement that right now John is in command.

