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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
    Just posting a quick quote

    "I can't do this without thinking of John. I thought I could but... I can't help but think of him when I'm kissing you"


    Welcome back SR!
    Welcome to all the newbies! *gives everyone a Sparky cap*

    Although the Teyla/John friendship has improved this season by scenes I've seen, I haven't been shown evidence of why a romance would work between them. If tptb choose not to go with a romantic relationship between John and Elizabeth it won't be a disaster but it will be an unfortunate decision just because of what we've been shown, how their friendship has been built and because (since chemistry seems to be in the eye of the beholder) the wonderful, warm chemistry they have. I've felt sorry for those shows that have made terrible attempts at romantic relationships and then have their failed pairings be taken as examples of 'ship gone wrong'. I wouldn't want to have J/E be known as one of those.

    Also, has anyone noticed that ever since Conversion we haven't seen any more 'stick fights' between John and Teyla?

    And 'cause I like to do this sometimes:

    TPTB1: So, how's the research going?
    TPTB2: *focused on computer* It's going great. I have to say that this Sheppard/Weir thread gives some good hints on how to improve the John/Teyla relationship.
    TPTB1: That's good news. We've incorporated some of those ideas well in episodes. Maybe we can salvage what's left from this shipwreck after all.


      Originally posted by Vixen View Post
      And 'cause I like to do this sometimes:

      TPTB1: So, how's the research going?
      TPTB2: *focused on computer* It's going great. I have to say that this Sheppard/Weir thread gives some good hints on how to improve the John/Teyla relationship.
      TPTB1: That's good news. We've incorporated some of those ideas well in episodes. Maybe we can salvage what's left from this shipwreck after all.
      I like the one where it went:

      TPTB1: They want a hug in S2.
      TPTB2: Sure, why not?

      Just a little something I came up with after reading Athena's post on Submersion. Not really spoilery though.

      “I do not need to be seeing that,” Ronon said in disgust.

      “I think it’s sweet,” Teyla said from beside him, only to receive a dirty look in return.

      “Are they meant to be doing that?” asked Zelenka. “I mean, aren’t their certain rules?”

      “Rules like ‘Don’t make out in front of the kids’?” said Ronon as he got up and walked to the rear compartment of the Jumper.

      “Well it’s certainly going beyond PG,” added Rodney and followed him to the back.

      Zelenka looked forward and then wished he hadn’t. “I think I’ll go with them,” he muttered, standing.

      “Perhaps that is a wise idea,” nodded Teyla, joining them.


      As soon as the bulk doors hissed shut, Elizabeth climbed back into her chair. “Peace, at last,” she sighed, attempting to fix her hair.

      “Didn’t I promise you an exciting, yet peaceful mission?” grinned John, then averted his attention back to the control panel, taking the Jumper off autopilot. Elizabeth chuckled and relaxed back in her seat. Yeah, she was definitely glad she came along.
      Last edited by SallyLizzie; 26 January 2007, 01:15 PM.


        One of my wall for intended for the last episode of season 3 on shweir.



          I'm guessing there hasn't been anymore stick fights between John and Teyla because we all know the end result. John is going to get is butt kicked over and over again. At least with Ronon, Teyla has a sensible match and she actually gets a workout with him. In "Sunday"
          Ronon easily knocked Sheppard onto the ground with only one arm and one leg without breaking a sweat. Also its kind of sad to see the leader of Atlantis' flag team constantly getting beating up by a petite woman.


            Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
            I'm guessing there hasn't been anymore stick fights between John and Teyla because we all know the end result. John is going to get is butt kicked over and over again. At least with Ronon, Teyla has a sensible match and she actually gets a workout with him. In "Sunday"
            Ronon easily knocked Sheppard onto the ground with only one arm and one leg without breaking a sweat. Also its kind of sad to see the leader of Atlantis' flag team constantly getting beating up by a petite woman.
            But that's supposed to the build sexual tension. Or tptb just finally saw that it wasn't working I do agree with your post. It was also getting a little boring. At least when Teyla and Ronon stick fight it's fun ... and hot

            I suppose I was more amused that it stopped after an episode where a stick fight ended with something rather unpleasant.


              Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
              In Sunday :
              During her lunch with Mike, she clearly stated that she can't see a man and a woman being friends. Where does that leave us ? Then, what's her relationship with Sheppard? it can't be just work related, or even with Mckay, can it ? I know it was her way to say she didn't want to start something with Mike. But that left me confused...If she doesn't want to date any of the men she works with, how can it be that she thinks she can be friends with them ( cause clearly she seems to be ). Or does it mean, she has already got an issue with a certain Shep being more than just a friend to her ? *yep, it splits her focus*
              What IS with her
              men and women can't be friends?
              Seriously, where on earth did she get that idea? I mean if they can't, everyone is basically stuffed? Can't do anything without friends first.

              ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
              I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
              Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                Just got an idea...maybe totally wrong, cause I can't quiet remember the First Strike spoilers....was it intended to have that title? Strike one to the Shweir relatioship or strike one to the Shweir Shippers? *growls, applies cam paint and bunks down for the long run*

                ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                  Just read the new post on the AT website where she talks about her role on Atlantis...anyone interested, go there and read it, seems she had similar feelings to us.

                  ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                  I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                  Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                    Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                    What IS with her
                    men and women can't be friends?
                    Seriously, where on earth did she get that idea? I mean if they can't, everyone is basically stuffed? Can't do anything without friends first.
                    That idea came from a romantic comedy "When Harry Met Sally" a movie that starred Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan made back in 1989. the main premise of that movie was that (I'll just spoiler tag just in case.)
                    Men and women can't be friends. That is what Harry (Billy Crystal) believes when he has a coversation with Sally (Meg Ryan) because of his idea of Men and women cannot be friends, Harry and Sally tend to part less then friendly. And the movie follows Harry and Sally's relationship through the years and eventually they finally end up together.

                    The whole quote from the movie is that "men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way." When you think about it. That is an interesting idea of male-female relationship. And I can see why it has become a romantic classic.


                      Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                      Just got an idea...maybe totally wrong, cause I can't quiet remember the First Strike spoilers....was it intended to have that title? Strike one to the Shweir relatioship or strike one to the Shweir Shippers? *growls, applies cam paint and bunks down for the long run*
                      "First Strike" is titled the way it is because
                      Earth is planning a first strike against the Asurans (Replicator) Homeworld to keep the Replicators from completing their fleet and coming after them at full force.

                      I highly doubt the TPTB care enough about any ship to title an episode because of the possible or implications to a certain ship.

                      For those curious the Gw spoilers for "First Strike" is here.


                        Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                        What IS with her
                        men and women can't be friends?
                        Seriously, where on earth did she get that idea? I mean if they can't, everyone is basically stuffed? Can't do anything without friends first.
                        It came from When Harry Met Sally. She told Mike it was better than Annie Hall (on which it was based), and Mike said that anybody who liked WHMS that much couldn't believe that men and woman could be friends.

                        Mike: Does that mean you don't think men and women can be friends?
                        Lizzie: I never said that.
                        Mike: You didn't have to say it. Any lady who likes When Harry Met Sally that much thinks men and woman can't be friends.
                        Lizzie: Fine, maybe I do.

                        Edit: Athena beat me to it, and explained it way better than I did.


                          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                          That idea came from a romantic comedy "When Harry Met Sally" a movie that starred Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan made back in 1989. the main premise of that movie was that (I'll just spoiler tag just in case.)
                          Men and women can't be friends. That is what Harry (Billy Crystal) believes when he has a coversation with Sally (Meg Ryan) because of his idea of Men and women cannot be friends, Harry and Sally tend to part less then friendly. And the movie follows Harry and Sally's relationship through the years and eventually they finally end up together.

                          The whole quote from the movie is that "men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way." When you think about it. That is an interesting idea of male-female relationship. And I can see why it has become a romantic classic.
                          Yeah, that movie is awesome. XD Though...
                          how many people *REALLY* believe that? I, for one, do think that men and women can be friends. o_O I have several male friends, and I doubt that I'll marry all of them. *lol*

                          I really think that Elizabeth only said that to get away from Mike. Because if she doesn't want to have a relationship with him, he might still... linger around her and she would probably be uncomfortable with that (because it would just make John jealous ).
                          So she tells him "I don't think men and women can be friends" as an excuse, which actually translates to "Well, this was nice, but please stay away from me as I already have John, kthxbye". XDDD


                            Originally posted by leelakin View Post
                            Yeah, that movie is awesome. XD Though...
                            how many people *REALLY* believe that? I, for one, do think that men and women can be friends. o_O I have several male friends, and I doubt that I'll marry all of them. *lol*

                            I really think that Elizabeth only said that to get away from Mike. Because if she doesn't want to have a relationship with him, he might still... linger around her and she would probably be uncomfortable with that (because it would just make John jealous ).
                            So she tells him "I don't think men and women can be friends" as an excuse, which actually translates to "Well, this was nice, but please stay away from me as I already have John, kthxbye". XDDD
                            As much as I like the movie, I'm with you. The majority of my friends are male and I don't want to marry any of them... okay, maybe 2, but that's becuse they are really pretty. LOL

                            Like you, I think Elizabeth was using it as an excuse to let him down easy. Poor Mike. John already beat him to Elizabeth's heart.


                              Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                              As much as I like the movie, I'm with you. The majority of my friends are male and I don't want to marry any of them... okay, maybe 2, but that's becuse they are really pretty. LOL

                              Like you, I think Elizabeth was using it as an excuse to let him down easy. Poor Mike. John already beat him to Elizabeth's heart.
                              Yeah! XDD
                              Plus, I'd like to add that she's a DIPLOMAT! XDDD It wouldn't exactly help negotiations if she thought she couldn't be friends with half of any universe's population. *lol*
                              (she's just telling Mike to get lost in a very diplomatic way )


                                I'll probably get shot for this, lol, but... Sunday
                                I think she did want a relationship with Mike, or rather, she really like the idea of a relationship - in general.

                                I don't think she said it to get away from him. I mean, she went with him to the pretty place and was totally making eyes at him. I think she said it as a way to end the debate. The way she 'Fine' was like "Fine, you win."

                                As for men and woman being friends, I think every male friend I've had I've always wondered 'What would it be like IF...?' especially if they're hot I'm just getting to know them. I think there are two ways for friends to fall into a relationship: when they're getting to know each other, and when they've known each other that long they have become so comfortable with each other, that it's easy to get drunk and fall into bed together go from friends to lovers.

