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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    It's the bit where she's "brokered a dozen of the most sensitive international accords in modern history" that stops me. I'm just having a hard time seeing someone getting two doctorates and getting that far up the food chain at the UN by 35.

    Though this might explain why she's so thin. Never had time to eat.
    I remember being in negotiations for a multilateral steel agreement as part of the Uruguay Round of the GATT. Was I at the main table? Nope. Was I a major player? Not at all. But I WAS there. I didn't 'broker' anything though.

    That does sound like a bit of padding to the old résumé to me, but it's possible she was in the negotiations at least.


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
      That's why they didn't bring Zats - no room because of all the Botox and anti-aging revitilising face cream they packed
      Ahhhh, now everything makes sense! *ROTFLMAO*

      When all else fails, change channels.


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        Isn't it amazing how they wake up in full make-up and even their hair is in place?? And how the heck do Carter and Teyla take lipstick, etc., with them offworld? They could be gone for DAYS but still have full "face" on - and they really emphasize the lips with TONS of gloss. They must have to take buckets of the stuff with 'em! *LOL*
        I used to have lipstick that would last about eighteen hours with full gloss. Rather useful when I was performing for governors' Christmas parties and had to be there and pretty for hours and hours and hours. Yeah, the idea that they'd wear makeup off-world at all is a little silly. But as wizengamot said, it's television. (I just wish they'd make the ages realistic. )
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by emily_reich
          LOL!!! i think you're right, juli just my opinion on everyone's ages, though... i always though teyla was late 20's, shep was mid-late 30th, and weir was early-mid 40's... to me, those ages seem to fit the different character not necessarily in appearance or maturity level, but with what they've said they've done in the past... shep couldn't be much younger and still be a major i don't think... could he?? but he doesn't seem 40's to me either...
          Hmmm, all this age speculation. Everyone has their own view I gues I always thought both Weir and Sheppard were late 30's and Teyla late 20's (mostly from Childhood's End indicating she was over 25).

          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
          There was a new fic added to Langford U a few days ago. I'm really lovin' that AU
          Me too - such a fab universe! And brilliant Shep/Weir-esque fics, if you haven't checked it out, you should!
          Uncontrolled Destiny
          My Atlantis Music Videos (Shep/Weir and Misc.)


            My age thoughts: Old, Kinda old, Not-so-old, and Don't want to touch that!

            Ah yes! My logic has caught on!! What can I say, I see the big picture. Now i wonder, could you have forgotten the Botox, and used a magnifying glass to focus the power of the zat because, honestly, its just as good as botox. It's purpose (one shot of course ) is to stun. Basically the same thing!!!!
            Citizen of Braneville


              They must have to take buckets of the stuff with 'em!
              Hahaha, sounds like me on my way to work ~ 'lipstick? check. gloss? check. nailfile? check.' And yes when me n my mates went camping we did take make-up and hair gel with us but given limited supplies to another galaxy i can think of more neccersary things to coffee.
              Nothing preperes you for a hard day fighting the Wraith like Nescafe


                Originally posted by ohshocking
                Hmmm, all this age speculation. Everyone has their own view I gues I always thought both Weir and Sheppard were late 30's and Teyla late 20's (mostly from Childhood's End indicating she was over 25).
                yeah, that's a bit of how i gathered teyla's age... plus she just has that air about her... still mature, but young at the same time and still learning things, including about leadership i actually think it's really interesting having three "leaders" on atlantis all in different age groups with very different backgrounds and unique perspectives and ideals and i especially like the dynamic of having the military guy basically in the middle of it all in addition to being basically thrust into that position in the first place, seeing as the original military leader was older than weir... that power shift and age difference... that's why i really wanna know how old they are for sure! because to me that age shift and therefore that "grown up in different generations" thing (even just 7-10 years diff can make a big difference) as well as their positions and backgrounds (not only military vs nonmilitary)... and in regards to shep/weir, the long-term relationship vs none added in too for that extra dynamic....


                  Originally posted by wizengamot
                  My age thoughts: Old, Kinda old, Not-so-old, and Don't want to touch that!

                  Ah yes! My logic has caught on!! What can I say, I see the big picture. Now i wonder, could you have forgotten the Botox, and used a magnifying glass to focus the power of the zat because, honestly, its just as good as botox. It's purpose (one shot of course ) is to stun. Basically the same thing!!!!
                  So THATS why all the Jaffa women look so hot!

                  I'm just wonderin whether mkae-up bag was additional to the 'one personal item'? But thats another thread...


                    Hello all!! Goodness - go away for a few days and come back to pages of posts!! Just caught up finally!

                    Firstly a big WELCOME to all newbies - great to have you join over here. Love that we get such a mixture of people and views in this thread - makes for great reading and debate.

                    Great piccies everyone. I know we've seen them all before but its great to be reminded. And in that spirit, my little contribution.....

                    Athena, great fics - really enjoyed them. The journals are hilarious, can't wait for more - PLEASE!?!?

                    On the age thing. I always had Weir down to be somewhere around 35-38 with Sheppard maybe slightly older and I agree, its not beyond the realms of believability that Weir has gotten so far by her age. Lets face it , the reason she was picked is that shes supposed to be truly exceptional so I can see how its possible. As for the languages, I knew someone who could speak over 15 different ones and they were in their late 30's. Ok so they were natural at it but they said after the first few they are often comparable in many ways and its just a question of picking up the vocabulary.

                    So anyway, I have some questions for you all.
                    When exactly did you start to pick up on Sheppard and Weir? (even if just as friends) Was it something you had in mind going into SGA or did it come after watching it and if so when? Was it a particular episode, a scene, a look or something else?
                    For me, I'd heard originally before hand that TPTB were avoiding Ship so I wasn't expecting anything. So I had no preconceptions or ideas. My first idea of them was in The Storm / The Eye and it hit me seeing his reaction to when he thought Elizabeth was dead, then alive and then of course when he shot Kolya and the "you ok", "No!", " You will be" dialouge. It was only after that I went back and rewatched all the episodes in the first half of the season and picked up on things that I admit completely passed me by first time (I admit I'm not very observant sometimes!)
                    I'm most certainly not a fan of flat out soap style romantic ship but I definately see a deep bond/connection between the two. Not even sure that the characters can understand it but there is something there.
                    Anyway, this has all probably been debated before but I'd still be interested to hear others views and thoughts!


                      Someone asked something about Sheppard's age (or maybe my brain was making things up again), so I did a bit of digging. Assuming Sheppard was 22 when he graduated and was immediately promoted to 2nd Lieutenant (which would happen out of ROTC or the Academy), he'd have to be 32 to make Major, and 38 to make Lieutenant Colonel. They could frock him, but I don't know if that's ever done to circumvent the time-in-service requirements.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Hmm I didn't really know Atlantis when I came into it an I admit that I just came in knowing that Joe Flanigan was ridiculously good-looking. But I actually picked up on something in rising. I mean, there are too many moments for nothing to be going on!!! Even if it wasn't friendship they had this freakish bond. He knew her for all of what, 3 days, a week? And he followed her around, waved at him, she trusted him. They already had that "no need to speak" communication going on.
                        Citizen of Braneville


                          Yano I keep forgetting that Teyla is meant to be a leader. I guess thats because she cant demonstrate those skills if her people are living on the mainland but even so she still seems to pale in comparison to Weir and Shep in matters of leadership. And maybe thats why i see Teyla being younger than Shep and Weir - kinda like mum,dad,daughter. And maybe thats why i ship Shweir and not Teyla because he seems more paternal towards Teyla whereas i see him and Liz on an equal footing.

                          And maybe i stopped making sense a long time ago....


                            Originally posted by Kazan

                            love that pic!

                            Ok so they were natural at it but they said after the first few they are often comparable in many ways and its just a question of picking up the vocabulary.
                            yeah, i've heard the same thing quite often actually i hope it true, too!! cuz i've taken 4 years of spanish and i'm taking 5 languages next year at least one is semitic and another is hemito-semitic and one is germanic like english and then classical greek and latin oh boy... i'm taking three dead languages hehe... never even thought about that!!

                            When exactly did you start to pick up on Sheppard and Weir? (even if just as friends) Was it something you had in mind going into SGA or did it come after watching it and if so when? Was it a particular episode, a scene, a look or something else?
                            ooh... great question! i have to admit, i was basically indifferent to weir in the beginning of the show... she was just THERE... didn't really care about her or her interaction with the other characters at all... but in before i sleep i completely loved her and i have since! she was so excellent in that ep, and it was then that i definately became a friendshipper for shep/weir... but then the 39:30 moment sold it for me and i became an officially overlapping multishipper and now i love their interactions throughout the season! i now watch all episodes truly loving every moment between SOO many of the diff characters (it's quite insane actually )


                              Originally posted by ohshocking
                              Me too - such a fab universe! And brilliant Shep/Weir-esque fics, if you haven't checked it out, you should!
                              It's really a lot of fun. And at this point, I know there's one Langford fic forthcoming from Ms. Raven (I got to read part of it a while ago — quite funny!), and I've got another one I want to write. I'm kind of hoping that people get beyond just Sheppard/Weir with it, since I think the War of the Physics Department would be terribly fun to read about.

                              Originally posted by Kazan
                              When exactly did you start to pick up on Sheppard and Weir? (even if just as friends) Was it something you had in mind going into SGA or did it come after watching it and if so when? Was it a particular episode, a scene, a look or something else?
                              By the end of Rising, I'd decided that they were the ones I wanted to watch — not in a romantic sense, but just that their relationship as leaders and hopefully as friends would be interesting. It was a combination of the two balcony scenes. (I remember my friend Kevin telling me that he got to the scene with them arguing on the balcony and he thought to himself, "Wow, this'd be really romantic if they were in love instead of mad at each other.")

                              I was prepared to go noromo for this show (I usually do — I usually like a couple, but don't particularly want to push for it), but Home won me over. The scene in his bedroom was just so fun to watch. And my overloaded-with-literature brain went "EEE! War and Peace! Symbolism!"
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                I love the pics where they're yelling at each other.

                                I can't believe I've come on here before work ... this is like unspeakably early for me. WHAT HAVE YOU ALL DONE TO ME!

                                Hey, I've nearly gotten my 100th post. Party! Woohoo.
                                Support SHEX, wear a shirt ... I did!

