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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    Actually, the punishment really does fit, considering the order he defied. I doubt there was even a court-martial. I doubt the Air Force would want it leaked to the press that they were dishonorably discharging a man for trying to save lives. In all likelihood, John wasn't the only one being quietly retired from the AF. (That would have been his eventual fate – he would have been passed over for promotion and would have left the AF.) Whoever gave him that order was probably rotated out too for giving that order.
    That sounds like the plot of a fic I read...oh, wait...

    a time to mourn


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      Self-promoting here. Part II of "Ascension of the Queen" (in the Renaissance AU) is available here.
      Great fic!!! I can't wait for the next chapter!

      Sig by RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by Hatcheter
        That sounds like the plot of a fic I read...oh, wait...
        ...why, I have no idea what you're talking about.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          I just rewatched TRW and I nearly cried. I want someone to love me that much, and he doesn't even officially love her!!

          Not that anyone cares....sorry ending sparky sniffy moment....pass the kleenex box, please...


            Originally posted by Lizabeth
            I just rewatched TRW and I nearly cried. I want someone to love me that much, and he doesn't even officially love her!!

            Not that anyone cares....sorry ending sparky sniffy moment....pass the kleenex box, please...
            *passes kleenex box and a plate of cookies*


              Thank you!!! (I even had a cookie, for real)


                Originally posted by Luz
                I was like this at the beginning too, it wasn't dislike, it was just indifference, I started to really like her around Letters From Pegasus, and fell in love with her character sometime during season two, I think the episode was Condemned, that was the first time I saw her and thought "WOW cool!".
                She's a really nice person, and there is this element of innocence to her character that is surprising given how much she and her people have been through.
                i think shes really sweet, but needs some serious character development and some more screen time. shes one of my fav characters (after lizzie and john of course )
                three's a crowd...
                ahh thats better

                aww cute.

                I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                  It's amazing what happens around here in the span of a day or so. Catching up:

                  I'm glad you guys brought up JF's accent. I thought I was hearing things because it's a very slight accent. I always seem to notice it in the scene where
                  Elizabeth asks if he is defending her honor. Of course I've only watched that scene once or twice; maybe I should watch it again.

                  I don't really understand where the ship bashing comment came from. Granted, we all know that what we write and what other people take from it can be two different things. But I think on this thread things are done in the spirit of good natured teasing.

                  Also, look at the name of the thread. We are here to discuss our love for this relationship, whatever form it takes. John and Elizabeth don't live in a bubble so other characters are going to come up. I would expect the same in other threads.

                  Onward to Phantoms:

                  I didn't see anything shippy except for team friendship. I did see improvement in that - Carson's back! Teyla had a real role! Rodney whined a lot about being shot! Well, that last one is just funny. I also thought JF did another good job. More Shep back story please?! Overall, this one won't be one of my favorites, but I think it fits in very well with the tone of this season. Another good ep.

                  Next week looks exciting. And I finally get to see Seige 3!!!
                  sig by SueKay

                  My Team:


                    I was checking out this thread the other night and I was reading the comments about how there weren't any shippy moments between Teyla and Shep in Phantom and because I hadn't seen the episode I figured you all must be in denial because it sounded like a Teyla/Shep episode (I'm a Shweir fan myself )

                    I watched the episode today ('cause I live in Oz it takes a while for the eps to download *inocent smile*) and I totally agree with you guys! There are no shippy moments. It's just one of those 'everyone gets shot and they all laugh about it at the end' episodes. I loved it Though I do have to agree that Sheps background was a bit cliche.


                      I like living in denial, but good thing I didn't have to for this episode
                      My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                        Face of Fear? by Beaker Bait.

                        Sweet little fic.


                          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
                          I like living in denial, but good thing I didn't have to for this episode
                          Hah, yes. I've pretty much learned to ignore things that irritate me in this show, but this episode I liked from beginning to end. Didn't have to stick my fingers in my ears for any of it.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            I've learned to ignore the so-called banter between Sheppard and McKay. I'm well aware it's nearly everyone's favourite aspect of the show, but it annoys me to no end. It gets especially overbearing in Binder's episodes (Progeny comes to mind). Phantoms was an exception, though. I didn't roll my eyes once.
                            Although Teyla's "John, JOHN, it isn't REAL!" mantra did start to grate a bit after its 1000th repetition.

                            Uh, yeah, Sparky rules.


                              Originally posted by Lizabeth
                              I just rewatched TRW and I nearly cried. I want someone to love me that much, and he doesn't even officially love her!!

                              Not that anyone cares....sorry ending sparky sniffy moment....pass the kleenex box, please...
                              ***drops in with Kleenex Box for Lizabeth***

                              Here you go... and for TRW
                              I watched it again a couple of days ago and it is painful to see that scene where John was sitting down just across her and the cameras are really focused on his face. You'll never know how important someone or something is to you until something really bad happens to them and that something or someone is in danger of being lost forever to you. And when that happens, how can you cope alone? IMO, these thoughts must have crossed John's mind as he watches Elizabeth's condition slowly deteriorate. I can also safely say that I can see fear in John's eyes. What if Elizabeth dies, how will he cope and how could he lead Atlantis alone?

                              Great Chemistry Starts with Great Sparks


                                Originally posted by Sukiyaki
                                ***drops in with Kleenex Box for Lizabeth***

                                Here you go... and for TRW
                                I watched it again a couple of days ago and it is painful to see that scene where John was sitting down just across her and the cameras are really focused on his face. You'll never know how important someone or something is to you until something really bad happens to them and that something or someone is in danger of being lost forever to you. And when that happens, how can you cope alone? IMO, these thoughts must have crossed John's mind as he watches Elizabeth's condition slowly deteriorate. I can also safely say that I can see fear in John's eyes. What if Elizabeth dies, how will he cope and how could he lead Atlantis alone?
                                Don't you just love how
                                It was him that she saw?, it was him helping her, guiding her, she knew it was him, she was actually seeing him, not anybody else. John helping Elizabeth, Elizabeth trusting John.

