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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gambit
    Great episode!
    No one has anything to worry about on the Sheyla front. And we got Sheppard backstory, and a lot of it! Great acting by JF. One of my favs this season, even though we didn't really get anything on the Sparky front.

    I don't need Sparky every episode, just no "other" ships, lol. Oh, and "aw" to the Teyla whump. I really do love Teyla, so this ep sounds promising.


      YAY *iz relieved* now SG1 finish so I can watch Atlantis. Also BamBam needs to stop feeding the shippers. He made me get angsty. Bad him, lol.
      My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


        Originally posted by gambit
        Great episode!
        No one has anything to worry about on the Sheyla front. And we got Sheppard backstory, and a lot of it! Great acting by JF. One of my favs this season, even though we didn't really get anything on the Sparky front. Edit: for those who haven't seen it but want to know, Shep thought Teyla was a captain he was rescuing back in Afganistan, so he was dragging her around. That was it.
        Actually, I found it mediocre and nothing new with regards to a storyline that has been used many times before elsewhere. Only the minor John backstory was interesing but you are right about Joe's acting.

        There is nothing even vaguely Sheyla in this episode, which amused the hell out of me. Actually, there is more with Ronon/Teyla than anything Sheyla.
        Last edited by Pellmelody; 15 September 2006, 07:15 PM.


          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
          Also BamBam needs to stop feeding the shippers. He made me get angsty. Bad him, lol.
          Yes, especially since he claims to hate anything "shippy" and doesn't like to talk about it. Obviously, whatever he was talking about was edited out, which amuses me even more.


            Okay, about Phantoms:

            I loved this episode! The first thing John said was, "Elizabeth." Sadly, I squeed about that. Anyway, moving on, I'm pretty sure what BamBam(?) meant by John and Teyla finding out what they mean to each other was refering to the fact that when John was hallucinating, he was seeing her as his friend, the one he lost in Afghanistan. Okay, tangent: I almost cried during John's backstory/hallucination. Poor guy! And can I say thank goodness that John sees Teyla as his friend? I was beginning to wonder about their relationship. So nothing happened between those two, other than the fact that John sat next to her at the end of the episode.

            On a side note, during Ronon's hallucination he saw John as a Wraith, but he recognized Teyla (coincidence?)! And we had another show of John's unwavering faith in Elizabeth and her ability to save them!

            “Le monde a tellement de regrets
            Tellement de choses qu'on promet.
            Une seule pour laquelle je suis fait
            Je t'aimais, je t'aime et je t'aimerai...”

            ~ Francis Cabrel


              Originally posted by Pellmelody
              Yes, especially since he claims to hate anything "shippy" and doesn't like to talk about it. Obviously, whatever he was talking about was edited out, which amuses me even more.
              Maybe he was using one of these

              God knows some people seem to be using too strong a prescription.


                Stuff regarding "Phantoms"
                So I was definitely beginning to worry when about 20 minutes into the show we hadn't gotten a flashback or any such thing for Shep. Fortunately, the writers chose a different path and showed us about John's past through his hallucinations. I would have liked to see more but for a one-hour show and an over-arching plot involving other characters, I'm happy with what I got.

                Definitely not much Sheyla action other than her pleading with him to stop and realize he was hallucinating. So I guess the reason she wasn't going crazy was because of the Wraith DNA Shep mentioned early on? I would have liked to have seen more from Weir but I can't complain because lo and behold....BECKETT!!! Yay! I honestly found his scenes to be the best. I felt so bad for him. Yeah, Ronon and John were reliving their their (painful) pasts but I can't imagine there being anything worse than being a doctor and losing the person you're suppose to be able to cure/save...and not even know it until it's too late. It was heartbreaking when he found out that that one guy (sorry, can't remember his name) was dead.

                Oh...and loved the whole John shooting Rodney thing. About damn time! I kid, I kid, I love Rodney...poor boy has no luck. But did anyone else catch that little "get some sleep, Rodney" remark at the end by John? It sounded like maybe Joe was trying to keep from laughing or something, which made it so cute

                All in all I'd say the episode was pretty good...not my favorite. Although, I happen to be among the minority who really enjoyed "Irresistable" so take my opinion for what it's worth. This episode was definitely better than SG-1...which is the reverse of last week.

                Definitely can't wait for next week. I have no idea what all of those clips were about but together, they looked damn exciting, lol.


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                  I almost hate to say this, but it's making me giggle inappropriately. Phantoms
                  Okay, this was supposed to be the big Shep/Teyla episode? He spent half the episode thinking she was a guy.

                  Otherwise I enjoyed the episode immensely. I like seeing that characters are friends, not just being told they are. Kind of like how I prefer to see that characters have chemistry and romantic tension.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
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                    Originally posted by melyanna
                    I almost hate to say this, but it's making me giggle inappropriately. Phantoms
                    Okay, this was supposed to be the big Shep/Teyla episode? He spent half the episode thinking she was a guy.

                    Otherwise I enjoyed the episode immensely. I like seeing that characters are friends, not just being told they are. Kind of like how I prefer to see that characters have chemistry and romantic tension.
                    Have to agree Melyanna
                    For a few moments I was worried that Teyla was going to pull a John from "The Real World" and permeate into his hallucinations...and I suppose that she did to some extent but not really (she still looked like a dude). This episode really wasn't shippy at all. Unless you consider John hoisting up Teyla and helping her run...but then I guess that means Ronon/John are the hot new ship now because he did that for him in "Sateda." I'd take Shex over Sheyla any day.

                    Speaking of the two guys, did anyone else kind of laugh to themselves as Ronon and John were running around shooting at each other? Stay with me now, I know that sounds somewhat sadistic...It just felt very much like two macho guy-friends playing their own version of tag or something...although, a smidge more fatal. Of course, that depends on what kind of tag you normally play. I tend to steer away from ones that involve bullets and/or killing.


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      I almost hate to say this, but it's making me giggle inappropriately. Phantoms
                      Okay, this was supposed to be the big Shep/Teyla episode? He spent half the episode thinking she was a guy.

                      Otherwise I enjoyed the episode immensely. I like seeing that characters are friends, not just being told they are. Kind of like how I prefer to see that characters have chemistry and romantic tension.
                      Well, you know,
                      John and Teyla have a really DEEP relationship because Teyla has now seen John at his worst and he finds her very trustworthy to be confiding in her. [/snark]

                      Honestly, I don't think I could even put shippy goggles on this one if it was Elizabeth in Teyla's place. It was about John. Period. I was a tiny bit afraid we might actually see something shippy. I'm really kinda shocked we didn't, given all the hype TPTB want to give to S/T.

                      I'm ready for my beating now. Or just a light slap on the wrists. Whatever.
                      I put the "M" in stupid.


                        Originally posted by Stef
                        On a side note, I just saw a video clip where Paul McGillion speaks without the Scottish accent and it FREAKED me out! I knew he didn't have an actual Scottish accent in real life (I was rather shattered when I learned this) but to actually hear him speak without it was just bizarre. I feel so betrayed, lol. At least I know what I'm getting with the way, what kind of accent does Joe have exactly? Unless it's foreign, southern, or New York I can't tell accents too well. I keep thinking he's from like Nebraska or something. But maybe that's just me...

                        Sorry if someone has already weighed in on this, but I think JF's accent is clearly western US.
                        SGA: the 3-season show...


                          Originally posted by eyecandylovr
                          Sorry if someone has already weighed in on this, but I think JF's accent is clearly western US.
                          JF was born in Los Angeles but raised in Reno, Nevada.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by Luz
                            Maybe he was using one of these

                            God knows some people seem to be using too strong a prescription.
                            Or, as someone on my Live Journal said, maybe BamBam was just telling them what they wanted to hear to shut them up. Either way, I've had a really good giggle tonight at some of their posts regarding the episode.


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              I almost hate to say this, but it's making me giggle inappropriately. Phantoms
                              Okay, this was supposed to be the big Shep/Teyla episode? He spent half the episode thinking she was a guy.

                              Otherwise I enjoyed the episode immensely. I like seeing that characters are friends, not just being told they are. Kind of like how I prefer to see that characters have chemistry and romantic tension.
                              ITA. Not only that, but did you notice
                              how uncomfortable Shep looked while he was changing Teyla's dressing? But OK, to be fair to that other ship, Teyla did call Shep "John" like 55 million times. Don't know if that outweighs Mel's point that during most of their shared screentime he thought she was a guy. To me that's more slashy than shippy, but that's just me.

                              I was afraid of this ep too, but
                              I didn't find it really anything but friendshippy, all around. Except that the only person Ronon recognized while out of his mind was Teyla. Thinkin that was a little spanky...

                              And I love that Shep never seems to say "Dr. Weir" anymore, only "Elizabeth".
                              SGA: the 3-season show...


                                I loved it! So much character and relationship development! I loved the whole John and Teyla thing... it wasn't shippy to me. They're just friends and I'm not sure how that was supposed to be shippy. I mean if Elizabeth was there instead of Teyla, I'm sure the same thing would have happened.

                                I didn't even realize that the mid-season finale is next friday! OMG it's so sad... The preview looks good and there are no wrait involved.. Oh well hoping for some shippy moments for that episode! *remembers the best mid-season finale ever.. The Storm*

