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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    About the bashing and "ship wars"...we have it pretty easy over here compared to other forums. I used to be on the trekBBS forums, those were rough. Especially the Enterprise forums, there was pretty much a WWIII happening between the Trip/T'pol shippers and the Archer/T'pol shippers. People envading other forums, some just liked to cause trouble. I remember one time the mods even banned ship threads for a few weeks because of the viciousness of it all. It seemed like half the threads were Trip/T'pol or Archer/T'pol. The bashing over nothing compared to that. We are lucky over here.


      Originally posted by gambit
      About the bashing and "ship wars"...we have it pretty easy over here compared to other forums. I used to be on the trekBBS forums, those were rough. Especially the Enterprise forums, there was pretty much a WWIII happening between the Trip/T'pol shippers and the Archer/T'pol shippers. People envading other forums, some just liked to cause trouble. I remember one time the mods even banned ship threads for a few weeks because of the viciousness of it all. It seemed like half the threads were Trip/T'pol or Archer/T'pol. The bashing over nothing compared to that. We are lucky over here.
      I remember those! Gah, I had to stop going to TrekBBS permanently. Yes, the sniping here is minimal in comparison.
      I put the "M" in stupid.


        You were one of the good ones stub.
        Last edited by gambit; 16 September 2006, 08:50 AM.


          Originally posted by gambit
          You were one of the good ones stub.

          LOL, thanks!


          I still am!!
          I put the "M" in stupid.


            I guess I'm gonna have to rewatch Phantoms to find the
            Spanky. It would've been nice to have the two of them sitting together at the end!

            Is there a definition of what "bashing" is? If I post my feelings about a character/actress in a discussion it's ok, but if I post 480 times a day, how much I hate her is that bashing?

            Who liked Weirs
            new shirt
            last night?!


              Originally posted by Rubicon
              I guess I'm gonna have to rewatch Phantoms to find the
              Spanky. It would've been nice to have the two of them sitting together at the end!
              I really didn't find anything shippy in this episode at all, but if people are looking for it, the only thing I would remotely consider shippy is the
              Ronon scene where he recognizes Teyla, calls her, and runs after her when he thinks John is a Wraith taking her. Even that would be stretching it.

              As far as I'm concerned, the writers are still jerking everyone around.

              When all else fails, change channels.


                Originally posted by Rubicon
                I guess I'm gonna have to rewatch Phantoms to find the
                Spanky. It would've been nice to have the two of them sitting together at the end!

                Is there a definition of what "bashing" is? If I post my feelings about a character/actress in a discussion it's ok, but if I post 480 times a day, how much I hate her is that bashing?

                Who liked Weirs
                new shirt
                last night?!
                I've wondered about that too. What exactly is bashing? By any sense of decency I would think saying it looks like someone has a muskrat on her head would be bashing, but what do I know? Yet I would not consider saying you don't like someone's costume to be bashing? Am I being hypocritical? I don't see anything wrong with a little good-natured ribbing. Especially when certain shippers think they are going to see the end of the shipper ambiguity and end up getting a royal teasing by the writers.
                IMHO having Shep imagine that Teyla was a man is just a big hoot. And if it were Elizabeth I'd be groaning while I laugh.
                I think we do a great job here of not taking our ship too seriously and admitting that we see no ship when there is indeed no ship. We deserved being teased when we got all excited about TLG and I think we took it well. However, I think it's time to put a stop to all the Weir bashing for no reason and I for one plan to become more aggressive in stopping it.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  I've wondered about that too. What exactly is bashing? By any sense of decency I would think saying it looks like someone has a muskrat on her head would be bashing, but what do I know? Yet I would not consider saying you don't like someone's costume to be bashing? Am I being hypocritical? I don't see anything wrong with a little good-natured ribbing. Especially when certain shippers think they are going to see the end of the shipper ambiguity and end up getting a royal teasing by the writers.
                  IMHO having Shep imagine that Teyla was a man is just a big hoot. And if it were Elizabeth I'd be groaning while I laugh.
                  I think we do a great job here of not taking our ship too seriously and admitting that we see no ship when there is indeed no ship. We deserved being teased when we got all excited about TLG and I think we took it well. However, I think it's time to put a stop to all the Weir bashing for no reason and I for one plan to become more aggressive in stopping it.
                  Go Red! *thumbs up* Good luck to you. I just get so angry about it. How would those posters feel were someone saying the exact same thing about them somewhere that they might read it?


                    IMHO, we hardly do any bashing here. Every once in a while, we get a comment that could be considered bashing, but not overly so. As for myself, I try to stay away from bashing...I also don't go to threads that are 'Anti-blank'...I believe that is just where people who like putting other people down go. I have to say (even with my biased opinion), we do a good job of steering away from bashing.

                    Sig by RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by CamandVala
                      IMHO, we hardly do any bashing here. Every once in a while, we get a comment that could be considered bashing, but not overly so. As for myself, I try to stay away from bashing...I also don't go to threads that are 'Anti-blank'...I believe that is just where people who like putting other people down go. I have to say (even with my biased opinion), we do a good job of steering away from bashing.
                      We try. IMHO, disliking a character is no reason to bash them, particularly not in public.


                        Loved it. All of the team was fantastic, especially Beckett. Man, it's good to see that guy again. *huggles* And Paul did such a good job with the ep as well. I loved his last scene where Shep found him in the woods with the lieutenant - the look on his face broke my heart a hundred times over.

                        I also thought it was a great episode for Teyla. She had a lot of spirit to her tonight, and she kicked severe butt at the end. The scene between her, John, and Rodney at the end when Rodney got shot was so good. I love how Rodney trusts Teyla to comprehend his technobabble these days.

                        As for Sheyla: hee, no. The end had potential to some, but I thought it was very sweet of Teyla to be curious as to whether John saved his buddy or not. And John's reaction to her question was also quite sad.

                        The Shep background was a cop-out to me. Like others have already said, it was nothing we didn't already know, although I suppose it was nice to get a visual of him in Afghanistan. And while Shep in desert battle dress may have been nice, I can never get through it without laughing because his hair is just so blatantly out of regulations. I just keep thinking that if his superior officer ever saw him in uniform with that haircut, he'd have a heart attack. For this reason, I say keep him in the Atlantis uniforms. He remains equally hot.

                        No Sparky, but that's fine by me. I love Spanky, but I didn't see it tonight either, even though I liked how Ronon recognized Teyla.

                        Overall, I quite enjoyed the ep. Here's to hoping that next week we get a dose of shipperness to last us for six months.

                        And as to the supposed bashing - I certainly haven't seen on this thread lately. I think people had a right to giggle at what became of the supposed spoilers. Just like I giggled at myself after TLG aired. This is the Sparky thread and we discuss this pairing. We can't completely dilute every one of our comments to appease the masses of other shippers that may have stumbled into the thread. I don't think direct bashing is ever called for, but I haven't seen it. Thus bringing the subject up again annoys me. I've seen reprehensible things said about actors elsewhere on this forum - go lecture them. [/rant]


                          Originally posted by gambit
                          About the bashing and "ship wars"...we have it pretty easy over here compared to other forums. I used to be on the trekBBS forums, those were rough. Especially the Enterprise forums, there was pretty much a WWIII happening between the Trip/T'pol shippers and the Archer/T'pol shippers. People envading other forums, some just liked to cause trouble. I remember one time the mods even banned ship threads for a few weeks because of the viciousness of it all. It seemed like half the threads were Trip/T'pol or Archer/T'pol. The bashing over nothing compared to that. We are lucky over here.
                          Yes, excellent point. I find it funny (I hope I'm still allowed use that word ) when people say we have massive ship wars in the SGA fandom. I'm not saying things are ideal around here, but this is literally nothing compared to the Trip/T'Pol vs. Archer/T'Pol ship wars. It's why I've always stayed as far away from Star Trek fandom as I could, and I swore to myself I'd never go near its fandom should Star Trek happen to return one day with a new series.

                          As for Phantoms,
                          I didn't see any Sheyla, Sparky or Spanky. A good team episode. I thought the writers had forgotten about the Wraith being able to cause hallucinations. When's the last time we saw that? Rising?


                            Originally posted by gooner_diva
                            Yes, excellent point. I find it funny (I hope I'm still allowed use that word ) when people say we have massive ship wars in the SGA fandom. I'm not saying things are ideal around here, but this is literally nothing compared to the Trip/T'Pol vs. Archer/T'Pol ship wars. It's why I've always stayed as far away from Star Trek fandom as I could, and I swore to myself I'd never go near its fandom should Star Trek happen to return one day with a new series.

                            As for Phantoms,
                            I didn't see any Sheyla, Sparky or Spanky. A good team episode. I thought the writers had forgotten about the Wraith being able to cause hallucinations. When's the last time we saw that? Rising?
                            Hot Zone, wasn't it? When they thought it might be the Wraith hallucinations but it wasn't because nobody else could see them?


                              Originally posted by Vala_Black
                              hey have a video of sparky, come check it out.
                              ***drops in from Lurk***

                              Vala, that was one great vid! Made me come out from Lurk!!!! Green for ya, baby!

                              Okay, I know I'm a little late but for M&MM :

                              Loved Kate Hewlett, great actress, and I seriously hope they would bring her back in Season 4. All technical stuff aside, I think this episode is a good story about siblings, and as I watched the episode again, I gave my sister a call, one to whom I always neglected to call back and we both promised to have luncheon together next week and catch up on stuff. I also find the AU Rodney interesting, and his AU Atlantis as well ***wonders if AU Sparky existed*** and I have a sneaky feeling he would be back. As for the scenes where the team is making a laughing stock out of Rodney, I feel so sorry for the poor guy, and I have to agree with some posters that it does sound like its forced. Not much Sparky, except for the part where both of them were walking down the stairs and sharing a nice conversation, but oh gawd, don't they look hawt together????
                              Overall,M&MM good episode.
                              Sparky Rating: 2

                              and now for Phantoms:

                              This episode started out for me mysteriously and halfway through the episode, it turned out to be really creepy. I liked the John/Teyla scenes, and definitely thumbs up for that Afghan story background. Teyla has definitely come out strong here and I wish the TPTB would make her spotlight-story soon. The Beckett scenes are great too, and at one point, I couldn't tell which of the scenes are real and which ones are just illusions on Beckett's part. Real twist there, with Barroso being really dead, and Kagan still alive. As for Rodney, heck, he's hurt again. As for Sparky, not much either... although, John showed his undeniable faith in Elizabeth again, that she will send a rescue team. And btw, loved that new red shirt Liz is wearing.
                              Overall, great episode.
                              Sparky Rating: Still a 2.

                              And, OMG, time flies so fast... the half-season finale next week!

                              Great Chemistry Starts with Great Sparks


                                Originally posted by Ebony Wolf
                                Welcome Celcool!!
                                Hey everyone I made a new Sparky video.
                                wheeeeee... another cool Sparky video. And I like the slow remix version of Everytime We Touch, it sounds so much better and so romantic, Ebony. And your video just reminded me that syndication for Stargate Atlantis, Season Two starts next week (per Gateworld news) and beginning with the episode that made, should I dare say, thousands of Sparky fans squee worldwide
                                Siege 3 Hug-----------SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE

                                Snoop, that was a cool video also! More please!

                                Great Chemistry Starts with Great Sparks

