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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef
    Summary of TRW:
    Basically, the episode starts with Lizzie in the hospital confused about why she's there. The doctor informs her that after Simon died in a horrible car accident (*me screaming YAY!*) she had a breakdown. Oh...and the time period is two years prior to now, before she had ever heard of the Stargate program. So she basically stays in the hospital and everyone tries to convince her that she just invented the Atlantis world while she was in a 3-day catatonic state. All the while, she keeps seeing a mysterious, faceless specter/person (John...though she doesn't know that).

    She finally accepts that Atlantis never happened and gets "better" and leaves the hospital. Then we flash to Atlantis and Beckett explains that that Asuran guy infected her with nanites and they are taking over her body. John thinks that she can hear them and so goes up to her and starts talking to her, telling her that they are working on trying to save her and that she needs to fight it. At the same time, weird things start happening to Liz and she decides to stop taking the pills and begins to questions everything (John's direct influence ).

    Then she sees the specter again, it leads her to a door through which is a stargate portal. But before she can step through it, the nurses (that come out of nowhere) jump her and pump her full of drugs, thus stopping her from leaving. O'Neill and the doctor try to convince her that there is no Stargate progam some more but she starts getting more and more hints that Atlantis truly does exist. Meanwhile, Beckett/McKay decide that by introducing Wraith cells into her body, the nanites will concentrate on attacking those cells (because that's what they were originally meant to do) and leaver her cells alone. Then they could do some sort of a low-frequency pulse to kill the things. They do it but the nanites in her brain aren't eradicated.

    Liz starts getting more determined to leave, and with John's urging, she escapes the hospital and winds up at SGC. John's specter appears some more and guides her but she is soon stopped by guards and O'Neill. Beckett explains that the nanites are getting worse and more aggressive, which John deduces must mean that Liz is trying to fight them off and they need to help her do that. So he runs into the contaminated area Liz is in, grabs her arm and starts talking to her. Suddenly he appears in her dream-world and tells her what's going on and that she needs to fight this. So she runs and makes it to the gate where that creepy Asuran guys appears and tells her she can't leave...but she walks right through him and wakes up.

    While that was happening, John was carted off after he touched Liz because they feared the nanites might have infected him. Anyway...Liz wakes up and the scene cuts to her on the balcony overlooking the gate. John walks up to her (after being cleared) and they share a cute little scene where he makes a joke about this being a nanite-infected dream and they share a nice little moment, smiles included. He walks off and she plays with her fathers watch.

    Sorry, can't remember exactly what was being said in this last scene because I was too caught up with how cute they were This is just a bare-bones summary....hopefully it makes sense.

    Hope that helps for anybody who wanted to know.

    Wow- I was so hoping that something like this would happen! *squee* I haven't seen it yet, but from all your reactions I am totally excited to see it now! OMG it sounds so good, so really really, really really good! and totally shippy too! ^_^ this is great! I mean, I knew that it would be shippy because of that one line in the preview- wrote an entire drablle about it and posted it well Thursday.

    Theres the link- if any one's interested.....

    Sparky Forever!
    Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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      Whoa, there are 50 users viewing this thread right now. Oh, and I'm new here. Hi, everyone!


        OMG!!!! I LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!!

        Originally Posted by SG_1108
        I liked tonight's episode "the real world" but like the rest of you at a point it lost some speed. I liked that John never gave up on her. And I liked how at first he didn't want the others to hear him talking to her but when it got bad he forced his way into get though to Elizabeth.
        I totally agree about him talking to her! I noticed that at first how he waited until everyone left to talk, which I loved, it just makes it more personal to have it be a private moment together. I didn't even think about him rushing to her side and urging her in front of everyone in regards to the escalation of that until you mentioned it. Good observation!

        I am so excited about this episode, I can barely think! I'm going to settle down and post my complete thoughts in just a sec....just give me a moment to SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!


          Just watching it again and loved how

          John waited until no one was around to talk to her (other people have mentioned that). What made it special for me was the fact that when you watched him speaking to her, he became more focused and intense as he spoke. Great job from JF to show with his voice and his EYES that he knew he was getting thru to her and she better fight hard to come back.

          Loved how Elizabeth keeps seeing him in shadow when he is behind the barrier, but when he is holding her arm she sees him and knows him for the Real thing!

          And, my oh my, they were certainly standing close enough on the balcony at the end



            wow this episode sounded so good!!
            good to hear john was being angsty for once, must have been so cute!

            p.s does anyone know where i can find clips of the episode?
            three's a crowd...
            ahh thats better

            aww cute.

            I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
            And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



              Ok, I have to post about tonight's ep. I love how John was the one helping her through he went in there risking getting infected himself...I just wish he could have been there when she woke up.


                Ok, so I just watched the whole episode again and I have to say that without the enormous expectations going into it, it is much better. I'm never going LOVE this episode but I definitely like it. The ending still erks me though....I really feel like it would have made all of the difference if they had just held onto Weir in the final shots for just a few more seconds...would have made it less abrupt of an ending.

                And I don't care what anybody says, this was an entirely shippy episode...
                I mean John was the only one who invaded Elizabeth's subconscious, the only one to stay by her bedside the entire time, the only one to know her well enough to know that she would be fighting the nanites, the only one she could hear, the only one who spurred to fight, and the only one who risked his life for her. Sure, there weren't a lot of moments between them but those facts alone say more than any "romantic" scene ever could. It shows how connected they are to one another. And it's just another reason why I love them. And in case I wasn't already desperately in love with Sheppard....

                After seeing the CG trailer, I am even more excited for it than I was for TRW (which is saying a lot):
                I literally gasped when I saw Colya show a bound and gagged Sheppard being (presumably) fed upon by a wraith. Wow. Should make for some exciting drama...and I look forward to a Sheppard episode. It's about time his team rescued him.

                Wow...this thread/board is so popular that my post got denied the first time because there was so much traffic!


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Deep breath, deep breath *calm down* thoughts on TRW:

                  I have to say, I absolutely loved it! It was pretty much everything I was hoping for, and more.

                  I loved the focus on Elizabeth in general. She is my favorite character and sometimes I wish they would focus on her a little more. I hope for more episodes where she is in extreme danger and the one being worried about, by anybody, but especially John of course. Elizabeth does enough worrying about John, it's nice to finally see some of him worrying about her (not that it hasn't happened before, just not enough, IMO), I hope they do more like this!

                  I also loved how John was the one who kept showing up in her dreams. And I loved how he was the only one who talked to her. They all established it was a good idea, or atleast Carson told John and Rodney it was, and you would assume anybody would think so, but who does talk to her? John. And only John. It just goes along with what I have seen from the beginning, Elizabeth's relationship with John is stronger than her relationship with anyone else. One reason why I see Sparky so clearly, is that since the beginning of the show that relationship has just been continually built upon, more so than any others IMO. (Except possibly John and Rodney, but there's no romance in that.)

                  When Jack switched (after his head went wacko) and totally was saying what somebody said to her in Atlantis, do you think that was John? At first I totally thought it was, but then I thought about the words used, "for what it's worth," and thought it almost sounded like something Rodney would say. But then again, I'm going back to thinking it was John, he was the only one who penetrated her dream world any other time, and Rodney thought it was ridiculous to talk to her. So I am going to go ahead and assume it was John. And, to me, it seemed like a very nice, dropping in to see how you are doing comment. In my head I imagine that happened around when she first got into the infirmary and they had no idea what was wrong with her yet, especially not the seriousness of her situation. This all comes from the "I hope you get better(/well?) soon" line, it just doesn't sound like they know what's wrong yet. Which is very nice to know that John cares enough to be there, and tell her they need her, even if he doesn't realize that she could die from this. Although an unexplained unconsciousness could have caused plenty of worry, but I like to think they weren't as worried then, and he cared anyway. The little things in life you know?

                  I loved when John first talked to Elizabeth, where we see him. He waited until everyone left. Very private and personal. The way he said he should say something profound took me back to a line by Jack in SG-1, when they all thought they would die. I loved how Elizabeth reacted in her dream world to Sheppard's voice, don't remember if it was this specific time when she threw the pills away, but point being, she was always somewhat in tune to John urging her to fight it.

                  After Rodney and Carson's plan didn't work, I loved how John figured out what was wrong. The way he knew she was fighting it was awesome. It was almost like he was standing up for her, if that makes sense. No one was putting her down or anything. It's just that he was the one who realized and pointed out to the others, that she can and is fighting. She's strong, and he knows it.

                  Once he knew she was fighting, then he knew the only thing he could do was be there to support her. And he broke the quarantine, risked his own life, to do that for her!!! I just about died. That was the most romantic thing I've seen, not just between the two of them, between anyone on this show. Ever. The way he grabbed her arm, and told her she wasn't alone. Isn't that just the ultimate comforting statement? We all just want to know that we're not alone. I wish I could watch that scene over and over and over. Alas, I had no way of recording it.

                  The balcony scene at the end was cute. My only criticism of it would be, in light of the situation they were just in, and especially the intensity of the scene just moments ago when John rushed in, risking death once again, to save her, I wish they would have shown more emotion about things being back to normal. I think more post-concern (does that make sense? I mean him indicating how much he was worried about her before), more happiness from John that she is ok now, and Elizabeth maybe telling John thanks, because he led her out of her dream world. Something closer to the intense relief felt in the Hug would have been appropriate her, IMO. Not an actual hug though, because John was the one worrying so it would have had to be initiated by him, and that would be a little out of character....for now . *Hopes it won't be later* Anyway, the joking about the whole situation was pretty in character for him, he admitted himself earlier that he can't express feelings well, so even though I would have liked more intensity, it still fit pretty well the way it was done. And I liked when Elizabeth said she couldn't believe she had only been asleep for (what was it?) five(?) hours and John said "seemed like longer" I assume that was a question, but it almost sounded like a statement too.

                  My only other criticism: I wish John would have been there when she woke up, or atleast that Elizabeth would have asked where he was.

                  This was my favorite episode by far, I changed my Profile already to say so, now I have to go rate it for a 10.

                  One more note:

                  John called her Elizabeth, several times! *sigh* I love it when he does that, for more reasons than one......or maybe just one......

                  Wow, just realized how LONG my post is, sorry!
                  Last edited by Lizabeth; 18 August 2006, 09:55 PM.


                    I really enjoyed this episode. It was very X-Files-ish.
                    the "hauntings" Weir experoenced were very intense and the fact that the entity turned out to be John was quite shippy IMO. What else can we assume? Ok, so I might be a little extreme, but only John could bring Liz out of it. John was te only one who caught on to her problem and took the risk to solve it. Very romantic

                    I LOVED all the Liz and Jack scenes, they are fantastic together. "Normally I like being someone's fantasy" lol great line. She certainly seemed to be flirting with him when he came to visit her at her home. "Which Jack?" Maybe the replicators figured out that Liz has a thing for irreverent, funny and heroic AF officers lol. Whatever the case, the juxtaposition of Jack and John at the end was very stirring. Repli!Jack calling her Elizabeth to counter John's appeal was a nice touch. I'm just curious how Liz is going to react to Jack when he comes to Atlantis for real later this season! Maybe an "I fantasized about you" type line lol. Ok, I'll hold off on that speculation lol.

                    In short, great performances all around, especially from Torri, and some strong character development. And, I think, quite Sparky in the process.


                    Signature By Amber Moon


                      Has anyone pointed out yet that we have footage of John in Elizabeth's bedroom now?
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        when? what? where?
                        three's a crowd...
                        ahh thats better

                        aww cute.

                        I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                        And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          GAH. *is dead*

                          Okay, those of you who were worried about the whole physical barrier thing? It was handled beautifully. And toward the end, John stormed into the isolation chamber and grabbed her, despite everyone saying he'd get infected.

                          And it ended with the two of them on the little balcony overlooking the control room. Hopefully someone else can furnish useful details?

                          Oh, and it was John who drew Elizabeth back to reality, which I shall take as shippy as I please.
                          Me too! Me too! I LOVED
                          John storming the isolation chamber to touch her, and they had to drag him away! And the glint in his eye when he talked to her in the epilogue, OMG!!! And the looks Ronon was sending to Sheppard - you knew Ronon was very aware that Sheppard was totally angsting.

                          Loved it!!!
                          SGA: the 3-season show...


                            could anyone download the episode on youtube?
                            three's a crowd...
                            ahh thats better

                            aww cute.

                            I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                            And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                              As of tonight, I am a Shepp/Weir Shipper!


                                Originally posted by Vala_Black
                                could anyone download the episode on youtube?
                                Okay, we're really, really, really not supposed to talk about episode downloads at this site. It could get GW's owner in a lot of legal trouble.

                                That said, back to the episode discussion.
                                There was a scene where Elizabeth was in her bedroom on Earth and heard John whispering her name, and then he walked in and went to her closet (which was hiding the event horizon when she opened the door). All you saw of him was his silhouette, but it was pretty obviously him.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

