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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    *iz ded from teh sparky/lizzeh love*


    Okay, TRW:
    Um, awesome? I absoluetly loved how Lizzie fought it, taking out the guards during her escape. And seeing her in UN mode? Hot.

    My favorite scene by far was was John first going up to the plastic and telling her to fight with the scene juztaposed with her throwing the pills into the toilet. Beautifully done, and I started crying. not sobbing, but there was a tear. Torri was just so beautiful and fabulous in this episode.

    Also had a huge grin on my face when John ripped through the plastic and grabbed her arm, appearing right up in close in her vision. Seeing her torn between trusting John and Jack, seeing her choose to follow him down the hallway when she broke out of the restraints . . . *loses all maturity and goes back to 'iz ded'*

    Will be more coherent later. Right now I must enjoy the incredible buzz that was 200/RDA/TRW/Lizzeh/Sparky.

    ETA: LOL, in my excitement I keep mixing quote tags with spoiler tags and not writing any spoiler tags at all . . . have no fear, all is repaired now.


      So...what did everyone think?

      "The Real World" talk:
      So I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this episode (yes, I was expecting a lot). Torri was great though. I think I need some time to digest it and then watch it again. I guess I just feel like it tried to be dramatic towards the end there but wound up not really getting me juiced up, so to speak. I also didn't really feel like the transitions to the commercial breaks were very good. They felt like they stopped mid-scene....I don't know....maybe that was just me. The direction/editing was the weakest part of the episode for me.

      The things I did like: John was rooting Liz on, yay. There was more John/Liz action than I thought there would be. I just assumed it would be him telling her to wake up but he was present in one form or another throughout her nightmare/hallucination/whatever. I didn't see anyone else standing there looking over her like he was....hmmmm....someone cares a little too much, me thinks. And you just knew it was John breaking through Liz's subconscious the whole time (which I liked very much). I just kept waiting for her to figure out that the human shadow that kept popping up was him. I mean, come on! Sure you couldn't see his face but it was obviously his profile....and hair...and he was wearing all black. The part where John braved the nanites and went into the decontamination chamber was so sweet. Only John would do something like that for our dear Lizzie, braving that kind of danger to help Liz free herself from the nanite nightmare. And I'm glad to see that it was a combination of her strength/determination and his help that saved her. It really showed how their relationship works and how they work as a team, always saving/helping each other. The bit at the end was cute too....a nice little moment to cap things off...although, I felt it was a bit rushed to a close.

      Anyway....the promo for Common Ground looks good. First I've seen images for that episode. Should be some good drama for our Johnny boy.

      I'm surprised more people haven't gone crazy and posted about this yet.

      Question: Has anyone been able to see the "special feature" thing on the site that opened up during the episode? It won't pop up for me.

      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        OMG! TRW:
        John broke through the barrier around her bed! He grasped her hand and her arm and told her she had to fight! He risked being infected by the nanites to save her!

        ZOMG! *runs in circle from excitement*


          GAH. *is dead*

          Okay, those of you who were worried about the whole physical barrier thing? It was handled beautifully. And toward the end, John stormed into the isolation chamber and grabbed her, despite everyone saying he'd get infected.

          And it ended with the two of them on the little balcony overlooking the control room. Hopefully someone else can furnish useful details?

          Oh, and it was John who drew Elizabeth back to reality, which I shall take as shippy as I please.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            The Real World

            I thought it was great. It was a mental action show. I kept counting down the minutes until we saw Atlantis and John. Loved how you kept seeing a shadow that had an extremely famaliar outline.

            Of course it had to be John to break the barrier and put his hands on her to bring her back. He was not about to give up on her for any reason!!!!!!!!

            I feel like I need to stretch out all my tense muscles now!
            Great Episode!!!!


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              GAH. *is dead*

              Okay, those of you who were worried about the whole physical barrier thing? It was handled beautifully. And toward the end, John stormed into the isolation chamber and grabbed her, despite everyone saying he'd get infected.

              And it ended with the two of them on the little balcony overlooking the control room. Hopefully someone else can furnish useful details?

              Oh, and it was John who drew Elizabeth back to reality, which I shall take as shippy as I please.
              *is dead too* I totally forgot about
              the indoor balcony scene at the end! OMG! I was still squeeing from the whole breakthrough the barrier thing! *sigh* The balcony scene at the end was just a wonderful scene. You could tell it was his way of checking up on her & making sure she's okay. It was a very subtle scene and I loved it. I loved the whole episode. Torri deserves an award for this episode. She was fantastic!

              we see Sedge too!!!


                Originally posted by Stef

                Question: Has anyone been able to see the "special feature" thing on the site that opened up during the episode? It won't pop up for me.

                I have been trying since the commercial told you what to do and nothing is happening


                  'Kay? Let me see if I got this right about our girl and boy...

                  Simon's now dead to Elizabeth. She only misses her mom and her doggie. She doesn't trust charming men easily-even good looking ones. And under the strongest of opposition she still finds herself incredibly drawn to Atlantis and especially to John Sheppard-who she wills herself to see everywhere. Oh, and he also happens to be the only one who loves her cares enough to give his own life for hers in a heartbeat and he is the only one that she loves cares enough for to overcome the most horrifying of obstacles such as hated guns to get back to.

                  That got it? 'Kay. Just wanted to make sure and clear it with you guys.

                  Here's my easy to understand summary:

                  The Real World?



                    I liked the episode, but like I said in the review thread I was a little bored. And I think it was because of the spoilers, so there was no real surprise as to what was happening. But it was great that it was John who got through, at first I wasn't too sure it was him. Can we say this is canon proof that he is her "rock?" And of course John risking his life just for her, even if it wasn't a sure thing she would make it because of him, but he felt his life was worth it even for just a chance it would work. That was good stuff.

                    Common Ground looks really cool and dark, poor Shep


                      The Real World was really good and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Sparky shipper. To quote my husband "that was real sci-fi". It didn't look terribly shippy to me, but then I tend to see less ship than most others do.


                        Originally posted by lissa1000
                        The Real World was really good and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Sparky shipper. To quote my husband "that was real sci-fi". It didn't look terribly shippy to me, but then I tend to see less ship than most others do.

                        Oh see, to me it was a perfect shippy episode that meant even more than a half-dozen flirty moments or faux smoochies. I absolutely *adore* character driven eps that reach a little deeper and offer a little more personal insight like this one did. It was obvious that this one focused not only on Elizabeth as a person but moreso on her *connection* and on her growing inner changes and pulls. The focus in this one was so narrow that it might as well have been she and John *alone* in that room together. It was she on one side and John on the other and only *together* could they survive this and come out of it. They both wanted it badly enough to do what they had to do to get to the other. That's the entire shippy theme of these two in a nutshell imho-Love will always find a way. Loved, loved, loved it!!!!!!

                        Oh, and was it my imagination or did we hear the musical 'love theme' for these two playing yet *again*??!!


                          Very good Torri episode and good to see Shep angsting over her for a change!

                          Gateworld's main page is down for some reason so if you don't have the forum bookmarked or know the direct addy, you can't get in. That's probably why so few people are around.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Summary of TRW:
                            Basically, the episode starts with Lizzie in the hospital confused about why she's there. The doctor informs her that after Simon died in a horrible car accident (*me screaming YAY!*) she had a breakdown. Oh...and the time period is two years prior to now, before she had ever heard of the Stargate program. So she basically stays in the hospital and everyone tries to convince her that she just invented the Atlantis world while she was in a 3-day catatonic state. All the while, she keeps seeing a mysterious, faceless specter/person (John...though she doesn't know that).

                            She finally accepts that Atlantis never happened and gets "better" and leaves the hospital. Then we flash to Atlantis and Beckett explains that that Asuran guy infected her with nanites and they are taking over her body. John thinks that she can hear them and so goes up to her and starts talking to her, telling her that they are working on trying to save her and that she needs to fight it. At the same time, weird things start happening to Liz and she decides to stop taking the pills and begins to questions everything (John's direct influence ).

                            Then she sees the specter again, it leads her to a door through which is a stargate portal. But before she can step through it, the nurses (that come out of nowhere) jump her and pump her full of drugs, thus stopping her from leaving. O'Neill and the doctor try to convince her that there is no Stargate progam some more but she starts getting more and more hints that Atlantis truly does exist. Meanwhile, Beckett/McKay decide that by introducing Wraith cells into her body, the nanites will concentrate on attacking those cells (because that's what they were originally meant to do) and leaver her cells alone. Then they could do some sort of a low-frequency pulse to kill the things. They do it but the nanites in her brain aren't eradicated.

                            Liz starts getting more determined to leave, and with John's urging, she escapes the hospital and winds up at SGC. John's specter appears some more and guides her but she is soon stopped by guards and O'Neill. Beckett explains that the nanites are getting worse and more aggressive, which John deduces must mean that Liz is trying to fight them off and they need to help her do that. So he runs into the contaminated area Liz is in, grabs her arm and starts talking to her. Suddenly he appears in her dream-world and tells her what's going on and that she needs to fight this. So she runs and makes it to the gate where that creepy Asuran guys appears and tells her she can't leave...but she walks right through him and wakes up.

                            While that was happening, John was carted off after he touched Liz because they feared the nanites might have infected him. Anyway...Liz wakes up and the scene cuts to her on the balcony overlooking the gate. John walks up to her (after being cleared) and they share a cute little scene where he makes a joke about this being a nanite-infected dream and they share a nice little moment, smiles included. He walks off and she plays with her fathers watch.

                            Sorry, can't remember exactly what was being said in this last scene because I was too caught up with how cute they were This is just a bare-bones summary....hopefully it makes sense.

                            Hope that helps for anybody who wanted to know.


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------



                              I just loved when and how John concluded Elizabeth was fighting the nanites.


                                Originally posted by Pocus
                                I have been trying since the commercial told you what to do and nothing is happening
                                What's the point of the stupid thing if it doesn't work?! Arg (yes, I am a pirate). At least it's not just me though.


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