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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Major Zoidberg
    Ripple effect was the only reason i havn't put a bounty on paul mullie an joe mallozi's heads

    M & M are SG1 writers and need to STAY over there. They understand their characters and situations and come up with some good stuff.

    They haven't a clue on how to write for the SGA characters.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      I still think they need a severe sporking

      Whos idea was it to let them write an SG-A ep its silly, leave it to Gero an Binder!!!!


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        M & M are SG1 writers and need to STAY over there. They understand their characters and situations and come up with some good stuff.

        They haven't a clue on how to write for the SGA characters.
        From Mallozzi's blog (July 31, 2005):

        "The Tower starts prep this week, a script that Paul wrote in record time (less than a week)."

        Record time, eh? That was quite obvious.


          Originally posted by Southern Red
          For the love of God, please stop with The King and I. My high school English teacher made us stand and sing those songs every day while we were reading the play. I've just begun to get them out of my head.
          Hey, at least you haven't had various songs from Oklahoma running through your head almost non-stop for a month.

          Easter Lily, that was fantastic. You've really got to do these parodies more often.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by gooner_diva
            From Mallozzi's blog (July 31, 2005):

            "The Tower starts prep this week, a script that Paul wrote in record time (less than a week)."

            Record time, eh? That was quite obvious.
            The sad part is that I think the original draft (or at least the one that I saw pieces of) was rather interesting. There was a political subplot that could have been terrific. But predictably, the final product played to the lowest common denominator.

            (No, really, why must writers assume that their viewers are stupid or uninterested in things other than explosions or sex?)

            The most frustrating part of that episode to me is that I have no idea whether they intended the episode to be serious or parody. I would lean toward parody, except that Joe Mallozzi had the guts to compare the episode to King Lear. So... I just have no idea what the point of it is. Plus there's the idea of Elizabeth being okay with stripping a less advanced culture of their government and the technology that the Atlantis people wanted, but that's another matter entirely.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Hey, at least you haven't had various songs from Oklahoma running through your head almost non-stop for a month.

              Oh but you know I've been out of high school for a loooonnngg time.

              And thanks, now I have replaced Getting To Know You with Surrey With The Fringe On Top.

              And on the topic of what viewers want. Do they have demographic information? Is there proof that the largest block of viewers is the hormonally charged young male set?

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Hey, at least you haven't had various songs from Oklahoma running through your head almost non-stop for a month.

                Easter Lily, that was fantastic. You've really got to do these parodies more often.
                Oooooooklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plaaaiiiiinnnnnssssss!

                Huh, just got a mental image of Liz in a wester-style dress.

                Huh, just got a mental image of John as a farmhand.

                Those two just go together in any situation!
                Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  M & M are SG1 writers and need to STAY over there. They understand their characters and situations and come up with some good stuff.

                  They haven't a clue on how to write for the SGA characters.
                  Agreed...and then they wonder why some of us get so frustrated with the lack of evolution from week to week. *grumbles*

                  Originally posted by Major Zoidberg
                  still think they need a severe sporking
                  *pulls out a box* Anyone up for it?

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    The sad part is that I think the original draft (or at least the one that I saw pieces of) was rather interesting. There was a political subplot that could have been terrific. But predictably, the final product played to the lowest common denominator.

                    (No, really, why must writers assume that their viewers are stupid or uninterested in things other than explosions or sex?)

                    The most frustrating part of that episode to me is that I have no idea whether they intended the episode to be serious or parody. I would lean toward parody, except that Joe Mallozzi had the guts to compare the episode to King Lear. So... I just have no idea what the point of it is. Plus there's the idea of Elizabeth being okay with stripping a less advanced culture of their government and the technology that the Atlantis people wanted, but that's another matter entirely.
                    Hmm, well I've never read King Lear or seen a movie or production of it, but I have an idea of what it's like (at least in tone) so that comparison boggles the mind. Now I once started to read Twelvth Night. The royal family in the Tower kind of reminded me of the characters in TN who were rich and had nothing better to do than play with other people's lives. And that brings me back to the starting to read that play. Those rich people annoyed me so much (much like the royal family in the Tower) I couldn't continue to read.


                      Originally posted by Major Zoidberg
                      The Tower

                      You mean the episode that shall not be named?

                      have a pic
                      LOL! I soo thought of Harry Potter whenn I read that. Of course, The-Episode-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named is eviler then Voldemort!

                      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                        Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                        LOL! I soo thought of Harry Potter whenn I read that. Of course, The-Episode-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named is eviler then Voldemort!
                        I wonder how many viewers they will actually get for the episode, now that its a repeat. We should make bets.
                        Say No To Kirking: Join STAKS


                          Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                          Agreed...and then they wonder why some of us get so frustrated with the lack of evolution from week to week. *grumbles*
                          Have you seen this article on the frontpage?


                          Atlantis SO needs an episode like this!

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by atlantisrocks
                            I wonder how many viewers they will actually get for the episode, now that its a repeat. We should make bets.
                            Well I missed it the first time it was on. But I'll be out with my family for my birthday dinner and movie tonight so I'll miss it again. Pity.

                            I'd place a bet but I don't understand that whole ratings thing.

                            Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                              Originally posted by mentalmichael
                              Oooooooklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plaaaiiiiinnnnnssssss!

                              Huh, just got a mental image of Liz in a wester-style dress.

                              Huh, just got a mental image of John as a farmhand.

                              Those two just go together in any situation!

                              Sounds like a fic just waiting to be written, Michael. After your exams, of course


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                Have you seen this article on the frontpage?


                                Atlantis SO needs an episode like this!
                                There is a thread discussing the possibility of this episode under Atlantis Season 3 link in the main forum page. I'll try to get you the link...

                                EDIT: Here is the link Day's off episode idea GW thread
                                Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 21 April 2006, 10:09 AM.
                                Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!

