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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gooner_diva
    It was even more obvious in Thoughtcrimes.
    I find it rather cute, for some reason, as long as they don't pull one off like tptb did on TXF. Mulder used this ring on an episode about his life prior to TXF, and then Diana showed up *shudders*.
    Last edited by Luz; 16 May 2006, 04:49 PM.


      Originally posted by Luz
      I find it rather cute, for some reason, as long as they don't pull one off like tptb did on TXF. Mulder used this ring on an episode about his life prior to TXF, and then Diana showed up *shudders*.
      Well, even if they did say John was married at one point, I think it's safe to say that that marriage would be about as dead as Elizabeth's relationship with Simon.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        Well, even if they did say John was married at one point, I think it's safe to say that that marriage would be about as dead as Elizabeth's relationship with Simon.
        I'm suddenly remembering... Mulder's wife we never knew about, Mac's husband who we never knew about. Do tptb pull this off frecuently?, or was it just a coincidence that it happened on the only two t.v shows i've ever followed? (aside From SGA that is).
        Last edited by Luz; 16 May 2006, 05:43 PM.


          Originally posted by Luz
          I'm suddenly remembering... Mulder's wife we never knew about, Mac's husband who we never knew about. Do tptb pull this off frecuently?, or was it just a coincidence that it happened on the only two t.v shows i've ever followed? (aside From SGa that is).
          They did it in Babylon 5 to explain why the former captain would pick someone to follow him whose political views were completely opposite his. The difference there was that there was no attempt to rekindle a romance. When Lochley was asked about it, she was very frank in saying that that relationship was long over.

          On West Wing we met Sam's former fiancée in the third season, but we'd at least heard of her before. And there was really no spark there. They kind of hated each other. I can't think of any other TV shows where that was done, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn there were more.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by Luz
            And for the ones that haven't seen Joe's ring .

            Originally posted by Melyanna
            Well, even if they did say John was married at one point, I think it's safe to say that that marriage would be about as dead as Elizabeth's relationship with Simon.

            Uhm, I feel incredibly stupid and clueless right now but I have to ask this. What have I missed here?! And which episode is this picture from...oh and what is Thoughtcrimes?

            There are all those little details that people seem to know about but that consistently escape me.



              Originally posted by xkawaiix
              Liz: John, the natives seem restless lately.

              John: I know. I think we're going to have to pose for some new promo pics soon. Who knows what they'll do if they get too bored.

              When all else fails, change channels.


                Originally posted by the evil puppy
                Uhm, I feel incredibly stupid and clueless right now but I have to ask this. What have I missed here?! And which episode is this picture from...oh and what is Thoughtcrimes?

                There are all those little details that people seem to know about but that consistently escape me.

                You're not stupid, i only saw it 'cause someone pointed it at me, if you look at Sheppard's left hand you'll see Joe's wedding ring. The cap is from Hot Zone, the scene where Weir is chewing his ass off for going against her orders.
                Thoughcrimes i think was some movie where JF worked on before Atlantis, i have on my understanding that it was meant to be a pilot episode for a series, but i'm not sure.


                  Originally posted by the evil puppy
                  Uhm, I feel incredibly stupid and clueless right now but I have to ask this. What have I missed here?! And which episode is this picture from...oh and what is Thoughtcrimes?
                  That picture is from the end of Hot Zone. If you look closely, you can see that Joe Flanigan forgot to take off his wedding ring before they started filming.

                  And Thoughtcrimes was a TV show that JF would have been the male lead in had it been picked up. The pilot has been shown a few times on USA, which is all anyone here has seen, I believe. Basically, he played an NSA agent working with a young woman who had psychic abilities. It wasn't that bad of a pilot, but probably not something that would have had appeal to the masses, JF's bedhead notwithstanding.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Luz
                    You're not stupid, i only saw it 'cause someone pointed it at me, if you look at Sheppard's left hand you'll see Joe's wedding ring. The cap is from Hot Zone, the scene where Weir is chewing his ass off for going against her orders.
                    Thoughcrimes i think was some movie where JF worked on before Atlantis, i have on my understanding that it was meant to be a pilot episode for a series, but i'm not sure.
                    Oh thanks!!!

                    So, that was just a glitch?! I read the words 'John' and 'married' in the same sentence and was confused for a moment. If I had missed that piece of information about him now what kind of Sparky shipper would that have made me?!

                    Edit: And thanks Melyanna and Luz for the info on Thoughtcrimes!
                    SIG BY THE EVIL PUPPY


                      Wow, someone has sharp eyes. Because I couldn't find that until I did a frame by frame.

                      Also in Thought Crimes is one movie that his wedding ring makes an appearance.



                        Originally posted by Luz
                        Thanks, it's in three weeks, and it's driving me insane, it's like being slowly taken to the slaughter house.

                        The problem with Instinct to me was
                        that the characters they introduced were so uninteresting, the story was bland, in the end the episode was boring, that's the only word that comes to my mind. There were pieces i loved, like that bit on the infirmary, Sheppard smacking McKay, Ronon's "having good hearing helps", the make up for the wraithy kid looked cheesy, it looked like plastic that had been glued to the actress' skin (which it probably was). And instead of shooting her, they could've stunned her and brought her to Atlantis to try to come up with a cure. Which they did when it came to Sheppard, i don't blame them one bit, though, i too would've wanted to exit the village of boredom as soon as possible *yawns* i get drowsy just thinking about this episode.
                        I thought
                        Ronon shot Elia with his stunner several times but she kept getting up so he finally just killed her.



                          Originally posted by Luz

                          And for the ones that haven't seen Joe's ring .

                          Ha! That's awesome. Now I have to go watch the epi again. Darn!



                            Originally posted by gooner_diva
                            It was even more obvious in Thoughtcrimes.
                            I'd love to see Thought Crimes but like many tv movies (it was a tv movie right?), you can't get it in the US. Just like I-Man. Ever since my sis recorded over our copy of I-Man (yes, it was lame but I liked it), I've wanted a copy. You can get it in the UK but not here.

                            Man, I can be a winer. Sorry.


                            LONG LIVE SPARKY!
                            Last edited by A.L.; 16 May 2006, 07:00 PM.


                              Originally posted by A.L.
                              I thought
                              Ronon shot Elia with his stunner several times but she kept getting up so he finally just killed her.

                              Must be because i always fastforward that episode
                              It all seemed to happen really fast, but things might not be as i remember. To me they shot her at once, but now that i'm thinking about it i remember Ronon did try to stun her, gotta look at it at normal speed .


                                Originally posted by Luz
                                I find it rather cute, for some reason, as long as they don't pull one off like tptb did on TXF. Mulder used this ring on an episode about his life prior to TXF, and then Diana showed up *shudders*.
                                And OH! the fics that were spawned from that. Thankfully it's unlikely they'll pull that here. *sabotages tptb computer to prevent it*


