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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Tigon_(5)
    "I swear to you Elizabeth, I have no idea who Sheyla is..."
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


      hey you guys remember this moment?
      GYM. John and Teyla are sitting on the bench.

      SHEPPARD (into radio): Someone has to do something.

      WEIR (from the Control Room): We are doing something. (Nearby, Peter is moving small glass plates on a console into different positions.) Grodin's working on a plan to limit the door controls ...

      SHEPPARD (interrupting): That's not good enough. Someone has to go out there and stop him. Teyla and I are ready.

      WEIR: Major, we've been ...

      SHEPPARD (interrupting again): Peterson obviously isn't thinking straight and he's endangering the entire population of the city.

      WEIR: We don't yet know the nature of the virus we're dealing with. This is still a medical situation.

      SHEPPARD: Oh, we don't have time for this. I'm heading out. (He stands up.)

      WEIR: Grodin, seal the gym.

      (Peter presses buttons on his console. As John walks towards the doors of the gym, they close just before he can reach them.)

      SHEPPARD: What the hell is this?

      WEIR: You said so yourself -- you are the ranking military officer. I can't chance you getting infected.

      SHEPPARD: I can't chance you getting infected. Bates?

      BATES (in the Control Room): Yes, sir.

      SHEPPARD: Unlock the gym.

      BATES: Yes, sir. (He walks towards the console.)

      WEIR: Stand down, Bates. (Into comms) You are not in command here, Major.

      SHEPPARD: Well, we'll agree to disagree. Bates, open the door.

      (Bates looks at Elizabeth for a moment, then steps forward again.)

      WEIR (firmly): Don't.

      (Bates stops again.)

      SHEPPARD: Elizabeth, he's heading right for you.

      WEIR: So we'll stop him. We'll talk him down, we'll block his way, we'll ...

      SHEPPARD: Sergeant Bates, I am ordering you to open up the doors between the gym and the med lab right now.

      (In the Control Room, Elizabeth and Bates commence a stare-down. Bates' expression is resolute; Elizabeth is trying to look firm but she's clearly afraid that he is going to disobey her in favour of his commanding officer.)

      (In the gym, a few seconds later the doors slide open.)

      SHEPPARD: We're heading out. (He runs off. Teyla grabs her bag and follows.)

      (In the Control Room, Bates is unsuccessfully trying to hide his smug expression.)

      BATES: I'm sorry, ma'am.

      WEIR: Doesn't really matter now, does it?

      Best doggone scene in the whole show! I can't say the D-word becuase I'm not old enough yet.
      Other men said they have seen angels,
      But I have seen thee
      And thou art enough. True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
      Nor can it be hidden where it truly does. To be in love is merely to be
      In a state of perpetual anesthesia:
      To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god
      Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.



        Or what about this part?

        MEDICAL LAB. John and Teyla are getting into hazmat suits.

        TEYLA: You should not have undermined Doctor Weir's authority in front of Sergeant Bates.

        SHEPPARD: Sometimes Elizabeth makes a decision early on and gets locked into it. That's a problem.

        TEYLA: She is not the only one who suffers from that affliction.

        (John looks at her, then rolls his eyes before activating his radio.)

        SHEPPARD: Doctor Weir, this is Sheppard. Teyla and I are ready to head out. What's Peterson's location?

        (In the Control Room, Elizabeth hears him but stares at a laptop and does not reply.)

        SHEPPARD: Elizabeth.

        (Elizabeth pauses for a moment longer, then speaks, her voice flat and emotionless.)

        WEIR: He's in section E19, level three.

        (John puts his hazmat helmet on and looks at Teyla.)

        SHEPPARD: Let's head out.

        Coooool. They suffer from the same stubborn-headed disease too.
        Other men said they have seen angels,
        But I have seen thee
        And thou art enough. True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
        Nor can it be hidden where it truly does. To be in love is merely to be
        In a state of perpetual anesthesia:
        To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god
        Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.



          OH! Yea I forgot that was a spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't senn it yet, which shouldn't be anyone......
          Other men said they have seen angels,
          But I have seen thee
          And thou art enough. True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
          Nor can it be hidden where it truly does. To be in love is merely to be
          In a state of perpetual anesthesia:
          To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god
          Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.





            SHEPPARD: I'm almost in position.

            WEIR: Understood. Would the EM pulse have any effect on the Puddlejumper?

            SHEPPARD: I'm hoping not. Either way, I'm more worried about the shockwave.

            WEIR: Good luck.

            SHEPPARD: You too.

            (I like posting stuff from the show)
            Other men said they have seen angels,
            But I have seen thee
            And thou art enough. True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
            Nor can it be hidden where it truly does. To be in love is merely to be
            In a state of perpetual anesthesia:
            To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god
            Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.



              ok last post seriously!

              LATER. ELIZABETH'S OFFICE. Elizabeth and John are in there.

              WEIR: Are you OK?

              SHEPPARD: Yeah, just a little nuke -- nothin', really.

              WEIR: The naqahdah generator plan was very clever. Good work.

              SHEPPARD: Thank you. Now, I'm going to bed. (He stands up to leave.)

              WEIR: We need to discuss what happened earlier.

              SHEPPARD (turning round wearily): Now?

              WEIR: That can never happen again.

              (John looks at her for a moment, then comes back to the desk and sits down.)

              SHEPPARD: Look, I'm sorry about ...

              WEIR (interrupting): I understand your expertise in military matters and I agree that I should defer to those expertise in such situations.

              SHEPPARD: Thank you!

              WEIR: But you are not the one who decides what is and what is not a military situation. Now, both General O'Neill and Colonel Sumner warned me that you don't respect the proper chain of command.

              SHEPPARD: Well, sometimes I see a situation a little different than ...

              WEIR: No. Listen to me, John. Now, you endangered yourself and the lives of many others.

              SHEPPARD: Because I thought it was the best course of action to take -- and, by the way, I saved your ass.

              WEIR: I know you did -- but you have to trust me.

              SHEPPARD: I do!

              WEIR: Do you?

              (Rodney and Carson come in.)
              Other men said they have seen angels,
              But I have seen thee
              And thou art enough. True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
              Nor can it be hidden where it truly does. To be in love is merely to be
              In a state of perpetual anesthesia:
              To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god
              Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.



                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Shameless plug:

                Just posted a new Langford fic, one that several of you probably saw a teaser scene for a while ago. Enjoy.

                Dot Com

                Great story, Mel. I just love your writing of Shep/Weir ship. I could really see these two interacting the way you have them.

                I've been trying to write a Shep/Weir story, but I'm just not sure if I have thier voices.


                  Wow! So many great pics and captions

                  TEYLA: You should not have undermined Doctor Weir's authority in front of Sergeant Bates.

                  SHEPPARD: Sometimes Elizabeth makes a decision early on and gets locked into it. That's a problem.

                  TEYLA: She is not the only one who suffers from that affliction.

                  (John looks at her, then rolls his eyes before activating his radio.)

                  SHEPPARD: Doctor Weir, this is Sheppard. Teyla and I are ready to head out. What's Peterson's location?

                  (In the Control Room, Elizabeth hears him but stares at a laptop and does not reply.)

                  SHEPPARD: Elizabeth.
                  Loves how he referes to her as ELizabeth to Teyla and then addresses her as Dr. Weir when speaking to her (that is until he can't get his own way and tries a little emotiomal manipulation ). Shows how in his head he thinks of her as Elizabeth/friend but still shows that he respects her position to call her Dr.Weir/boss.I also like how he knows how to 'ground' her by calling her by her name. Funny how all it takes is one word to say 'stop being stubborn, we're out. We're going to find him. It'll just take longer if you keep up the silent treatment and endanger more people'.

                  Now for some fic recs:
                  A Thousand Words (songfic)
                  Carwash - very cute and funny
                  Also Quiet Riot has been updated, so i'm off to read that, then i'm going to read Mel's new offering to Langford_U Ahh so many fics and so little time...


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Shameless plug:

                    Just posted a new Langford fic, one that several of you probably saw a teaser scene for a while ago. Enjoy.

                    Dot Com
                    I read it and I died- it’s so good, and for some reason I’m still here. So I read the new stuff at Now I’ve read it all and it’s still before lunch. What am I going to do the rest of the day? Maybe I should get a life.


                      Tigon. NO! You must not get a life. You must stay here at GW and re-read old classic fic untill your hair turns grey and you need to go out to buy hair-dye, lol There's 3 new fics up at Command Dynamics if that's any help

                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      Shameless plug:

                      Just posted a new Langford fic, one that several of you probably saw a teaser scene for a while ago. Enjoy.

                      Dot Com



                      *squees again*

                      Last edited by SallyLizzie; 13 June 2005, 10:46 AM.


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie




                        *squees again*

                        I second that! That was the most squee worthy story I've read least two days. I died at least twice, which doesn't really make sense because I'm now alive and typing how great it was! Squee! My brain is mush with the shippiness!

                        *dies again*
                        Pro-Season 4
                        Proud Ronon/Keller Shipper


                          I'm sorry to say this guys, but the more I see Hot Zone the more I hate the ep. Why? Because the lack of respect that John demostrates here is just too much to be ignored.
                          ''I don't have time for this.''???????? That translantes to me as "I think this is serious stuff and I can't let you play the commander now."

                          "By the way I saved you ass" ?????? Forget about him calling her Elizabeth, what does that really means when he talk about her ass to her face. Since when someone talks to a superior like that. We are not talking about your Burger King boss, we are talking about a woman who has talked nations down from war and who leads dozens of countries in another freaking galaxy. Would she be in her position if she was not the best qualify, even to command the military?

                          He made the wrong desicion and he even had the guts to threat her like 'you are so dumb you didn't even think about shutting power off to the transporters.' That's why she reacted the way she did, as in saying 'how dare you think that I don't even have the head to do the basic things?' It made me want to slap John at that moment and I'm sure she thought of it too.

                          And later, he trying to flee before she tried to reprimend him, again, it translates to me as if he was just trying to avoid a comfrontation bc he still thinks that he was right when he clearly screwed up. Did he save them at the end? Sure he did, but what he did still could've happen without him disobeying Weir, since it was Rodney who contacted him when the emp idea occurred to him (rodney) John's idea was a continuation of Rodney's.

                          This episode to me was merely a vehicle to address the leadership issue. You cannot say that Sheppard has a problem with following the chain of command and then have him be the obedient little boy all the time. It serves to make them both grow in terms of their positions and their own trust in each other and their friendship. I however, would've liked that they didn't have to practically slap her in the face so many times to get this point across. I say this for Weir, she did manage the situation beautifully. That's what a real leader is all about.

                          I don't know if this has been clarify yet, but, about that Grodin expression...You know the one, to me it means that he at that moment was very proud to be a civilian and under Weir's command. He witnessed the whole Bates open the gym thing and Bates disobeying Weir. You know all the civilians follow Weir's orders and in this episodes for the military is apparently optional. He saw her reaction when Bates opened the gym and felt bad for her, and I can imagine him being mad at them for not respecting her, but when Weir was able to make John realized that he was wrong and she was right, Grodin expresion to me screams, "In your face you military morons." What do you think?

                          About Hot Zone from a shipper pov, it does have shipper moments, yes, but for me they are not as enjoyable bc of all the comfrontation between them. Again, I understand the why but it doesn't mean I have to like it. And it seems in S2 we might get more eps like this. Oh My God.

                          Don't hate me guys. After all, all coins have two sides and I think the reason this ep bothers me so much is because I do love S/W. (but I have to take her side on this one)

                          That's what Weir stands for.


                            I'll respond to this more in-depth at some point, but I just want to say that I agree with you on a lot of points, but still love the episode.

                            I love it because they didn't try to gloss over things, and they didn't try to just say Sheppard has a problem following orders he doesn't agree with. They actually showed it, while at the same time exposing some of Weir's own vulnerabilities. This episode showed both of them at a low point, I think. Weir almost completely lost her cool in a couple places, and Sheppard was just being an idiot. He saved a lot of lives in the end, but at the same time, he did a lot of damage.

                            If anything, I think this episode showed both of them that they have to be willing to put friendship aside for the good of the whole. I think that was the point of suddenly having John call her Elizabeth in the middle of a conflict, and at the same time, they were both unwilling to set that aside. And we got the result of that in LFP and Siege II, both when John was willing to leave those people to the mercy of the Wraith and when Elizabeth really had to put aside a lot of personal feelings for everyone on the expedition and also some of her personal biases.

                            Hot Zone was about how they aren't leaders yet. It threw that into pretty harsh relief. It was Robert E. Lee who said that to be a good soldier, you have to love the army, but to be a good commander, you have to be willing to sacrifice the thing you love. Neither of them were there yet. Weir's issue has been learning to lead. Sheppard's has been learning to follow first so he can learn to lead. Weir's getting there, with things like 39:30, when she deliberated and ordered him on a suicide mission. I don't think Sheppard's there yet, but hey, it's just the first season.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              I love Shep and Weir but I don't think John was a jerk. And I think they were BOTH VERY WRONG! If he hadn't gotten out, Zelenka and Ford would be dead. And Bates...he didn't open the door for chain of command only. He did it cause he felt it was the RIGHT thing to do. Why do I say that? Cause when Bates disagrees with Shep, even if he obeys his orders he TELLS Shep he thinks he's wrong. Bates thought he was right.

                              Personally...In my opinion, Weir should have stepped out of this one. Rodney was the one calling the shots and RIGHTFULLY so. Sheppard stayed in the gym until RODNEY said SOMEONE had to stop Peterson. If you really watch the ep, you see that Shep listens to RODNEY who was really the only one that seemed to know what to do, all the way through the ep. Then he worked with Rodney to find a solution. Rodney thought Weir was wrong to wait too. Rodney also agreed with Shep. It wasn't just Shep feeling that way.

                              Teyla's comment to him about How he's viewing Weir when it could apply to himself I blow off. Teyla was the ULTIMATE Hypocrite about that in LETTERS!

                              This ep had to happen anyway. I like that WEIR was just as wrong in her own way. I hate HATE Characters that are always right and self righteous <Teyla teeters in that direction at times and, mind you, I like Teyla>

                              I love John because he's human and flawed. I like Weir better for showing she is too. She was WAY out of her league in this scenario and had nothing to offer. Rodney ran the show with Shep listening to him and that was the right thing. If I was there I would have been going YAY! Rodney and Shep.

                              Shep shouldn't have been so public BUT he never pretended to listen to the chain of command. Weir knew that. I'm glad shep doesn't pretend otherwise.

                              Going back to my point about this ep had to happen. Because of this SEIGE 2 was way more powerful. She had to earn his trust and she did. And it isn't just about her. Shep doesn't trust easily. The only one he seems to trust from the beginning is Rodney. So it says alot about how Shep feels about Weir in charge by what he does in SIEGE 2.

                              So it's cool.


                                *pops in from lurkdom for the last couple of weeks*

                                I would rep you all for your thoughts but I'm not allowed at the moment!
                                You all said pretty everything but just to say I agree with so many of the thoughts and comments.
                                Baroness, I completely understand where you are coming from but I still love the episode.
                                Just always thought it was such an important step in story telling / setting up of their relationship and the potential way it could play out.
                                Yes there is conflict and a battle of the leadership styles and control but at the end there is this kind of acceptance and understanding between the two of them. I just think it was a necessary exploration of them that allows for the onward development of the characters and their interaction. Its almost as if they had to go throught that conflict in order to move on if that makes sense!?
                                And of course we did get shippy moments too !!!

                                *returns to lurkdom!*

